Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 827: Fighting method (1)

? October, the East China Sea.

After decades of development, the islands of the East China Sea have been flourishing, and the industry is rich, basically reaching the basic standards of one island, one town, one town and one specialty, providing a powerful supplement and expansion for the Xiuxian economic system.

With more than a thousand islands, you can look up and watch the shore in the near, and go straight into the Ryukyu in the distance.

Ranshi Island is one of them.

This island is on the periphery of the East China Sea. It has no available resources. It is all gray and bare. There are no navigation routes around it. It is rarely visited and can only be a habitat for sea animals and sea birds.

Today, Ranshi Island is a little different. The thick white mist shrouds the entire island, forming a layer of isolation and prohibition. The stones inside were also emptied, and there was an extra platform on the flat ground in the center.

This battle was a private matter between the two factions, and did not speak up.

Xiaozhai took seven apprentices, Yun Yazi took seven apprentices, and Gu Yi, Lu Yuanqing, and Gong Suran as ceremonies. No outsiders were present.

Gong Suran is a disciple of Cao Wenyi and belongs to a third party. For twenty years in the world, she has been living in hiding and has not had much contact with society.

Yun Yazi is very complicated.

When he first arrived, he was ambitious and wanted to let the junior surname Jiang feel the power of the elders. The early stage was indeed good. It established a school a year, re-established Shenxiao, Huqi Longnan Qiuchi Mountain, known as the third pole of Xia Kingdom.

The original intention was to rise quickly and crush with strength, and slowly found that the water was too deep thousands of years later!

First of all, the government has not fallen, and is very strong. It has always maintained effective administrative, military and judicial powers. Shen Xiao sent the name to ring again, and had to obediently register in Beijing-Qiu Chishan is a state-owned mountain forest, and you will have it as soon as you come to the ganghouse. Do you want to rebel?

Secondly, the site has been divided up, led by Fenghuang Mountain and Taoist Temple, to lead the whole world's practice forces. The Shenxiao School rushed in. Although a large number of people gathered in the early and mid-terms, the official and the people's trust were inferior.

More importantly, the two giants Gu Gu and Lu Yuanqing are very cold to Sa Tianshi!

Therefore, Yun Yazi gradually realized that it was impossible to restore the Xiaoxiao faction to its peak position in the Song Dynasty. Later, he accepted the reality and rested on some ambitions.

The crowd came here in the early morning, and after waiting for a while, they saw a round of red sun jumping from the sea level. Perhaps on the island, the sun has never been more magnificent, and the sun is particularly dazzling.

Gong Suran saw that the time had come, and he got up and walked to the stage, and said, "The practice of the world is originally from the same root. Only because posterity thinks so much and does too much can it cause a lot of disputes. The two factions of Xiao have long held grievances, which have lasted for thousands of years, and have finally been given the command of Satian Master. For twenty years between the pedestrians, they have won the battle ... "

She Balabara said a word, Gu Yan didn't listen at all, only watching a figure next to Xiaozhai was fascinated.

Hey, the little sister has grown up and finally is an adult ... The robe is good, fit and fit, and looks more and more looks, but why the hair is not tied up, the hair is still black and straight ...

When you stare at the little sister, the little sister is also staring at you.

Gu Yan stunned, and suddenly saw Gu Xiaofei's eyes turned and touched himself. He twitched Ling Ling, and then it was dull, and thought he had exposed the stuffing, but the other side glanced, and turned back expressionlessly.



"Well, is that Gu Guren?"

Xiao Shi pointed at a guy in front of the high platform, and she met for the first time.

"Yes what's the matter?"

"not too good."

"How bad?"

"I don't like it, I don't like it anyway."

Gu Xiaofei glanced again and whispered: "Lu Zhenren is okay, Xianfengdao bone."

"Oh, good vision, don't hesitate to teach me everyday."

Xiaozhai rubbed his disciple's head, which was almost the same as that of a tortoiseshell cat.

And over there, Gong Suran finished the opening and then announced the rules.

It's not seven games in pairs, but the two sides send one person each. If they lose, they go to the second, and then they lose to the third, until the other side also loses ...

The King of Fighters played? Alas, that's it.

So the order of starting is very important. Too weak is equal to giving the head. Too strong is equal to throwing the king directly.

After the announcement, Xiaozhai and Yunyazi also jumped to the viewing platform, leaving only the disciples of both parties to handle it by themselves. Fang Yuan weighed for a moment, and said, "Sister, how about letting Xiao Bu go in the first game?"

The elder sister and the second elder brother belong to the first echelon.

Gu Xiaofei thought for a while and nodded: "Yes, Xiao Bu comes first. If the opponent is weak, win as soon as possible, don't keep your hand; if the strength is too strong, try to consume the opponent and force his hole card; Just output accurately, and try to preserve mana. "


Qing Puzi changed his hippie smile in the past to become serious.

"The candidates for both parties are determined. The first game begins!"

When Gong Suran's words fell, Qing Buzi jumped to the high stage and saw that the other party was a male disciple of the same age, with a thin body and a clear eyebrow.

"In Xia Yan Rensong, I have met Dao You!"

"Yan Rensong?"

Qing Puzi turned around in his heart, and was so impressed that there was no way, Shen Xiao sent too many disciples.

"Dao You, please!"


The two held a fist, and after the Qi Qi floated ten feet, the fight officially started.


Bashan and Shenxiao both focused on thunder, the former contained in the sword, and the latter contained in the rune.

The internal law of the Bashan School is to cultivate qi qi first, which can be achieved the day after tomorrow; and then to guide thunder tactics, to reach the immortal;

Sword skill first repairs the wind dance willow sword, but the sword air can be released; then repairs the Five Thunder Chongxiao Sword, attracts the Five Thunder's Qi to the sword potential; after the immortals, the Five Thunders are fused, and the sword can be abandoned.

Of course, different personal habits, different fighting methods.

Qing Puzi was empty-handed, staring at Yan Rensong, thirty feet away, suddenly grabbing in the void, suddenly thundering in the palm of his hand, and letting it go.


Several lightning spears broke through the void, like a few purple shooting stars, and Yan Rensong was enveloped in a blink of an eye.

The spear pierced the virtual shadow, hit the ground fiercely, the rocks collapsed, the platform collapsed, and most of them were destroyed in one face. Qing Buzi did not see the other person's figure, was waiting to be searched, and suddenly felt a chill from the bottom of his heart, and quickly ran forward.


As soon as he left, a round pit had been blasted out in the place, and Yan Rensong was still missing.

"This guy has hermit!"

Qing Puzi snorted and waved his hands repeatedly. Countless coin-sized thunder **** appeared on the field, colliding with each other, and instantly forming a huge net.

The purple grid was constantly tightening in the void, and suddenly a tremor shook, forcing a fuzzy figure.

The man had not fully appeared yet, and a red snake that had given birth to wings jumped out of the void again, opening a large mouth of blood behind him.

"go with!"

Yan Rensong did not advance backwards, and finally threw out the first rune. The purple light soared and wrapped the whole body. The whole person turned into a thunder and rushed into the big net, and rushed to the red snake.


Seeing his mighty strength, Qing Buzi did not want his pet to be injured, and quickly recalled the snake.

After just a few interest payments, the two have met several times and judged each other's strength. The wheel war is most afraid of this. It won't win or lose for half a day, and the consumption is still large.


Yan Rensong turned his head, thinking about the strategy against the enemy, and finally gave up all, still had to fight hard. I saw his right hand suddenly stretched out, dozens of runes emerged out of thin air, intertwined, and became more and more thin, and finally formed a slender sword.

This sword is non-ore refining, which is completely composed of runes. The purple awns radiate cold light inside and outside, exuding a powerful and ferocious atmosphere.

"Hum, too white dog!"

Qing Puzi looked at his blue-and-white robe, and couldn't help but pinch his mouth, his hands also stretched out, and he made a weird gesture. Yin in one hand and Yang in one hand, holding five thunder in his arms, his breath is magnificent, and he does not move like a mountain.


Gu Yi and Lu Yuanqing looked at each other, they both thought that the ideas were new and interesting.

Xiaozhai frowned, and said, "When did he get this thing?"

"In the past few years, I researched by myself, saying that imitating the life and death of the master sister, the five thunders are contained in Yin and Yang.

"invincible position?"

Xiaozhai knew it well and said, "He has always been timid, otherwise he didn't bother, he kept his life and worked hard."

"Hee hee!"

What else can Shui Lanyu say, that he can only sell and maintain life like this.

In the field, Yan Rensong saw that the other side had a strange frame, but he couldn't figure it out and simply cut it off.

This sword is just a style, without a sword trick. Under one blow, the thunderous thunder raged wildly, and the overwhelming thunder light actually set off a purple wave, like a tide.

Qing Buzi was not panic, holding a watermelon in his left hand and a watermelon in his right hand, and the gas field was natural. The purple wave rushed like it hit a sturdy dyke, then was diverted and diverted and quickly weakened.


The monstrous purple tide was gathered by Qing Puzi and turned into a trembling thunderball held in his arms, and he saw his palms push outward, "Return to you!"

"not good!"

Yan Rensong quickly dodged, and he heard that the sky was sinking. The remaining half of the high platform was also destroyed, and the ground sank a few inches down.

"I don't believe it!"

He was so embarrassed and ruthless in his heart that he tried again several times, either defensively, or fully returned.

What a bad heart! The grandson was like a thick tortoise shell, oil and salt did not enter.


Xiao Zhai had no face to look at. This win or loss didn't matter, mainly because he was angry. Gu Xiaofei also frowned frequently and whispered: "My brother is afraid of losing!"

"How come, that guy can't break it at all!" Mi Beiqi said.

"If you lose your intent, it's futile to have a strong defense." Fang Yuan shook his head.

Boom boom!

In the field, Yan Rensong almost bombarded the opponent, but unfortunately it had no effect. He was impatient, his mana was swiftly consumed, and the other side was still at ease. Sooner or later, he would be overturned.

He writhed in his head and gritted his teeth, "Fight it!"


I saw Yan Rensong take out a silver rune to procure mana, the silver light soared, and instantly covered the audience. In an instant, the sky was billowing with clouds, the rising sun was ruthlessly concealed, and a sultry thunder rolled in, blinking to the top of his head.


Qing Buzi trembled, and quickly mobilized the mana of the whole body.


A purple wandering dragon descended from the sky, dancing wildly, growling, and slamming on the target below. With a loud noise, a dazzling light emerged out of thin air, and a figure was blown to the sky and fell heavily to the ground.

It was the blue rags that shattered their clothes and were extremely embarrassed.

He tried a few times, but he couldn't get up. When Gong Suran saw this, he directly judged: "In the first game, Xiaoxiao wins!"

Yun Yazi showed consolation, and rushed to Xiaozhai's hand, "Here it is!"

"You're welcome, he deserves to be beaten!"

Xiaozhai reached out and took it close, and said, "Can you know what's wrong?"


Qing Puzi did not dare to lift it.

"What's wrong?"

"Stubbornly sticking to it, fortunately, is contrary to Refa's original intention."

"Well, there's salvation. You've always loved to show off your cleverness. You should be taught this time, and watch the battle later."


Qing Puzi was pale, and rolled back to Xiaozhai.


The first defeat was tantamount to giving up a place. Yan Rensong is still on the field, seven to six, he must be knocked down as soon as possible!

"Let me go!"

Fang Yuan did not get everyone's consent, and as soon as he was in shape, he went to the high stage.

"Fang Yuan!"

Yan Rensong's pupils suddenly contracted. The second brother of the Bashan school was a shadow of a famous man. He was not an opponent in his heyday, let alone now.

In an instant, he made it clear that the defensive-oriented strategy was to consume as much of the opponent as possible.

"Dao You, please!"


Immediately after the words fell, Yan Rensong stunned, only to feel that the other person's figure was instantly enlarged in the field of vision, as if breaking through the limits of time and space.

He had no time to release a protective cover, but at the same time he was trying to stretch the distance.

As a result, before I waited, I heard Dora, the layer of protection was torn open like a thin piece of paper, and I saw a meteor passing, and my chest hurt.


A thin dagger, submerged half an inch in the chest, was stained with blood, and turned into a thunderbolt to dissipate empty. Looking up again, Fang Yuan didn't move at all, still standing still.

"This this……"

Yan Rensong's expression changed from unbelievable to inexplicable to helpless, "Admire! I lost!"


Fang Yuangongshou ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The camps on both sides were also very surprised, thinking that Yan Rensong could resist a few moves and didn't want to be killed in seconds.

"God read mines, you can't be wrong, it must be **** read mines!"

"Isn't that approaching the threshold of immortals? Wow, I knew that Brother 2 was very strong. I didn't expect it to be so powerful!"

"It is said that Fang Yuan ranks second only in Bashan. How good is Gu Xiaofei?"

For a time, the morale of Shenxiao sent a sharp drop.

"Well, what does it look like!"

After a few minutes of commotion, everyone was stopped by a voice, followed by a familiar face, but it was Xia Lufei, the one who had searched the Phoenix with Gu Xiaofei in the South China Sea.

(The book shortage asks for push books, the type is not limited, and the writing should not be too naive ...)

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