Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 884: Mystery revealed


Long Qiu pushed open the wooden door and walked out of the quiet room. Outside was the familiar jade fairyland.

She sat on the stone bench under the old tree for a while, listening to the thin golden wind, the rustling branches and leaves, and her face was cold, just in late autumn.

The immortal entered the boundary with a ray of spirits, and the body could move freely, but she didn't walk much and stayed on Kunlun Mountain.

Twenty years have passed in the longevity world, but this time is only a short time. It is as short as waking up, inexplicably sentimental, as if a long and long story has passed in a dream.


Suddenly a call came and Jiuru jumped into the yard like a regiment and arched softly into her arms.

Long Qiu squeezed Bai Nen's face, and smiled, "Why are you grown up?"

"I haven't seen you for a long time!"

"Did you just meet the other day?"

"Oh, that's different!"

Jiu Ru got up after a while, and said, "They are all out, waiting below."

"Is everyone here?"

"The aunt hasn't returned yet. The mother uses the second element of the gods to go to the lower bound. People are still in Bashan."

"Well, let's go there, too."

Talking, the two reached the first floor of Yuxu Palace, the large white jade square, and everyone had sat in a circle to discuss Zhenghuan. Fifteen deities and eleven immortals, regardless of strength, come first.

The first came out, followed by the last, and asked the final result, and those who came out were busy inquiring about the recent news, which was very lively.

"There hasn't been any news lately, everything is fine ..."

The besieged Wang Rong was in a dilemma, thinking over and over again, "Ah, there, Dongge is innocent, do you know?"

"Is he guilty of our fart and say something else."

"Who knows who got divorced then? I heard that the principal wants to take the order, it's terrible!"

"It doesn't matter if we fart, is there anything else?"


Wang Rong racked his brains and slaps, "The two styles bloom ..."


Jiu Ru took Long Qiu to sit on the seat, Gu Yi stopped talking, and saluted correctly: "This time I entered the realm, the merits were perfect, the heavens were opened, the realms of the three realms were harmonious, thanks to your help, Thank you! "

"Jushi is polite, and the poor road has benefited a lot, but I also thank you for making this opportunity." Zhang Shouyang said.

After a brief commercial blow, Gu Min laughed, "I see that everyone has achieved something. I'm afraid I can't wait to go back to enlightenment, but we have to solve a problem first, and we should all be interested."

He paused and continued: "This time when the spirits entered the boundary, their respective identities and circumstances are different, some may not meet, some may not have met. On the parting, how about unraveling the mystery?"


As soon as this word came out, the younger people were excited, and even Lu Yuanqing showed some interest. After all, blindfolded chickens have been eating for so long and I want to know what stories each other has.

"Okay, who is coming first?"

Jiuru dangled Changsheng's arm in various ways and vigorously said, "Brother, did you give birth to a pig? You were slaughtered within a few years ... Well, Sister did not protect you ..."

"you are a pig!"

Longevity was very disgusting, and flung his sleeves to retreat.

"Well, let me say it first."

Gu Yan stopped his children to make trouble, and said, "In fact, some people are already very obvious. Under the last name Chen Mingyu, they should all be heard. Lu Daochang, are you Shi Qian?"


Lu Yuanqing laughed.

"Old Shao is Shao Le?"

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!"

"Toya, I've been elusive until Xiao Jin's epiphany came to my knowledge. Since Toya is Xiao Jing, then Xuanying must be so good?"

"Wrong, that's not me!"

Jiu Ru proudly smiled and said, "I was born a male body, Doosan Lulu master. Later the ascension failed, the spirit is so ........."

She scratched her hair, seemingly happy.


Everyone was shocked. The spirits were bounded randomly, and the gender reversal may occur, but it sounded different to them. The old man smashed his mouth and mumbled, I wonder if it was envy or envy.

Gu Yan also hesitated and asked, "Who is Lu Xuanying?"

"Real person, it's me!"

He He's eyes dodged, and he raised his hand weakly.


Gu Yi spit out old blood. When you let yourself go, the most embarrassing thing is not to be seen by close people, but by people who are half-baked.

"Xiao He, you have always been calm and gentle. Why is it so ... in this way (xi)?"

"It's a rare opportunity, and I want to experience it."

He He lowered his head, sounding like a mosquito.

Okay, okay, you young people are all overwhelming (broken), I can't mess with it!

Lao Gu was severely hit and gave up abbot directly. Long Qiu smiled and said, "I am an ordinary family in the snowy area. After learning some skills, I traveled around the world and found a lot of strange beasts and worms. Back to the study of the snowy retreat, I felt that the spatial turbulence had receded. "

"Oh? Long Jushi's move is far better than me and so on. It's better to be ashamed."

Lu Yuanqing praised her sincerely. Her so-called retreat must have been devoted to studying martyrdom, and she may have inherited it in the longevity world.

"I was born in a family of scholars in Qiyuan. I practiced in a low level, and later entered the chapel, where I lived in the second house." Zhang Shouyang said.

"I was born in the same house with Brother Tang, and then quenched with the soul of the sword, soaring."

Zheng Kaixin said very simply. As a result, Tang Bole unveiled his short story and laughed: "He still has a beautiful girl, a baby doll from a young age. I ca n’t help the lady begging hard, so I bring her to practice together. , Almost envy others! "


A few of my peers immediately started to coax. Zheng Kaixin was quite uncomfortable, thinking of the half-life relationship inside, and the end was doomed, and he had to sigh in his heart.

Gu Yi tasted the products, Lu Yuanqing, Wu Kongtu, He He, Tang Bole, and Zheng Kaixin. I did not expect these five to soar.

As for the remaining people, Si Kongchan practiced in general, and Fei Yi was not surprised. Zhang Wumeng was dressed as a woman, making everyone gossip.

Longevity was very helpless, saying: "When I woke up, I found that I was just a two-year-old child. It was easy for me to grow up and be picked up by the witch ancestors. Then I fled from southern Xinjiang and wandered around.

In the end it was Yulan Zhu's turn. She was still a little unconfident to a group of big men, and whispered, "I am Mingyu."


The two words Ming Yu made everyone look side by side, as if re-knowing this woman. Honestly, her performance this time was amazing and enough to catch the eye.

Soon, more than twenty people took turns to explode, and their identities were clear.

Not everyone has chosen to practice, some travel around the Quartet, some devote themselves to officialdom, others are willing to be bland, and have spent twenty years in the folk customs, and have also experienced a different kind of scenery.

In the end, the old man seemed very unsatisfied, and said, "I want to know who Jiang Jushi is now?"

"I also want to know!"

"me too!"

So everyone looked at Gu Zheng again, and he was very panicked. "This is unknown for the time being, I will ask, I will ask."


Living in the longevity world for a long time is not so easy to give up, it takes a while to buffer. But as long as you break through this level, your mood will definitely improve significantly.

Lu Yuanqing took everyone from the Taoist Academy back to Tianzhu Mountain, and Kunlun also closed the retreat separately to sort out the fruits of this trip.

The time in this world is too short to change. The outside world did not even know that these big brothers had done an extremely insignificant thing, and the impact this incident had on Xia Guo.

Save your thoughts! It is equivalent to another path in Xia Guo, a completely different system from innate, human immortal, **** immortal, and earth immortal, but in the end, they can rise day by day and live for a long time.

Of course, you ca n’t use it. Save your thoughts based on nature. Spring rain, waterfalls, and fire gods are all right, but the water apes and strange appearances are unique to the longevity world. Localization improvement.

Night, Yuxu Peak.

Gu Yan stood on the top of the peak, looking at a snowy moon, and was not tired. There was always a gossip in his heart.

The three realms are fused and connected together, indicating that the foundation of Dongtian has been formed. I only need to perceive the mystery, reverse the derivation, and promote the power of the illusion to the power of the rule, and I will be able to achieve Dixian.

Then you can soar day by day, the first person in hundreds of years!

In this experience, two people performed the most unexpectedly, Xiao Jing and Magnolia. Magnolia beads show superb communicative skills and political skills, and can even be called a strategy, but in the end, what I asked for was a little family spirit.

Xiao Jinghua was even more surprised. Toya went from the unified tribe, to the unified grassland, and led the Xihuang to resist the Yanzhou.

The final outcome also came to pass, and what has accumulated for decades has finally exploded, and its strength will never be lower than its sister. Of course, the woman was incomprehensible, maybe she was tinkering with something, and when the day came out she was shocked.


Thinking of Xiaozhai, Gu Yi felt that the urge was more intense, and he flew away from Kunlun and headed straight for Bashan.

Bashan night rain, lingering.

The three little apprentices are practicing competitions. Hem and he are extremely focused. And on the edge of the site, stood a quiet servant, looks like a real person with thin rain and rain.

As far away as the Yunyu Tower on the top of the mountain, Xiaozhai crooked on the couch and showed no concern for the apprentice. He played with a purple hexagonal ice crystal in his right hand, which is the soul crystal of the second god.

Not long ago, Trumpet returned from the longevity world. Others are pretending to be full of feelings and gains, and panicked retreat to digest, but she feels like nothing before.

She played for a while ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ put away the soul crystal, picked up a jasper-colored fruit from the plate, just about to open her mouth, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

"Why did you come here in the middle of the night?" She wondered.

"There is something unknown and panicking."

Gu Yan sat down and said, "Which one did you give birth to?"

"Which are you again?"

"I'm Chen Yu."

"Which are they?"

Gu Yan introduced one by one, and said, "Don't sell Guanzi, quickly, who are you in?"


Xiaozhai bit the fruit, crisp and sweet, and beckoned him to come, whispering:

"you guess!"

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