Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 652: Man and demon

"The human city is ahead."

"A hundred or so monks have already stationed and changed their name to Taicheng."

"It is said that this is the gathering place of exiles in several countries and has never been disciplined. The monks have full control when they come. Xia Guo is really overbearing!"

In the southern fringe town, hundreds of miles away, hundreds of crooked jujubes have suddenly emerged.

None of them is transformed, and they can only communicate through divine thoughts. There are three heads. One is a Hericium, one is a small white elephant, and the other is round.

There are hundreds of thousands of demon clan who have a sense of intelligence and have certain combat power. In the early selection of candidates, Jin Chan took a lot of thought. His strength should not be low, his communication ability should be good, and he should have a calm mind and a big picture.

These hundreds were pathfinders, with a sense of tragedy, and righteousness stepped into human territory. If they get along well, follow-up troops will follow up.


As they approached the periphery of the town, several silhouettes shot out, and Rongzhi strode forward, arching: "We have been waiting for a long time. We have prepared a vehicle and can go straight to Taicheng."


The words went well, and a long train line started from the town, with everything from small to medium. Rongzhi's attitude was a bit ruthless, but he was very polite, within the tolerance of the demon clan.

"Well ... quack ... rustle ..."

This group of goods grows in the forest. Wherever you have seen modern industry, staring at the vehicles is extremely exciting. Hericium erinaceus and white elephant are hesitant.

As a result, the white elephant was crooked and arched to the side, and saw that fat and round buttocks twisted and twisted, shrinking the figure, and the familiar pia got on the back seat of an off-road vehicle.

Do you know how to press the window and beckon your friends.

Yaozu: "..."

Terran: "..."

Rong straightened his eyes, hey, don't show the virtues of an old driver, I know that you are a national treasure, and you have been treated better than before.

Anyway, there is a tumultuous sensation, and the tension and subtle atmosphere that was originally unconscious has somewhat eased. Xia Guoren, who doesn't love panda miles?

Roar! Orcs are never slaves!

Come and eat bamboo.

miamiamia is so fragrant!

Before long, the monsters reduced their size and got on the road. The prepared large truck was not used yet, and even the white elephant could become a golden retriever sitting in the co-pilot, attracting the attention of a female repairman.

The convoy left the town under the trembling of the aborigines, and soon entered the city of Taicheng.

Human beings have planned a bungalow residence without obvious signs of isolation, but arrays have been buried around them, and a large array has been laid out.

They were wary of aliens and were ready to go to war, but did not want to deliberately provoke and insult. Xia Guo fully demonstrated the core of his thoughts for thousands of years. He did not easily shout and kill, responded to the situation, and guided the enemy to me.

Because the demon is more primitive and enjoys various utensils of modern civilization, it is necessary to fall faster.

"You will live here in the future, and someone will come over and teach you to use these, uh ... tools."

Rong Zhidan watched with pain as a snake sprang into the toilet and crawled out of the septic tank.

"This is your identity certificate, which must be kept well. You have the right to use this land and building. In principle, you are very free, and do whatever you want as long as it does not violate the law. But I personally recommend that you After you are familiar with the situation, it is best to go to a job. Because we only provide one month's food, one month later, you will have to rely on yourself to fill your stomach. "

Rong Zhi paused, but still couldn't hold back, and asked, "Don't take the liberty to ask, do you want to keep this form all the time, can you transform into an adult?"

"We need to use some magic weapon to transform ourselves into human beings. The materials are precious and there is not much refining in the clan." Bai Xiangdao.

"Well, all right. Come to me if you don't understand anything, or ask it, it must all understand."

Rong straightened his fingers and said, "Finally, don't try to challenge the law. This is the basis for peaceful coexistence between our two communities. Okay, see you later!"

After all, he left with a few people, and his men stepped back and watched continuously.

Their mood is also very subtle, from hostile alertness to fresh curiosity, to you Ran gave birth to an inexplicable sense of superiority, special characters:

Migrant Workers!


"What next?"

"How to do?"

After rubbing the trash cans, fire hydrants, transformer boxes, street lights in the community, and the pots and pans, tables, chairs, benches, household appliances, etc. in the house, the demon finally pressed a bit agitated and gathered Discuss near the fountain.

Well, it's actually big eyes and small eyes.

From the current point of view, human beings are quite friendly and do not consider warfare for the time being, but they are also very confused and have a bit of cowardice. Let them capture the city, you will never be afraid, but let them live here, you have no idea.

Silent for a long time, the white elephant looked to the side, sitting on the bench, clicking and rolling the bamboo.

As soon as the tough bamboo was pressed by the teeth, it cracked into several strands, and then further down, the old skin on the outside was instantly peeled off, exposing the tender core inside ...

This kind of hand-in-hand came naturally, just like Qing Zi in acting, driving in vain, all returning to normal, have entered the realm.

"Click! Click!"

I didn't seem to see it. I continued to chop the bamboo and ate several of them before sending out a divine thought: "Tomorrow I will visit the two immortals with gifts."

"Send, gift?"

A white elephant whispered, wondering, "Are you sure of this?"

"Xia Guo is a human society, and of course it is necessary. If they want to transform us, we will be a little wronged and will please them."

The status is second only to Jin Chan, the monsters are puzzled, but they dare not violate it, but Hericium said: "elder elder, but we have not prepared gifts!"

"I have it!"

I saw a big mouth of the goods, spit out, spit out several boxes. When it comes to boxes, they are assembled indiscriminately from raw wood, which can barely hold things.

"Well, I'm going to bed. Don't bother me."

He rolled his **** and flickered.


The next day ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the former administrative building.

Wang Rong and Fei Yi looked at the boxes of presents in a strange manner, and there were a few monsters standing on their feet.

"When we first arrived, we really didn't know what to do. Please enlighten me."

Before Bai Xiang came, he was trained for a few months by Jin Chan, and he practiced human language models and vocabulary, and it seemed to work well.

"You're welcome. Even if you don't come, we will go and see today."

Wang Rong arched and said, "We are open and honest, you are here for nothing more than living environment and cultivation resources. We have both. But you just came here and said these too early. After you get used to human cities, you will naturally know Now. "

Here is not to disclose, not to relax.

Bai Xiang asked for a long time, but no answer, so he had to lead his companion back.

As soon as they left, Wang Rong couldn't help picking up the box and wondered: "Oh, I think quite well."

The gifts are not expensive, they are all souvenirs from Lao Chao, and some of them have not been seen before. In particular, there is a large box full of alienated oysters.

The old nest is near the sea. Taicheng may be inland. Maybe they can't eat oysters ... Well, it really is very thoughtful.

The oyster is so wonderful, the shell is large and small, and the small shell is opened. The remaining large shell is a natural container. Garlic, vermicelli, hot sauce, mustard and other seasonings, then roasted ...

Ah, poor little fellow, was born to be clear-cut.

Fei Yan looked unhappy, and suddenly remembered a blind date experience before he practiced. The first time I met you, I ordered some oysters and tried to beat them like a mental retardation.


(I need to adjust ...)

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