Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 276 The picture shows the dagger (two chapters in one)

Chapter 276: Seeing the Poor Dagger (Two in One Chapter)

Shi Yuan's combat intuition could sense that the power and sharpness of the Son-Mother Soul-Chasing Blade posed a fatal threat to him, and he did not dare to let the black blade fall on his monster body.

Therefore, most of the energy was spent on defense. The only way to resist the golden rain of arrows shot by the Yaojin Bow was to use natural spells.

But after several rounds of attacks, the natural spells were exhausted and it took some time to recover.

It could only hurriedly wipe out most of them with its fists, but a small half of the arrows still landed on its body, leaving blood marks.

The arrow turned into extremely destructive metallic spiritual power and invaded his body, causing more serious injuries and affecting his actions.


Finally, Shi Yuan, who had accumulated too many injuries, reacted slowly for a moment, and the Soul-Chasing Blade passed through the relatively fragile throat area, letting out a slight whine.

The powerful strength in its body was quickly disappearing, and its breath was rapidly weakening, but it still stood tenaciously under the strong vitality and did not fall down immediately.

"Puff puff"

Liu Yu's face didn't change. The Son-Mother Soul-Chasing Blade showed no mercy and directly turned his head into powder, with blood flying everywhere.


Shi Yuan then fell to the ground, completely losing his breath of life.

On the other side, the flying firefly is commanded by the blue arm, which can gather or disperse very flexibly, and the flames it spurts are constantly changing into various forms.

This dark red flame is so important that the second-level mid-level stone ape does not dare to be contaminated easily.

Whenever Shi Yuan wanted to rush over and engage in a fierce battle with Can Lan, there would be flames blocking him halfway, stopping him in his tracks.

The stone ape's whole body was covered with a layer of stone armor. It was extremely powerful but had nowhere to use it. Although it roared repeatedly, it had no good solution for the moment.

The fierce battle between Qingsong Laodao and that side was the most intense.

"Bang bang"

The ape king's eyes glowed scarlet, his body was huge but extremely flexible, and he could knock away Qingsong Lao Dao's Wuchen Sword with one punch.

Then he directly uprooted a four- to five-foot-tall tree with both hands, and threw it hard towards the Qingsong Old Road. The powerful kinetic energy exploded at an extremely fast speed, and there was a sound of breaking through the air.

After doing this, the key parts of the ape king's body were covered with a layer of black stone armor, and he jumped quickly with his huge body towards the target.

The ferocious aura made Qingsong Lao Dao change his color slightly.


However, the reaction speed of the Immortal Cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Stage has been greatly improved. Naturally, he will not be unable to react at this time. He quickly threw a scroll in his hand into the air and unfolded it, turning it into a two-foot-sized scroll with a picture of the Yin and Yang fish, blocking it. Trees thrown by the Ape King.

Then the magic power was poured into the white-bearded Buddha dust. Hundreds of white beards were like strange snakes, twisting and stretching towards the ape king.

The ape king swelled his muscles and threw out a punch. Unfortunately, the white-bearded creature was not affected by the force and was only slightly knocked back. Then, with a flash of inspiration, it wrapped around one of its arms.


The Ape King's right arm burst out with a huge force, and he suddenly pulled his right arm back. Unexpectedly, he couldn't break the white beard, but only pulled Fochen a little bit.

With the sharpness of the white beard, although it cannot pierce its defense, its toughness and pulling properties cannot easily tear it apart.

Seeing this, the sharp claw of his left hand stretched out, and he wanted to try to see if he could cut it off with his sharp claws.

But how could Old Taoist Qingsong sit back and watch the attack of the spiritual weapon be broken?

The Wuchen Sword had already regenerated its strength at this time, and with a swivel movement, it stabbed towards the vital part of the Ape King's neck, forcing him to defend himself.

Old Taoist Qingsong was sweating slightly on his forehead. He used three magic weapons and spiritual weapons at the same time, especially the Buddha Dust Spiritual Weapon to pull against the Ape King, which consumed a lot of energy and mana.

But the scene was at a stalemate for a while, until Liu Yu killed the second-level low-grade stone ape.

It was too late, but it was too fast. From the time when the three of them took action to when Liu Yu killed another second-level low-grade stone ape, only ten breaths of time had passed.

At this time, the surrounding red-eyed stone ape group had reacted and discovered these intruders.

Seeing that two of the clan elders had died in a short period of time, not only did they not feel scared, their pupils seemed to be even redder, filled with dripping hatred!

"Ho ho ho!!!"

The first-order stone apes roared and rushed towards the three people, launching a brazen attack on this group of powerful intruders.

Vow to defend homeland

Suddenly, Liu Yu noticed something strange under his feet and jumped slightly to the side.

"Quicksand Technique"

This is a first-level spell that can turn a piece of land into quicksand and swallow the enemy. It can sometimes have miraculous effects, but the disadvantage is that it is too slow to activate.

"The mantis is trying to block the car, but he is overestimating his own abilities."

Liu Yu showed a sneer, his eyes full of cruelty.

The Son-Mother Soul-Chasing Blade was divided into seven, turning into streaks of black light and shooting towards the apes. At the same time, the direction of the Yaojin Bow was turned, and a shower of golden arrows was shot out.

The golden shimmer is beautiful in the night sky, but it does not bring beauty, but ruthless killing.


Deaths and injuries appeared in a group of apes that came face to face. Most of the red-eyed stone apes only had time to let out a cry before they completely lost their life breath.

The edge of the best magic weapon is simply not something that a first-level monster can withstand, especially when driven by monks in the middle stage of foundation building.

The stone armor formed by the innate spell was extremely fragile. It was broken by a light stab of the Soul-Chasing Blade, and the flesh and blood of the body was even more unbearable and was directly penetrated.

When it reappeared, the six child blades and one mother blade were all stained with blood and looked very bloody.

Because the attack of Yao Jin Gong was dispersed, the casualties caused were much smaller, but still only the first-level and high-grade stone apes were spared, while the first- and middle-low-grade stone apes were either dead or disabled.

In just two encounters, the red-eyed ape group suffered more than twenty casualties. For this group of about two hundred individuals, the casualties were not unbearable.

But not only did this not make them retreat, the smell of blood actually aroused the ferocity of the stone apes, making them forget their fear of death.

When the ape king saw his tribe being mercilessly slaughtered, the blood in his eyes became even richer, and he stared at Liu Yu with eyes full of ferocity and hatred.

"Ho ho ho!"

It exposed its long fangs, shook its head and roared three times. I don't know what method it used to make its right arm expand in a circle. At the same time, the aura around its body rose a lot, and it actually became stronger than the Yinming Spirit Snake. .

Then with a sudden wave of his arm, he got rid of the entanglement of the Buddha's dust spiritual weapon and threw it more than ten feet away. The spiritual light was dim.

Facing the ape king's eyes full of evil and hatred, Liu Yu's heart skipped a beat, and she was shocked for a moment, causing her offensive to stop.

Just when the ape king broke free and Liu Yu thought it was going to attack him, he unexpectedly made an unexpected move.

The ape king actually pulled away and let out a series of unexplained roars at the group of red-eyed stone apes, seemingly giving some orders.

When the apes heard the order, the red light in their eyes dimmed slightly, and they paused as they rushed toward the three of them.

It wasn't until the Ape King roared eagerly again that he reluctantly gave up the attack and gathered around the Ape King.

For monsters and wild beasts, the order of the leader of the group has extraordinary binding force, and they will obey it instinctively.

Otherwise, it is a betrayal of the group, which is fatal to the monsters and beasts living in groups. They are often expelled from the group or lose the right to mate.

Even the second-level mid-level stone ape that was fighting Cang Lan retreated and gathered around the ape king.

The three of them looked at each other very quickly, unable to understand the monster's intentions, but they had the upper hand now, so they might as well watch the ape king's movements and calm down.

Looking at the red-eyed stone ape that fell to the ground due to severe injuries and let out moans but was not dead yet, the ape king saw the complexity of humanity in his eyes.

It seems sad and reluctant.

Finally, it stared hard at Liu Yu and the others, as if to remember the appearance of these enemies in its eyes.

Then he slowly turned around and led the remaining apes away in the opposite direction to the Dark Star Spiritual Tree. The tall and burly monster body quickly disappeared into the darkness.

"Apes are indeed primates, and they are actually able to suppress their wild nature and temporarily give in."

A hint of surprise flashed in Liu Yu's eyes.

Defending territory is an instinct, and survival and reproduction are even more instinctive. When the two conflict, which one should be followed?

The ape king made a choice for the tribe, choosing to give up the territory and preserve the tribe.

"Two fellow Taoists, if we don't kill them all, what should we do if this monster attracts other monsters?"

Old Taoist Qingsong originally didn't want to simply let the apes go, but when he saw that Liu Yu and the others were motionless, he persuaded them.

The materials on the monster beasts were valuable, and the more they killed, the greater the final harvest would be. Of course, he didn't want to give up easily.

"Our first target is the Dusky Star Spirit Tree. Let him go to this group of red-eyed demon apes."

Canlan frowned slightly, looking a little unhappy.

For him, the soul is the most important thing, and he doesn't want to add any extraneous problems. Now that Lingsang is about to be obtained, there is no need to be polite to this old Taoist like before.

The Xinglan Fruit was right in front of him, and Liu Yu was not interested in the materials on the monster beast, it was just some spiritual stones.

Turning his eyes, he looked at the Dusky Star Spirit Tree.

The two of them disagreed. Even though Old Taoist Qingsong was extremely reluctant, he couldn't catch up with him alone, so he could only give up.

According to the agreement, all the monsters he killed belonged to him, so he controlled the magic weapon and started to clean up the scene. The corpses of two second-order monster beasts and dozens of first-order monster beasts were definitely worth thousands of spirit stones.

For casual cultivators, any piece of spiritual stone is not easy to come by and needs to be cherished.

Because they don't have resource points that can generate resources, they can only rely on other ways to obtain spiritual stones. If they can practice immortality and various arts, that's fine, but if they can't, they can only earn spiritual stones in a relatively inefficient way.

Every piece of spiritual stone must be carefully calculated.

In this way, how difficult is the path to immortality?

It is this difficult situation that has destined some casual cultivators who are unwilling to be mediocre to be extremely aggressive. If there is a suitable opportunity to obtain a large amount of spiritual stones, they are willing to take action from sect disciples, family disciples and even other casual cultivators.

If there are no opportunities, then create them.

"Pick it, take it. Anyway, in the end it's just a poor thing."

The old Taoist Qingsong, who was holding the corpse of the monster and looking away, had a sinister expression on his face.

This is how he has come through this journey, and I believe this time's careful calculation will be no exception.

Liu Yu and Cang Lan looked at each other and approached the Dark Star Spiritual Tree at the same time. They were wary of each other and collected the spiritual fruit and spiritual mulberry respectively.

Xinglan fruit is also very beneficial to monsters. Apparently the group of red-eyed stone apes also took a lot. At this time, there were only six fruits on the tree, four of which were light blue and two of which were dark blue and shimmering.

Apparently, the light blue ones haven't matured yet.

However, this does not prevent Liu Yu from putting them away. According to the heaven-defying and unique rules of the Immortal Mansion, the cores of these fruits are likely to grow back into Dusky Star Spirit Trees.

Soon, all six fruits were put into the storage bag.

Ten breaths later, Can Lan and Qing Song Lao Dao also packed up the things they needed. Since then, the three people's apparent goals have been achieved.

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to stop again. It has been a long time since the fight began, and there is no guarantee that no monsters will hear the movement and come to check.

The three people, who had different thoughts, were unwilling to cause trouble and immediately decided to return along the original road.

Liu Yu put the Soul-Chasing Blade and the Yaojin Bow into his storage bag, but held the thick soil holding umbrella in his left hand as a precaution. Instead of relaxing, Liu Yu became more focused.

If the guess is correct, it will be time to fall out next.

What is the trump card of Qingsong Laodao? Or some powerful formation has been secretly arranged? Or is there a helper?

With the strength he showed, he couldn't defeat himself and Cang Lan.

Walking in the forest, Liu Yu's thoughts were racing, and her consciousness scanned the surrounding movements. At the same time, her mind was on the storage bag, ready to take out three spiritual weapons and attack first.

He didn't have the habit of waiting for the other party to be ready before taking action.

Suddenly, Liu Yu's footsteps stopped while he was walking.

Qingsong Laodao and Can Lan stopped at the same time and turned around.

"Why did Fellow Daoist Hong stop suddenly?"

Old Taoist Qingsong asked calmly.

"But found traces of the second-level monster?"

Canglan also cast a searching look, frowned and asked.

An unpredictable smile appeared on Liu Yu's face, which made Old Taoist Qingsong feel something bad. Sure enough, the next second, the situation he least wanted to see happened.

"Hong is thinking, Taoist fellow Qingsong has carefully prepared a show for us and others. When will we be able to perform?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Yu's eyes turned cold, and he waved his hand and fired a dozen fireballs the size of marbles into the woods in front of him.

Having practiced the Mystical Art of Preserving God, his method of scanning with his spiritual consciousness was far more precise and sophisticated than that of ordinary foundation-building monks. After careful scanning, he finally discovered subtle movements several miles away, and with his keen spiritual sense, he finally discovered something strange.

Now that you are aware of it, of course you cannot do what the other party wants.

Old Taoist Qingsong looked a little ugly when he saw this. He had already arranged for his team to set up a formation in front, and at the same time, he restrained his aura to hide the ambush.

This method has been successful several times, and there has never been any flaw. I don't understand how this monk surnamed Hong, who has only some strength, can see through it?

In ordinary breath-containing secret techniques, no matter how well it is controlled, more or less breath and mana fluctuations will eventually leak out. Under the careful scanning of Liu Yu's spiritual consciousness, all this was completely invisible.

Of course, there is no need to explain to other monks how Liu Yu discovered it.


Red sparks lit up the forest, and more than a dozen fireballs landed in several places a few miles away, blowing up several ancient trees and making several large craters. On the surface, it looked very normal.

But Canglan's face turned cold. When the fireball exploded, he clearly sensed several waves of aura.

When the wave recedes.

You can see who is swimming naked.

Thanks to Three-Headed Blood Demon, Shaoyue Duwu, 20191008172350965, Xingxingcao and Yun Shiyu, Men Live in the Moment, Fengyu Villa, One Year Old, Ye Qian, Tang Hao Xiaoqi, 20170930192941942, 20180723014743046, Qi Jue, Tianhanjie , The End of Prosperity, Half a Lifetime of Confusion, JackM, Jay Chang, Tongjiu, Tianjin Baby, 103412456, YZ, cmclj and other book friends’ monthly ticket support!

Thanks to book friend JackM for the 1,500-point reward!

Every vote of support is the motivation for the author to update! Thank you Changting!

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