Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 641: Yuxu Zhonglou

When An Susu woke up, she found herself standing on a piece of dark land.

Cangyuan is vast, with cold colors, unusually dense vegetation, and ancient and weird creatures everywhere, but it doesn't feel a little lively and wild, full of vitality.

A cold moon in the sky, clouds drifted from time to time.

She moved her hands and feet, feeling very jerky, as if she were not her own body, she was not very sensitive in her speech, and she was even shy. But she didn't panic, because Gu Yan stood by and motioned to adapt herself for a moment.

After about a cup of tea, An Susu finally took the first step, followed by the second step, the third step ... The movement became smoother and he could also speak.

"Live, where is this place?"

"Shady soil."

With a little finger from Gu Min, a lot of information poured into the other person's mind and said, "You are inadequately cultivated, the spirit is unstable, and you can enter only with my support, but you can't stay too long, otherwise you will be attacked by Yin and hurt the root. "


An Susu looked a little sluggish, and it took a long time to digest the information, and wondered: "Am I now in a ghost state? Those living things are also ghosts? Can they generate life on their own? What a great place!"

The excitement and freshness of the new world made her forget the distress in her heart and finally got some girls' vitality.

The location where the two people appeared was probably in the center of the shady soil, and the entire area was related to the size of the four provinces. Gu Yan took her to the east. Without casting a spell, she walked step by step.

The shoes stepped on the dirt, leaving a series of shallow footprints, loose and soft.

An Susu was curious about everything, but did not bother Gu Zheng, relying on the information in his brain to compare himself. Montenegro's white water has a strong atmosphere and no sense of evil, but is pure and pure, showing its unique natural charm.

After walking the Baili Road, Cangyuan was gradually exhausted, and the Wufeng on one side protruded, forming a mountain and a mountain, and the forest was quiet. On the top of the peak, it was snow-capped, snow and water turned into a waterfall, poured down into several rivers, and the silver waves rushed towards the east.

Where the river has washed away, there are more than a dozen large and small plains. The soil there is obviously different, and it is more fertile than the wilderness.

When the two reached the river, Su Su found traces of repairs on the river bank, and turned into a small pier with several boats tied. She followed Gu Yan on the boat, a little longer, the boat swayed and floated along the current.

Flutter flutter!

Countless strange fishes jumped out of the river and chased the boat. The scales were heavy, the head had a beard, and the tail had a blade, and a large cluster of purple reeds was cut off with a single flick.

Susu wanted to catch one, but she could not use any mana, so she crouched down and grabbed it with her bare hands.

"Flopp ... pappa ... ah! Ah!"

The fish tail slammed the ship's body fiercely, accompanied by the girl's scream. The strange fish rolled a few times in Su Su's arms, and was barely pressed by it.

She looked flustered, with a hint of joy and novelty, and hadn't realized this feeling for a long time.

All his mana spells were shielded, and only this body was left, but his strength was very small. He wrestled with it like an ordinary person, and his hand was cut through several openings.

She knocked the fish out and sat on the boat, panting hard, feeling a bit weak again.

"The fish tail is as sharp as a blade, and the cut will not heal. You pick the flower and squeeze the juice and apply it."

Su Su followed Gu's instructions. An ugly aquatic bouquet was rambling in front of her. The rhizome was buried in the river, exposing a bone flower, like a lurking toad.

She took it off and did it, and sure enough, the wound healed quickly, and the feeling of weakness gradually disappeared.

"Heart here is equal to the body. The stronger the body, the stronger the body, and the faster the recovery. I am congenital, I'm afraid it's just a little girl, just like a naughty boy on earth."

She quickly sorted out the rules of the shade, sitting in the bow and meditating silently, her eyes full of interest.

The boat walked along the water channel for a long time, and suddenly turned into a tributary. The water flow was gentle, leaning on a plain, and a simple pier was not far away.

The two went ashore. After a short walk, they actually saw a village with houses, paving stones and gravel.


Susu was very surprised, greeted by a middle-aged Taoist with a strong eyebrow and mouthful, and then Gu Yi said, "This is Wu Shan Wu, you may have heard of it."

"Younger An Susu, I've seen it, I've seen Elder Wu."

She quickly saluted, turning her thoughts, Wu Shan, the old fairy in the Taoist school? Didn't you say that the reincarnation was rebuilt, it is hidden here!

"Oh, no rituals."

After Wu Shanhuan's second spring, he was full of energy and looked at the girls. He wondered: "I have been thinking, who is the first disciple you brought in? It's unexpected!"

In his eyes, the girl was of medium qualification, low in cultivation, and had no merit.

Gu Yan smiled and said, "She was the first to come to Kunlun, and I naturally brought her here."

"Alright. Please inside!"

Wu Shan nodded.

Talking, the three entered the village, dozens of houses were neatly arranged, and two roads were erected. From time to time, people came in and out, and they all greeted each other when they saw them.

There are men and women, old and young, the looks are clearly modern people, but the clothes are ancient. Although they are sages, they are not very clear, just like poor people with poor intelligence ... all of them look strange and inexplicable.

When An Susu came in, her eyes did not blink, and when she reached the end of the village, she couldn't help getting more shocked.

At the end of the village is a small school field, where barracks stand, and a hundred-strong army is training and murderous.

"Wuhan soldiers and horses? Isn't this the uncle's soldiers and horses, why are they here?"

With a lot of confusion, she entered Wu Shan's house and took her seat.

The conditions are difficult, there is nothing to entertain, and Wu Shan has no nonsense, straight to the topic: "In recent days, thirty-seven new species have been discovered. Four are extremely threatening, but the soldiers can still handle it.

One hundred and twenty people died one after another. Most of them suddenly went crazy and were beheaded by soldiers and horses. A few ghosts were unstable and broke up on their own, and a small number were killed by various beasts. "

"Well, I'll send some remnants next time," Gu said.

"You don't need a lot. I have estimated the tolerance limit of the shade. The total number can be no more than 300. Now there are 48 people left in the village."

Wu Shan reminded him again, "Since we entered the shady soil, the species has evolved faster, but you should not be too optimistic. It will take a long time to reach the level you want. I will do my best, You will be notified as soon as similar material is found. "

"Thanks so much."

The two were chatting, and An Susu was confused and could not understand it.

And she sat and sat, not knowing how long it had been, and her right hand trembled suddenly, like a cramp, followed closely, and this feeling spread to the whole body, and then her body became weak and her strength dropped sharply.

When Gu Min understood the situation, he glanced over and said, "Okay, this child can't stay too long, let's leave first."

"No delivery."

There wasn't much politeness, Gu Yi rolled up his sleeves, An Susu's consciousness was suddenly faint, and when he opened his eyes again, he was already standing in the gazebo under the waterfall.


Ziqi Zhonglou, exquisite wonderland, the green snake sleeps on the clouds.

Looking at these gradually familiar scenes, An Susu suddenly felt a sense of passing away, stunned the real person, and stunned the uncle's physical body, and for a moment did not dare to speak.

"What do you want to ask?"

Gu Yan sat down beside Xiao Zhai, throwing some food into the pool, and the old man caught it, sinking lazily.

An Susu pouted, not knowing how to start.

All of this is too weird and surprising, beyond his own cognitive ability. A few years ago, Gu Yan announced that he had left Phoenix Mountain and moved to Kunlun, and since then, he has rarely traveled.

All I know is that he has created a fantasy world, let the two elites fight, and closed the fantasy field inexplicably ... The disciples' feelings for him have changed from the initial admiration and admiration to being puzzled and complained. What is he going to do.

After a while, An Susu finally spoke, but asked, "Live, when I went into the shade, where did my flesh go?"


The child put Gu Yi's face together, slightly awkward, and said, "In my sleeve."


Susu lowered her head and seemed unnatural, and then said, "Will the shade of soil evolve into a human?"

This problem made Gu Xi appreciate it very much, passing unnecessary information into the core.

"May or may not. But even if they can evolve, they are not necessarily human, or they have a human form, but they are essentially another life.

I grabbed a lot of remnants and put them in, nothing more than to guide the power of some rules. Waiting for the real Aboriginal people to appear will be the beginning of the shady civilization. "

"So when the shade is mature, will you integrate it with Yuxu?" An Susu asked again.


Gu Yan was surprised. How could he never find out that this child had a weaker bones, but had a very high level of understanding.

After thinking about it, he asked: "There are five realms of heaven and earth, gods and ghosts, and the gods of earth must soar day by day. Then you know why they must soar?"

"I don't know, but Dixian can open up a world of blessings and be a world of its own. I don't want to be afraid of the exhaustion of Reiki. So I think that their ascension should have little to do with the exhaustion of Reiki."

"Oh, yes."

Gu Zheng nodded and smiled: "I also initially felt that it was related to Reiki. Later, the deeper the realm, the more I realized. In fact, it is very simple. The world we live in is too small to carry too much power.

One earth fairy is okay, what about a dozen or twenty earth fairy? The world is about to collapse. Not to mention, perhaps there is the power of Tianxian.

Therefore, the development of a blessed land is an inevitable result ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Only the vast universe can accommodate many superpowers. Xia Guo's thousands of years of history, countless sages, will never be ridiculed. With their ability, they definitely know what happened, but why haven't they been seen after more than 20 years?

It is probably the same reason, the world is different. "

Gu Yan stood up, paced up to the stone steps, and watched the stream flow straight down, the Milky Way fell, and said, "Since we must go, we might as well prepare for the opening of the sky in the future, not too shabby in a hurry.

You are right, this Yuxu is indeed part of the plan. "


An Susu looked subtle, wondering what she was thinking, a little dare, and a little eager to try, and tangled for a moment, and finally asked, "Are you standing in a false building, are you waiting for us to come?"


(I entered the rice circle for the first time this year, and I was very happy to eat melon and eat, and turned around ... ha ha ha ha, the rice circle is really a magic place!)

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