Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 825: Ancestors return

Gu Gu was still aggressive when he left Bashan.

He never thought that Xiao Zhai would be born into such an identity, and even let himself go and enjoy himself, and go along with this identity cos.

"Is it really lacking something to make up for? People are getting older, after all, they miss the warmth of some families ..."

Gu Xi took a bite of Shunlai's fruits and bite it, and she always felt amazing. "It's also because I asked, and others would not forgive her, oh, unexpected, unexpected!"

He shook his head and flew back at night.

At this point, the identities of the 16 deities and 12 immortals have all been revealed. Surprisingly, about a third of the people did not choose to practice, or learned a little skill and lived in the world, and experienced a different life.

Their experience in the longevity world is not short-lived in this world, but the impact is huge.

The outside world was not shocked and did not know it. These big brothers also seemed to have never happened. They should shut down, have fun, and just exchange information from time to time to improve the memory system together.

Gu Yan is also focusing on these at this stage. While combing the harvest, he is improving the exercises.

The thresholds for gas extraction, concentration of mind, excitement, wandering, and heaven and man are actually not low. I thought about it from the beginning, and lacked a universal basic concept. Because in the longevity world, the practice is prosperous, the basics are like Chinese mathematics, and people with a little family background will learn.

But getting the present world is different. After repeated research by everyone, it was decided to add a level before and after it, which became consciousness, energetic, condensed, out of consciousness, wandering, heaven and man, and vanishing.

There are thousands of ideas in the longevity world. Without the conditions and energy in this world, we have a standard version, which has a beginning and a tail, and is more systematic.

So the dragons in the East China Sea and the phoenixes in the South China Sea were ravaged, and a lot of blood was drawn in order to develop a new law.

It took nearly two years to study this alone.

Gu Yan was unaware that after returning from the longevity world, he paid less attention to the passage of time. Moreover, he found that his mood became very slow, and he was impatient and irritable, as if he opened his eyes once and closed his eyes once, and the earth was in trouble.

Three thousand roads can live forever.

When the gods understand a rule, they can be promoted to earth gods. He practiced the method of illusion, and realized that nature is the way of illusion. After so many years of hard work, from the shady earth to the longevity realm to the heaven realm, the three realms finally became fused and connected.

Creating a world out of thin air, the insights are unimaginable.

His realm is infinitely close to perfection, as if it were a hundred meters to the end of the long-distance run. There are no opponents in front and no chasing troops. After maintaining the state at this moment, it can be done.




At dusk and dusk, the Yuxu Palace was peaceful, and the fat brother jumped up and down in the forest, chasing after a female squirrel.

This product has been alive for more than forty years, the body shape has not changed, the hair color has not changed, the fart can still eat without the ability, alas, but it is not dead! Are you angry?

The female squirrel was quickly caught up, her body could not move, her eyes narrowed and she was forced to mate, and the pressure behind her suddenly disappeared. The plump black shadow flew out of the woods, and jumped up to the platform three times.

The sky was dark for a while, and the clouds were thick and powerful. A breath of breath appeared through the clouds.


Most of the people in Yuxu Palace flew out, looking up at the void, looking excited.


A sound of thunder suddenly rolled over the peak of Yuxu, a masterpiece of purple light, a thunder snake dancing, intertwined into a large net in the void.

Separated with the cloud, one ancient seal fell from the sky, and then it turned into a gorgeous and incomparable car. And those purple thunder also turned into nine dragons, slowly pulling down the car.

Inside was a woman in a purple dress, looking indifferent, sweeping away, "Huh, ants! This seat is old ..."



Changsheng and Jiuru took the lead to greet them, and rushed straight to the car, one left and one right, "You finally came back, I miss you so much!"

"Come on, don't touch me!"

Xiaojing panic, "Stay away, stay away! Who is your aunt!"

The two of them were stunned, and they were afraid to move in the air. They saw that the Jiulong trolley continued to sink, hanging like a feather above a quiet room. After circling for a few times, it turned into an ancient seal, slowly immersed in the roof.


Changsheng and Jiuru understood, and the return of the soul was still a shadow. She turned her body and car into a body by turning the sky seal, and it disappeared at the touch.

Although this compulsion failed to pretend to be successful, the scene was already heated up, and everyone gathered in the yard, waiting for the Master to show up.


After about half a column of incense, the wooden door was pushed open, and the long-lost little soap finally returned.

She didn't seem to change much. It was still the little girl in her sixties who was one meter seven or four, but she changed her red clothes to purple clothes and looked more expensive.

"Yo, so a little bit human?"

Xiao Jing was very upset at first glance and felt not being taken seriously. "Why are all little farts, Qiu Qiu?"

"Retreat in Greenstone Valley." Zheng Kaixin said.

"Call her over! What about Jiang?"


Everyone was yelling at each other and Changsheng said, "Auntie, are you asking your mother?"

"Nonsense, there are several surnames Jiang, call her over!"

"This is not easy to handle. What are you doing?" Changsheng scratched his head.


Xiao Jing's eyebrows were raised, justice was stunned, "fight!"

Yo yo yo!

Everyone was instantly excited, this is the young man Jie Gong came back, turned around and sang?

"Don't make a mess!"

Was stunned, suddenly a big hand fell from the sky, holding her back and sulking, she reached the seventh floor.

"My surname Gu, let me go!" She punched and kicked in various ways.

"Anyway, it's a fairy. Why didn't you grow at all?"

Gu Yan threw her to the ground, and her head began to hurt again, but she nodded after looking around, "The shape and spirit are harmonious, the state has become a reality, good!"

"Of course! You don't know how much I've suffered, it's definitely not worse than my sister."

She was moving a lot in the last second, and she was as stable as a chicken in the next second, but the topic was a bit outdated, "Hey, this time I didn't go away, the longevity world is so fun. My mother is finally divided into corpses, my head Fly in the sky and watch my feet move ... Hey, who are you? "

Gu Zheng had no choice but to re-introduce a wave, saying: "Don't talk about this first, how are you in the soul world? Is there any danger?"

"The prohibition you left is so easy to use. What danger is there? It's just something weird."

Xiao Jingxi paused and became very serious. She said, "I don't know which day, I was training the spirits, and suddenly I found that the beasts were agitated, and ran away in frustration. Catch up. "

"Strange creature?"

"Yes, non-human and non-beast, but it must be intelligent life. It is like setting fire to hunt, rushing the soul beast to a place and catching it all. When it disappears, the space obviously shakes, as if a channel was opened, of course I Not quite sure. "


Gu Yan groaned silently.

He was the first to enter the realm of the soul and knew it very well. At present, the extraordinary people in the world have generally reached a consensus. Aside from the concepts of earth, solar system, and galaxy, the soul world is more like another level of high-dimensional space.

In terms of the practice system, it is human world-soul world-earth fairy world.

According to their inference, there is likely to be more than one soul world in the universe, and the area covered by this soul world is likely to be more than one earth.

It's just that we haven't found any life with the memory of other civilizations, because the soul world is too big.

"What's that thing?"

"It's fuzzy, like an octopus, and feels average."

"Well, this more confirms our conjecture, but there is no condition for deep exploration."

Gu Yan remembered this clue, and set aside, and continued: "What is your current rave law?"

Ouch, mentioning this, Xiao Jingxi is excited again, "I am a great thunder god, hit your sons one by one! Hit your wife and sons!"

What the hell?

That's your sister, and your nephew ...

The Hu Tianhudi she played, according to the convention of reducing the three points, should be like me to prove God like Changsheng Xiaozhai. Her mind is too sloppy, she has spent enough time for decades, but she has a lot of accumulation and she hasn't fallen behind too much.

"Since it has become a realm, don't go crazy. Your foundation at sea should be dealt with as soon as possible, or you should find a disciple to take over." Gu Yan told.

"For the **** horse?" Xiao Jing was suspicious, a face of Er Ha.

"At the moment, the only thing that matters is the battle between Bashan and Shenxiao. After the comparison, I am almost fully aware and ready to soar."

"Huh? What do you do to us?"

Xiao Jing became even more strange and said, "It is their choice to follow you. What do you tell me to do? You are so confident that everyone follows you. Do you think you are Mr. Gu?"


The old Gu was silent for a while, and then listened to Xiaojing said, "I don't say to others, I will ask you, can you guarantee that my sister will go with you?"

Gu Yan became increasingly speechless.

It is indeed a little narcissistic. Li Kunlun, Jianyu Xu was originally kind, and wanted to take his followers up. But he forgot that some people are not their followers ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ People like You Yu, Zeng Ke'er and An Susu will definitely follow them; like Zheng Kaixin, Rong Zhi, Tang Bole The gods will also follow for their entire lives; the pair of children like Changsheng and Jiuru will almost accompany the old father.

But Xiaozhai, Long Qiu, and Xiao Jingxun could stand on their own, and never said they would ascend with themselves.

Especially Xiaozhai, after solving the things of the Xiaoxiao faction, was even more concerned. Traveling the universe, all walks of life, and finally promoted to the earth fairy, her style is to evolve the cave.


The old Gu sighed, but felt a bit lonely.

He just wanted everyone to stay together, but to this extent, it is normal for people to have their own choices. He suddenly felt that he was like the old father of a country who was holding a table for dinner, but his children did not return ...

Alas, it's still a good little sister.

(Merry Christmas!)

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