Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 778: Open rain

In fact, the Daoyuan's inference is similar to that of the big V. Shudi borrows the invincible technique of Dujiangyan and the public losing class to ensure that there is no flood for thousands of years. The rat outbreak in the Tang Dynasty unintentionally broke the tired object, leading to a burial. Later, it may be repaired by power, and it will also protect you for thousands of years.

At the end of the law, no one paid any attention to this, so that the floods were sky-high. Now that you notice this, you have to protect it.

Coming from Zhang Shouyang, it can only be Zhang Shouyang.

Dragon Tiger Mountain is the work of adjusting the wind and rain, and Fu Fu is also related to it. Like the purple rune Gu Gu took away, it is the only house in Tianshi Mansion.

Praying for the rain five turns, one turn overcast, two turns dark clouds appear, three turns dark, four turns thunder, five turns heavy rain!

At that time, Zhang Jintong said that there was another seven-character symbol called Qiqing: one turns to the six gods, two turns to four evils, three turns to the haze, four turns to stop the rain, five turns to shine, six turns to the sun and the moon, seven Transfer to lock the sea.

Receiving improper air, and being killed under the Five Thunders, he has the ability to change the world ...

Zhang Shouyang is a Fu Fu. For more than 30 years, he has been studying Fu Li, repairing and developing many Fu Fus. His status is extremely respected.

After the merger of the overseas Heavenly Masters and the homeland, please return to the long-awaited Heavenly Master Seal. Like Sa Zubao's seal, Zhang Daoling's breath was also left in it.

Zhang Shouyang practiced day and night, and realized a lot of skills and runes, not as fast as Qiqing seven turns, but the rain was enough.


Lewd rain, Dujiangyan.

An altar has been erected on a main project like a sandbar. Three layers of altar were made of yellow mud, each one foot two inches high. After the altar was built, the incense case was set up on the upper level to support the great wind **** Boda God and the great fire god, and on both sides to support the four masters.

The middle four corners of the altar, the four Ankong Porcelain, each enter the flame of fire.

Quartet under the altar, surrounded by the Ministry of Thunder.

This is the standard setting of ancient Qing Dynasty, Gu Yan would not pay attention to it, because there is no **** in the world. Now that the Aura is condensed, who knows if the essence of creation is hidden in the void, it is better to be regular.

Today's rainfall is slightly less, the degree of moderate rain, the highlands and buildings on both sides of the strait are already full of people. Jiang Xin is too far away for the monks to see clearly. Ordinary people can only see a vast area, but it is not important!

Being able to participate in it is enough for me to blow my whole life!

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Shouyang appeared on time.

In ancient times, the beheading was usually carried out at noon to allow ghosts to do it. And the ten evil and unforgiving people must choose three o'clock at noon, because the yang is the most abundant at this time, expelling the yin, making it impossible for even ghosts.

As soon as Zhang Shouyang appeared, tens of thousands of people stopped staring at Jiang Xin.

He didn't bring any assistant, feather crown robe, solemn appearance, and stepped on the altar step by step. First burned a table, then pinched a very complicated finger in the left hand, meaning mountains and prayers.

The right-hand law enforcement sword, stepping on the dragon to absorb water and pacing, began to rotate from the right side, after forty-nine steps, the magic sword pointed and shouted!

A purple rune jumped out of the void and burned on its own.

He is an ancestral biography of Tianshifu. He has been studying since he was a child. Others are doing weird and funny sciences, but he does it naturally, with an indescribable mystery.

Seeing that the falcon ignited, Zhang Shouyang urged mana and chanted in his mouth: "Flying flames, magnificent sun crystals. The three realms of the system, the four powers ..."

At the instant of the moment, an energy flowed into the body, integrated with itself, and directly attributed to the spleen. It operated for seven weeks and was rustic. Later, he was transported to the lungs and was full of vitality.

Then, divide into the kidney, liver, and heart, teach the cathode first, and a few Yang Sheng, and use this to generate water, aquatic wood, and wood to fire, and finally run in the heart palace for nine weeks, the fire is booming.

"The water officer is incontinent, and does not lock Thunder City. The ghost steals its car, and the wheel breaks its level. The mad dragon is not tamed, and the rain is released. Daoyu Yuwen, stop the rain, please be sunny. The sun shines, Wangu hides clouds. Urgent Anxious! "

Zhang Shouyang spit out the last mantra and felt, boom!

The fire was flourishing, and the water was overwhelmed. The burning Fuyu seemed to be connected with it, and a majestic force came from his body.

There is an inner air inside and an outer air outside, and it instantly spreads out. With Dujiangyan as the core, it looks like a huge transparent air hood that flies directly to high altitude.

Zhang Shouyang waved the sword again and again, and the four fire flames flew out in full shape, turning into four streams of light and also rushing into the void to become arch guards.

At the same time, his spirit is also faint and agitated, he will not show up, it seems that there is an existence above Jiuxiao echoing.

He knew that it was Dao Yun, that was the rule, that was the fixed number of Qi, and all mysterious existence. Immediately dare not neglect, keep close to the Lingtai, and carefully "communicate" with him, allowing him to acknowledge the effectiveness of Fuyu.

At this moment, one of the onlookers in the crowd suddenly took out the mottled bronze mirror and flickered at Jiang Xin.

Zhang Shouyang only felt that a very slight wave came from a distance, and lightly moved around his head, and disappeared instantly. He was puzzled in his heart, but at the moment he could not be distracted, so he had to hold it down.

After a moment, the high breath disappeared, and Fuyu was completely excited.

The five elements change and follow the order.


"So strong!"

Some monks on the sidelines had a clear sense of standing, only to feel that the surrounding wood, water, and soil had disappeared, but the fire was flourishing.

"Hey, it's raining, it's raining!"

Ordinary people also shouted, and saw that the rain that raged for many days was weakening at a rate visible to the naked eye, and finally leaped until it stopped completely.


Not only on both sides of the strait, a tumultuous tumult, spreading wildly in all areas raged by heavy rain.

"Stop! Stop!"

"Live it!"

Many people rushed out of the house, wading through the water like a neurosis, looking at the sky together, waiting for the next miracle. It didn't take long for the dark clouds to dissipate, the sky at noon revealed, and the whole city lit up.

Zhang Shouyang finished casting, and immediately looked for the weird wave just now, but the other party had already disappeared.

He paused, feeling that there was still enough power, and flew upstream for a while. Although the rain had stopped, the disaster was not over, and the flood was fierce.

"Titans, come out!"

He threw out a few runes, and changed them into a few hill-like giants in blue, and fluttered in the middle of the river. The giants sighed, shout!

The strong suction force caused the waves to spin, flipped upwards, and rolled into the entrance along a straight line, followed by the flowing river. After a while ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The water level drops rapidly, revealing a lot of broken objects with a strong stench.

He did a good job to the end, and after searching, he found another remote place buried underground. According to the previous position, it was near Zhang Yilou-Zhang Yilou was demolished in the late Tang Dynasty.

There was a wooden man hiding there. The wooden man was carrying a load, the weight of the load was different from side to side, so that his body tilted.

Zhang Shouyang transformed two grains of rice and put them on a load, and the wooden man restored his balance.

"I thought that carpentry was a trivial path, and at this moment I realized that the ancients were despised."

With a bit of emotion, he laid down the ban, and said, "The floods are gone. Don't worry about frustration. The road is long and rebuilding your home."

"Thank you!"

"Real mercy!"

Many people were emotional and thankful for seeing a streamer across the sky, but they left.

(It's awful at night ...)

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