Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 291 The Ninth Grade Golden Pill (two chapters in one)

Chapter 291: Ninth Grade Golden Pill (two chapters in one)

In the box are the spiritual grass seeds needed to refine the Golden Pill, eight of which have not been collected before.

Seeds of different sizes and shapes, faintly emitting extraordinary spiritual light, lay quietly in the jade box.

"Not bad."

"Master Shi's nephew, Liu always keeps his word."

"The previous investment will officially belong to you."

"Tell me, what do you want? As long as the value is suitable, Liu can consider it."

Putting away all the jade boxes with a wave of his hand, Liu Yu nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile.

"Back to Master, my disciple has nothing to ask for, but a treasure that can assist in foundation building."

"Uncle, please have mercy on me."

After Shi Xianglong finished speaking, he stood up and bent over deeply.

"Nephew Shi, you don't have to be like this. Liu always keeps his promises."

"Since you want a treasure to assist in foundation building, let's just use this."

"With your harvest, you are worthy of something like this."

Liu Yu said, waved his hand, took out a jade box containing dragon blood fruit from the storage bag, and handed it over.

"Uncle Liu, I wonder what this is?"

Shi Xianglong asked hesitantly.

"This thing is called Dragon Blood Fruit. It is a second-level rare elixir. Taking it can enhance the qi and blood in the body and slightly strengthen the physical meridians."

"It is most suitable for an older monk like you, nephew Shi, who still does not give up on foundation building."

"And this foundation building experience will also help to break through the bottleneck of foundation building."

"With these two things, Master Shi's nephew's success rate in foundation building will be greatly improved. Maybe he will be promoted to foundation building in the future and become a member of the same profession."

After harvesting eight kinds of spiritual herbs at once, Liu Yu was in a good mood, explained very patiently, and even made a little joke.

Under normal circumstances, he is still willing to keep his promises.

The dragon blood fruit is rare for monks in the Qi refining stage, but for him, it is just something that can be obtained by spending spiritual stones. For him who owns the Immortal Mansion, spiritual stones are far more profitable than other monks. Simple.

Liu Yu would be very happy if the problem could be solved with spirit stones.

"Thank you, uncle, for the reward!"

This disciple from some outer sect of the city was overjoyed when he heard about the efficacy of dragon blood fruit, and he immediately thanked him again.

"No need to thank Liu, you deserve this from life to death."

Liu Yu said with a smile.

Afterwards, he chatted with him for a few words and asked about the specific situation in the Bloody Secret Territory and the casualties of the five major sects, before waving him to leave.

"Disciple resigns."

Shi Xianglong was very discerning. When he saw this, he immediately stood up and left. Seeing Liu Yu nodded slightly, he saluted and then turned and walked out.

Although the Golden Pill is for monks in the Foundation Establishment stage, it is an out-and-out third-level mid-grade elixir, and its refining difficulty is even greater than that of many Golden Pill stage elixirs.

Fifty-six kinds of spiritual grass are needed to refine the Golden Pill, each of which is either precious or rare and very difficult to collect.

Liu Yu has only collected more than twenty species in these years, but now he has collected eight species at once. How can he be unhappy?

If the disciples arranged to go in this time survive more and gain more, maybe the spiritual grass for refining the gold-forming elixir will be almost there?

Although I know that this possibility is too small, I still can't help but take a chance.

Suppressing some excitement, Liu Yu continued to turn over Qingyang Gong and waited.

Divine consciousness covers the entire Cailian Mountain, and as long as a monk comes, he will know it immediately.

Time passed quickly, and another hour passed in the blink of an eye. A ray of light came from the night sky and set on Cailian Mountain.

A figure of a pale-faced monk wearing gray robes appeared.

His spiritual pressure fluctuated high and low, and his breath was extremely unstable. It was obvious at a glance that his vitality was severely damaged.

Although this person was in bad condition, he still gritted his teeth and walked towards the cave.

Liu Yu looked at the pale and severely injured disciple in front of him, and frowned slightly. With such an injury, it would be difficult to gain much.

The ensuing conversation was as expected.

This person's harvest was far less than Shi Xianglong's. He only had four kinds of spiritual grass seeds. The gap was huge.

Although this person acted alone and was not as competitive as the two of them together, which was understandable, Liu Yu was still a little disappointed.

For the four kinds of spiritual herbs, although the initial investment will not be recovered, the rewards cannot be as generous as Shi Xianglong's.

Liu Yu only gave this person a piece of foundation building experience, plus two hundred spirit stones and dismissed him.

This outer sect disciple knew how much he weighed, so naturally he wouldn't complain.

He knew that without the magic weapon given by Uncle Liu, it would be difficult for him to get out of the bloody secret realm, so naturally he did not dare to be greedy too much.

Liu Yu routinely asked about the situation in the secret realm, and then asked him to leave with an expressionless face. The value created by this person was far lower than that of Shi Xianglong, so he was naturally not worthy of his kindness.

Through the narrations of the two people, Liu Yu learned that the most brutal days of fighting in the bloody secret realm were the last two days.

The secret realm has been open for seven days, and the first three days have generally remained calm. The frequency of fighting is low, and the main focus of the disciples of each sect is still on collecting resources.

In the middle two days, the monks who entered the secret realm had more or less gained something, and they would gradually enter a bloody and tragic moment.

The elite disciples of each sect who have gathered their strength will take action at this time and hunt down the ordinary disciples who have gained something.

But at this time, most of the elite disciples met each other peacefully and rarely fought with each other to avoid being taken advantage of by ordinary disciples.

At this time, ordinary disciples not only have to guard against the same ordinary disciples, but also against the hunting of elite disciples.

Therefore, the two days in between are jokingly called "hunting days".

Under the intensive hunting of elite disciples, time entered the last two days. By this time, ordinary disciples had died in large numbers and could not pose a threat.

At this time, the elite disciples have gathered a large amount of resources, each of which is equivalent to a mobile treasure house in human form.

Youdao attracts people's hearts with money and silk. At this time, if elite disciples meet, it will be difficult for them to live in peace.

When encountering each other on a narrow road, the brave will win, the loser will face death, and the winner will take all.

These elite disciples who have collected a large amount of resources have a foundation building probability far higher than that of ordinary monks, almost 40 to 50%. As long as they go out, they will have a bright future.

But first we have to get through the craziest and most brutal fighting in the last two days!

Therefore, the last two days were jokingly called "Judgment Day".

One general succeeds and ten thousand bones wither.

Once they overcome this difficulty, with the resources obtained from hunting other monks, the elite disciples who emerge from it will be like trapped dragons ascending to heaven, and will be vigorously cultivated by the sect.

There is no one on whom the magic weapon is not stained with the blood of dozens of other monks. It can be said that they have fought their way out.

As for ordinary disciples, even if they gain something in the end, it will not be as fast as directly plundering resources. The trip to the secret realm will only allow them to gain something, but it will still be difficult to change their own class.

After watching the second outer disciple leave, Liu Yu continued to wait patiently.

But unexpectedly, no monk came for several hours.

This made his heart suddenly sink and he had a bad association.

It was not until dawn that Wu Chang rushed to Cailian Mountain to report the situation.

"Uncle Qi, of the ten people arranged this time, only these two came out of the secret realm alive."

Wu Chang reported.

Speaking of this, he felt a chill in his heart, feeling that Uncle Liu seemed to be in a bad mood.

Afraid that Uncle Liu would be angry, he unconsciously spoke much softer and bent even lower.

"I know, go down."

Liu Yu said expressionlessly.

The fact that the matter has become like this has little to do with Wu Chang, so he will not be angry about it.


Wu Chang trembled and said in shock, and then left the cave quietly.

Whether it was an illusion or not, he felt that Master Liu was more powerful and intimidating.


Walking towards Wuchang, Liu Yu's face turned completely gloomy, and he slapped his palm on the stone table, causing several small cracks on it.

"Ten outer sect disciples in the late stage of Qi refining, all carrying high-grade magic weapons, but only two came out alive in the end?"

His chest rose and fell, his heart rippled, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

"It seems that the gap between ordinary disciples and elite disciples is wider than imagined."

"Even if these selected people are stronger than ordinary disciples, there is still no difference when facing elite disciples."

"Huh, miscalculation."

After a long while, Liu Yu let out a breath and had to admit that he had miscalculated and was too optimistic before.

But in this way, this good opportunity was missed, and only three-fifths of the spiritual grass for refining the golden elixir was collected. What should we do with the rest?

These spiritual herbs are rare and hard to find, and as the spiritual herbs for refining gold-forming elixirs, they must have attracted more or less attention from the five major sects. It is almost impossible to collect them by ordinary means.

Secretly sponsor one or several disciples to reach the level of an elite disciple, and wait until the next time you enter the secret realm to collect spiritual herbs for yourself?

Liu Yu thought.

No, no.

If you want to reach the strength of an elite disciple, you must at least have the best magic weapon, and your cultivation level must be even higher.

Just because you are interested, you give the best magic weapon to the disciple and let the disciple collect spiritual herbs in the secret realm?

The best magic weapon is not a piece of cabbage, it is a relatively precious thing for the foundation-building monks.

Just because of interest is difficult to convince people, and it cannot convince the sect at all, nor can it deceive other monks.

Once this is investigated in depth, the consequences will be disastrous.

What's more, an elite disciple is not safe. What if he is killed by other elite disciples? Do we need to train a few more?

In the end, Liu Yu gave up the idea. Without him, the risk was too great.

There is a spiritual grass in the sect that can be used to refine the golden elixir. How can we bribe the disciples who guard the spiritual medicine garden and find a way to get the seeds of the spiritual grass?

This is a way.

The golden elixir is a strategic resource related to the destiny of the sect. Even the spiritual grass seeds used to refine it are strictly controlled and are strictly prohibited from flowing to the outside world.

Once Liu Yu does it, the possibility of being found out is very high, and the only way to go is to defect.

It means giving up everything that you have worked hard on in Yuanyang Sect.

Maybe, this is also a good choice?

If there is really no other way, Liu Yu will not hesitate to give up for the sake of his own path.

As for the bloody secret realm that is opened once every forty years, the same method will be used next time?

This can be prepared, but Liu Yu is not optimistic about gathering the spiritual grass by relying on the bloody secret realm.

Because some of the remaining rare spiritual herbs are located in the center of the secret realm, only elite disciples have always been able to set foot there. However, cultivating and bribing elite disciples is considered too risky.

Sitting quietly on the stone bench and thinking about it, Liu Yu's expression changed, and for a moment he had no good solution.

He is fifty years old this year, and the best age for forming a pill is before he is one hundred and eighty years old. He can still experience three bloody secret realm events.

Relying on the same reliable method and cooperating with external collection, it may be possible to collect all the spiritual herbs, but it is too late.

What if the attack on the golden elixir fails? Wouldn’t it be a lost opportunity to try again?

What's more, the golden elixirs formed by monks are not all of the same quality.

The age at which the elixir is formed also has some influence on the quality of the elixir. The younger you are, the more beneficial this effect is, but the older you are, it will be a drag.

Of course, this influence is not absolute, and the most critical thing depends on the monk's own accumulation.

This is generally accepted common sense in the world of cultivating immortals.

In the classics on the fifth floor of the Sutra Pavilion, Liu Yu learned that the quality of monks' golden elixirs was divided into nine grades.

The ninth grade is the best and the first grade is the worst.

The seventh, eighth and ninth grades are high-grade golden elixirs, the fourth, fifth and sixth grades are middle-grade golden elixirs, and the first, second and third grades are low-grade golden elixirs.

According to the classics, it is much more difficult for low-grade golden elixirs to condense Nascent Soul than for high- and medium-grade golden elixirs.

If the difficulty of condensing the Nascent Soul from the middle-grade golden elixir is compared to one, then the minimum level of the low-grade golden elixir is five. As for the worst first-grade golden elixir, it is almost impossible to reach the Nascent Soul realm.

The possibility of forming a high-grade golden elixir was too low. Liu Yu had no extravagant hopes at the moment, but for the sake of his future path, he could never accept that he could only form a low-grade golden elixir.

At least, it must form a fifth-grade golden elixir.

"This matter needs to be considered in the long term. I hope it won't come to that point in the end."

Liu Yu's eyes were dark.

He knew how difficult the life of a casual cultivator was, and he didn't want to become a casual cultivator unless necessary.

His spiritual consciousness took a final look around Cailian Mountain and found no sign of Geng Yunsong. He had already returned when he should have returned. If he had not returned at this time, his fate was self-evident.

This kid finally lived up to his great-grandfather's expectations.

However, this boy only has pseudo-spiritual qualifications. Although he is Geng Yuanzhang's only hope, he may not have much hope. It is probably just a thought.

There are also secular members of the Geng family, so their bloodline is not cut off.

Only 20 out of 10, or at most 23 out of 10, people can escape from the Bloody Secret Realm alive. Liu Yu is not surprised by this result.

If hard work alone is useful, then what else does talent need?

If talent and hard work alone are useful, then what’s the use of chance?

In this world, there is never a shortage of hard-working monks, and there is never a shortage of talented and hard-working monks.

After closing the formation and entering the practice room, Liu Yu took out twelve jade boxes, touched the green light spots with a thought, and entered the world of immortality with the jade boxes.

This time, the red light group appeared directly above the spiritual field in the blue barrier, and underneath were mature spiritual grasses.


Under the shroud of divine consciousness, Liu Yu took in all the scenery in the barrier in a single thought, feeling a little surprised in his heart.

Most of the various spiritual herbs for refining Canglang Spiritual Water have been gathered and are being planted in the black spiritual fields to ripen.

A small number of them could not be planted again because they had already been seeded, so Jiang Qiushui and others were ordered to collect them.

But one of these spiritual grasses planted in the black spiritual field did not bear fruit.

It was a giant tree more than ten feet tall. The bark, body and branches were all light blue, and there were several white flowers growing on the branches.

Astonishingly, it is the Dark Star Spiritual Tree that is extremely important for refining Canglang Spiritual Water!

It takes about four hundred and sixty years for the Dark Star Spirit Tree to mature and bear fruit. After that, it blooms every fifty years and bears fruit every fifty years. It takes about a hundred years to harvest Xinglan Fruit.

The black spiritual field has the unnatural effect of accelerating the ripening of spiritual grass, and one hour is equivalent to twenty years in the outside world.

It has been seven or eight days since the last time I planted the fruit core. Logically speaking, it should be mature.

It's still like this now. Could it be that the Immortal Mansion has lost its effect?

Thinking of this guess, Liu Yu was shocked!

Thanks to Xia Xiliu, Tian Xie Lan, Pickled Pepper, 140919203433907, Pass the Time, Watermelon Jazz, Touch Little Hands at Night, Mo Luo, fsbaidu, Don’t Forget the Original Intention 12, Have a Good Rest Every Day and other book friends for their monthly recommendation votes!

Every vote of support is the motivation for the author to update! Thank you Changting!

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