Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 644: 24 years

Xiaozhai was under the command of the Emperor Xuanhuang, and he learned Sa Shoujian's Lei Fa again.

Sa Shoujian began to study medicine, and was injured by misuse of drugs, so he abandoned the doctor to visit the road. Later, they met Wang Wenqing, Lin Lingsu, and Zhang Jixian, the 30th-generation celestial master of Longhu Mountain. Each of them taught one method, namely Jujube, Fanji, and Thunder.

Alas, in this way, Sa Shoujian is the son of the plane.

In short, this man has deep roots with the Shenxiao School, and later wrote his own "Shenxiao Daleilangyushu", which was learned by Jiang Xiaozhai. So she became a key figure, and Cao Wenyi forbidden her to leave, it is estimated that there is still a secret.

Sa Shoujian claims that the four Taoist masters of Taoism should be the same as Xu Xun, but also the gods of Xixian. The house is a happy fairy water in his own dimension, and may also have an intersection with Cao Wenyi.

Of course, people are big brothers and can't afford to mess with them. Xiaozhai can only stay and practice all day long. By the way, he teases the 700-year-old girl's womb.

I am afraid that no one can imagine this situation. She couldn't send a message, and Gu continued her great career, reinventing the illusion, and casting a bell, in hopes of finding a daughter-in-law.

One of the two major shareholders of Fenghuangshan left, and his life is still unknown.




In the inner court, every figure came from everywhere, faint and smokey, and all fell out of the door of a quiet room. Those two wooden doors were closed tightly, the vitality inside was disordered, and vitality was rapidly depleted-it was Lu Yuanqing who had been closed for so long.

The crowd was trembling, and they kept outside and couldn't enter.

What is a deadlock? It is a matter of one hammer.

Lu Yuanqing's importance to the Taoist School is self-evident. With him, he feels that he is in a proper position, and this sense of security cannot be replaced by anyone. Once something goes wrong, the spiritual leader is gone, not to mention his strength.

"Brother Zhang, what now?"

The abbot is absent, and everyone is looking at the second chief.

Zhang Shouyang couldn't help it. Lu Yuanqing did not perform well. He went out of his way and could only adjust by himself. Others took the initiative to intervene, which might lead to even more anger and evil.

The crowd waited for a long time, and the violent danxi finally calmed down, much weaker than before, as if a person was ill and ill in bed, and would die at any time.

Zhang Shouyang sighed with relief, saying: "Death has passed, and we will not die. Next, we will see the master's creation. If it succeeds, we will die and live, if not ..."

"What will happen if you fail?"

"Xuanqiao collapses, elixir cracks, and can no longer practice."


The crowd was startled first, and then there were some. Zhang Shouyang waved his hand and said, "We're useless here, let's all disperse, Brother Zhong, here is your care."


He is now acting abbot and has a lot of business to do. Zhong Lingyu is careful and cautious. He is also an immortal and can basically eliminate hidden dangers.

Not to mention the outside world, just say Lu Yuanqing inside.

As mentioned earlier, the Nedan method is a set of practice system suitable for the end of the Fa era, which was formed after constant scrutiny by the sages of several dynasties. Compared to the gas-breathing method, thunder method, sword tactics, etc., it has lower requirements on human qualifications, like Lao Gu, Xiao Zhai, and promotion of immortals must be extraordinary. Tomorrow, pay attention to understanding and communication.

But Nedan does not use it, it is smooth and natural, and he follows the steps step by step. To put it bluntly, you can accomplish something after you complete these prescribed procedures. These are all advantages, but the disadvantage is that the ceiling is low, and it can only be repaired to the state of Yang Shen.

Divided according to the current standard, it is ranked as human immortal, fairy, and earth fairy, but the true level of innerdan is roughly divided into four stages:

In the first stage, he opened up the Meridian of Ren Du and San Guan until Qi Tong, full, Qi full, and Shen Wang, wiped out the acquired habits, exposed the true innate body, and promoted the trick of opening up the porch.

In the second stage, the tonic medicine is collected, and the three treasures of Jingqi Shen are returned to the Nakamiya, and they are constantly photographed. They use false cultivation to consolidate the hidden deities with a trick of Xuanguan.

Wait until the day of the week, fill in the position of the congenital Qiankun, the entrance is open. Congenital rebirth, condensed into a great medicine, a little bit of Huang Ting, all around crisp and smooth, only feel the round Tuotuo, the light burns, like a pearl in the jade plate, for the virtual spirit reveals the golden liquid.

In the third stage, after the "big death" enters the concubine, the deities are condensed into holy fetuses, such as dragons and pearls, and chickens are holding eggs.

The holy fetus is called "baby" and "yin god" in some books, but it turns into a child in the bouncing, which is essentially the same thing.

Finally, it is the practice of refining the gods to return to the pure power of sexuality. The gods are in the inner courtyard, breastfeeding and nourishing, and the yin (anti-harmonic) essence is adjusted, and the gods are out of the shell until the void is crushed to achieve the Yangshen Avenue!

The state of Lu Yuanqing is the third stage and the most dangerous step.

He had just tried to condense the holy fetus, but his breath suddenly collapsed, almost dying. Thanks to his cultivation path from a young age, he has a strong heart and will take a step away from the gate of the ghost.

At this moment, he only felt that Sanbao was so weak that he couldn't even sit still. He barely evened out the breath, poured out a few pills of Dandan, and closed his eyes and performed the exercises.

There is no other way but to continue to tackle the problem and re-birth. Once you give up, elixir disintegrates, and it is a waste to live.

Within the humble room, the years are spring and autumn.

I don't know how long it has been or how many lives and deaths have gone through.

On this day, Lu Yuanqing was still physically and mentally immobile, in a calm mind, and in Xujing Jingdu, he suddenly felt the light of Xuanqiao creeping, like a millet like pearl, shining on the abdomen.

He used the breath to pass through the tail, passed through the spine, through the jade pillow, into the mud pill, swam the Jiugong, dripping the bridge from the upper cheek, like waking up and drinking nectar, returning to the acupoint along the equator, and returning to the cycle. day.

From the child's time to the time of the sun, enter the Yanghuo ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ line one hundred and eighty breath, from noon to haishi retreat Yinxu, line one hundred and twenty breath.

Lu Yuanqing has accumulated a lot of experience, carefully, leading the birth rate to grow a little bit, and when he is ready to go, he feels empty and empty, and enters the realm of meditation.

The **** shivered in the Xuanqiao, the fetal interest was attached, and the thunder passed through the Sanguan, and Weng Ju's mud pill palace.

I saw Lu Yuanqing's two eyebrows, the inner circle of light, the dense silent photos, which is the first sign of the birth of the Holy Child.

The holy fetus is ready, you only need to warm up your fetal interest until you come out of it, which is the legendary Yin God!


Spring is coming and autumn is coming, unconsciously, it has been twenty-four years.

Ruili, West Yunnan.

This is the site of the Tao family. It has soared the business of jade and backed by Fenghuang Mountain. But then he died by himself, leading the wolf into the room.

At that time, Gu Yan destroyed several big demon kings, and naturally found that the white wolf was related to the Tao family, but the Tao family was mostly ordinary people, so it was inconvenient to shoot. So Xiao Xiong issued a message saying that she would choose a partner in Yunnan Province to start the jade business again.

As soon as the news came out, the nobles in Yunnan Province were crazy. Obviously, when the Tao family is finished, whoever wins the vote can hold his thigh.

Almost overnight, the Tao family was frantically blocked in the mall, and the stock plummeted. The forces everywhere have also been suppressed, and they have been losing ground.

In the end, Tao Yu committed suicide. Xiao Ran spit out her sputum, and was too lazy to consume the anchor, and chose an obedient family to reach cooperation.

Although the Tao family was gone, Ruili was a treasured land, and soon became the possession of this newly rising family.

At the time of spring, the climate in western Yunnan was warm and the flowers and plants were unbroken. In recent days, the city has become more lively and noisy, and it seems that something serious has happened.

(And at night ...)

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