Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 658: God appears

Gu Xi liked to watch the internet before he practiced.

His favorite is the historical farming text, or the farming text from other worlds. The development was insignificant in the middle and early stages, and the wave was leveled in the later stages. What golden mountains and silver seas, splashing heaven and wealth, Barabara ... has considerable reading pleasure.

How did this pleasure come about?

When he was idle, he had done self-analysis seriously: It probably originated from the small space and collectivism that were not consciously revealed since childhood.

For example, on countless winter nights, Grandpa watched TV there, but he shrank in a warm hoe, leaned against the wall, and placed a table in front of him to create a small and compact space.

Then I filled the table with my favorite things, like glass balls, piaji, fragrant powder, syrup, baked sweet potato slices and so on. If I did nothing, I would have a great sense of satisfaction when I looked at it.

As if the whole world is in my hands.

When I grow up, this habit extends again and becomes incense. Lock yourself in the hut, hundreds of fragrant spices, large tables, work tables, soft lights, sit a little bit under the lights, rub them, and finally make a lot of things.

Mrs .... so much pleasure!

Later, Lao Gu succeeded in bringing these habits to the era of practice, and called it the field of farming that he liked. For example, various developments in the early stages of Phoenix Mountain, and the current Yintu Mingfu.

When he was a child, the so-called small space fetish was only a side table; when he became a fairy, it was a world.

Yin, Hanyue.

In the cold moonlight, Gu Zheng was taking Zheng Kaixin and An Susu to climb the mountain to collect medicine.

It is thousands of miles away from the village, the mountains are undulating, the trees are dense, and a large river flows through the mountain. They are looking for a twelve-petal silver wildflower, which has a strong meditation and soothing effect.

Gu Yan walked in front and stopped to take a look, quite relaxed. The two children followed, carrying a medicine basket, a sad reminder of being caught as a coolie.

"The tadpole was so clever. When he saw the ants crawling on the branch and crossed the river, he actually dug up the trunk to build a canoe. Now he can go fishing."

An Susu picked most of the basket and suddenly felt it. "There are also these twelve silver ring flowers, which it also found. Chewing and chewing without incident is excellent for peace of mind."

"If our primitive people had this intelligence, the history of human development could increase by a thousand years."

Zheng Kaixin took her medicine basket and carried it on her back, saying, "However, I am weak and scarce. How to survive and reproduce in the crisis-ridden shady soil needs our support."

Gu Yan listened, then suddenly turned his head and asked, "Have you seen the floods?"


The two were stunned. When Reiki revived, they were only six or seven years old. They were less than YY's age. Later they grew up and there was no YY. They were both realistic.

Do you think that the fairy and the magic have all appeared, and you are still writing fairy and fantasy, isn't that realistic and magical?

In the past twenty-five years, online literature still exists, but it has become extraordinarily rigorous and dare not arbitrarily set it. The entertainment industry is also very developed, and the IP adaptation is immortal, even far better than before.

Taoists are generous, and no longer use suing Kaige Rinpoche to give gimmicks to local religions. The whole screen is full of true fights, Maoshan fighting dragons and tigers, live action thunder mother Barabara.

Many film and television practitioners are comparing Bibi. You see that we have more foresight. Those fantasy dramas that are flying wildly and with five hairs are foreseeing the arrival of a new era.

I bother!

Mary Sue, dressed in all kinds of skins, still has a hard face all day long, and she is a big heroine, slightly ...

Lao Gu vomited a wave of private goods, and they look like they haven't seen it before, then: "There is a drama in the floods called Lich hegemony. Let it be slaughtered. After thousands of years, the Lich loses both, and the human race can take to the stage.

However, this place is different. The Tatars have already come out, and they are destined to be dominated by Hades. In order for them to grow quickly, they must have a stable environment, but they must also be competitive.

Maintaining some external pressure and relative peace is the best situation. "

"So you put in a hundred puppet soldiers to kill hidden dangers and prevent the Lich from growing?" Zheng Kaixin said.

"So you also released the Red Fox Demon King to serve as a tadpole?" An Susu said.

"You can say the same, in fact, I want to try Fengshen." Gu Yan smiled.

"Feng Shen?"

The two eyes widened, and the longer they followed Gu Yan, the more they decided that they could make a wool in Fenghuang Mountain? That is the development of my life.

Power is always said to be powerful. Communicate with people who are better than you in order to continuously improve yourself.

"God is sealed by the Tao, and the essence of heaven and earth is transformed.

Taoists sealed the gods, probably starting from Zhang Daoling. From the three emperors and five emperors to the Han Dynasty, the time was long. The world is prosperous, the practice is prosperous, and a certain degree of saturation is reached.

This life is only twenty-five years. Although it is developing rapidly, it can reach a hundred years in ten years, but it is at least a century later to want to seal God. Hades is different. Naturally practice the law, civilization is this civilization, and I will guide it, I believe it will soon reach the standard. "

"Then why are you obsessed with God?" An Susu was puzzled.

"Immortals are respected, gods are second, gods are immortals.

Immortal immortal, **** immortal, immortal dead, can God still survive?

One experiment, one idea, nothing else. "Gu Yan said.

"Will you bring Sister Jade in?"

"She? Hehe, the little fox can't bear that acre of three-point land, Wushan, red fox, and peacock are the three deities I prepared."

Gu Yan smiled suddenly and asked, "How about you, do you want to be a god?"


Two young children in their thirties were shocked and felt terrible, just like the bald snake in the Garden of Eden, tempting themselves to eat the forbidden fruit.

"We, we didn't understand ..." Zheng Kaixinhan came down.

"Hahaha, alright, let's go down the mountain."

Gu Yan was obviously different to them, or to people who came to Kunlun. This is the future generations who want to go forward together, whether it is the master or apprentice, or the Taoist, all are recognized.

He is not just for everyone in Phoenix Mountain.




Unparalleled and fierce, the fierce breath was suddenly released, one puppeteer was ahead, and one hundred puppet soldiers formed an army formation in the back, stabbing a move. The prestige of more than a hundred people turned out to be like thousands of people playing on the battlefield.

This general is the red ghost in that day. After the recovery, it was a handsome man who did not know how much he had suffered before he became a ghost.

Long Qiu also gave her a name, followed by her surname, Long Yan.

Alas, red too.

At first the school yard was not far from the village, but as the murderous became heavier, it gradually moved away. Hundreds of soldiers were loaned to Gu Zheng by Long Qiu, who had been reluctant, and ended up in the shade, alas, really fragrant!

The soldiers are born combat mad, but how much war is there in the world? Every day here is fighting and fighting, chasing mountains and beasts, launching water to catch slugs, and the arrangements are clear.

Their strength is also increasing rapidly, and their intelligence grows. As they continue to develop, Long Yu is not only a general, but also a handsome in the future. Think of a delicate woman in Long Qiu with a small wave of her hand.

Alas, feeling.

At this moment, Long Yan suddenly gave an order, and his soldiers brushed upright, the weapon was tilted, as if in a weird manner. Gu Yan and others passing by over the sky nodded slightly, and flew away far away, landing inside the village.

Wu Shan's beard had grown a little longer, covering his big mouth completely, his eyebrows were thick, his clothes were fluttering, and his fairy-tale bones became more and more.

His role is for the sages who guide, deceive, and preach to the sages. Maybe when the sages grow up, he will really regard him as a god, build a temple, and worship.

So the old boy is in a good mood these days, and Laoshan sent an unwieldy disciple. How could one day be a sage?

"What happened to Xiaoyan?"

Gu Yan sat on the chair and threw the bowl of rat feces tea.

"It's all right. From what I've observed recently, it looks like a male." Wu Shan.

"Oh? How can you tell?"

"The skull is wide, the shoulders are thick, the knuckles of the hands and feet are also prominent, and the tone is deep and strong, which is completely different from his mother."

"Everything is male and female, and it will be good if they can reproduce in the future."

Gu Yan chatted a few words, looked up at will, looked at the courtyard through the window, and looked at the village through the courtyard. The village has more than a thousand wandering souls, slow action, and incomplete consciousness, but each performs its own duties, with a strange vitality.

"I invested in the remnants of the soul to balance Hades and catalyze the species. There are people now, and they won't be used any time soon."

In the general structure, the land government is often connected to the earth, and the soul of a dead person becomes a ghost. But there hasn't been a world set up here, the life of the shady soil is all the gathering, dissipation, and reunion of yin.

So Wandering Souls are outsiders, and once there are real Aboriginal people, they will be slowly excluded by the rules.

Wu Shan felt a bit unbearable. He got along for several years and asked, "Can you send it back?"

"Where are you going? Human world? Soul world?" Gu Yi asked rhetorically ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Wu Shan silently, and said, "Well, I will know it by myself."


Sicily, Holy See headquarters.

In the prayer room, the bishop held the scriptures, closed his eyes slightly, and prayed to the idol with great reverence. His calm and old face showed a trace of exhaustion and sadness.

A few years ago, the druid killed the Holy See without leaving it, forcing him to admit various crimes in history. For a time, the Holy See fell to the bottom, believers left, the parish disintegrated, and only the most loyal people remained.

With his qualifications and prestige, he would not be able to mix this position in his whole life, but in a special period, he could only pull generals from the mule.

In fact, everyone knows that even in peace times, many non-believers have a bad impression of the Holy See. You can bully yourself and push your wife too far, you can raise your hips to slam the blow, and teach the nuns to play the trumpet or whatever.

It is even worse now, it can be called the biggest crisis in history. If it is not careful, the entire army will be wiped out, and it will completely disappear in the long river of history. However, because of this, the rest of the people are cautious and practise their teachings with diligence.

"God, I hope your glory hasn't abandoned us ..."

The bishop finished his prayers, sighed with open eyes, and knew it was psychological comfort.

Where is there any god?

The West is either a fictional **** or a real practitioner, and it is packaged as a **** in order to spread doctrines.

He hobbled and turned around at noon, and went to church to hand out free lunches to homeless people. But without waiting a few steps, a sudden wave appeared on the idol, a majestic voice sounded:

"God, never abandon His people!"

(Recommended "Yanxi Raiders", ah, I like this dead fisheye heroine!)

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