Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 779: 7th Soul Collection

A big mountain inside a cave.

The air fluctuated like water, showing two figures, one male and one female, unconsciously with some joy.

"Zhang Shouyang was promoted to the gods when he was more than 50 years old. It is indeed a legend of Tianshifu. I only blame him for being careless and planting in our hands!"

The man's handsome face turned into a hint of shame, saying: "The dragon and tiger mountain in this world is declining, and this one can only be passed down. If it can be wiped out, it will be of great benefit to Heavenly Master."

"Huh, I only care about those sword repairs!" The woman said coldly.

"Mo Ji, sooner or later you will get revenge."

The man appeased and said, "It's not too late, let's start the altar immediately!"

Talking, the two went in again, and a small three-story altar was erected early in the deep. The man first took out seven oil lamps and placed them on the third floor. Then he took out seven white and white runes and stuck them on the second floor.

In this vein, he is very good at triumph, and is also famous in all dynasties.

"Fengshen Romance" once described that during the Shang and Zhou dynasties, Zhao Gongming was intercepted and Lu Ya won with a nailhead and seven arrows.

This stylized Seven Arrows book is the triumphant technique, the core of which is the method of cursing. A cursed man, with the name of the enemy on his body, a lamp on his head, a lamp under his feet, a footstep, a book mark incineration, worship three times a day, until noon on the twenty-first day.

The three souls and seven souls of the enemy will be disbanded. At this time, the archer will shoot at the grass man. If he shoots the enemy, the grass man enemy will bleed.

The advantage is that God does not know the ghosts, and the whole casting process, Zhao Gongming was not aware of anything. The disadvantage is that it takes too long to read the article, for a full 21 days, easy to change.

Looking at the evil spirits, this thing is actually more common, and there are many similar collectively known as "grassing people". For example, there is a way to go down to Maoshan. Use seven bamboo arrows to shoot people's stomachs, and let their intestines wear through their stomachs. The power is far worse.

At the moment, the man climbed up to the third floor, took out a mottled bronze mirror, reached out and drew it. The mirror trembled like a lake, and he actually pulled out a thin strand of hair-it was Zhang Shouyang's hair.

Ordinary people have normal metabolism, hair will fall out naturally, and dandruff will be produced. However, the immortal body has become leak-free early, and it will be difficult to find a hair for thousands of years.

When Zhang Shouyang opened the altar to collect the rain, when he couldn't distract himself, he used Lingbao to pluck a hair.

This treasure is inscrutable, with very little movement, and it is hard to be noticed by others. They didn't talk much about it, and they were afraid that the other party would be ready to go.

The man tied his hair to a grass man, and then took a bronze mirror, and the mirror surface rippled, showing a vague humanoid outline, which was similar to Zhang Shouyang.

He also stood a bronze mirror three feet above the grass man, facing the mirror, and rubbing incense to worship, chanting in his mouth:

"The essence of Yangming, the mighty Tibetans, captures the soul, hides the human form ... one is not surrendered, the Tao is not surrendered, the second is not surrendered, the Tao is never immortal, the third is not surrendered, beheaded and consecrated ..."


As the spell exited, a white charm burned by itself and floated around in the air. A strange and inexplicable energy emanates, covering the entire altar.

The man read it, hurriedly took out a long black needle, and pierced it from the top of the Scarecrow.

This needle is extra long, more than an inch longer than the cursor, but it went in completely and completely. At the same time, the bronze mirror flickered, and the human-shaped outline inside it slowly changed. It stopped after a few breaths, and seemed to be clearer.


Immediately after, a lamp under the stage suddenly went out.

When the man saw this, Fang exhaled a long sigh, and smiled, "It's only seven days, and Zhang Shouyang must be so excited!"


Shu land, in the mountains and forests.

After receiving rain, Zhang Shouyang did not return to the Daoyuan, but concealed his whereabouts and walked secretly in the borders of Bashu. But not only he, but also a guy who was out of control.

At sunset, the forest was silent, and the whole forest was immersed in a lazy and somewhat sad atmosphere. In the rushing river water, several white and red fish wandered and chaotically, panic-like.

Because there is a lack of mind in the fairy, is stepping on a stone, holding a bamboo pole in hand, crackling fish.

That's right, fish, not fish.

"诶 ... 诶 ......"

"Slap! Slap!"

Kongkong Tu leaned forward, with a not too long pole in his hand, and a wide robe **** around his waist, just to draw a perfect hip shape.

Proper buttocks tender male!

Oops, it's a fart! (Wanwan cavity)

After a long time of tossing, the goods came up with two big fishes. In other words, Zhang Shouyang was very good at raising nourishment and could bear him.

"It's been two days since we left Dujiangyan, and we don't have any signs of it. We don't know if it's fine or if the other party didn't start."

Zhang Shouyang sat on a big rock, looked at the terrible grilled fish, and slowly spoke.

"Did you feel a little strange when you collected the rain?"


"That's right, there must be some unconventional routine waiting for us."

Wu Kongtu poked at the grilled fish and said, "Speaking of which, the other side is also capable. I searched around that day and found no trace. There must be some secret method that can converge the breath. But it doesn't matter, I am here , Care for you! "

Zhang Shouyang also said: "Kunlun's communication may cause changes. If it is really an immortal pie, the target must be more than them, but also Xiaohe and others. However, from the point of view of the means, the immortal pie has nothing to do with the dissatisfaction, so the opponent is at least It's more than two people. "

"Just a few of him, come and eat fish!"

The old man brought a grilled fish that was ashamed even looking up at the stars, and Zhang Shouyang ate it without changing his face.

Soon, it was dark and night fell. The two stayed in the forest and each sat and adjusted their breath. Zhang Shouyang never showed anything abnormal, as if nothing happened.

As a result, in the early morning of the next day, Kongkong Tu came back with two rabbits, and found each other frowning, as if thinking.



Zhang Shouyang paused and said, "Last night I tried a variety of methods in order to find out what was wrong, but nothing was found. But when I tried to sleep, I didn't feel sleepy."


The old man was also stunned ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Shenxian Shouyuan is thousands of years old, and his mana is so powerful that he has already given up all kinds of things, including eating, sleeping, and popping.

But not wanting to sleep and not being able to sleep are two different things. Zhang Shouyang can't sleep, which is absolutely abnormal.


Wu Kongtu exhaled and said, "It seems you are a hit, but you can rest assured that no matter how you hate the evil, my Maoshan will break this!"

"Oh, I feel relieved."

Zhang Shouyang listened with a rare smile.

Before the rejuvenation of the Aura, the two were best friends, a Longhushan biography and a Maoshan biography, after they entered the abbey, they got closer and closer. The true Tao heart is the same and it will last forever.

There is an ancient poem saying well, it can be said: "Peach Blossom Lake is thousands of feet deep, not as good as Wang Lun sent me!"

(Well, I ca n’t stand the cold when I'm old. I felt the wind in the afternoon and now I feel uncomfortable. "Venom" is so ordinary!)

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