Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 182 A visitor from the sect (two chapters in one)

Chapter 182 A visitor from the sect (two chapters in one)

After practicing and understanding the skills, it is time to practice the magic weapons and spells to transform the cultivation into strength.

Two months have passed in a flash, and there is still no news of the mission from the Presbyterian Council in Wangyue City.

Liu Yu didn't think too much and just kept calm and watched what happened. Anyway, it was impossible for him to die. At worst, he would just run away.

Liu Yu was very interested in the "Blood Escape" obtained by killing the white-bearded old man.

The cost of performing this secret technique is not small, but the principle is very simple. Even a monk in the Qi refining stage can perform it, and he has completely mastered it in two months.

There may be a mission coming at any time. Of course, the sooner you learn this life-saving secret, the better.

Now that the secret technique has been fully understood, Liu Yu took out the spiritual grass needed to refine the "Hemolytic Pill" from the Immortal Mansion. Once the Hemolytic Pill was refined, he began to practice "Blood Escape".

The difficulty of refining the Hemolytic Pill is similar to that of the Jingyuan Pill. Compared with the Qingyuan Pill, it is much simpler. With Liu Yu's 35% success rate in refining the Jingyuan Pill, I believe that the initial success rate of refining the Hemolytic Pill is also Not too low.

All the spiritual herbs and elixirs required to refine the Hemolysis Pill require about twenty spiritual stones to ripen one portion. It costs six hundred spiritual stones to ripen and obtain thirty portions of the spiritual herbs.

Five furnaces were refined every day, and all thirty portions of the ripened spiritual grass were consumed in six days. A total of three furnaces were successfully completed, and a total of twenty-three blood-dissolving pills were obtained.

Seeing that the last batch of hemolytic elixirs failed to be refined, Liu Yu expressionlessly cleaned up the impurities in the black and yellow cauldron, then washed the inside of it with clean water and put it into the storage bag with a wave of his hand.

Now that the blood dissolving elixir has been refined, the Blood Sacrifice Escape can be started.

Liu Yu opened the door and came to the practice room, sat cross-legged on the futon, and placed magical weapons suitable for flying in front of him.

"Li Xuan Sword", "Zi Mu Soul Chasing Blade", "Pink Seal", "Golden Steel Flag", "Sharp Gold Sword", "Yuang Golden Bow".

There were also the "Black Iron Rope" and "Yellow Earth Wheel" seized from the white-bearded old man. Two months later, these two magical weapons had been refined and imprinted with divine consciousness.

These are all the top-grade magic weapons and high-grade spiritual weapons in Liu Yu's hands. Of course, he is not the only one with these magic weapons, but there is a big gap between the top- and middle-grade magic weapons and the top-grade magic weapons. Even with the blessing of Blood Escape, the speed is only It is almost the same as the best magic weapon, but its function is very useless.

Looking at the eight magic weapons and spiritual weapons in front of him, Liu Yu fell into thinking.

Among them, the speed of the high-grade spiritual weapon Li Xuan Sword undoubtedly overwhelms the audience and surpasses many top-grade magical weapons. However, this sword is the most powerful among his conventional methods. It must be used against the enemy frequently. If the essence and blood are used, With added blessing, it is likely to disperse the essence and blood inside when facing an enemy.

You can't throw away an extremely rare high-grade spiritual weapon and prepare it specifically for running away, right? This is undoubtedly a matter of discarding the basics and pursuing the last.

Therefore, the Li Xuan Sword is not considered, and the magical weapon that needs to be frequently used against the enemy is not considered.

Liu Yu's eyes wandered back and forth between several top-quality magic weapons, and finally stopped at the sharp golden sword.

The reason for choosing the Ruijin Sword is very simple. In addition to being specially refined and specialized in flying escape like the "Flying Wind Boat", usually the flying swords and flying swords have better escape speed than other weapons. The magic weapon will be slightly faster.

Of course this is not absolute, just a general situation.

The only flying sword and flying sword weapons in Liu Yu's hands are the Zimu Soul Chasing Blade and the Sharp Gold Sword. Among them, the Zimu Soul Chasing Blade has been used for twenty years and is very familiar with it. It is easier to control and displays stronger strength.

The Ruijin Sword has not been that familiar since I first got it a few years ago. Since the quality of the two is almost the same, of course I would choose it.

After making the decision, Liu Yu did not hesitate and put the other magic weapons and spiritual weapons into the storage bag, leaving only the sharp gold sword lying across his lap, ready to start the blood sacrifice.

Liu Yu put his index finger and middle finger together and tapped several acupuncture points on his chest. Then he opened his palm and pressed it on his chest. He used magic power to slowly force out two drops of blood from his heart. He opened his mouth and flew out slowly. Floating in front of you.

The two drops of essence and blood are both bright red, like two crystal clear blood beads, emitting a full blood light.

As soon as it was exposed to the air, wisps of spiritual energy escaped.

Immortal cultivators absorb spiritual energy for a long time. Although most of the absorbed spiritual energy is refined into mana and improves cultivation, a small part is still integrated into the physical body, subtly improving the physical constitution and strengthening the physical body. Over time, the spiritual energy content in the flesh and blood is very considerable. .

If the magic power continues to increase and the physical body remains unchanged, then the meridians, Dantian, and the entire physical body will not be able to withstand the high-intensity magic power and will explode, just like a body that has been filled with air. , it exploded like a balloon that kept blowing inward.

The physical bodies of all immortal cultivators also contain a large amount of refined spiritual energy, and there are even some magic secret techniques that can consume the potential of the physical body, squeeze out the spiritual energy and vitality in the body, and temporarily increase the mana and cultivation level, thus The combat power increases greatly and kills powerful enemies.

It is precisely because the cultivator's small body contains a large amount of spiritual energy, so in the eyes of many monster beasts, it is the best blood food and a real tonic, so they often regard the cultivator as a hunting target.

Liu Yu has practiced to the foundation-building stage, and the total amount of essence and blood in his body is only eight drops. He lost two drops of essence and blood at once, and it would take at least ten years to recover normally.

This is because his current realm is not high. The higher the realm, the higher the quality of blood essence, and the more difficult it is to recover. At the same time, the higher the grade of elixirs and elixirs required to assist recovery.

After the two drops of blood were forced out, Liu Yu quickly turned sickly red, her lips were pale and bloodless, and her aura suddenly dropped by half.

A feeling of weakness gradually spread throughout the body, as if the weight of the body suddenly increased a lot, and it was more difficult to even raise one's hands.

Although his condition became very bad, Liu Yu did not forget his purpose.

He forcibly suppressed the weakness in his body, and continued to perform spells with his palms that were completely different from those in the past, and streaks of red light shone on the sharp gold sword.

This is the first half of the magic weapon in the Blood Sacrifice Escape. After the magic weapon is refined through this magic weapon, it must be quickly integrated into the blood essence. It cannot be too early or too late, and then the second half of the magic weapon is played to complete the sacrifice.

If the magic spell is wrong, or the essence and blood are integrated into the magic weapon too early or too late, the essence, blood and vitality will be wasted.

Liu Yu had already memorized the entire story of Blood Sacrifice Escape, so of course it was impossible to make such a mistake.

After the first half of the spell, the aura of the Ruijin Sword flashed and then disappeared. This was a sign that it could be integrated into blood essence. He pointed at the two drops of blood suspended in the air, dripping up and down on the Ruijin Sword, but strangely there was no blood drop. Spread out, but condensed into a ball.

Seeing that the time had come, Liu Yu fired the magic spells from the second half of Blood Sacrifice Escape one by one, landing on every corner of the sword body. Hundreds of magic spells continued without stopping, covering the sword body without leaving any dead ends.

The Ruijin Sword slowly turned over its body, but the blood beads on it did not drip to the ground. Instead, they gradually integrated into the body of the sword, as if they had been absorbed.

As the blood beads blended in, this dark golden flying sword, a top-quality magical weapon, gradually became stained with blood as if it had been contaminated. Even the spiritual light emitted was mixed with blood.

As time went by, more and more areas of the Ruijin Sword were dyed blood red, and eventually it turned into a blood red flying sword. All the aura turned into bright blood, and there was no trace of dark gold in it.

Liu Yu's heart moved when he saw this, knowing that this was the completion of the blood sacrifice, and then he pressed his hands on the sharp gold sword non-stop to complete the final sacrifice.

The body of the Ruijin Sword was filled with blood, and then slowly converged as if it had reached its peak and then declined, and the blood-red color became lighter and lighter until it returned to the original dark golden color of the flying sword.

Liu Yu took the sharp gold sword after the blood sacrifice and turned it over in his hand to check. After finding that there was nothing wrong with it, he put it away in the storage bag with satisfaction.

The essence and blood have been sealed in the Ruijin Sword, and the effect will not weaken much within fifty years of use, and will not decay rapidly until fifty years have passed.

When needed, you only need to unlock the seal to release the power of essence and blood sealed in it. Use the secret technique to perform "Blood Sacrifice Escape", which increases the escape speed by about 30% to get rid of enemy cultivators.

The duration of the secret technique depends on how much spiritual power is contained in the blood essence. As Liu Yu takes elixirs all year round, the spiritual power contained in the blood essence in his body is naturally richer than that of ordinary monks, so it is not a problem for the Blood Sacrifice Escape to last for an hour.

If the essence and blood sealed in the sword is exhausted and the pursuers have not escaped, you can squeeze out the essence and blood on the spot to continue to maintain the escape technique. However, if this is not the case, your vitality will inevitably be damaged afterwards, and your strength will be temporarily weakened.

But the flaws are not hidden. In Liu Yu's opinion, this kind of escape technique still has merits. You can use this secret technique to distance yourself first, and then escape on the escape boat.

After all, the Fengzhou itself is extremely fragile. If it cannot maintain a certain distance, it will be easily shot down by the enemy.

He was calculating in his mind the advantages and disadvantages of the Blood Sacrifice Escape, as well as how this escape technique could be used in combination with the Fengzhou Escape to escape enemy cultivator attacks in various situations.

At this time, a stronger feeling of weakness that had been suppressed for a long time came, making Liu Yu's body uncontrollably shake slightly.

This was a symptom of lack of essence and blood, resulting in damage to vitality. Liu Yu looked solemn and did not dare to be careless, and immediately patted the storage bag.

He took out the jade bottle containing the "Hemolytic Pill", opened the cork and poured out a longan-sized, dark red pill. He pinched it and put it in his mouth. His Adam's apple twitched and it went into his stomach with a grunt.

Then Liu Yu closed her eyes and looked inside her body with her spiritual consciousness.

After the Hemolytic Pill entered the stomach, it did not exert its medicinal properties as quickly as the pills used in cultivation. It still maintained a stable structure and its appearance did not change much.

Only the outermost layer of skin has undergone slight ablation, and wisps of red powder have fallen off. If you want it to be digested automatically, it is estimated that it will take about a month.

But Liu Yu obviously couldn't wait that long. He changed his mind and controlled the liquid mana in his Dantian to flow over, cooperating with the body's own digestion ability to accelerate the body's absorption of the hemolytic pill.

However, Qingyang Gong was not activated this time. Qingyang Gong is used to improve cultivation and increase mana. This blood-dissolving pill is to replenish the vitality of the physical body. Naturally, the Qingyang Gong cannot be used. Otherwise, wouldn't it be in vain if it is refined into mana?

With the help of mana, the refining of the Hemolytic Pill was much simpler. The whole process was accelerated many times, and the volume shrank by a circle after two hours.

The hemolytic pill was refined into a crimson liquid containing rich spiritual power fluctuations, and slowly blended into the physical body.

It begins to subtly nourish the physical body, making up for the previous loss of vitality due to the consumption of essence and blood, thereby accelerating the birth of essence and blood.

It took a full six hours for the blood-dissolving pill to be completely refined, and Liu Yu opened her eyes.

At this time, Yin's red face had faded a lot, and there was a trace of blood on her lips, as if she had regained her vitality.

But this is only a superficial phenomenon. One quarter of the essence and blood are suddenly missing, and the vitality is also damaged. This is not enough to just make up for the vitality.

The two drops of essence and blood that must be used must be regenerated before a true full recovery can be achieved.

The Hemolytic Pill is just the right medicine, which can quickly replenish vitality and accelerate the production of essence and blood.

Originally, it would take at least ten years to automatically make up for the loss of two drops of blood essence, but with the Hemolytic Pill, this process will be accelerated, taking only about six months, less than one-twentieth of the original time.

Of course, the hemolytic elixir only has an obvious effect on monks below the golden elixir stage.

The quality of the essence and blood of the golden elixir monks is too high, and the spiritual power and vitality contained in it are far from comparable to that of the foundation building period. The little medicinal power of the hemolytic elixir is just a drop in the bucket for the golden elixir monks, and its effect is very limited.

At this time, the strong feeling of weakness had subsided a lot, and Liu Yu carefully accepted the feedback from his body.

The power of the Hemolytic Pill is only integrated into the body and cannot be digested instantly.

A small part is converted into vitality and continues to generate essence and blood, while a large part precipitates and continues to be transformed after the vitality is consumed due to the generation of essence and blood.

This process will be repeated until all the medicine is used up.

Liu Yu estimated the speed at which the power of the Hemolytic Pill was consumed. One pill was consumed in about half a month, two pills in a month and twelve pills in six months.

He now has twenty-three hemolytic pills in his hand, which is more than enough. Even if he consumes more, it will still be enough.

The consumption of essence and blood and the lack of vitality do have some impact on practice, which will cause the speed of practice to slow down, but it is still necessary to add a life-saving trump card for yourself.

The practice of preserving the magical method has not been greatly affected, and I still practice it every two days.

The loss and consumption of "essence" will indeed have little impact on "god" until the foundation is shaken, especially those who already have the embryonic form of the soul.

Liu Yu came to a conclusion.

The peaceful days lasted for more than four months. The arrival of a Qi Refining Stage disciple broke the tranquility of the courtyard.

This disciple has a somewhat handsome face and is wearing the white robe of an inner disciple of the Yuanyang Sect. He looks like a handsome young man.

After notifying the master uncle inside, he stood there obediently waiting for a response. Under the eyes of the master uncle in the foundation-building stage, there was no room for any arrogance.

If the uncle is practicing at a critical moment, it is not impossible for him to wait for a few hours. Anyway, the task is not very urgent, and it is impossible to rush him.

If he offends his uncle because of this reckless move, he will burst into tears.

Fortunately, this disciple had pretty good luck and didn't really have to wait for a few hours.

After the transmission notes were sent out, about a quarter of an hour later, there was movement in the formation in the cave, and an invisible gap was opened in the consciousness.

"Come in and meet me in the lobby."

This disciple received the message from his divine consciousness and did not dare to neglect. He immediately followed the invisible gap opened by the formation and walked inside.

Liu Yu looked at the disciple who walked in, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, this disciple was still alive and could survive the pursuit of the enemy's foundation-building monks and Qi-refining monks and escape back to Wangyue City.

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