Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 787: Coexistence



The climate of Luming is similar to that of Jiangnan, and the spring rain is as smoky and silky as it is lingering.

Gu Yan stood under the corridor, listening to the pearls falling from the jade plate, crisp and melodious, the rushing water rushed towards the face, not feeling cold, but only feeling refreshing and pleasant.

He is only nine years old this year, but he is quite tall and clear-eyed, and now he has faded away from the past.

"Master Seven, the tea is ready!"

A delicate sound from inside made Gu Yan wipe over, and a slender and delicate girl walked out step by step, and laughed, "The house just picked some purple bamboo shoots, and said that they are the spiritual species of the new culture of Fuguan, which is rare for ordinary people. Madam He loved the young master, so he dialed two or two deliberately. "

She went back to the room with the little owner, and always retreated half a step away. "The purple bamboo shoots are cooked, and they have to be rolled a few times with boiling water. Take a sip on the third pass, a half cup on the fourth pass, and a fifth pass on the fifth pass. Only when you drink it, you can keep your lips and teeth fragrant, and the inner air lingers ... "

"I can trust your craft."

Gu Yan smiled and settled down on a chair in the study. A set of tea wares was already on the case. That girl-in-law came over to play with it, and the movements were flowing, one pouring, two pouring, three pouring ... After a while, they were filled with three cups of tea.

The slender purple leaves rise and fall in the calabash, erecting like roots.

Gu Yan, according to her statement, took a sip first, then a half cup, and finally drank it. She felt that a water dragon rolled into the larynx and wandered around in the body to make a mist of mist. The internal organs seemed to be baked by the stove.


After counting his breath, he exhaled a long sigh and sighed, "It really is a spiritual species. This one is worth a few days of me."

"It will take a hundred red money in half or two. If there is no effect, the government will not dare to take it out."

Seeing him drinking, the girl-in-law cleaned up the table case and said, "One serving is available for two days, once a day, and I will cook tea for you tomorrow."

This girl is called Qingya. The eldest girl beside her mother is fifteen years old and specializes in tea.

Gu Yan looked at her and suddenly called: "Green bud."

"Hey, what else do you want?"

"You know, I have no one right now. How are you coming to my yard?"


The girl clasped her lips, Chen Qi's reputation was rotten, but he was the youngest son who the mother most favored, and she really wanted to ask, and the mother would not give it away.

After a little thought, I had to sigh in my heart and laughed: "As long as my wife agrees, I am willing to serve Master Seven."

"Okay, you go down first."


Gu Zheng looked helpless at the apparently mournful back. All his close friends were killed by Shanzhang. He was lonely and lonely. When he first arrived, he had to be followed by an exquisite person.

And he observed for a few days, and then the green shoots got into the eyes.

"The name of the uncle can not be washed away in a day or two, but since I have occupied this flesh, I will inherit your will and live well!"

"From today, I am Chen Qi!"

Suddenly he was so impassioned and annoyed, "Well, this ancient Chinese line 2 is really hot!"


When he was bored, he slumped on the couch like a salty fish, and continued to read the Fang Yu Sheng Lan, which is a book of geographical customs.

Speaking of this small world, it is clearly divided into five ethnic gathering places:

In the far north, there is a bitter cold place. The name Beibei is not a country. It is controlled by many forces and produces medicinal materials, spirit beasts and various types of ore. Going from Beibei to the south, it is a large country, named Qiyuan, which occupies the vast plain on the north bank of the big river. It is rich in products, has a large population, and has the strongest overall national strength.

On the south bank, there are two countries, Zhenyang and Dongyuan. Although the country is small, it is extremely rich, especially developed agriculture.

The west is a steppe, with many tribes living without a strong ruler. In addition, there are the most southern mountains and mountains. There are many people and clans that are isolated from the world and are extremely hostile to the outside world.

The river, which is several hundred miles wide, is famous for Tianhe River, with heavy water in the center, and it is not accessible for thousands of years. However, in recent decades, Taoists have developed a flying boat that can carry people through.

The north is in communication with the west, and it is very difficult for the west to the south to pass through numerous mountains and mountains. From the south to the south, there are also 100,000 mountains across, and the boundaries are obvious.

The small world has many creatures, the human race is booming, and there are countless other demons and monsters. For the time being, let's not mention that Zhengyang Kingdom alone is most interested in Gu's politics and practice system.

The Tao of Xia Kingdom came from ancient sages.

During the Emperor Yao Dynasty, there was a great vibe named Xu You. Yao asked him to govern the world, Xu Youbu. Yao sent another person to ask, Xu You still didn't do it, even if he didn't do it, he thought that those words had polluted his ears, and came to the water to wash his ears.

When I met the father and the calf drinking water, the father asked, what are you doing?

Xu You told the truth, Chao Chao said: "If you have been living in high mountains and cliffs, who can see you? Yao can't find you. You wander around in exchange for reputation, but now you come to wash your ears. It's up! "

The nest father was even better. He took the bull and left, and ran to the upstream to drink water.

These two are ancient sages, the predecessors of Taoism, fully embodying a "hermit" philosophy. Then came Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, which formally put forward the concept of quiet and inaction, and this thought has influenced the generations to come for thousands of years.

Although there are people like Jiang Shang, Zhang Liang, Kou Qianzhi, Lin Lingsu, Qiu Chuji, and so on, they have been deeply involved in the secular government. On the whole, the Taoist ideology is based on hermits, so they have nothing to do and focus on their own practice or learning.

But it's totally different here.

After reading the group books and tracing the source in the past few days, Gu Min found that after the first batch of monks realized the magical powers, they did not stay away from the group, but guarded one side, kept the ethnic group stable, and passed on to the WTO as their duty.

The people are also interesting. The Tao here is not religion. People do not need to believe, and they don't need to offer incense.

Because of this, a very unique social system has emerged.

Take the Zhenyang Kingdom: First of all, the owner of the country is the Taoist. Below the country, there are two sets of government and Taoism. Government affairs are generally handled by ministers, quite similar to the cabinet system of the Ming Dynasty, and the state / dao master is more like a symbol and a guarantee of confidence.

In terms of ministry, priests have very strict grade-level official positions. The central government has Chong Xuan Yuan, the Prime Minister ’s Office of the Rule of Heaven, and the highest official is Dao Lu.

There are twelve government offices in the locality. The highest official position is called Du Gong. Below the government office, there are two levels of palace and county views, the government level views the four grades, and the county level views the seven grades.

Xia Guo ’s Taoist priests are not here, it ’s just a special capable identity, do n’t drank alcohol, and can get married and have children.

If you want to become a priest, you must pass the examination and examination, and then the voucher will be issued. Since then, the assessment will be performed every year, and those who fail will be expelled from the palace.

What is the Taoist priest responsible for?

too much! In agriculture, the cultivation of seeds and spiritual plants will make the land fertile and increase grain production. In addition, rain will be provided to make the country weather stable and the river system stable.

In industry, such as Luming's county seat and road, Taoists plan and participate in construction.

Not to mention the daily demon demon removal, protection of the people, and so on.


Gu Yan turned through a thick book and saw the drizzle stopped outside the window and the sun began to show.

Such a small world is really beyond my expectations. For a while, I do n’t know whether it is good or bad. However, one thing is certain, this society is very interesting, and he is not embarrassed to walk around.


"What have you done today?"

"The child has been staying at home and read a book called" Fang Yu Sheng Lan "and finds it very interesting."

Before dinner Gu Gu met his father Chen Jing in the backyard. Chen Jingjin was born in China. He is a standard scholar. He is harsh on the surface, but he really loves his young children.

Hearing that his uneducated son read a book, he nodded, but still learned: "Miscellaneous information can enrich the experience, but if you have time, you need to read the classics."

"Baby understands!"

Gu Yan is very well behaved.

Chen Jing was quite surprised by his attitude and laughed: "You have grown a bit after this disaster. Then Cao Huazhang has followed me for a few years, and this time I am loyal to the Lord, you will go to see comfort tomorrow."

He paused and said, "By the way, there is one more thing. The news of Lu Mingguan's Spring Examination just came, and the two disciples got down. The clan chooses two new people. You are also prepared to try it in the autumn exam. "


Seeing him so happy, Chen Jing became even more strange and said, "You haven't always hated mysticism, why did you suddenly change your temper?"

"The baby has caused a terrible disaster, and the devoted servants have died tragically. They are deeply stubborn, and ashamed of their parents' teachings ..."

Gu Yan prepared the draft early, and Barabara said the truth.

"OK! Okay!"

When Chen Jing heard it, his heart was really smooth, and he felt hopeful.

In short, a meal is a pleasure.

After dinner, Chen Jing went to talk to a few guests. The mother-in-law Wei called Gu Yan to the front, but for the sake of Qingya. The son spoke, and the mother was persevering, but she was gentle and gentle in her words, which seemed to have an inexhaustible meaning.

Gu Xuan was baffled, but an old woman chased out and sent a few steps, and then made a cautionary remark, saying that she was young and expensive, and she suffered from premature ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation! I am only nine years old!

The old Gu dare to swear ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ come here for three or five days, but have been beaten more than 60 years in the world.

And this depression reached its climax when he returned to his residence.


Qingya carried a small bag, and waited in the yard for a long time with a sorrowful grin, and said with a smile: "Mrs. asked me to come and wait, and also transferred two young girls, two girls ... come over, see Too young master! "

Immediately, the four newcomers came to see him. The men were only twelve to three, and the women were eight or nine years old.

Gu Yi perfunctoryly said a few words, even lazily asking, only saying: "You go to settle down, Qingya, you come in with me."

Qingya's face was white, and she rubbed the corners of her clothes.


(Go to the hot spring tomorrow ...)

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