Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 360 Quietly Returning to the Clan

Chapter 360 Quietly Returning to the Clan

If you are an ordinary monk, faced with this situation, you have only two options:

Either stop here, or take the risk and move forward.

But Liu Yu is different. He has more choices and chooses to improve his strength.

It will never stop here, and there is no need to risk your life!

Forty-nine kinds of auxiliary medicines have been collected for refining the golden elixir. There are only seven auxiliary medicines and the main medicine Five Elements Spirit Fruit left to complete. They will be collected soon.

According to the information from the sect and other parties, Baiyunguan has opened many elixir gardens within a thousand miles of "Xianque City", and there are likely to be needed elixirs and elixirs in them.

He will never allow himself to miss a good opportunity in vain!

"The Foundation Establishment Pill has been brought back to the monks of the Yan family. Two years have passed. If nothing else happens, my maid should have been attacking the Foundation Establishment Pill."

"This woman's qualifications are not bad, and she has all the resources I provide. I hope everything goes well."

"With psychic energy, then."

Liu Yu thought silently, and a female cultivator who looked like Xiaojiabiyu came to mind.

Jiang Qiushui and Leng Yuexin had already been informed of the plan to return to the sect in advance.

He asked the two women to cooperate with each other and make corresponding preparations. There is no need to worry about this.

If everything goes well and they come back in time, they will pretend nothing happened. If time is delayed, the two women will have contingency plans.

After packing up his belongings without disturbing any monks, Liu Yu took the shield boat into the sky and turned into a hidden escaping light and flew towards the south.

It is exactly in the direction of Guquexian City in the southernmost part of Youzhou!

The construction of the teleportation array is very complicated and involves the mysteries of space. Even the simplest teleportation array requires at least a second-level array mage to attempt to build it.

What's more, Yan State is fifty thousand miles away from Chu State. A medium-distance teleportation array is needed to cross the two countries, and its construction is even more difficult.

Even if the five sects of Chu State worked together, they could only build one teleportation array in Guque City in two years.

With this teleportation array, if the situation changes, high-level monks can be quickly reinforced through teleportation, or high-level monks can use this to escape.

Therefore, the five sects of Chu State strictly guarded Guque City, leaving several Jindan monks behind, for fear that something might go wrong.

Liu Yu wanted to teleport directly back to the sect through Guque City.

Otherwise, if he relies on his own weapon to fly, the day lilies here will be cold, let alone collecting spiritual herbs and elixirs.

After flying dozens of miles away from Yongtai Fang City, Liu Yu no longer concealed his escape, and flew directly to Gucheng City at full speed in a straight line.

The distance of more than three thousand miles on the return journey is occupied by some conquered forces, so there is no need to worry about being suddenly attacked when flying.

Even if there are remnants of Baiyun Temple, they can't achieve anything. They can only cover up, so how can they dare to jump out?

If he was really strong and encountered it when he pushed this way, it wouldn't be so smooth.

The journey was so fast that the mid-grade spiritual stones were used directly to provide spiritual power to the escape boat, which consumed very little mana.

Therefore, Liu Yu did not pause at all and did not need to stop to recover his mana.

Just like that, just four and a half hours later, the outline of the Ancient Que Immortal City came into view.

"Fellow Taoist, stop!"

"Please show identification."

"During extraordinary times, no one other than monks from the five sects of Chu and monks specially approved by the alliance will be allowed to enter."

The foundation-building deacon on duty at the city gate soon discovered Liu Yu's presence, and took the initiative to speak without waiting for the monks in the Qi Refining Stage to ask.

There was no vulgar plot. Liu Yu took out the token of Yuanyang Sect and after several verifications, he was quickly allowed to enter the city.

When he passed the city gate, he felt an inexplicable power of the formation, sweeping past him in an extremely subtle way.

If it were an ordinary monk, even if he reached the peak of foundation building, he would be unlikely to notice it.

But Liu Yuling's sense was far sharper than that of a monk in the same realm, and he felt it clearly, but he just entered the city quietly.

"It seems that the five sects pay more attention to Guque City than imagined."

He smiled slightly and walked directly to the teleportation hall in the city.

"This person looks so familiar. Where have I seen him before?"

The foundation-building monk on duty looked at Liu Yu's back, resting his chin on his hand and thinking carefully.

"The Qingyang Demon of Yuanyang Sect?!"

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and opened his eyes wide, suddenly remembering the image of this person he had seen before.

"But this person's appearance is ordinary, and he doesn't look sinister at all. It's really hard for people to associate him with the name of a devil."

"It's not a rumor, is it?"

The foundation-building monk muttered, becoming curious, and then shook his head.

However, having received such a famous monk in person would give him something to brag about when gathering with his friends.

When the Five Sects first captured Guque City, they destroyed the teleportation hall connected to the Baiyun Temple Gate.

At that time, the mid-range teleportation array had already been set up, so Liu Yu knew the location clearly and did not need to ask others.

However, it is not an easy matter to return to Chu State at this time.

If the operation is not done well, it is not impossible to be accused of escaping from the battlefield.

But it was really easy for Liu Yu. He had already been prepared.

When I came to the teleportation hall, I took out the sect token and the charter document given by my master. I successfully passed the qualification test and boarded the teleportation array.

In the past two years, he has frequently reported the progress of the mission to the cheap master Li Changkong, and has also contributed a lot of benefits.

The resources handed over to the sect will also pass through the hands of Master Xiang first.

Perhaps he was satisfied with this registered disciple, or perhaps "filial piety" had an effect, so when Liu Yu mentioned the need to return to the sect, he successfully obtained the charter document.

The spiritual stones were activated one by one, and the spiritual energy in them was quickly absorbed by the magic circle.

The teleportation array was slowly activated, and the silver aura gradually lit up and shone brighter and brighter.

In a burst of dazzling silver light, the monks in the formation disappeared.

Yuanyang Sect, Qingtai Peak.

At this time, in a corner of the teleportation hall, a teleportation array erected in recent years gradually lit up with spiritual light, attracting the attention of the guarding monks.

"This is the formation leading to the ancient city of Yan State. Which of our fellow disciples is returning?"

Among the foundation-building monks on duty, there was a middle-aged man with black and white hair, looking at this side curiously.

If Liu Yu were here, he would definitely recognize this person.

It was the monk surnamed Duan who was in charge of the Qingsu Peak Retreat Cave when he was building the foundation.

Decades later, this person's cultivation level has been promoted to the middle stage of foundation building, and he can also receive the task of guarding the teleportation hall. It seems that he is doing well.

The light of the teleportation array gradually brightened, causing some fluctuations in the surrounding spiritual energy.

When the aura reaches its strongest moment, it suddenly begins to dim.

A figure in black robe suddenly appeared in the center of the formation.

This person is Liu Yu!

There was a feeling of dizziness, and he felt his eyes go dark, and then he crossed the distance of thousands of mountains and rivers.

"Nausea" and "dizziness"

The various discomforts coming from his body prevented Liu Yu from stepping out of the formation immediately.

However, after taking Dragon Blood Fruit regularly, his physical strength was no longer what it used to be, and his adaptability was much enhanced, and it didn't take long for him to recover.

After adjusting his condition, Liu Yu stepped forward and left the teleportation array.

"Senior Brother Liu Liu."

A look of astonishment flashed across monk Duan's face, but he quickly came to his senses and said with a smile:

"We sincerely welcome Senior Brother Liu back to the sect,"

"Senior brother participated in the sect's expedition and worked hard for the sect through life and death. Thank you for your hard work!"

The twelve Qingfeng team leaders are also the absolute best among the entire group of Yuanyang Sect's foundation-building monks.

Not to mention Qingyangzi, who is famous for his iron-bloodedness and cruelty.

Therefore, although Liu Yu lives in Yan State, his reputation has already spread back to the sect.

I heard that Qingyangzi's surname was Liu, and the monk surnamed Duan was originally wondering if he was the one who witnessed his foundation building.

Seeing Liu Yu's appearance and cultivation at this time, there was no doubt at all.

There was a huge gap in strength and status between the two sides. He secretly prayed in his heart that Qingyangzi would not care about the "little things" back then.

"Oh, it's Senior Brother Duan."

Liu Yu glanced at the teleportation hall and said casually.

"Don't dare, don't dare."

"In front of Senior Brother Liu, how can I deserve the title of Senior Brother? It's just a matter of building a foundation too early. It doesn't mean anything."

The monk surnamed Duan waved his hands repeatedly, not daring to accept the title of senior brother.

He felt a little uneasy in his heart, wondering if Qingyang still cared about what happened back then.

At the same time, I was also thinking about finding a time to come and apologize.

Naturally, Liu Yu was not aware of the inner activities of the monk surnamed Duan. He just nodded lightly and walked straight out of the teleportation hall without any intention of chatting with him.

Of course, that little thing is really just a little thing, nothing more than a hundred spiritual stones.

What's more, this person apologized and returned the favor in the end, so he didn't take it to heart and had no idea of ​​revenge.

But if there is a chance, I still don't mind cheating this person.

After leaving the teleportation hall, Liu Yu took out the escape boat, turned it into a black escape light, and flew slowly towards Cailian Mountain.

No matter how chaotic the current situation in Yan is, it will not have much impact on Chu. After all, the distance between the two countries is tens of thousands of miles, which is enough to eliminate many aftermaths.

Away from Yan Kingdom, Liu Yu's tense heartstrings relaxed for a short time, and her mood became inexplicably much more relaxed.

Half an hour later, an ordinary but extremely familiar Lingshan Mountain about two hundred feet high came into view.

Cailian Mountain!

After controlling the magic weapon to land on the top of Cailian Mountain, Liu Yu waved his hand and put away the escape boat and walked towards the cave.

Walk to the cave, take out the token of the Wutu Bluestone Formation and open the formation.


The stone door that had been covered in dust for months slowly opened, shaking off large amounts of dust.

Youdao is a golden nest and a silver nest, not as good as your own doghouse.

Although the spiritual veins in Cailian Mountain were only the second-level mid-grade and could not provide much help in cultivation, Liu Yu still felt relaxed when he returned here.

It's like coming home.

For a time, there were so many thoughts.

Shaking his head, Liu Yu came to his senses and walked towards the cave.

Various living utensils were covered with a thin layer of dust, and yellow leaves fell into the cave through the skylight and scattered all over the floor.

There were no shoe prints on the ground, no sign of human beings.

It can be seen that no one has taken care of the cave for a long time.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yu not only was not angry, but was extremely calm.

In his spiritual sense, bursts of Qi-level spiritual pressure were coming from a room to the left of the training room.

This spiritual pressure has reached the state of perfect Qi refining and is breaking through to a higher state, but it is suddenly increasing and decreasing, making it extremely unstable.

This room is where Ji Ruyan lives.

Based on the spiritual pressure and spiritual energy fluctuations, as well as the situation in the cave, Liu Yu judged that Ji Ruyan was approaching the foundation building realm.

After thinking for a moment, he gave up the idea of ​​prying.

When a cultivator breaks through a great realm and realizes a leap in life level, he needs to concentrate all his energy and fight wholeheartedly before he can succeed.

Any distraction at this time may result in failure.

Even if he is not distracted, is not disturbed, and is just maliciously spied on by other monks, it is almost impossible to succeed.

This involves the Qi in the dark.

When trying to hit the big realm, being able to be spied on by other monks with malicious intent is a sign of lack of luck and doomed failure, isn't it?

If that were the case, it would not be surprising at all if it ended up failing.

Of course, except for one type of monk.

This kind of monk can achieve breakthroughs in fierce battles and finally achieve incredible feats.

An unexpected but reasonable comeback, a counterattack to kill the "negligent" enemy cultivators.

Some people call this kind of monk a "man of destiny", while others call him a "protagonist".

However, Ji Ruyan is obviously not the above kind of monk, and it is related to his own grand plan. Liu Yu will certainly not do anything to affect this woman's cultivation before getting the "psychic energy".

Looking at the cave that had not been cleaned for several months, he shook his head, cast a spell, picked up the tools, and started cleaning it himself.

Under the influence of the spell, in just a quarter of an hour, the cave had taken on a completely new look.

"I wonder how far this woman has progressed in her attack on the foundation?"

"However, the spiritual energy has not yet been activated to fill the body. It is obvious that the final "physical level" has not been reached."

"It's either at the "mana level" or the "spiritual level"."

Standing outside Ji Ruyan's retreat room, Liu Yu carefully sensed the changes in spiritual pressure and spiritual energy, guessing the woman's condition.

There is Foundation Building Pill in the magic power gate, Qing He Ling Tea in the spiritual consciousness gate, and dragon blood fruit in the physical body gate.

According to theory, the probability of this woman's foundation building being successful has exceeded 70%, which is even higher than her own. There is no reason to fail.

"Everything that should be prepared for this woman has been prepared, and the rest is up to her."

After standing there for a long time, feeling the subtle changes in the spiritual energy, Liu Yu turned around and entered the practice room and began daily practice.

Swallow the Red Yuan Dan to practice Qingyang Kung Fu, swallow the Shen Yang Dan, and cooperate with the "Shen Shen Magical Method" to temper your soul.

During cultivation, five hours passed quickly.

Liu Yu finished her training and walked out of the cave. Seeing that Ji Ruyan was still the same as before, she could only take out the Netherworld Xuanbinglu and start flipping through it, patiently waiting for the result of this woman.

The sun rises and sets, the moon shines and the moon fades.

In this short and peaceful life, seven days passed in a blink of an eye.

Seven days later, Liu Yu was warming up the spiritual weapon.

But suddenly he felt a violent fluctuation of spiritual energy. His heart moved and he suddenly looked towards the room where Ji Ruyan was retreating.

"Could it be...?"

Thanks to book friends 1464427773396320256_6500 points, Huazhen 5000 points, and Kong Liulixia 1500 points for their encouragement!

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