Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 686: Common prosperity


Du Hong stood up and stared at Xiao Wu, asking, "Qiu Tianguo really has a practice of men and women?"

"It's true. After Su Ruru was with Qiu Tian, ​​he was placed under house arrest and practiced. The two met for the first time a few days ago. They both felt magical and improved. Ru also took a lot of effort to send the news out. "Xiao Wudao.

"That's good, that's good ... hey, what about Shan Tao?"

"There is no news over there, maybe Lin Lin is being watched tightly, and it is not easy to act. But they have always been friendly, and they should both have learned the exercises."

Du Hong listened, stepping back and forth in the bedroom, muttering silently.

Xiao Wu Xiao Liu looked at the elder sister expectantly, apparently already longing for their hearts. Their organization seemed to be huge, and they were deeply involved in the political and spiritual circles. With a wave of their hands, hundreds of thousands of old irons could be found.

But they also know that the benefits **** with sensuality and money are not solid in today's times. In the era of spiritual practice, the most important thing is strength.

Adopting tonic is evil, and double cultivation is positive. Obviously, Qiu Tian is practicing the advanced exercises that they have been searching for for many years. If they can get a hand and train a few people, the organization will not have to do a semi-closing business, and capital will fully surface.

Du Hong thought for a while, and Fang said: "Continue to strengthen the connection with Qiu and Shan. What should I give? Get the exercises at all costs!"

"They take the exercises very seriously and don't want to preach them. I'm afraid they will be useless."

"Tentatively test for a while. They are not stupid and can guess our purpose. If there is no indication, I will ... I will go to the door myself."

As soon as this word came out, Primary Five and Primary Six had widened their eyes, and Du Hong's thirst was stronger and more aggressive than they thought.


"Ah! Ah!"


The man's growl was mixed with the woman's coquettishness, and both reached the highest point in the vagrant taste. The two bodies were entangled, seeming to rub each other into their own bodies.

Papapa with the method of cultivating immortals, oh no, papapa with the method of cultivating impresses, no way, so cool!

Both are battle-hardened, but they have never experienced the stimulation and joy of this spiritual fusion, especially the unique "fine energy" generated during the movement of the piston, which first flows into the man from the woman and then from the man Brewing the essence, and then nurturing the female body to achieve common prosperity.

"Brother, it's great to meet you."

Su Ruru pillowed the man's shoulder, and murmured half-truly.

Qiu Tian was also quite different to her. She had some real feelings and laughed: "Don't lie to you. I tried this once and I became obsessed with it, thinking every day, every night, every day."

"Whoever thinks about it, shamelessly."

Su Ruru Jiaojiu-Xiaoquanquan-Tongue Kiss-Bite, the full set of procedures is extremely skilled.

After a while, she leaned against the man's shoulder again, panting, "You can't be determined at Qiu's house. Since this kung fu is so easy to use, why not pack it, pull your hands, and do it alone? If you can create a martial art, It is not impossible to take off. "

"Ha, your little fairy always advises me, don't think I don't know your mind."

Qiu Tianneng is in charge of family business resources. Naturally, it is not stupid. There must be something behind this woman.

"Since you know, I don't lie ..."

Suruju paused and said, "Sister wants to see you."

Du Hong's organization is not a secret. Many people have heard of it, but not much about it. Qiu Tian was very interested in her elder sister, so she called Shan Tao, and rushed to the private club together the next evening.

The two waited in the room for a while, and then the door was pushed open. A woman in a blue cheongsam and high heels came in.

This woman is weird. If you look at it, the first reaction is that she will not be too young.

But when you look closely, you find that this "will not be too small", a little bit of differentiation in the corners of her eyes, raised her hands, and eventually disappeared, but she was full of juicy inside and outside. Species.


Qiu Tian came forward with a little surprise and frivolity, and arched his hands. "It's better to meet each other than to be famous, long to long!"

"No need to hook me up, I can be your aunt."

Du Hong took the small incense fan and sat softly in a chair. He nodded at him and looked at Gu Zheng again. "This is a single master?"

"Good luck!"

Gu Yan also arched his hand.

The two met for the first time in a foot treatment club in Lezhou, 27 years ago, and Du Hong gave him a pinch. Twenty-seven years later, seeing you in this capacity is a bit funny and wonderful.

After a brief greeting, Du Hongdao said: "I like to be refreshed, and I will open the door to see the mountains. Ruru is my person. The female story has already been done, and I want the male story Dan Gong in your hand."

"I'm not busy talking about this. I want to know more about you." Qiu Tian was not surprised.

"Learn more ..."

Xiaoxiang fan brush opened, gently fanned the fan, and slowly closed again.

"Emei Pharmaceutical Factory has my shares."

"Emei Pharmaceutical Group, I am the boss."


When the first sentence came out, Qiu Tian hadn't reacted very much. The pharmaceutical factory provided special cakes. Those who had a little foundation could divide one piece. The Qiu family also had shares, but the pharmaceutical group was not ordinary.

This is one of the biggest pharmaceutical retail giants, pharmacies are blooming everywhere, and profits are scary. The chairman on the surface is a salty Bashu businessman. In fact, everyone knows that Ya is a puppet.

The result was unexpected, the real boss was in front of himself.

Qiu Tian's attitude was correct, saying: "This wealth is far beyond the Qiu family, I don't quite understand."

"Most of the money I make is to be given away, so that those with high official powers and high morals have a 50% chance not to bother me. The remaining 50% is dependent on This group of children under me. "Du Hongdao.


This time he understood what kind of organization the other party was.

"I sincerely believe that you can feel that if we cooperate, you will get my full support, and it will not be difficult to run the family."

"What do you want?" Qiu Tian asked.

"I want to surface and formally open a sect, with your skills, and with my resources, it's just ingenious!" Du Hong was full of ambition at this moment.

Yo! Gu Yan was very surprised to hear that this elder sister could, ah, this is a situation of grabbing business, actually pulled down his face for a win-win situation, and has the courage!

Qiu Tian turned his thoughts and said, "I have also been taught by others. Let us discuss it?"

"Okay, give you two days."


Quiet room.

Guo Chuanwei squinted his eyes, and still looked like a withering tree that would hang up at any time.

Qiu Tian respects and defends him, and Du Hong's affairs are not exhaustive. He only said that his predecessors taught art and preached.


Guo Chuan listened, as the old monk was settled, he said nothing for a long time.

When the two thought he was about to fall asleep, the old man suddenly opened his eyes and said, "If you want speed, you can't reach it. You need to figure it out slowly."

"Senior, you can rest assured that I have experience in doing this. But outsiders look busy and have a baby to calm down, when will you give follow-up exercises?"

"I'll take it out when you produce results."

"Senior, what is the highest level of this kung fu?" Gu Yi suddenly asked.

Guo Chuan glanced at him, and said with a dumb voice: "Above the immortals."

"Where is the fairy?"

"Human immortal is the apex of most people. Above human immortality, not only depends on qualifications and diligence, but more importantly, opportunity. When the opportunity comes, the gods can also expect.


Qiu Tian was startled and learned a trick like a joke. Hey, this line, escalating in the constant climax, how many big trotters dream.

Immediately, there was a conclusion in my mind. The skills of Shenxian level are definitely different from those of Renxian level. By cooperating with each other, they can occupy more dominant power.

Gu Yan also didn't object. He was trying to speed up the process and quickly find the behind the scenes. Covered in the skin of a swinger, he is mixed with the world. If it was not the hidden master, why waste this time?

As for Du Hong's thoughts, he probably had only two words, poor.

It is good to seek the Tao, but we must know that some distance cannot be made up by money.

Some people make their debut as the peak, and the peak is retired. Yuan Yuan Ember!


A few hundred miles outside Jiangzhou, a small town.

In the humble living room, the ordinary man sitting in the living room, facing the door, seemed to be waiting for someone. After a while, a sudden wave of air suddenly appeared, and a woman appeared out of thin air.

Both are ordinary looks, ordinary temperament, stiff muscles, and rigid movements, as if the two robots had faceless dialogue.

"Don't you fight steadily, why did you suddenly break in?" The woman asked.

"If you have the chance, you must seize it," the man said.

"Are you sure it's an opportunity?"

"Even if it isn't ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I will turn it into an opportunity. How are you? People now, do not believe in a dead mother, and vacuum their hometown. Oh no, it should be said that they have no belief in ghosts. "

"You are wrong. People still believe, but it ’s just that ghosts and gods are not strong enough to let faith decline."

"You want to be stronger?"

There was a hint of sarcasm on the man's stiff face, saying: "The old ghost was shot down before the Nether. If he is safe and self-serving, and has been practicing for hundreds of years, there is still the possibility of a comeback. Unfortunately, he is not known as the king, and he must enjoy the incense on earth , And finally ended in smoke.

You can beat that man? "

"Although the way of transfiguration is powerful, it is not without weakness. In the final analysis, there is still a lack of believers and a lack of willingness. I think that year, my ancestors created a prosperous world. Self-reproduced the grand scene of my teaching. "

After the woman said this mechanically, the air was volatile again and disappeared.

The man snorted, and at the same time he felt sad. Regardless of whether they are the right way or the side door, they once glorious on this land, but can only know after leaving the material world that these glories are just arrogant complacency.

Rooted for hundreds of thousands of years, it is easy to return to the world. As a result, the world has changed, so you have to be careful.

Not only because the hills have been divided up and the order is stable, but also because there is a fairy sitting on the earth, so that they must not disturb.

The old ghost died miserably, but it also has some value, at least let them see the man's combat power.

The way of illusion is the ancient Dafa!

None of them in the last generations learned how a modern man could get it thousands of years later, which had to scare him.

(Ah, autumn is coming ...)

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