Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 249: Recovering from the aftermath (two chapters in one)

Chapter 249: Recovering from the aftermath (two chapters in one)

Otherwise, it doesn’t matter what Li Changxiu’s background is.

For a mere foundation-building monk, using a storage ring is too high-profile, and it is considered "transgression" anyway.

The storage bag hanging on this woman's waist should be her storage magic weapon. As for the storage ring, it belongs to the sect and should not be allowed to be taken out of the city lord's mansion.

"If you get all the treasures in the storage ring, can you cultivate to the peak of the later stage of foundation building without any hindrance? Even the connection pill is quite certain."

When he reached the door of the merit point, Liu Yu paused and had a "bold" idea in his mind.

However, after sensing several powerful auras in and around the Hall of Merit through his spiritual sense, he gave up the idea.

If you really dare to do that, you will most likely not be able to leave Wangyue City.

The matter was over, and there was nothing important in Wangyue City. Liu Yu returned to the cave in the south of the city without stopping at all.

There is no time to cultivate immortality, and three months pass by in a blink of an eye.

In the past three months, the situation at Hanwu Lingshi Mine has been relatively stable.

Although the five major sects had their own ideas and "minor" differences regarding how to mine the spirit stone mines, they finally reached an agreement and did not become the trigger for another war in the world of immortals.

One early morning after March, after Liu Yu completed his daily meditation practice, he cleaned up the cave from the inside out, removing all hair, dandruff and other items with his own scent.

Then he nodded with satisfaction, walked out of the cave and headed towards Wangyue City.

Immortal Taoism is private, and his personal interests are different from the interests of the sect. He may one day harm the interests of the sect for his own personal interests, and thus be hunted down by the sect.

It is necessary not to leave your own breath behind.

Liu Yu didn't need to know when this day would come. He only needed to know that if there were enough benefits, such as the opportunity to form a pill, he would definitely take the risk.

During the past three months, he did not stay in the cave to practice. He also went out and disguised himself to attend an exchange meeting held by the Wu family.

Since he was about to leave Wangyue City, he didn't have so many worries.

Liu Yu directly took out more than a dozen bottles of Jingyuan Dan and said frankly that he would give priority to exchange for various exotic flowers and herbs. If there was no satisfactory spiritual herb, then spiritual stones would also be acceptable.

This caused the monks who participated in the exchange meeting to be surprised and suspicious, and they all speculated about the alchemist with a certain background.

Perhaps it was because the war in the world of cultivators was over, so there were one-third more monks participating in this exchange meeting than last time. Unexpectedly, there were unexpected gains.

After the exchange meeting, Liu Yu exchanged for several rare spiritual herbs that were not found in the Immortal Mansion, and also received 5,000 spiritual stones.

Then he easily got rid of the monks who wanted to communicate with him and returned to the cave without anyone noticing, without revealing his identity from the beginning to the end.

As for the masks he participated in the exchange meeting, he also destroyed them afterwards.

Anyway, after returning to the sect, it is impossible to continue to come to Wangyue City to participate in exchange meetings, so there is no need to keep it. Who knows if there is a secret hand that he has not discovered?

After leaving the cave, Liu Yu walked slowly along the way, admiring the sight of Wangyue City for the last time.

As the situation stabilized, more monks came and went from Wangyue City. In just three months, it became more prosperous than during the war. And today, the coalition monks can also return to their hometowns.

Therefore, along the way, many monks can be seen walking towards the city gate, apparently intending to leave the city.

Most of these monks are in groups, ranging from three to five people to more than a dozen people. Most of them are from families or sects, and the least composed of casual cultivators.

Because he was not walking very fast, Liu Yu arrived at Yan Hongyu's cave a quarter of an hour later.

At this time, their aunt and nephew were still stationed at the Hanwu Lingshi Mine, so the cave was naturally empty.

Liu Yu left a transmission talisman in front of Yan Hongyu's cave, and then left a transmission talisman outside Yan Quer's cave according to the location mentioned last time.

The content of the transmission note was to the general effect that the mission was over and he would return to the sect first. Take care, two senior sisters, and our sect will see you again. Then we can sit together and talk about Taoism and so on.

With his current relationship with the Yan family, it is still necessary to say hello like this.

What's more, three years later, Liu Yu still wanted to participate in the apprenticeship conference, find a nominal master as a backer, and expected Wang Yan Hongyu to recommend him.

Standing in front of Yan Quner's cave, Liu Yu thought over and over again to make sure that nothing had been missed, and that everything that needed to be dealt with in the aftermath of the matter in Wangyue City had been dealt with.

So without any hesitation, he walked quickly towards the city lord's mansion.

A quarter of an hour later, Liu Yu rushed to the side hall where Wu Yuhan was, casually ordered a female disciple who came up to inform Wu Yuhan, and then sat on a chair and waited.

He noticed that there were more than a dozen familiar foundation-building monks in the hall, and they should have the same purpose as him.

Perhaps he expected that with today's situation, many fellow disciples would be eager to return to the sect and come to exchange tokens for their respective caves, so Wu Yuhan walked out of the back hall not long after.

"Junior brothers and sisters, are you here to return the cave token?"

"Are you in such a hurry to return to the sect and stop visiting Wangyue City for a while?"

"Wangyue City is not far from the branch of the Hengduan Mountains, and there are a lot of opportunities there."

Wu Yuhan nodded to the foundation-building monks in the hall and said with a smile.

This time, her face was rarely serious, but with a softer smile, as if she was relaxed because the war that swept through the world of immortality was over.

"Senior Sister Wu, it's not that I don't like it here, it's because we have been in Wangyue City for many years and the sect has accumulated a lot of things to deal with, so we have to go back."

"That's right, that's right." "That's right."

A monk immediately replied and gave a reasonable explanation, and many monks quickly agreed.

"If you don't return to the sect, will you be working as a coolie in the city lord's mansion here?"

Some monks cursed in their hearts.

"Since the junior brothers and sisters all have urgent matters and need to return to the sect to deal with them, it is not easy for the senior sisters to stay here."

"Give me the Dongfu Token, and then you, the junior brothers, can return to the sect."

"You can come to Wangyue City to have a look when you have time."

After hearing the answer, Wu Yuhan's face softened slightly, but in the face of the unanimous response, he could only reply helplessly.

As one of the principals of the City Lord's Mansion, she certainly hopes that more of her sect members will stay in Wangyue City, so that the City Lord's Mansion can be more relaxed, but since these sect members are returning to the sect, she cannot forcibly stop them.

Normally, Wu Yuhan and the foundation-building monks in the palace are not in a superior-subordinate relationship. From the perspective of the sect, both parties are foundation-building monks, and their status is theoretically equal.

Upon hearing this, the cultivators in the palace did not show any politeness anymore. They handed Wu Yuhan their cave palace tokens one by one, and then quickly walked out.

Liu Yu returned the token with Daliu and was about to go to the Teleportation Hall when he ran into an acquaintance Cui Liang when he left the hall.

"Junior Brother Liu, what a coincidence. You are here."

Seeing Liu Yu, Cui Liang cheered up and said with a smile.

It seems that for ordinary foundation-building monks, the temptation of selling a bottle of discounted elixir every two years is not small.

Looking at the enthusiastic Cui Liang, this thought flashed through Liu Yu's mind, and then she nodded in agreement.

"That's great. Brother Wei is also here to hand over the token and return to the sect."

"Why don't we go together? Junior brother, wait a moment, I'll just come."

Cui Liang said with a smile on his face, and walked quickly into the hall after receiving a positive reply.

On the premise that it does not affect your cultivation, it is necessary to get to know more fellow disciples, so that you can know about any disturbances in the world of immortality earlier.

Liu Yu crossed her arms and stood waiting outside the hall with her head slightly lowered.

After a while, Cui Liang came out and said with a smile:

"Junior Brother Liu, let's go."

Liu Yu nodded without saying anything, and the two of them walked to the left together.

But when they reached an intersection, the two suddenly separated in two directions.

One person is facing the Teleportation Hall, and the other is facing the door of the City Lord's Mansion.

Liu Yu turned around, slightly stunned, but after thinking about it, he understood.

Cui Liang was also stunned in his eyes. After thinking about it for a moment, he understood the cause and effect. Rao Shiru also felt that his face was a little hot.

Generally, the amount of spiritual stones in a monk's storage bag at the early stage of foundation building is no more than 1,500 yuan. Although he survived the catastrophe and made a small fortune, the amount of spiritual stones in his storage bag is not much.

This Lingshihua doesn't feel bad about his cultivation, but he is not willing to spend two hundred Lingshi to ride on the teleportation array, which is equivalent to half a bottle of Jingyuan Dan!

So Cui Liang had already made plans to fly all the way and spend more than ten days returning to the sect.

He was a little relieved when he thought about Liu Yu's identity as an alchemist. If he were an alchemist, he would indeed be so wealthy.

"Let's go, Junior Brother Liu."

Cui Liang adjusted his direction and said awkwardly.

Now that I have decided to make friends with Liu Yu, I must not break my promise to travel together as promised, so I can only endure the pain of two hundred spiritual stones.

At this moment, Cui Liang felt extremely uncomfortable.

Seeing through it without saying anything, Liu Yu nodded slightly, and the two of them walked towards the Teleportation Hall together.

Wangyue City is one of the largest cities in southern Qingzhou. The Yuanyang Sect has set up a short-distance teleportation array here that can teleport to anywhere in Qingzhou.

To teleport back to the sect from Wangyue City, each person needs two hundred spiritual stones, which is still the internal price of the sect monks.

If it were a monk other than Yuanyang Sect, two hundred and fifty spiritual stones would be needed.

The high price resulted in the teleportation array being turned on infrequently and remaining idle most of the time.

But this time is different. Among the tens of thousands of monks participating in the war, there are always some monks who have made a fortune, big or small, and want to experience a teleportation array.

The teleportation hall is quite busy today. There are more than twenty people waiting here, including monks in the foundation building stage and monks in the Qi refining stage.

When Liu Yu and Cui Liang arrived, the person in charge of the teleportation hall and the only one with the authority to open the teleportation array had not arrived yet, so they had to stand aside and wait.

Cui Liang had already forgotten the embarrassment just now, waved his hand to set up a soundproof barrier, and the two began to chat, mostly with him talking and Liu Yu listening.

Speaking of the rising point, he began to express his views.

Don't forget to have fun while practicing. Life should be timely and enjoyable. It is common for monks like us to have groups of wives and concubines.

At the end of the story, Cui Liang had a vulgar smile on his face, bragging about his achievements in conquering many girls at night, killing them to a rout, and then talked about his experience in "that area".

Liu Yu listened with great interest.

To a certain extent, he agreed with a small part of Cui Liang's views, but he felt that even for pleasure, one should not invest in it without reservation or restraint.

Sometimes, once the door of desire is opened, it is difficult to close it.

"Relaxation to a certain extent."

This is Liu Yu's bottom line. Before reaching a certain height, he must not be careless, otherwise his Taoist heart will easily be shaken.

As his vision improved, he raised his height from the golden elixir stage to the pinnacle of this world.

Only when no monk can threaten his life can he relax.

About a quarter of an hour later, the person in charge of the teleportation hall finally arrived and was able to activate the teleportation array.

The teleportation array can only teleport five people at a time. Although there are more than twenty monks present, there are only nine foundation-building monks, five of whom are monks from affiliated forces.

Naturally, Liu Yu and other Yuanyang Sect monks were ranked among the first batch to leave on the teleportation array. This was the default rule in the world of immortality, and no one who was short-sighted jumped out to object.

After handing over the spirit stones, the five of them walked to the teleportation station and stood quietly, waiting for the teleportation to begin.

When teleporting to each other within Qingzhou, the teleportation distance will not exceed 20,000 miles. It can be said to be very short, and the physical body needs to withstand very little space pressure.

There is no need for "teleportation talisman" or "small movement order" or "big movement order" to protect the physical body. Even a monk in the Qi refining stage can easily bear such a little pressure.

Generally speaking, only when the teleportation distance is more than 100,000 miles, monks in the Qi Refining Stage and Foundation Establishment Stage need the protection of the "Teleportation Talisman" to offset the squeezing force of space on the physical body during the transmission process.

This is not necessary for Jindan monks, because their physical bodies are greatly strengthened in all directions compared to the previous two realms and may bear greater pressure.

Seeing that everything was ready, the master of the teleportation hall did not hesitate to take out three medium-grade spiritual stones from the storage bag in full view of everyone, and put them into the grooves at the four corners of the teleportation array that provided energy for them.

Of course, it is impossible to open the teleportation array just by putting in the spirit stone. Then whoever puts in the spirit stone can use the teleportation array?

Then without hesitation, he took out a transparent crystal the size of a pinky finger from the storage bag and inserted it into an even more inconspicuous groove.

"Escape Stone!"

Liu Yu had read this kind of material in the classics, but before he had time to think about it, there was already a huge movement in the teleportation array.

After inserting the Escape Stone, the teleportation array under your feet quickly began to vibrate slightly. At the same time, the medium-grade spiritual stone that was placed in the groove shone brightly, and then the entire teleportation array began to shine, and it became more and more intense. .

When the aura of the formation reached a certain level, a piece of space stone the size of a little finger released a dazzling white light, which resonated with the formation and caused changes that were incomprehensible to even the monks in the field.

Following this, the formation and the Sky-Escape Stone flashed, and then quickly dimmed and returned to their original appearance.

At the same time, the five monks in the formation had disappeared, and the three middle-grade spiritual stones in the groove were completely turned into ashes due to exhaustion of spiritual energy.

Yuanyang Sect, Qingtai Peak.

Qingtai Peak is one of the seven main peaks of the Yuanyang Sect. The teleportation array that connects the Chu Kingdom's Immortal Cultivation World to other Immortal Cultivation Worlds is set up on this peak.

A large piece of flat land was opened up on the top of this peak, and a broad bronze hall was built on the flat ground. Most of the teleportation arrays were set up in this hall.

This is an extremely ordinary day for the Yuanyang Sect’s mountain sect.

An inconspicuous teleportation array in the Bronze Hall suddenly lit up with white light.

When the white light dimmed, five figures appeared on the teleportation array, and Liu Yu and Cui Liang were among them.

"Dizziness", "Nausea", "Vomiting"

All kinds of discomfort come to the senses.

This was Liu Yu's second time riding the teleportation array. Although the pressure on his physical body was not very great, he still experienced various discomforts.

He knew in his heart that this was a normal thing. The classics said that this was a normal reaction for those who rarely rode in the teleportation array.


PS: The second volume is finished.

Thanks to book friends such as Le Yi Zhi Xia, Zhan Dong, Shang Yue Du Wu, Never Read the Pill Before 90, Se, Wolf King, Garon V Longbar, ztym3333, 20200929203718099, etc. for their monthly support!

Thanks to book friends Shi and Wolf King for their 1,500 point coins and 20170925221934449_200 point coins for their encouragement!

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