Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 259 Neither good nor evil (two chapters in one)

Chapter 259 Neither good nor evil (two chapters in one)

Liu Yu's eyes returned to calmness, and he carefully looked at the newborn creature.

Newborn babies generally have wrinkled skin, sticky afterbirth and amniotic fluid, and an unpleasant smell.

It needs to be washed and grown a little before it can stretch out.

it? No, he.

He weighs less than six pounds, looks a little thin, and is about a little over a foot tall, a little smaller than a domestic cat.

Exposed to such a harsh environment, even if his life is relatively tenacious, the vitality in his body is gradually weakening, and his breathing and heartbeat are getting lighter.

If you leave it alone, you will die naturally in less than a moment.

However, this little guy is lucky.

So it doesn't have to be death soon after, it doesn't have to be the end as soon as it begins.

Liu Yu does not mind using most good or evil means to achieve his goals, and he has never been shy about killing. It can be said that he kills without blinking an eye.

But that is only when interests are related. Normally, they will not kill for no reason, nor will they kill for fun.

However, even if the interests are unrelated, they may not be willing to help other monks or mortals.

Every world has its own color. No matter where it comes from, living in the world will inevitably lead to the color of that world.

But now, after completing a satisfying revenge, he didn't want this newborn life to disappear.

Liu Yu stretched out his palm, ignoring the dirt and filth, and slowly peeled off the afterbirth on his body.

Then, ignoring the amniotic fluid on his body, he gently placed his palm on his chest.

The mana circulating in the Dantian gathers in the palm of the hand through the meridians, and then is transformed into pure wood-attribute spiritual power, which is slowly injected into the baby's thin body.

Qingyang Kung Fu is originally a fire and wood dual attribute technique. Although it is not a pure wood attribute technique, it is still extremely simple to transform into wood attribute spiritual power.

Liu Yu carefully controlled several strands of wood-attribute spiritual power and spread them throughout the baby's body, focusing on protecting the heart and internal organs.

Then his palm moved away from the baby's body, completing the treatment.

In Liu Yu's keen spiritual sense, he could feel that the vitality in his body was no longer dissipated, and his heart pulse and breathing gradually became smooth and powerful.

Among all auras, the wood attribute is the mildest. To a certain extent, it also contains the most vitality and is easier to absorb and refine.

And these wood-attribute spiritual powers, after Liu Yu's special treatment, are already in a very mild state, and even a newborn baby can absorb them.

Spiritual power is a great tonic for mortals. These wood-attributed spiritual powers will gradually be absorbed by the baby, slowly strengthening the body.

It is a blessing in disguise for this little guy. If he does not die unexpectedly, he will be a natural martial arts training material in the future. His life span will be longer than that of ordinary mortals, and there will be very few diseases.

Looking at the amniotic fluid on the baby's body, Liu Yu frowned slightly.

Then he took out a large piece of thin cyan brocade cloth from the storage bag, tore off a small piece and used magic power to condense a stream of water to wet it, and then wiped his body carefully.

After a while, he wiped it clean and turned into a white, thin and wrinkled little guy, and then wrapped it in a blue brocade cloth.

At this point, the little guy is considered to be out of danger, and the promise of saving his life has been completed.

Looking at his closed eyes, Liu Yu showed a smile on his face.

It was said that it was too late, but it was so fast. From the time of casting the cloud and rain technique to resuscitating the baby, it only took about twenty breaths, because the movements were so extreme that it did not take long.

Holding the baby in his arms, he gently jumped onto the escape boat, and a jet of black light rose into the sky, speeding towards the sky passage.

A quarter of an hour later, the flying boat flew out of the sky, and the dark flying light continued to fly towards Yuanyang Sect without stopping.

On the Dunfeng boat several hundred feet high, Liu Yu's eyes moved around and scanned the ground, looking for a suitable place.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed and he saw an official road, and then he controlled the shield wind boat and plummeted down.

Just when it was about to hit the ground, Dunfeng Zhou suddenly stopped and stayed one foot above the ground, forcibly changing the inertia of the object's movement.

This is an ancient official road similar to previous generations. It is overgrown with weeds on both sides and is about two or three feet wide on the left and right. There are shallow traces of wheels on the road.

However, these wheel prints and horse hoof prints are relatively old, and the latest marks are several days old. It can be seen that people do not often pass through this official road.

Liu Yu lightly jumped off the Dunfeng Boat, walked up to the official road, looked around and randomly chose a more conspicuous position.

Then he walked to a conspicuous place beside the official road, bent down and put down the baby wrapped in blue brocade cloth, then without looking back he jumped on the sailboat and soared into the sky, turning into a jet of black light and disappearing into the sky.

He had no intention of contaminating cause and effect, so he naturally did not name the baby.

On the light escape boat, the little guy had been fed a small mouthful of spiritual spring, and with some spiritual energy in his body, even if he didn't eat or drink for three or four days, his life would probably not be in danger.

The reason why the woman agreed to save the baby's life may be because she felt good about having her old grudge repaid.

It is also possible that he didn't want to see a life end just after it began, which would ruin the scenery, so he came to help.

Doing whatever he wants, Liu Yu has never set his stance on good or evil, or between justice and evil.

Now that the commitment is completed and placed on the roadside, whether it lives or dies has nothing to do with you.

Promising a woman to save him does not mean taking care of him when he grows up. The little guy should just ask for his own blessings.

On the escape boat, Liu Yu's eyes were as calm as water.

There are still people walking on that official road, although it doesn't happen every day, but if you're lucky, maybe if he walks in front, someone will pass by on the back.

Maybe you just meet a kind family, or a childless family, and feel compassion for you and adopt him?

However, this possibility is actually very low.

There are many wild beasts in the lush mountains and forests here. The biggest possibility is that they will be discovered by the wild beasts before they can wait for human presence and die.

Secondly, the people you meet may not necessarily be kind, and it is not easy for ordinary people to survive. If you are not a relative, you may not necessarily help.

So objectively speaking, the baby's survival rate is very low.

"What does it have to do with me?"

Liu Yu smiled faintly and said that saving his life was just a temporary move on his part.

As for the village being destroyed due to his battle with Du Jingshan, he didn't feel there was anything wrong.

In this world, the life and death of mortals are controlled by immortal cultivators. It is too normal!

Immortal cultivators will not give way to mortals, high-level monks have no place for low-level monks in their eyes, and giants will not care about the life and death of ants under their feet.

Today, a whole village of mortals died due to the aftermath of his fighting skills. Tomorrow, Liu Yu might also die due to the impact of the high-level monks' fighting skills.

Immortal cultivators spread their influence to mortals, and giants accidentally trample ants to death. Such things happen in this world every moment.

Of course, it is not the giants, nor the cultivators, nor the world that is wrong, but the weak ants and mortals.

The root of everything comes from weakness, and weakness itself is a sin!

The main theme of this world is that the weak eat the strong. This law is everywhere.

Even areas controlled by the so-called righteous path are no exception, but are presented in another less naked way.

"In the eyes of immortal cultivators, the life of a mortal is as clearly visible as the lines on the palm of your hand, and there are no miracles."

"So in the eyes of high-level monks and even true immortals, am I also an ordinary "mortal"?"

Liu Yu lowered his head to recall the past and fell into deep thought.


I am by no means ordinary, and I cannot possibly become ordinary.

The existence of Immortal Mansion is light and a miracle!

It is a miracle born out of impossibility. For Liu Yu, it is the only light in the cruel and dark world of immortality.

What he has to do is to stand in the dark world, embrace this light, embrace this miracle.

This miraculous light and light are neither good nor evil, and are closely related to Liu Yu. The colors of the two are the same.

He will use this to defy heaven, transcend all living beings, and control his own destiny!

One day later, Liu Yu faced the rising sun and returned to his sect, heading straight back to Caixia Mountain.

He sat on a stone bench next to the stone table in the cave hall. On the table were a high-grade storage bag and eight low-grade storage bags, quietly feeling the thrill and pleasure of revenge.

The most important thing about this trip is to understand cause and effect, not for trophies, so when faced with these storage bags, Liu Yu had no joy or sadness on her face.

And after all, the Treasure Building is only opened by an ordinary foundation-building family, so how many precious things can it contain? How many can you carry with you?

Although Liu Yu was only in the early stage of Foundation Establishment, the precious things that ordinary monks in the Foundation Establishment stage had already looked down upon.

First, open Du Jingshan's storage bag. As expected, there are many various magical instruments, talismans, and elixirs.

Among them, the magical instruments are the most valuable, and there are four of them of the highest quality.

Although they are the most common kind of eight or nine hundred spiritual stones, the quantity is so large that they are worth more than three thousand spiritual stones. This does not include the three top-quality magic weapons that were damaged by the Qingyang Demonic Fire. situation.

Together with other magical weapons of the upper, middle and lower grades, the total value is about 5,500 spiritual stones.

Du Jingshan's most powerful offensive weapon is the jet-black cone, a high-grade spiritual weapon, and the most defensive brown-yellow umbrella. Liu Yu took both of them in his hands and looked at them carefully.

Finally, its names were found on the two entities, namely Netherworld Soul-Severing Cone and Thick Earth Sky Umbrella.

Like the Green Dragon Halberd, the Netherworld Soul-Severing Cone is a magical weapon that focuses on attacking, and its power is not much different. The Thick Earth Sky Umbrella, like the Golden Steel Flag, is a magical weapon that focuses on defense. Because of its quality, it is even better in terms of defense. Over two chips.

These two trophies were good and could increase his strength, so Liu Yu decided to refine them on the spot.

There were three bottles of Jingyuan Pill taken in the early stage of foundation building, two bottles of Yangyuan Pill taken in the middle stage of foundation building, and one bottle of Shengyuan Pill taken in the later stage of foundation building.

These foundation-building elixirs alone are worth almost three thousand spirit stones, plus various scattered Qi-refining elixirs, the total value of the elixirs is about four thousand spirit stones.

In addition to the magic weapons and elixirs, there are talismans. Among them, all the second-level talismans have been consumed by Du Jingshan in the battle. The remaining ones are some first-level talismans, which are worth about seven or eight hundred spiritual stones in total.

There are also scattered other resources, which are also worth about seven or eight hundred spirit stones.

In addition, there are fifteen pieces of middle-grade spiritual stones, but Du Jingshan did not carry them with him regarding the martial arts. The Du family's confidentiality measures were still good.

As for the net worth of the eight Qi Refining Stage monks, they are not worth mentioning in comparison. Perhaps because they have just left the profession, they are all relatively "poor".

On average, each person only has a net worth of about 200 spirit stones, and a total of about 1,600 spirit stones, half of which are spirit stones and resources.

Not counting the Netherworld Soul-Severing Cone and the Thick Earth Sky Umbrella, and excluding the 2,300 spiritual stones, this harvest is worth more than 11,000 spiritual stones, of which Du Jingshan alone contributed 10,000 spiritual stones. H.

But those things in the storage bag are definitely not all his. Many of them should have been brought to Jubao Building by the Du family for sale, so it is not that exaggerated.

But for Liu Yu today, tens of thousands of spirit stones are not a big deal, and there are twenty thousand spirit stones lying quietly in his storage bag.

Instead, it was the Netherworld Soul-Severing Cone and the Thick Earth Sky Umbrella that made him pay some attention.

Even if you have enough spiritual stones, it will take a lot of effort to buy such a sophisticated spiritual weapon.

For ordinary foundation-building monks, it is a rare thing.

Liu Yu put the four top-quality magical artifacts and second-level elixirs into his storage bag. These magical artifacts and elixirs were relatively precious and might be used in the future, so he was not in a hurry to sell them.

As for the miscellaneous magic weapons, elixirs, talismans and other resources that he did not need, the total value was close to six thousand spirit stones, and they were packed separately in three storage bags.

Since the cause and effect were resolved, Liu Yu's mood became lighter.

If the Du family doesn't take the initiative to find him, they won't be prepared to cause trouble to the Du family again. After all, this is mainly a grudge between him and Du Jingshan.

"Of course, if the Du family insists on entangled, then don't blame Mr. Liu for being cruel."

Liu Yu thought silently, a cold light flashing in his dark pupils.

Subconsciously, he glanced at the room where Jiang Qiushui was retreating. Seeing that there was still no movement, he stood up and entered the practice room. He sat cross-legged and began to practice Qingyang Kung Fu and Shen Shen Miao Technique.

Three days later, Wu Chang came to visit as promised.

Liu Yu, who was deliberating the Green Bamboo Alchemy Sutra, stopped, took out the token, opened the formation, and at the same time sent a message to let him in.

"Wu Chang meets Uncle Liu."

Wu Chang bent down and cupped his hands.

The two of them are relatively familiar with each other, so there is no need to be so solemn when saluting, but what remains unchanged is the iconic honest smile on his face.

"No need to be polite."

"You came as promised, but have already made a decision?"

Liu Yu casually put down the Green Bamboo Alchemy Sutra and spoke calmly.

Live the Qi and nourish the body.

As he built his foundation for a long time, he naturally developed the temperament of a superior person, calm and self-confident when facing Qi Refining disciples.

"Yes, I am willing to do my best for my uncle!"

When talking about this matter, Wu Chang put away his smile and said solemnly.

"Well, not bad, not bad."

Liu Yu stared at him for two or three breaths, until sweat broke out on his forehead, and then he praised him.

Then he pondered slightly, and after a breath or two, he flicked it in the storage bag, and a black porcelain bottle appeared on the stone table, saying:

"Liu never treats his own people badly. This bottle of melting spirit water was obtained by chance. I have no use for it long ago, so I will give it to you."

Melting spirit water is a relatively precious auxiliary foundation-building substance. It has some auxiliary effects on monks' foundation-building. Its price is about three hundred spirit stones.

"Given by the elders, I dare not refuse!"

"Uncle Master, if you have orders, I will go up to the mountain of swords and go down to the sea of ​​fire without any hesitation!"

Wu Chang was not polite, and his current embarrassing situation did not allow him to make a fool of himself, so he decisively accepted the gift and showed his loyalty.

"Since you are going to do things for Liu from now on, then you have to start talking ugly."

"What I ordered..., do you understand?"

"If you violate any of the rules, don't blame Liu for not remembering the old relationship."

"Of course, if things are done well, your benefits will be indispensable."

Liu Yu's face became serious again, and there was a slight chill in his words, and the words released a faint spiritual pressure.

As soon as these words came out, it seemed that the atmosphere in the hall became tense.

"Disciple understands that I have kept my uncle's words in my heart, and I dare not forget them at all times. I must always be vigilant!"

Wu Chang held his hands heavily and said solemnly.

He knew in his heart that from today on, the relationship between the two of them was that of fellow disciples and master and servant, so he became more cautious when facing Liu Yu.

Seeing that the tapping effect was good, Liu Yu's face softened and became cheerful, as if nothing had happened just now.

Then he asked Wu Chang when he was going to attack the foundation. After learning that he would start attacking the foundation half a year later, he waved him off.

Before leaving, he handed him a storage bag containing immortal cultivation resources, which contained part of the trophies obtained from the Du family, and asked him to process them into spiritual stones.

The formal relationship has just been established and there is no restriction on the soul. Of course, it is impossible to trust him too much, and it is impossible to hand over all the resources for cultivating immortals to Wu Chang at once.

This small part is worth close to two thousand spirit stones, which is already a "huge sum" for the monks in the Qi refining stage, and it can be regarded as a test.

"I hope you won't disappoint me, otherwise..."

Liu Yu's eyes flickered, thinking about some backup plans and possible accidents.

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