Chapter 134 Furnace Cauldron

The monk sitting next to him couldn't help but look sideways. This handsome young man, who was only in the early stages of foundation building, had such financial resources that he had already bought one auction item and was also competing for another.

Liu Yu's expression remained unchanged, and his heart was at peace. The eyes and opinions of others could not affect him at all.

After the price of 2,400 spirit stones was quoted, the venue was silent for four or five breaths. No one made a bid. The other competing monks seemed not to have expected that someone would add so much at once.

"Two thousand four hundred and fifty spiritual stones"

Just when Chi Yunxing wanted to say something and continue to incite emotions to raise the price, a monk finally made an offer.

"Two thousand five hundred spirit stones"

Two breaths later, there was another graceful female cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building who hesitated to make a bid. Judging from her expression, it was clear that it was just a try and she was not sure at all.

"Two thousand six hundred spirit stones"

Liu Yu made a mental calculation and directly raised the price of one hundred spiritual stones.

This price has exceeded the normal selling price by two hundred spirit stones. I believe it has almost reached the psychological limit of the two people who are bidding. Coupled with his attitude that he must win, it is time to give up.

After all, it is not easy to earn spiritual stones, and after Liu Yu has a shop, he can continuously turn the spiritual grass ripened by the immortal mansion into spiritual stones, and earn one or two thousand spiritual stones every month.

This kind of income is rarely achieved by monks in the foundation building stage.

This is all because of the unique advantages of Xianfu. Even if other alchemists are better at alchemy than him, the cost of spiritual grass is much higher than that of Liu Yu, and the net income is far lower in comparison.

After four or five seconds of Liu Yu's quotation, no monk made another quotation. Upon seeing this, Chi Yunxing began to say some emotional words again, trying to exaggerate the advantages of the Wutu Bluestone Formation.

But no matter what he said, no monk made another bid. After all, everyone here was not stupid, and no one acted out of emotion, which would only make the auction house cheaper.

"Okay, if no fellow Taoist continues to bid, this formation will go to the fellow daoist who bids 2,600 spirit stones."

After another four or five breaths, Chi Yunxing asked unwillingly. Seeing that no one had made a bid, he could only announce that Liu Yu had won the bid for this set of Wutu Bluestone Formation.

Liu Yu quickly went to the backstage to hand over the spirit stones and get the formation, and then returned to his original position, not wanting to miss any of the treasure auctions.

After acquiring the "Golden Steel Flag" from the "Wutu Bluestone Formation", there were almost no spiritual stones left in the storage bag, and Liu Yu did not plan to take action again.

Four thousand spirit stones have been spent, which is high-profile enough for a monk in the early stages of foundation building.

However, he was not worried about anyone having any bad intentions. He returned directly to Yuanyang Sect after the auction. There were also many Yuanyang Sect monks who participated in the auction. Could it be that there are still crazy people who dare to commit crimes in broad daylight?

Moreover, with the speed of the foundation-building monks, it only takes half an hour to get from Jiataifang City to the Yuanyang Sect Mountain Gate.

Of course, if he encounters a suitable skill, Liu Yu will still fight for it. After all, it is related to his immortality, so it is worth taking some risks for this.

Treasures were auctioned off at high prices one after another. When the number of auction items reached 70, they were all relatively rare items in the foundation building period, such as high-grade spiritual weapons, powerful talismans, and elixirs that could break through the realm and increase cultivation. The prices were also high. It is getting higher and higher, and most of the participants are mid- to late-stage foundation building monks.

When the 80th auction item was auctioned, it was finally the turn of the skill secret book. A copy of the "Xuan Bing Jue" skill was auctioned. This skill book can be used from the early stage of foundation building to the early stage of golden elixir, and the supporting magic secrets. complete.

It's a pity that the ice-water attribute technique is not suitable for Liu Yu.

In the end, the Xuan Bing Jue was acquired by a well-known foundation-building family for the price of 10,000 spirit stones. It seemed that it was going to be used as a family heirloom.

Time gradually passed, and the atmosphere of the auction gradually reached its climax.

Chi Yunxing clapped his hands, but this time no maid came up with a tray. Instead, three female cultivators with delicate looks and graceful figures walked out from the darkness at the top of the stairs.

Some of them are wearing palace attire, some are wearing thin shirts, each has its own merits, but their every frown and smile exudes a charming atmosphere, which whets your appetite.

"Could it be that these female nuns are"

Liu Yu's eyes scanned his body, and he had a guess in his expression. Chi Yunxing's next words also confirmed his guess.

"That's right, the items being auctioned this time are exactly the three furnace cauldrons from the Qi Refining Period."

"These three women have been carefully trained and are good at the arts in the house. They can make the Taoist friends they photograph enjoy a lot of romance. They are also proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and they are all in perfect shape."

"In addition to basic skills, we also practice special secret techniques, which will help break through the training bottleneck in the foundation building period!"

"Each of them is voluntary. The auction house will never force them, and they will never get into trouble if they take photos of them. However, they also have their own conditions, that is, the monk who buys them must be a foundation-building monk."

"The starting price is eight hundred spirit stones per furnace cauldron, and the increase must not be less than fifty spirit stones!"

Chi Yunxing showed a smile that even a male cultivator would understand, loudly explained the situation of the furnace, and finally announced the start of the auction.

"Nine hundred spiritual stones", "Nine hundred and fifty spiritual stones", "One thousand spiritual stones"

Many monks looked at the three women with fiery and lustful eyes, wishing they could take them and play with them immediately. After Chi Yunxing announced the start of the auction, they immediately quoted one price after another.

Liu Yu's eyes were also a little fiery, but it wasn't because of her looks. Although they were only slightly inferior to Jiang Qiushui in terms of looks, they were far behind in terms of temperament.

The main reason is because it has techniques to break through bottlenecks in cultivation, and it can be supplemented at will to speed up cultivation.

You must know that Liu Yu only has the qualifications of three spiritual roots. It is impossible not to encounter bottlenecks in practice. At this time, the furnace tripod comes in handy, not to mention that he also has a secret book "Traveling" in his storage bag that is specially used to collect and nourish. "Dragon's Picking the Phoenix".

Unfortunately, there are only more than a hundred spiritual stones in the storage bag now. If they want to auction them, they will have to use spiritual herbs to deduct them. Liu Yu has to give up this idea.

The bids on the scene came one after another. The auction house naturally set up control methods on the furnace cauldron. After buying it, it will be handed over to the owner. The life or death of the furnace cauldron can be decided in a single thought without worrying about betrayal. You can train and train it to your heart's content. Play obscenely.

In the end, these three furnace cauldrons were bought at prices of 1,200 spirit stones, 1,300 spirit stones, and 1,350 spirit stones respectively, which caused many monks to sigh, but that was the price. , after all, they are just three furnace cauldrons in the Qi refining stage.

After the auction, the three furnace tripods walked into the stairs at the lower left corner of the red carpet platform one by one and went to the backstage. They only waited for the owner to hand over the spirit stones after the auction and take them away.

The five major sects of the Chu State are all neutral camps and do not favor any side of good or evil. Therefore, although the transaction of furnace cauldrons is prohibited on the surface, it is just a formality, and no one will control the transaction even if it is on the surface.

Of course, Piaoxue Tower is a sect dominated by female cultivators, so you have to be careful within its sphere of influence, otherwise you will be uprooted if caught.

Thanks to Xuanyue Wushuang, Cutting Grass to Root Out Causes and Effects, 20180909203052781, Sejapo, Changing Environment, Oh, It’s Over, 150713081910537 and other book friends for their monthly support!

Thanks to the book friends Zhizhanzhifen 1000 points and Alu 500 points for their encouragement!

Every vote of support is the motivation for updating the work! Thank you Changting!

We can’t go on like this, we must update on time tomorrow!

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