Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 199 The Huang Family’s Funeral

Chapter 199 Huang Family’s Funeral

There are more than two hundred Qi refining monks in the Huang family, and almost all of their various immortal cultivation resources are used during the Qi refining period.

For monks in the foundation building stage, it has little effect.

In addition to giving rewards to the younger generations, the only option is to go to Wangyue City to exchange for spiritual stones.

The vision of the monks in the foundation building stage is not comparable to that of the monks in the Qi refining stage. Standing high, you can naturally see far. There are few resources in these storage bags that you don't recognize.

Even if you don't know each other, there will always be someone who knows if you ask each other, so identification is very quick.

Even Li BuTong, a disciple of the Jindan Master who has always been "cold", was also interested in participating.

What rare treasures can a mere monk in the Qi Refining Stage possess?

Of course, except for the one with a huge background and the one with unparalleled luck.

Although there were more than two hundred storage bags, the ten foundation-building monks identified them very quickly and kept moving. It only took about two moments to sort them all out.

The total resources of all kinds are about 40,000 spirit stones. Among them, the monks in the late stage of Qi refining undoubtedly have the most wealth, followed by the middle stage of Qi refining, and the least in the early stage of Qi refining.

In the early stage of Qi refining, even magic weapons cannot be used. Most of the storage bags do not have a decent magic weapon. Most of them are some spiritual talismans, elixirs, etc., which are worth dozens of spiritual stones at most.

It's different in the middle and later stages of Qi refining. Your net worth will be several times higher than in the early stage of Qi refining, because even a low-grade magic weapon is worth a hundred spiritual stones.

Especially in the later stage of Qi refining, you can control multiple magic weapons. If you are lucky, there may be a high-grade magic weapon among them. Therefore, your net worth is basically much higher than that in the middle stage of Qi refining, and it is far from comparable in the early stage of Qi refining.

Among the two hundred cultivators in the Huang family who are in the Qi refining stage, there are about half of them in the early stage of Qi refining and in the middle and late stages of Qi refining.

These resources for cultivating immortals were worth about 40,000 spirit stones, and Yan Hongyu presided over the distribution. Liu Yu was finally allocated about 2,200 spirit stones worth about 2,200 spirit stones.

Because Yan Hongyu and Li were the "captains" of the team and also powerful late-stage foundation-building monks, each of them was allocated a little more resources, five thousand spirit stones each.

The three middle stages of foundation building have resources of 3,000 spiritual stones per person, and the remaining five early stage foundation constructions, including Liu Yu, have resources of 2,200 spiritual stones each.

"What do you, my junior brothers and sisters, think about this distribution method? If you have a better way, just suggest it, senior sister, I won't mind."

Yan Hongyu spoke in front of the public with her eyes moving and a smile on her face. She seemed to be very open-minded and didn't look like a chicken in the slightest.

Her distribution method was relatively fair. Even if she had selfish motives, she did not leave any obvious excuses. On the surface, everyone agreed.

Differences brought about by strength and realm will naturally lead to differences in enjoyment of resources. It is impossible to divide the resources equally, unless one party can occupy an absolute advantage and formulate rules that other parties have to follow.

Just like this time in the Lingshi Mine between Qing and Jing Continents, Yuanyang Sect and Hehuan Sect initially wanted to take it for themselves. After this idea was shattered, they could not accept sharing it equally with the other three sects. At least they had to occupy More shares.

Therefore, when the strength of the five major sects of Chu State was not much different and a balance was vaguely formed, the war could not end for a long time.

"Senior sister's distribution method is very good and very fair. Junior brother has no objection, so just distribute the harvest according to this plan."

Liu Yu has always had a good relationship with Yan Hongyu, and he spoke immediately after she finished speaking, showing firm support.

With this kind of distribution method, he would not suffer any loss, so he would naturally not cause trouble, not to mention that he had already made up his mind to make good friends with the Yan family.

Speaking of which, Liu Yu's strength was not outstanding. In this operation, he did not face the Huang family monks directly. He just slaughtered the Qi Refining monks and harvested a wave of fuel. It was easy and risk-free, so he naturally had no objection to this distribution method.

He successfully completed a sect mission during this trip, and also obtained the Huang family's alchemy inheritance, as well as a "Requiem Grass" that is worth more than many third-level spiritual grasses and can have an effect on the soul. And it's a state of overflowing with water.

That Requiem Grass alone is worth tens of thousands of spiritual stones. I am afraid that the biggest gain from this operation is Liu Yu.

It is a pity that this happiness can only be digested by one person alone and must not be shared with others.

Some people are satisfied, and naturally some are dissatisfied. Two fellow Foundation Architects were seriously injured when they surrounded and killed the Huang family's Foundation Architect elders. They thought that they had contributed greatly to this mission, and frowned at this distribution method.

But seeing that most of the students agreed with this plan, Yan Hongyu, who proposed it, had great influence in Wangyue City, so she had no choice but to accept it with her nose pinched.

Since it is difficult to change the established facts, they will not offend others by speaking out. Except for a very small number of people who can cultivate to the foundation-building stage, there are only a few who are not smart.

The ten foundation-building monks divided up 30,000 of the 40,000 immortal cultivation resources, and left the remaining 10,000 to the city guards, who were responsible for allocating a portion of it to provide pensions to the dead and treat the injured.

After deducting the expenses of 7,788, each city guard can get about 50 or 60 spirit stones. This is indeed a "windfall" for the monks in the Qi refining stage. If you add it together, you can buy a low-grade one. The magic weapon.

Half an hour after Yan Hongyu presided over the distribution of the spoils, after the city guards searched all over the mountains and fields, the Huang family's medicine garden was finally discovered, and the city guards below reported it.

Yan Hongyu, Li Buong and other ten foundation-building monks heard this and immediately rushed over. Faced with the formation, they did not choose to attack.

Instead, they checked their respective harvests, and finally found the formation token in the storage bag of the Huang family housekeeper, and used the control token to open the formation.

The elixir garden in Tianyong Mountain is much inferior to the No. 6 elixir garden of Zongmen B, but it has been managed by the Huang family for more than three hundred years, and the total of the elixirs and elixirs in it is worth a Twenty to thirty thousand spiritual stones is still no problem.

This made several fellow Foundation Architects unable to take their eyes away, and they started to have some thoughts that they shouldn't have.

But Yan Hongyu and Li Buong were here at this time, so they had to suppress their thoughts for the time being. Only when they saw Yan Hongyu registering it as the property of the sect, did they give up their thoughts completely.

When she saw that the spiritual grass planted in the most central and broadest spiritual field in the spiritual medicine garden was missing, Yan Hongyu's face sank slightly, and she had a bad association.

Based on her many years of experience in stationing at the Bingliu Spiritual Medicine Garden, she naturally concluded that this spiritual herb had just been dug up not long ago.

But after seeing that most of the spiritual herbs in the medicine garden were there and there was no obvious shortage, I breathed a sigh of relief this time and didn't plan to pursue it any further.

After all, this "masterpiece" was probably made by one of the disciples present, but she couldn't let everyone open their storage bags for inspection, right?

Fortunately, the man still knew how to act appropriately, so Yan Hongyu just turned a blind eye and pretended not to have seen anything.

Liu Yu saw Yan Hongyu's changing expression from the side, her face was calm and showed no flaws, but she was laughing secretly in her heart.

He was just doing it for the spirit grass itself, not to exchange it for a spirit stone. Since there was already one as a seed, there would naturally be no extraneous consequences.

Half an hour later, all the Huang family monks in Tianyong Mountain were ruthlessly killed. Except for a few Qi Refining monks who escaped and were outside, no one was left alive.

With the support of dozens of city guards, the only voices in Tianyong Mountain and the surrounding area were the Yuanyang Sect monks.

What came into view was a dilapidated scene.

Except for the resource point, which was intact and well-protected, other buildings and the like have been torn down and turned into ruins.

The ancestral hall of the Huang family was burned to ashes by the fierce fire, leaving only black ash on the spot, and no trace of the original remains can be seen anymore.

All Tianyong's resources have been inventoried, and Yue Liang, the commander of the City Guards, drew them into a book and submitted them to Yan Hongyu.

Yan Hongyu has received an elite education from her family since she was a child, and has had many unique experiences, so she handles the aftermath in an orderly manner.

She took the booklet and checked the corresponding resources one by one. After confirming that they were correct, she left two fellow sects in the middle stage of foundation building and thirty city guards to guard here.

Although the two fellow Foundation Builders were reluctant, when Li Tong didn't say anything, the leadership of the team fell into Yan Hongyu's hands. Without a good reason to refute, the two had no choice but to agree.

Yan Hongyu was handling many chores, while Liu Yu and others were either chatting or closing their eyes and adjusting their breath.

Another half hour passed before all the time was taken care of.

"Everything on Tianyong Mountain has been arranged. The two junior brothers can just carry out the arrangements as usual."

"Everything in this mountain now is the property of the sect."

"You two junior brothers must not be careless. If you cause damage to the sect's property, you will bear the responsibility yourself."

Yan Hongyu gave the two foundation-building monks who were left behind a final beating, and then headed to the top of the mountain first.

Eight foundation-building monks and sixty-four Qi-refining monks walked towards the top of the mountain in a mighty manner.

Unlike when they came in a hurry and wanted to catch the Huang family off guard, when they left, the team was not moving very fast.

I even had time to enjoy the scenery along the way, and my mood was completely different.

Liu Yu doesn't talk much. He usually only answers a few questions when others ask him. His sense of presence is extremely low.


After a few mild roars, Guiyuanzhou slowly rose from the ground, then accelerated to the fastest speed and flew towards the south, leaving only a small crater created by the rapid landing.

After killing most of the Huang family's immortal cultivators in Tianyong Mountain, it is time to go back and solve the problems in Tianyong City.

"Kill all the monks, leaving no one alive."

These are the words of the Presbyterian Church.

Yan Hongyu, Liu Yu and other foundation-building monks naturally did not dare to disobey and must implement it meticulously.

But there is a problem now, because there are still more than 200,000 mortals in Tianyong City.

Among them, not all are members of the Huang family, there are tens of thousands of people with foreign surnames who have no relationship with the Huang family.

Moreover, it is extremely difficult to distinguish between Huang family mortals and people with other surnames when they live together.

There is no saying in this world that "disaster does not harm the family". The immortal cultivators of the Huang family were killed for "treason against the clan", and naturally mortals could not escape their involvement.

If the number of mortals was small, they would be dealt with all together, but there were tens of thousands of mortals, but Yan Hongyu was a little undecided.

The Jindan elders did not give orders on what mortals should do or how to deal with it. It was up to them, the foundation-building monks, to make the decision.

In Qingzhou, "treason" is one of the most serious crimes.

It would be too heavy to kill all the mortals at once, and it would not be good to spread the news.

But it would not be appropriate to let it go lightly.

"Junior brothers and sisters, do you have a suitable way to deal with the mortals of the Huang family in Tianyong City?"

On the Guiyuan boat, Yan Hongyu stood quietly at the head of the boat. After thinking about it, she couldn't find a good solution, so she turned to Liu Yu, Li Buong and others and asked.


There was a long silence, and no one said a word.

Because if you don't handle it well at this time, it will inevitably leave a source of gossip, and you may have to bear the reputation of "killing innocent people indiscriminately".

"Killing innocent people indiscriminately?"

Liu Yu thought of this word.

But isn't being weak itself a sin?

He understands everyone's concerns. After all, the sect's neutral position is not completely demonic, and it still needs a little face.

Burning the entire Tianyong City directly with magical fire is quick and easy, but it will undoubtedly leave many consequences.

First, mortals are also a resource.

Only when the base of mortals is large can enough children with spiritual root qualifications be born to inject fresh blood into the sect.

Otherwise, continuing to accept the family's children will lead to the family line gradually becoming stronger, and sooner or later the sect will be turned into private, slowly split, weaken, and perish.

Therefore, it is very necessary for the sect to absorb children with innocent backgrounds and spiritual roots. It is an important force to check and balance the family lineage.

Casual cultivators also fall into this category, but compared to the disciples they have trained since childhood, casual cultivators are not the focus, and are at most a supplementary means.

Secondly, if you kill tens of thousands of unrelated mortals for no reason in order to save time, not only will your reputation be damaged, but you may also be punished by the sect.

"The Qingyang Demonic Fire just needs fuel. Is this possible?"

"No, no, no."

A certain thought flashed through Liu Yu's mind, but then she shook her head to deny it, and finally suppressed it.

Doing this will increase the power of the demonic fire in a short period of time, but it will be extremely disadvantageous in the long run.

If a monk who is hostile to him knows about it, his future in the sect will be ruined with just a little publicity.

From now on, any monk who knows about him will be very wary of him and will have difficulty making any friends.

Cultivation as an immortal is not just about fighting and killing, but also about being human and worldly.

The sect's style is like this, and its disciples are destined not to completely lean towards the righteous path or the devil's path, so that the path in the sect will be easy.

However, Liu Yu didn't have much sympathy for the mortals of the Huang family.

He can't even control his own destiny. He can only be passively involved in this war in the world of immortality. He may die at any time if he drifts with the tide. What qualifications do he have to pity others?

Thinking about this, Liu Yu suddenly had some understanding of the golden elixir old demon who wrote "The Essentials of Demonic Cultivation".

Perhaps it is precisely because he wants to control his destiny in his own hands that the Golden Elixir Demon sacrifices blood to hundreds of thousands of creatures in order to refine magic weapons, right?

After a long silence, Gui Yuanzhou arrived at the top of Tianyong City, but no one spoke.

"Senior Sister Yan, why don't you just set this city on fire?"

After a while, someone finally lost his composure, and Xie Junjie, who was dressed in white and had a handsome face, spoke tentatively.

He didn't want to waste his precious training time because of a bunch of mortals.

What's more, what qualifications do a group of ignorant mortals have to let cultivators waste their time?

In Xie Junjie's eyes, immortal cultivators are superior, while mortals are just cattle and sheep grazing.

There are so many mortals in Tianyong City, and it takes a long time to distinguish them.

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