Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 660: This time is true god

The Son has twelve disciples and is well known.

According to the classics, one of them was a traitor, and another died. The others died of martyrdom.

God has always advocated heaven and hell. Suffering and suffering, God can be resurrected when he died, and his disciples can be resurrected naturally. Well, nothing wrong.

In short, in the summer of the twenty-five years of the Xianli, the West changed a lot.

The Holy See, who was at the end of his life, suddenly trembled, attacked the city, and developed a large number of believers in just a few months. Some former believers returned and bathed in the grace of God.

Bishop Gein declared that God did not bear to see human suffering and sent five disciples to the world, and Thomas was one of them.

The Holy See has stood on the earth for thousands of years and has a very strong foundation, but when the Aura is revived, other forces are dazzling. Only the Holy See can't come up with the real thing, and it quickly declines.

Now, what about the legendary disciple of the Son coming into the world to spread the gospel?

Eastern Europe, a city.

This place is the core of the eastern region. Originally there was a church that was hundreds of years old. It was destroyed during the beast tide and has not been rebuilt. Now, a brand new church has been built on the original site, solemn and exudes a faint divine atmosphere.

"May the kingdom of the Father come, and the will of the original Father will be done on the earth, like walking in heaven, and our daily diet is given to us today ... He ascended to heaven and will come from there to judge the living and the dead; I believe in the Holy Spirit I believe in the Holy and Public Church; I believe in communion with the saints; I believe in forgiveness of sins; I believe in physical resurrection; I believe in eternal life! "

In the church, the priest led the believers and finished praying. He turned around and watched people come one by one, telling of suffering and giving thanks.

"Father, I am seriously ill, and I beg you to heal."

A white man in his fifties stepped forward stumblingly, his eyes full of hope.

"Medication for this disease is already available, why not go to the hospital?"

The priest did not comfort or accept or decline, but asked unexpectedly, and those who were leaving also stopped to listen.

"For me, the medical expenses are too high, me, I ..."

Men are not ashamed of speaking, as they are doing legitimate work.

"Poverty is not a sin. God will bless you and come forward."

The priest smiled and asked him to lower his head slightly, and put his right hand in the back of the other's head. I saw a soft and holy light flashing across the man.

"how do you feel?"

"Okay, much better!"

The man was inexplicably surprised and did feel more comfortable.

"I will come back once a week and recover in a few months."

"Thank you, thank you!"

The man is very grateful, and just about to go out, he suddenly came in from outside with a few tall and burly guys.


The man was struck directly to the side, spurting blood, and fainted.

"Druid, run away!"

"Savage savages will go to **** sooner or later!"

"The Lord will punish you!"

The believers roared loudly and ran away, and the druids were not kind people, not to mention the sickle pattern on their necks.

At that time, Fiona's disciples were infected by the soul realm, fled the island, and set up their own organization. In order to distinguish this sect, it was engraved with a golden sickle pattern. Later, more and more manpower, full of paranoia, the rest of Europe is not peaceful, and is called the golden lunatic.

These people broke into the church, headed by holding giant sticks, slammed the ground with a pestle, and said, "Respectable courage, how dare to rebuild the parish here. It seems that we must completely capture Sicily in order to make you a group of sick people It's a terrible idea. "

"But thanks to you, the West is not the main battlefield, not much to describe. Your presence has given us a little more drama." Another said.

The priest stood alone against some fierce gods, but was very calm. "Uncivilized barbarians, get me out of the church, you are not worth coming here!"

"Haha, wait for you to see your god, then complain to him!"

The head of the man laughed, the giant stick raised, and slammed it across a dozen meters away.


With the heavy wind, the priest suddenly felt the pressure multiplied, and he staggered backwards. The giant stick suddenly stretched out, squinting at the eyes and opening a scoop of watermelon, a holy light suddenly appeared, like a big hand with only force and kindness, holding it gently and dragging.

When 啷!

The giant stick somehow fell to the ground, and the leader was at a loss, at a loss. Immediately following, a man turned from the house inside, which was Thomas.

He raised his hand, as if dealing with those magicians, the light was shrouded.


The two religions are deadly enemies, and the pain of "saving" has turned several times. Several druids were wrapped in it, anguishless, their original consciousness was forcibly washed away, and they were gradually repaired by the Holy Light and converted to God.

Commonly known as brainwashing.

After a long time, several people fluttered to the ground, unconscious.

Thomas was about to speak, and looked up suddenly, looking at a corner of the church. I don't know when there was a small owl stopped.

The owl fluttered its wings, flew down and turned into a human body, but it was the magic circle leader, one of the European speakers, Enes.

He is nearly a hundred years old and infinitely close to the fairyland of the East. He has an amazing momentum and a serious expression. "Are you really a Thomas?"

"of course."

"The Twelve Disciples of the Son?"

"It is my pleasure to follow in the footsteps of God."

"It is said that you once traveled to Tianzhu to preach, and the offender died in a strange land?"

"Do you have any questions, Your Excellency Enes?" Thomas smiled, still kind.

Recently, the Holy See has been flourishing, and it has also selected a stronghold of the Magic Society. Enes paid much attention to it before viewing it in person.

He snorted and asked one after another: "So you are not dead, or you are resurrected in the so-called kingdom of heaven. Are you a soul or a body?

The soul needs containers. Where does your body come from? Containers that can support your soul are rare. If you are born in the flesh, why do you preach your soul and go to heaven and hell, not to deceive believers? "


The priest shuddered and glanced at Thomas secretly.

In fact, he doesn't know anything, what is the origin of this product! Only one day, the Holy See blatantly declared that the twelve disciples were in the underworld, shocking everyone.

Every question of Enes was stuck on the point.

Thomas had no fluctuations and chuckled: "The glory of God is beyond your imagination. If you want to find out, it is better to believe in my Lord, and I will tell you the truth."

"Into your teaching? Well, truth and eternity are our faith!"

With a wand, Enes swore, a huge fireball shot out. Although the volume was small, the power enveloped the entire church, and his breathing was delayed for a while, and even the air evaporated.

Fire 遁 · Howling Fireball!

Thomas waved his hand, and the Holy Light emerged again, forming a round shield in front of him.

This pale golden soft light is somewhat similar to Fiona's natural power, without any lethality, but easily cancels the flame power.

But the next second, Thomas finally changed his face slightly. He actually found an invisible hand from the fireball and dug out a group of light.

Immediately afterwards, the flames exploded, the waves rolled, the rubble fell, and the church was crumbling.

"Come on!"

Regardless of whether it is true or not, it is indeed in place. Thomas took the priest and a few druids out of a coma, and flew out of the church in an instant, just listening to the bang!

The dust was rising, the building collapsed, and it turned into a ruin.

On the other side, Enes is holding a small group of Holy Light and is researching, "You seem to have no threat, but you can sneak into consciousness and change your mind at will. Haha, such a domineering and shameful means, I believe that you are God Make!"

He threw his robe and shouted, "I don't care what your purpose is, don't provoke us!"

The words fell, the air was wavy, and the ripples were layer after layer, and people have disappeared.


Thomas had green eyes, fresh and warm like a spring day, without a trace of negative breath, and sighed, "The church that is easy to build needs to be rebuilt. How much funding is there?"

"Not much, should you raise some?" Said the priest.

"No, in the future, as usual, I will pray near the ruins and provide food for the poor believers. Naturally, someone will repair the church for us."



Gaul, headquarters of the association.

There was a wave of air, and Enes seemed to get out of the void.

Cohen, Marianne and others waited early ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Hurry up and help, "What's the situation?"

"It's all right."

Enes meditated for a while before breathing evenly, saying: "The Holy Light is really overbearing. I thought it could be blocked from the outside world. I do n’t want to stay in the Tao. It has too much influence on the soul and consciousness. Be careful. "

He paused and said, "But I don't think he has done his best. If he tried his best, he would be a little worse than Fiona, but it would be almost the same."

"So powerful?" Cohen horrified.

"And five more ..."

Marianne had a divination bag with Rune in her hand, apparently just a divination, saying: "Holy light, salvation. This is the result of my prediction. Are they really twelve disciples?"

"I'm not sure, because it's very similar, at least the packaging is very similar. And the sales are very good, draw the bottom and win the public opinion, and proactively provoke us before is nothing more than a temptation." Enes said.

The light-washing effect of Holy Light is too strong. Some magicians, alchemists, and druids have voluntarily joined the Holy See, which has greatly damaged their face.

The weirdness of these five people was very strange to quickly gain the bishop's trust, but unfortunately Fiona was not present, otherwise they could find out.

"It shouldn't be ghosts in the spirit realm. The cracks have been sealed. They can't go down."

Cohen thought about it and said, "There are countless wise men in the West for thousands of years. Since Mr. Gu can meet LeMay, it is inevitable that there are other wise men alive. The Holy See is deeply entrenched in the world, and it is not uncommon for some strong men odd."

"But if it's really Thomas, why do you have that strength? It's a legend," Enes suspected.

"No, it won't be the twelve. The disciples' disciples are a bit more likely."

(The four great kings, the richest people in Tomatoes have all been released. Go and watch today ...)

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