Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 262 An unexpected guest (two chapters in one)

Chapter 262 An unexpected guest (two chapters in one)

It is foreseeable that as positions change, many matters will change.

If it is allowed to develop freely, the familiar classmates in the past will definitely drift away.

But if all of this is maintained by interests, it will be completely different.

Therefore, in the past three years, Liu Yu intentionally or unintentionally spread his identity as a second-level alchemist. As expected, some familiar colleagues came to visit,

When questioned, Liu Yu frankly admitted his alchemy skills and promised to sell some elixirs to these fellow disciples on a limited basis and at a more favorable price.

Of course, the number of elixirs flowing out will never be large and must be in line with the number of normal alchemists, but the purpose is still achieved.

Although there were all kinds of overt and covert fights among the Yuanyang three meridians, with Patriarch Tianfeng pressing down on them, they still maintained a relatively restrained attitude and did not fall into crazy internal strife.

There is no lack of fights and frictions among the monks of the Three Meridians, but there is also no lack of private interactions with each other, so Liu Yu's actions do not violate taboos.

Sufficient connections can reduce dependence on the Yan family. Although both parties are still in the "honeymoon period", it is unclear what the situation will be in the future.

Liu Yu always likes to plan early.

Three years have passed, and tomorrow is the apprenticeship ceremony. He walked back to the cave and once again took the rare spiritual grass book and read through it.

Memorizing the appearance characteristics, functions and growth conditions of various rare spiritual herbs will be useful whether you are an alchemist or traveling in the world of immortality.

The lights in the hall stayed on all night, and the owner stayed up all night reading.

On the second day, Mao Shi just arrived.

Liu Yu, who had been awake for several days and nights, was still in high spirits. He put several thick volumes of rare spiritual grass illustrations into his storage bag, sorted out his clothes a little, and then left the cave.

Although his cultivation level has reached the peak of the early stage of foundation building, Liu Yu immediately activated the hidden spirit technique as soon as he left the cave, hiding less than half of his cultivation level and mana. His external cultivation level was ordinary, and his cultivation speed was maintained at the same level as that of a three-spirited monk. A little bit faster.

Using high-grade spiritual weapons in the early stages of foundation building is still too eye-catching.

Adhering to the principle of keeping a low profile as much as possible, although he already has four high-grade spiritual weapons in his hands, he is not prepared to show them to the public unless it is absolutely necessary.

He will not keep a low profile blindly, but he will still hide his clumsiness when he should.

With a pat of the storage bag, he took out the Son-Mother Soul-Chasing Blade. Liu Yu skillfully controlled the magic weapon and soared into the sky, turning into a black light and flying towards Tongtian Peak.

Jiang Qiushui also met the conditions to participate in the ceremony, but Liu Yu "discussed" with the woman and "persuaded" him not to participate, and she agreed without much hesitation.

Although the Yuan Shen restriction planted according to the Mystical Method of Cun Shen is extremely secretive, it is still possible to discover it if the Golden Pill cultivator carefully investigates.

If Jiang Qiushui is lucky enough to be valued by an elder, the variables will undoubtedly increase.

Liu Yu simply let this girl sit in the Jinxing Jade Pill Hall and not go to watch the apprenticeship ceremony.

Tongtian Peak is the only fourth-order spiritual mountain within the Yuanyang Sect's mountain gate. It has reached the point where it is close to the fourth-order high-grade. It is the absolute center of the Yuanyang Sect. The entire sect is built around this spiritual mountain and then spreads out to the surroundings.

The seven main peaks surround it for hundreds of miles and spread out from the center of this mountain. Generally speaking, the closer to the Lingshan Mountain of Tongtian Peak, the higher the level of the Lingshan Spiritual Vein, except for special cases.

This situation is said to have started after the Yuanyang Sect ruled Qingzhou and became the overlord. According to legend, the Yuanying Patriarch at that time bloodbathed the remnants of the previous generation's power, drove out all his disciples, and used his spiritual power to move mountains and reclaim seas. , forcibly moved to Yuanyang Zongshan Gate, creating the current structure.

Tongtian Peak condenses the most elite power of Yuanyang Sect. There are nearly two hundred foundation-building monks practicing in it. There are also a dozen Jindan elders who live here. The cave of Dinghai Shenzhen Patriarch Tianfeng is at the top of the peak.

Liu Yu continued to control the light for a moment, and it was not until three hours later that a majestic and majestic spiritual mountain came into view.

Tongtian Peak is graceful, majestic and majestic, reaching an astonishing height of more than 3,000 feet. It is only halfway up the mountain where it is shrouded in clouds and mist. As for the higher places, only a hazy black shadow can be seen through the clouds and mist.

From a distance, it looks like a giant pillar holding up the sky. The sky and the earth are supported, and it seems to play a role in connecting the sky and the earth, connecting the two into a whole.

In the eyes of secular mortals or low-level monks, this is a legend and a myth!

No matter how many times he saw it, Liu Yu was still shocked.

Even though he has reached the foundation-building realm, he still looks as small as an ant under the majestic Tongtian Peak.

As the distance gradually approached, Liu Yu calmed down the ripples in his heart, retracted his gaze, and controlled the escape light to reach the foot of Tongtian Peak.

At the top of the mountainside is the cave where Elder Jindan and Yuanying Ancestor sit. The foundation-building monks cannot go there for no reason, so the apprenticeship ceremony is naturally held at the foot of the mountain.

The late sunlight was no longer so hot, shining on a square at the foot of Tongtian Peak.

This square is extremely wide, with an initial estimate of three to four hundred feet in length and width. It is called Zhenyang Dojo.

To the east of the square, many pavilions, waterside pavilions and other styles of buildings have been built. They are all simple and natural, not very luxurious and beautiful.

In normal times, some Foundation Establishment monks would sit here and talk about Taoism, exchanging practice experiences and various insights. If they had different ideas, they would often argue with each other.

On the west side of the square, five fighting platforms with a length of 20 feet and a width of 20 feet were built. They were all made of black diamonds that could be used to refine high-grade magic weapons. Countless monks marveled at the sect's generosity.

A skilled formation master was also invited to take action, and various high-level runes such as strength, fire resistance, and ice resistance were engraved on the fighting platform, which was enough to withstand the fighting skills of the foundation-building monks.

If a monk has newly mastered a powerful spell, or obtained a powerful magic weapon, he can invite his friends to the stage to discuss it.

Every few years or more than ten years, Elder Jindan would appear here to give lectures and impart practice experience. If the elders are in a good mood for a certain period of time, they may be able to listen to sermons for several years in a row.

Of course, the monks who come here to listen to the sermons are not limited to those whose caves have settled in Tongtian Peak. Foundation-building monks who choose to open caves in Lingshan within the sect can also come.

Liu Yu flashed his light and landed on the Zhenyang Dojo. He put the Soul-Chasing Blade into his storage bag and then walked towards the building to the east of the dojo.

At this time, there were nearly two hundred monks scattered among the buildings on the other side of the dojo, either drinking tea or wine alone, or gathering in groups of two or three to talk about current affairs, scolding Fang Qiu for his guidance.

Tongtian Peak Cave House, even at the foot of the mountain, can only be owned by those in the early stage of foundation building. Therefore, disciples in the Qi Refining Stage are generally not allowed to approach Tongtian Peak, so naturally they cannot come to watch the apprenticeship ceremony.

Therefore, among the two hundred people, only a dozen or so were in the Qi Refining realm. Obviously, these people had a lot of background.

As for the other hundred or dozens of foundation-building monks, most of them came to watch the fun. Liu Yu didn't believe that there were so many qualified monks. In that case, the competition would be too fierce.

The feeling of cultivation is very comfortable, but the life of ascetic cultivation is boring and boring for ten years. Not all monks can endure it.

It happened to be an event that happened only once in forty years, so it was normal for it to be lively, and he completely understood.

What's more, maybe he can become familiar with Elder Jindan?

Liu Yu found the senior brother in charge of registration, politely handed over the sect token, briefly talked about his situation, and successfully completed the registration.

Then he changed his eyes and scanned the pavilions and waterside pavilions, planning to sit down somewhere first. After all, the apprenticeship ceremony will only start in Xu, and there are still several hours left. Standing here all the time is too conspicuous.

"Junior Brother Liu, this way!"

At this time, a familiar voice came.

"Cui Liang" "Qian Zhijin"

Liu Yu turned his head calmly and saw two familiar classmates sitting in a small pavilion greeting him.

Cui Liang is already very familiar with this lustful ghost.

As for Senior Brother Qian, who is more greedy, Liu Yu actually has a good impression of him. Although this person is a little greedy, at least he has good credit and is very principled when he receives spiritual stones.

He likes to associate with such monks who are trustworthy and principled.

With a smile on his face, Liu Yu walked towards the small pavilion. As he got closer, he held his hands in the distance and greeted warmly:

"Senior Brother Cui, Senior Brother Qian."

"Senior Brother Qian, we haven't seen each other for many years. I haven't even congratulated him on establishing the foundation."

"I didn't expect that I hit the nail on the head back then. You and I were both promoted to Foundation Establishment. We didn't even have to change our names, which saved us a lot of effort."

As they were both building foundations, the two of them naturally didn't know how to stand up, so they stood up and held their hands from afar.

Qian Zhijin smiled and said:

"When I saw him that day, I felt that Junior Brother Liu was very extraordinary and definitely not something that could be found in a pond."

"It seems that my guess was correct today. Junior Brother Liu has really broken through the foundation building bottleneck."

"What's even more rare is that my junior brother has also made rapid progress in the art of alchemy. If things continue like this, we can expect golden elixirs in the future!"

He said this, obviously already knowing Liu Yu's deeds.

Qian Zhijin's mood was very complicated. He had witnessed with his own eyes that Liu Yu had risen from an ordinary outer sect disciple to the inner sect in a short period of time. Later, he even broke through the foundation building and became a second-level alchemist. It was a smooth road.

The Yan family's care? Or is there another adventure?

Qian Zhijin didn't know, but he understood that he should never offend such a monk.

"What the hell, Senior Brother Qian deserves the prize!"

"Building the foundation is also very dangerous. I succeeded only by luck. I also had a sudden inspiration for alchemy, and I made rapid progress."

"It's just luck. I don't deserve Senior Brother Qian's praise."

Liu Yu was already quite familiar with this business exchange of blows, so he laughed and quietly steered the conversation elsewhere.

"Junior Brother Liu is here also to participate in the apprenticeship ceremony?"

"Then you and Junior Brother Qian might become rivals."

The three of them sat down while chatting and laughing, Cui Liang joked with a smile.

"I'm just waiting to show off my talents a little bit. The choice is entirely up to the elders."

"It has little to do with each other. The key lies in the choice of the elders. They are not competitors at all."

"If the elder sees the right person, it is not impossible to pick three or five in a row. If the elder has no intention of doing this, no matter how he behaves, it will have little effect."

Liu Yu shook his head slightly and said with a smile.

"Junior Brother Liu is right, that's exactly what it is!"

Qian Zhijin nodded slightly, agreeing with this statement, and then sighed softly.

At this point, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Cui Liang smiled when he saw this, and took the initiative to talk about some men's topics to adjust the atmosphere in the pavilion.

When Qian Zhijin talked about this, he became energetic. The two of them had "strange" smiles on their faces and talked endlessly. They seemed to have a common hobby.

"Money and sex don't separate families."

Liu Yu sighed inwardly when he saw this.

But if the two of them knew that he was already an "appointed disciple," how would they feel?

Liu Yu listened most of the time, and occasionally added a sentence or two, but obviously did not focus all his attention on it, and his eyes began to wander among the pavilions and waterside pavilions.

He could only name a very small number of the Foundation Establishment monks present, and most of them were strangers or familiar faces.

Suddenly, Liu Yu's eyes paused and fixed on a monk wearing a red robe, with a fair face and fiery red eyebrows.

Judging from the aura of his cultivation, he is still in the category of newly promoted foundation building, but there is a faint evil aura on his body, which can only be formed when too many monks of the same level are killed.

"If you guessed correctly, this person is Zhou Yan, the "Little Flame Demon" who was extremely famous during the Qi Refining Period, right?"

Liu Yu flashed this idea. Although he had never met him, judging from his cultivation and appearance, he was 80% sure.

It is rumored that Zhou Yan is extremely talented in fire-attribute spells. He has reached the point where he can easily cast them, and his quick power is extremely high.

Those fiery red eyebrows are obviously the result of practicing fire-attribute skills to a high level, and their skills are definitely not ordinary skills.

Perhaps because he had been watched for a long time, the red-browed man, who seemed quite aloof when drinking alone, noticed it, frowned and suddenly turned his head to look over.

As if due to his nature, his eyes looked a little fierce.

Liu Yu didn't feel guilty at all when he was discovered by secretly observing. He looked at him calmly, and the evil spirit was like a breeze blowing on his face.

Two moments later, the two of them looked away in unison.

"Junior Brother Liu, this person is the Zhou Yan who shined in the Hanwu Camp and then returned to the sect to build the foundation."

"This person became famous because of the battle at the Lingshi Mine, and even several elders have heard about it."

"With this person's reputation, I think he is a sure shot this time, and he is very likely to be favored by a certain elder."

"It's not impossible to be directly accepted as a direct disciple. I really envy me!"

Qian Zhijin noticed Liu Yu's gaze and explained, with a look of envy mixed with a trace of jealousy.

Liu Yu nodded slightly when he heard this, thoughtfully.

I couldn't help but compare my own strength with him, and the final answer I got was that during the Qi refining period, the two should be about the same, and we won't know who wins until they fight each other.

But when he reaches the foundation-building realm, his cultivation, spiritual consciousness, spiritual weapons, spells, etc. have rapidly improved, and he should far surpass his opponent.

During the conversation, waiting for several hours does not feel like a long time, and time flies by at midnight.

At this time, the sky had darkened. Under the control of a monk, the lotus lanterns with huge luminous pearls rose into the sky and were arranged into the Yuanyang Sect's iconic flame pattern, illuminating the entire Zhenyang Dojo. Bright as day.

"The hour of Xu has arrived. Please come forward to all the junior brothers who are participating in the ceremony."

"As for those who come to watch the ceremony, please stand in the building and watch the ceremony. Don't lose your dignity in front of the elders."

When the time came, the leader Zhuang Ziling stood in the square and used amplification to spread the sound throughout the pavilions and waterside pavilions.

There are many famous monks in the field. Some monks don't have to buy Zhuang Ziling's account, but the Jindan elders will come later, but they must not lose their etiquette.

So the monks who participated in the ceremony walked out of the building, while those observing the ceremony stayed inside the building to watch.

Liu Yu and Qian Zhijin left the pavilion together and came to the square, waiting for the arrival of the elders.

A rough count showed that there were sixty-three foundation-building monks participating in the ceremony.

"There are about ten more people than before."

Liu Yu raised her eyebrows and came to this conclusion.

Deciding to participate in the Disciple Recruitment Ceremony, he naturally learned some information in this area and knew that in recent years, the number of people who met the requirements to participate was generally around fifty.

Is it because of the war in the sect?

Shaking her head, Liu Yu didn't think much, folded her hands on her chest and waited quietly without squinting.

But after a while, the elders still did not arrive. Some monks who were not good-hearted began to lose their temper. Although they did not whisper to each other, they began to look around.

"That is.?"

Suddenly, a monk looked to the south and couldn't help but make a sound in a very surprised tone.

Liu Yu's heart moved and she looked in the same direction.

I saw two rays of light, one red and one white, in the sky in the south, speeding towards me and escaping very fast.

As the distance gets closer, the spiritual pressure attached to the escape light becomes more and more powerful. This level of spiritual pressure is also very powerful among Jindan monks.

Even Liu Yu felt as if there was a huge stone pressing on his heart, and it was very uncomfortable as if it was stuck in his throat.

But what surprised him even more was that the magic weapon in the escape light had been seen in the Hanwu Lingshi Mine, and he had a very deep memory.

The silver-white flying sword magic weapon from the Waning Moon Valley! The magic weapon of Hongxiu Tower in Piaoxue Pavilion!

Thanks to Yun Xian Linzhong, Fengshen Daidai, JackM, 130228164941197, Xia Xiliu and other book friends for their monthly support!

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