Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 830: 50 years on earth (2)

? Phoenix Mountain, Hou Mountain.

There were more than a dozen people in an open space, full of eagerness. Laoshui walked forward with a ball instrument and urged it slightly, and saw that the ball slammed, turning into a ball of flame and spinning in midair.


The fireball made a few laps and suddenly emitted a long spark. The spark flew to a hundred feet and then suddenly dispersed, turning into a dragon swimming in the sky.

Immediately following, the fireball kept turning and spraying, the second was a Suzaku with wings spread, the third was a white tiger, and the fourth was a basalt ... and then the dragon and the phoenix were auspicious, the unicorn offered his luck, and ten thousand flowers Together, singing and dancing promote many equality.

It took half an hour for the instrument to gradually run out of energy.

This thing looks like a firework, but it is not a firework, because it will move, and life is flexible. These scenes were obscured by large arrays and could not be seen by the outside world.

"Not bad, how much does it cost?" Laoshui asked.

"The cost is not low, but if there is a large-scale purchase, there is still a lot of profit." One disciple said.

"Success! There is a Chinese New Year every year, this thing can be done."

Laoshui nodded, which means that it can be mass-produced and entered the trade list.

The disciples dispersed, cheering up with Yan Han and Li Dong who were approaching. The two curiously said, "Tomorrow is thirty. What cannon do you put today?"

"Fart a shot! It's not the 50th anniversary of Daqing."

Lao Shui greeted the two and sat down, saying, "The document sent by Sheng Tiangang said that from the beginning of the first day, it is necessary to celebrate ten days. All factions have to do some activities. It happened that a kid researched something and I tried Experiment, it's not bad. "

"50 years of celebration?"

Yan Han twitched his head and shook his head: "I did not expect to enter the Xiuxian society, but I still cannot get rid of bureaucracy and formalism."

"We just have auspicious worship, and we can't change it any time." Li Dongdao.

That's right, what is the 50th anniversary, the 60th anniversary, the sixty-sixth, the eighty, the one hundred ... Oh, it ’s okay if you are all right.

These three are the veterans of Fenghuang Mountain. They were piled up innately. In addition to the old water, they also managed things. Yan Han and Li Dong were relegated to the second line.

So the three young guys were drinking and tugging at the skin all day long.

Right now, Yan Han took out two bottles of wine and started to put them on. A cup of old water was dried, and he savored, "Hey, this is a new bar? I haven't drunk it before."

"Lao Guo just brewed it and tried it for you."

"Why didn't Lao Guo come?"

"I have a son again, so I don't have time to deal with it."


Lao Shui almost sprayed, "He has nine children, how can he be born?"

"Nine are counted, there are many wives! Although they are all illegal, they are also their own species."

Lao Guo is Guo Fei, who has been in charge of the distillery. After the development of this commodity, the style of the former capitalist corrupt little boss has reappeared. The lover includes all ages, everything is the smallest, the youngest has just passed the edge of the criminal law.

There was a saying before that, as long as you succeed, your girlfriend may still be in kindergarten. Now, this group of shamans who are less than half a bottle sloshing has further widened the gap.

Not to mention those who are 50 years old and 20 years old.

The three drank and scolded, becoming familiar, but they really despised Guo Fei.

"I have a meeting again in the evening. I wonder how this year's performance will be?" Li Dong suddenly opened the topic.

"It must be better than last year. Boss Xi has a business background and is best at doing business. He took over these years and made a new high every year. We veterans are just waiting for dividends." Yan Han laughed.

"Well, there were layoffs in the mountains, and so many people were kicked out, and now they can actually afford them," Laoshui sighed.

"This is not something to support. To this step, you have to experience pain. You see, now, isn't it more efficient to do things?"

"I know, just ..."

Laoshui took a sip of wine and said, "Maybe people are old and still feel good before. When I was here, I was leading a bunch of little cubs. The conditions were not as good as they are now, but everything was good. Dividing Xuantian and Yingyuan, Houshan has a distillery and a tea garden, not even a large array. Then the real person was still ... "

The atmosphere was sad for a moment, and the two kept silent.

After a while, Yan Han raised his glass and said, "Okay, don't say that! We are fortunate to be here and have a chance to meet, it is the most worthwhile thing. Even if we can't become immortals, we will live a long life and die without illness. Enough for this life. "

"Haha, right, do it!"





"Oh, here it comes!"

Fang Yan wore a small gown, trotting out of the house all the way, his eyes rolled up and down, his heart was satisfied. Fang Qing and her husband, grandson and grandson-in-law, six-year-old great-grandson and four-year-old great-granddaughter, six people, one a lot.

"Don't you say you came back yesterday?"

"There is something temporary in the courtyard, my dad?"

"Look for the old man to play chess. It's cold outside, come in!"

A group of people hurrahed into the room, and the two children took off their thick scarves before saying hello seriously: "Well grandma!"

"Well, good!"

Fang Yuele's eyes narrowed into a seam, and she became more and more fat. She never thought that she would have a day with the fourth generation. In the old saying, this is a great blessing repaired in previous lives!

For the first time, the two children arrived in Baicheng, holding the pavilion, which was extraordinarily novel, but quite reserved. Fang Ye looked out, and held one in one hand to the elder, "Don't recognize the students, they are all in their own homes, sitting in the pit, warm!"

"Wow, it's hot!"

As soon as the big and small radishes touched the head and buttocks, they felt a rush of heat against the flesh, and they couldn't resist through the thick pants. Fang Qing made them take off their trousers and dragged on a mattress pad again, and soon became very comfortable.

My aunt and grandson-in-law were high-level intellectuals. They were very reserved and sat on a stool. They came a few times after they got married, and they were quite impressed. Seeing nothing has changed.

Fang Yan is more than 80 years old, and Fang Qing is in his 60s and 50s. He is the dean of a certain social college at Beijing University. His husband is a former colleague and is well-known in the academic world.

She did not deliberately keep her face, her hair was pale, her face was wrinkled, and the aroma of the book was very strong, but she returned to her nature when she returned home, sitting cross-legged and talking vigorously.

The adults were chatting, and the two children were also chatting:

"Do we live here today?"

"Not only today, my mother said she would live until the fifth day."

"Oh my God, can the house be so small?"

Da Dao opened his eyes wide and loudly unconsciously. The elders listened to each other and laughed, Fang Yan laughed: "Live, live, and come again no problem!"

The Fang family is a traditional three large tiled house. The so-called three houses have bedrooms in the east and west houses, and are called halls in the middle. They are generally used for cooking.

So there are two cards. This is a wonderful thing. Seeing you can't sleep, but you can pack as much as you like, it's incredible!

The people chatted for a while, Fang Qing suddenly stepped down to wear shoes, and said, "Mom, I'll go over there and see."

"Well, it's Chinese New Year, otherwise I want to clean up," Fang said.

No one else asked, it seemed to know what was going on, I saw Fang Qing called the big and small turnips, "Come, go out with grandma."

The two children followed, and stepped on the snow to make a bend in the alley, and entered a very old courtyard.

"This is you ... uh, it should be called Grandpa, or Grandpa, Grandpa."


Children are even more aggressive, and this year ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ few dolls can get a good ranking.

The door was unlocked and opened as soon as it was pushed. The light inside was slightly dim. Fang Qing stood at the door for a while before entering. A familiar and unfamiliar cooktop, leaning on a corner table, a small bench, and the east house door open, the west house door closed tightly.

She paused, advanced the East House, the old-fashioned TV, the oriental red mirror on the table, and a long-abandoned notebook on the front. The hard leather with embroidered pattern on the blue bottom was used for heat insulation of……

Nothing seems to have changed.

She picked up a broom tied with sorghum ears, and the ears were almost gone. She said, "Come, sweep the outer house, and I'll clean up the inner house."


The two children didn't understand, but they were very obedient and rash when they ran out.

Fang Qing put a piece of rag, from the TV to the table, to the large wardrobe on the bed, wiping it carefully.

(And at night ...)

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