Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 174 Six people survived

Chapter 174 Six people survive

"It seems that the impact of this matter on Yan Hongyu or the family behind her is greater than imagined."

Liu Yu was thoughtful when he saw this.

At this moment, Wu Yuhan walked out from the back of the palace. She first softly comforted Li Tong with a few words, then moved her lips to communicate with Yan Hongyu's spiritual consciousness, and finally announced in public:

"Junior brothers and sisters, please wait a moment. Regarding the No. 6 Spiritual Medicine Garden, the three elders have decided to summon you at noon for questioning."

She spoke in a calm tone and called Yan Hongyu and Li Bu Tong as junior brothers and junior sisters. They seemed to be older or had a deeper background.

At this moment, it was only half an hour before noon. As monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage, these few people would naturally not be impatient, so they should adjust their breath. Liu Yu also closed his eyes and adjusted his breath to "stabilize the injury."

Half an hour later, no more foundation-building monks came to the side hall. There were still only six foundation-building monks who returned from the spiritual medicine garden.

Ding Hui, whom Liu Yu was familiar with, was a quiet and frail female cultivator wearing a long goose-yellow dress. If nothing unexpected happened, she would never come back.

This made him wary. This was the real world of cultivating immortals. If he hadn't been superior in skills, he would have died in the elixir garden.

Wu Yuhan woke up a few people who were adjusting their breath, and took the lead to walk out of the hall.

"Junior Brother Liu, wait a moment"

While walking, Liu Yu suddenly received a message from Yan Hongyu's spiritual consciousness. He turned to look at her and nodded slightly to express his attitude.

The other four people who survived the battle at the Spiritual Medicine Garden also looked over at the same time. The six of them looked at each other and nodded to each other, reaching some tacit understanding.

Compared with the last summons at the waterside pavilion, this time it was undoubtedly much more formal. Wu Yuhan led a few people to the main hall of the city lord's mansion.

The space of this main hall is very vast, about thirty feet long, twenty feet wide, and about ten feet high.

The whole hall is bronze in color, and the building is simple and elegant. There are eight black stone pillars around it as supporting points, and the layout is orderly.

There are nine small steps in the center of the hall. There are three Taishi chairs on the steps, and there are more than a dozen chairs on the left and right sides below. The order is strong and the hierarchy is clear.

The three chairs above are naturally the seats of Elder Jindan. Wu Yuhan has already gone to report. At this time, the elders have not come yet, so naturally Yan Hongyu, Li Buong, Liu Yu and other six people can only wait.

As juniors of the sect and unable to do things well, they naturally did not dare to sit and wait. Even Cao Mengyu, who was the most seriously injured, forced himself to stand up straight.

About a quarter of an hour after arriving, Liu Yuyuan's super-acuity sense felt something strange. When he looked up, he saw that the three Taishi chairs on the steps were all occupied.

Although Elder Jindan controlled his own cultivation aura very well, Liu Yu could still detect the slightest dangerous aura from the three of them. It was like a deep ocean, like a mountain, and it put great pressure on the soul.

Lingjue was warning frantically, and Liu Yu's heart was filled with fear. She did not dare to be careless at all, and concentrated on secretly operating the hidden spirit technique to maintain her own cultivation progress at the normal level of a three-spirited monk.

At this time, his cultivation level is growing faster than that of the two spiritual roots, and he is chasing the alien spiritual root monks. If he is discovered, the consequences will be disastrous. If he investigates deeply, it will be impossible to explain, and the secrets of the Immortal Mansion may be exposed.

The reaction of the other five people was obviously a little slower, and their spiritual sense was far less sharp than Liu Yu's. Even Li Tongtong of Fenglinggen was not an exception. After half a breath, they realized something strange and reacted and looked at the Taishi chair. go.

"Disciple Liu Yu, I have met Elder Yan, Elder Fang, and Elder Sun!"

Wu Yuhan probably went to do other things and did not come back. Liu Yu, Yan Hongyu and other six people lined up in a line and saluted respectfully, and then said in unison.

Although these few people are already monks in the foundation-building stage, they can only honestly call themselves disciples in front of the elders in the golden elixir realm, without any of the prestige they used to have in front of the disciples in the Qi-refining stage.

In addition to the elders Yan Shikuanyan and Zhou Quanzhou who have already met, the last elder of the Yuanyang Sect who is in charge of Wangyue City is named Sun Zekun.

Sun Zekun looked much younger than the first two, a middle-aged man. He wore a Confucian shirt and his hair was tied behind his head with a blue rope. He looked like a bachelor full of poems and books.

This was Liu Yu's first impression. He had heard of Elder Sun's name, but this was his first time seeing him in person.

Elder Yan sits on the centermost chair, with Elder Sun on the left and Elder Fang on the right.

There is no doubt that Elder Yan in the center has the highest status. Secondly, according to the order of respecting the left in this world, Elder Sun's status is higher than Elder Fang.

Many thoughts flashed through Liu Yu's mind. She bent down deeply and did not dare to get up without the elder's words. The same was true for the other five foundation-building monks.

"Get up."

Not long after, a majestic voice came, and Liu Yu recognized it as Elder Yan's voice.

The six people stood up after hearing the words, and then they didn't dare to move or look around to avoid offending the elder. They all stood there with their eyes, nose, nose, and heart waiting for the elder to comment.

"Please tell me what happened first. Yan Hongyu, you, the person in charge, should come first."

About three or four days later, when the atmosphere in the hall was getting heavier and heavier, Elder Yan spoke.

His tone was calm and without any emotion, as if he was doing business and was about to be held accountable.

The other two elders didn't speak, they just looked down calmly, making it difficult to figure out what they meant.

"The enemy cultivators attacking this time include eighteen cultivators in the foundation-building stage and more than eighty cultivators in the Qi-refining stage, totaling about one hundred cultivators."

"Led by Qi Shaoan, one of the six sons of Hehuanmen, they launched a surprise attack on the No. 6 Spiritual Medicine Garden in Yinshi."

"Due to the large number of enemy cultivators and their extremely powerful strength, although our side relied on the Black Water Extreme Wind Formation to hold on, the gap in strength was too large and we were still forced to break through the formation after a while."

"We had no choice but to break out individually."

Yan Hongyu stepped forward with a serious expression, slightly cupped her hands, and spoke out loud about the incident.

The calm words spread in the hall, and everyone listened to her story quietly.

Her tone was calm, and she told everything in detail, without hiding any of her own emotions.

The narrative only slightly exaggerated the strength of the enemy monks, and how they fought heroically for the sect. In the end, when the situation was over, they were so disparate in strength that they had to break through, retaining their useful bodies and continuing to serve the sect.

"You step back first."

After hearing this, Elder Yan remained expressionless and showed no emotion or anger. He waved Yan Hongyu to retreat, and then pointed at Li Bu Tong to ask him to continue speaking.

One after another, there is basically no difference in the content of the story. The only difference is when it comes to how to escape.

Soon it was Liu Yu's turn. He took a step forward without changing his expression and began to speak.

Liu Yu hid the section about collecting spiritual herbs from the Spiritual Medicine Garden, saying that he only encountered a mid-stage Foundation Establishment pursuer at that time. The man was not very strong and was a monk from an affiliated force. After chasing him for dozens of miles, he found that he could not be captured in a short time. Then give up voluntarily.

Every vote of support is the motivation for the author to update! Thank you Changting!

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