Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 300 Agreeing to Leave the Country (Two Chapters in One)

Chapter 300: Agreeing to Leave the Country (Two Chapters in One)

Jiang Qiushui was silent for a while after hearing this, then suddenly smiled and said:

"Junior Brother Yan is right, I was just speaking out of turn."

"Please just laugh it off."

She just expressed her feelings. From the perspective of a disciple of the sect, she really shouldn't say words of pity for the Xuanming Sect.

There is no absolute good or evil, but each has a different stance.

They practice under the protection of the sect, receive teachings from the sect, and enjoy the monthly salary provided by the sect. It is natural that they speak and act from the standpoint of the sect.

"It's nothing. I believe that Senior Sister just made a slip of the tongue."

Seeing this, Yan Kai's expression softened and he nodded.

"Three or four thousand years have passed since this matter, and even the sect no longer pays attention to it. Junior Sister Jiang and Junior Brother Yan must not hurt their harmony because of this."

"Otherwise, it's Cui's fault. It's all Cui's fault for telling the matter."

Cui Liang had a smile on his face and tried to smooth things over.

As soon as this was said, both of them nodded in agreement, but had no intention of speaking again, and the scene became quiet for a while.

Liu Yu watched all this without saying a word.

Both of them were led by the Foundation Establishment Deacon and went to the secular world to test their spiritual roots for mortal children. They collected children with spiritual roots and started their journey. They grew up in Yuanyang Villa.

Loyalty to the sect is certain.

This is the result of the sect's training since childhood. Casual cultivators who started halfway are incomparable in any way.

Although they grew up in similar environments, it does not mean that their concepts are the same, and their loyalty to the sect is also different.

If I have to say it, one of them is a "hawk" and the other is a "dove".

One is relatively radical and fanatical, and the other is relatively moderate and rational.

Individuals have different philosophies, so it’s hard to say who is right and who is wrong.

Liu Yu flashed these thoughts and did not speak for Jiang Qiushui. It was better to be cautious when it came to expressing one's position.

If used well, it can be a boost, but if you are not careful, you may also be suppressed.

Therefore, it is better not to express one's position, at least there is no need to express one's position so early.

However, as long as the conversation between a few people is not spread, it is just a trivial matter and no big deal.

Shaking his head slightly, Liu Yu put aside these thoughts and looked at the monks from other sects.

Most of the monks of the Qingxu Sect on the "Daoyuan Ship" wear Taoist robes, and most of the monks of the Piaomiao Pavilion on the "Xuemei" are female cultivators with exquisite makeup.

There are disciples of the Hehuan Sect standing on the "Red Dream Ship". The proportion of male and female cultivators is about the same. There are many monks who are vaguely connected with each other. It seems that they are practicing the famous dual cultivation technique of the Hehuan Sect.

The male nuns on the "Sword God" have a sword on their back or in their hands, and they look a little aloof and sharp from a distance.

In comparison, the disciples of the Yuanyang Sect on "Cangwu" seemed much more ordinary, with no special characteristics, and the ratio of men to women was about the same.

For cultivators, spiritual roots are a must on the road to immortality. Without spiritual roots, spiritual energy cannot be absorbed.

In some ancient legends and beliefs, this is a "god-sent thing" given by God. It distinguishes the ordinary and the extraordinary. We should always be grateful to God.

The authenticity of the legend is unknown. The emergence of spiritual roots is full of accidental factors. Today's world of immortality has only figured out some basic rules. It is a fool's dream to try to create it artificially.

It is worth mentioning that boys and girls have the same chance of testing their spiritual roots. There is no situation where there are more boys than girls or more girls than boys.

The Yuanyang Sect accepts disciples from other schools without distinction between men and women, so the ratio of men to women among low-level disciples and high-level monks has always been about the same.

The family line, on the other hand, pays more attention to men.

With the same qualifications, resources will be tilted towards men, but they are still affected by other aspects, such as blood inheritance, and are affected by some secular concepts. This is human nature and understandable.

The secular world values ​​boys over girls. In this era, the value created by women is obviously not as good as that of men, so there is a difference in status.

However, as a "Dharma cultivator", physical fitness has little impact on overall strength, and female cultivators are no weaker than male cultivators.

Therefore, in the world of immortality where strength determines status, there is no preference for boys over girls.

Yuanyang Sect is a relatively traditional "Dharma Cultivation" sect, so when recruiting disciples from other courtyards, as long as they do not have false spiritual roots of the fifth line, they will basically be admitted to other courtyards for three years of training first, and both boys and girls will be treated equally.

Therefore, the ratio of men to women in the Yuanyang Sect is basically the same.

Liu Yu looked at the monks from the other four major sects and scanned the remaining four spiritual ships one by one to observe the "allies" in this operation.

His eyes swept over the Daoyuan Ship, the Red Dream Ship, the Sword God, and finally the Xuemei, and happened to meet the eyes of a female cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building, wearing a goose-yellow dress.

The two people's eyes met. Not only did the woman not feel shy, but her eyes were as bright as stars, which was a bit provocative.

Liu Yu ignored him with a blank expression, looked away after a few glances.

The monks of the Hehuan Sect are the most hostile to the Yuanyang Sect. The two sects are close to each other and have a lot of grudges. They look at each other with undisguised hostility.

Many of the monks' friends and blood relatives have died at the hands of monks from the other sect. This kind of hatred will never be settled just because of one cooperation.

After observing for a while, he discovered an interesting phenomenon.

Everyone has a love for beauty, and the female cultivator from Piaoxue Pavilion undoubtedly became the center of the audience, attracting the attention of the male cultivators from other sects.

But the few male cultivators in Piaoxue Pavilion were very unhappy about this, and looked at them with warning in their eyes.

He seems to be very disgusted with the monks of other sects, and he looks at the female monks of his own sect wantonly, as if something is offended.

The female cultivators in Piaoxue Pavilion were most interested in the disciples of the Hehuan Sect and the group of Taoist priests from the Qingxu Sect. They were especially interested in the male cultivators of the Hehuan Sect who had Taoist companions, and they frequently gave them flirtatious looks.

Some of the male cultivators from the Hehuan Sect were indifferent, but some couldn't resist the temptation and couldn't help but make eye contact with the female cultivators from the Piaoxue Pavilion.

However, his Taoist companion twisted his waist hard, causing him to frown in agony, which made the female cultivator from Piaoxue Pavilion laugh.

Facing the gazes of a group of beautiful female cultivators, the Taoist priest of the Qingxu Sect appeared to be indifferent on the surface, but in fact, his eyes moved and he looked at them secretly, obviously having some thoughts.

The one who can truly withstand temptation is the monk from Waning Moon Valley.

As sword cultivators, some of them have to be with the sword all their lives, and there is nothing else in their eyes except the sword.

On the contrary, my thoughts are much purer and there are not so many distracting thoughts.

"The sword of wisdom cuts the love thread?"

Liu Yu looked away after observing for a while, this sentence flashed through his mind, and he burst into laughter.

The observation was almost complete, so they asked the three of them to come to a corner, took out a futon, sat down, closed their eyes, and began to regulate their breaths. They waited quietly for the Jindan monks to discuss it before the spirit ship set off again.

Among the foundation-building monks, the ones who attract the most attention are undoubtedly the "Six Sons of Hehuan" from the Hehuan Sect, the "Three Heroes and Four Heroes" from the Yuanyang Sect, the "Seven Swords of the Waning Moon" from the Cangyue Valley, the "Five Sons of Qingxu" from the Qingxu Sect, and Piaoxue Pavilion. The "Three Great Fairies" and others are recognized as the monks with the strongest strength and greatest potential in the foundation-building realm.

Next to each of them, there are many monks surrounding them, and they naturally become a group.

That's what reputation does.

"If you bloom, butterflies will come."

Of course, the most important thing is their own realm strength, the group that is already at the top of the foundation building stage.

A quarter of an hour passed, and the monks from the five sects looked at each other for a while. Some monks withdrew their gazes one after another and found a place to close their eyes and adjust their breathing.

Some monks were still in high spirits, communicating with their friends through spiritual communication and communicating with each other about their current situation.

The Jindan monks gathered on the five spiritual ships to discuss something and set up soundproof barriers, but there was no result for a long time. It seemed that there were some areas where consensus had not been reached.

The foundation-building monk still had some patience, and he did not dare to raise his head to peek at the elders' conversation.

They either closed their eyes and adjusted their breath, or communicated with their spiritual consciousness, all waiting quietly.

Even people like the Three Heroes and Four Heroes and the Six Hehuan Sons did not dare to make loud noises for fear of disturbing the Jindan seniors.

The charter to attack Yan State together with Qi State and other countries? Where to attack first?

How many disciples are sent out by each sect? How are the benefits distributed afterwards?

Every condition and every matter needs to be discussed in detail by the Jindan monks.

Some personal relationships among Jindan monks are very good, but before the interests of the sect, personal relationships do not work.

For the benefit of their respective sects, the Jindan monks quarreled and became red-faced.

Some of them still have grudges against each other. If the ancestor of Nascent Soul hadn't personally spoken about this matter, it would have been impossible for them to unite together.

But at this time, under the constraints of Yuanying Ancestor, long negotiations had to begin.

The Jindan cultivators of the five sects who really made the decision did not speak at first, but let other fellow sects test them first. For example, Master Changfeng of Yuanyang Sect, Master Chongxuan of Waning Moon Valley, etc. all remained silent.

Until half an hour later, the long debate still had no result.

If this continues for three days and three nights, a consensus may not be reached. Only then did the Golden Core monks from the five sects who could really make the decision began to speak.

If Yan and Nan Yu were allowed to be occupied by good and evil forces, it would be tantamount to slow death for the sect. As vested interests, the Jindan monks knew this.

So the next step was to be open and honest and have real communication.

After mutual concessions and compromises, various details of cooperation were agreed upon. After another half an hour, the five golden elixirs finally reached a consensus.

An hour after the five sects gathered in Qianxue City, they finally reached a preliminary consensus. The Golden Core monks returned to the spirit ships in an instant without any hesitation. The next moment, the five spirit ships soared into the sky.

Liu Yu felt the movement, opened her eyes and looked down, just in time to see the crystal clear and beautiful Qianxue Fairy City getting smaller and smaller.

At this time, other foundation-building monks also reacted and opened their eyes one after another, with different expressions.

The battle to destroy Yan is about to begin.

As the spirit ship rose rapidly, Qianxue Immortal City became smaller and smaller, and finally became an insignificant dot.

Mountains, rivers, houses, mortals, monks, everything became smaller in sight.

After rising to a certain height, the five spiritual ships flew further south together. In almost a moment, they passed the "huge and broad" fairy city, and could no longer see their shadow.

Liu Yu put away the futon and walked to the deck railing alone without greeting the three people accompanying him.

His dark pupils looked down and he took a serious look at this great river and mountain.

After a while, two larger black spots came into view below.

"If I remember correctly, these are the two most bordering cities of Chu State, Nanxue City and Nanjiang City where mortals live."

"After passing these two cities, you will really leave Chu State."

Liu Yu looked at this scene calmly with deep eyes, but his heart was a little complicated.

At this time, Jiang Qiushui and Yan Kai also walked to his side and looked down. Cui Liang seemed to have been here a long time ago, so the old god was sitting on the futon without getting up.

It was also the first time for many of the foundation-building monks to leave the Kingdom of Chu. At this time, they all walked to the fence and waited for this moment to arrive, which felt like a ritual.

In the sight, the black spots representing Nanxue City and Nanjiang City quickly approached and passed quickly.

Many of the younger monks had complex and incomprehensible expressions in their eyes, while the older monks had no feeling at all.

The veteran sect monks usually travel to various countries in search of opportunities and gain knowledge. This is not the first time they have left Chu State, so they don't have so many emotions.

Looking at their young fellow disciples at this time, they laughed secretly, as if they were seeing themselves in the past.

After passing the last two secular cities, we really left the Chu Kingdom.

With the spirit ship traveling at a speed of more than ten miles per breath, the surrounding scenery gradually changed.

The snowflakes falling from the sky are getting smaller and smaller, from dense to sparse. At the same time, the temperature is also changing, from cold to warm.

Different scenery also appeared in the vast white world, just like a piece of white paper stained with other colors, it was a series of green mountains covered with trees!

There are fewer and fewer areas covered by snow, and the mountains and rivers of the earth are showing their original appearance, and the sight has become colorful and full of nature again.

Half an hour later, the ice and snow had gone away, and green trees and green mountains had become the norm.

"Okay, after you've seen enough, go into the spirit ship to rest and recuperate, so as to maintain your peak condition."

"I personally brought all the nephews out, and I also hope to personally bring you back to the sect."

Master Changfeng's majestic words rang out and reached the ears of every monk on the deck. There was a rare hint of gentleness in the majesty.

Just like caring about the younger generations.

Foundation-building monks are the elite backbone of the sect, especially those from other schools. The sect has trained them from childhood to build foundations with difficulty, so naturally it is impossible for them to die easily.

If too many foundation-building cultivators die, it will be a strain on the Yuanyang Sect and may lead to the sect being in decline.

Eventually, the monks were cut off from generation to generation, leading to their decline.

But this time sending troops to destroy Yan is indeed related to the rise and fall of Yuanyang Sect, so we have to fight.

Therefore, Changfeng Zhenren and ten other Jindan monks personally led the team in this operation to prevent the elites of their sect from suffering losses.

And in the future, Jindan elders will come with disciples in the Qi refining stage.

But when it is really necessary and the benefits are great enough, the foundation-building monks are not incapable of sacrifice.

Sometimes the sect is warm, but sometimes the sect cannot tolerate any tenderness.

This is a complex sect.

This is the complex and real world of cultivating immortals.

Every vote of support is the motivation for the author to update, thank you Changting!

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