Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 398 Adding insult to injury

Chapter 398 Adding insult to injury

Unfortunately, every time he returned in vain, he was blocked by a black wheel spiritual weapon.

This black wheel has a dark color as a whole, and there are sharp blades shining with cold light on the outer ring. It is also a high-grade spiritual weapon.

The defense of the Black Wheel Spirit Weapon was airtight, seeking no merit but no fault, which made the bearded monk extremely depressed, but there was nothing he could do about it.

The monk who wields the Black Wheel Spirit Weapon is the person with the highest cultivation level guarding Baiyunguan here, a Taoist wearing a black Taoist robe.

This person obviously has a lot of experience in fighting, and he is very organized among the spiritual weapon masters. Even Liu Yu felt his eyes lit up after seeing many of the routines.

"Song Haocang."

Liu Yu saw this and recognized the identity of Taoist Xuanpao.

This person's name is Song Haocang, and he is one of the outstanding monks in the foundation-building period of Baiyun Temple.

His cultivation reached the peak of foundation building twenty years ago.

Although it is not the golden elixir seed of Baiyun Temple, it is far inferior to "Taoist Ziyun", but he can be regarded as an unknown person who can cultivate to the peak of foundation building.

Those were the most famous foundation-building monks in the Yan Kingdom. Liu Yu had already memorized the information in his mind, so he recognized them immediately.

On the other hand, there was no record of the bearded cultivator in the data.

Either this person is hiding well, or he is a "dragon crossing the river" from another country who wants to take advantage of this chaos to gain resources for cultivation.

The so-called "everyone pushes down the wall" means that there are countless people in the world of immortality who follow the trend.

In the past, when Baiyun Temple was powerful, it was naturally so coercive that no one dared to stroke the tiger's beard, and all the big and small forces in the two continents surrendered.

But with the current situation, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Baiyun Guan Qi has been exhausted, and naturally there is no fear and fear as before.

Many "reckless heroes" emerged at this time.

I want to get some scraps from the corpse of this behemoth.

Given the size of Baiyun Temple, even a little bit of minced meat leaking out from between the fingers is enough to feed many casual cultivators.

"ding ding"

On the flat ground in the forest, the sound of the collision of magic weapons and spiritual weapons could be heard endlessly, and the two sides fought fiercely.

But Liu Yu could clearly feel that the bearded cultivator was getting anxious and a little out of breath.

"I don't know how long the two sides have been fighting for?"

"Although Xianque City has been surrounded by groups, and it is unlikely that any monks will come to support us, we should only be afraid of the rare event."

"After all, this place is still under the control of Baiyun Temple. If the other party sends high-level monks over, I will go there in white robes."

Liu Yu was in the dark, observing the situation clearly, and his mind was spinning rapidly.

"We can't let these casual cultivators ruin good things. It's time to intervene."

Thinking of this, he put away the molten fire knife, intending to add fuel to the fire and help the casual cultivators.

The goal of both parties is to find the elixir in the elixir garden, so they can join forces.

However, the Molten Knife cannot be used for the time being. This top-quality spiritual weapon is a very distant thing for the monks on both sides. Using it rashly will only arouse the fear of both parties.

When the time comes, don't talk about using the power of casual cultivators to break through the elixir garden. I'm afraid both sides will point the finger at themselves.

After thinking about it, Liu Yu took out the dark yellow flying sword and the pink folding fan that had not been used for a long time. These two top-quality magic weapons were rarely used and would not reveal their original identities.

And it just fits the current level of cultivation and will not arouse the fear of both parties.

After being prepared, Liu Yu smiled mysteriously and no longer used the "invisibility technique" to cover up the spiritual pressure.

Intentionally or unintentionally, a trace of spiritual pressure leaked out.

“Bang bang”

Seeing that he was unable to make breakthrough progress, the bearded cultivator couldn't help but become a little anxious and continued to increase the output of mana.

But no matter how fierce his attack was, he would always be blocked by Song Haocang, and every time he would return without success.

Seeing the few casual cultivators gathered around him, who seemed to have some remaining strength in any case, he couldn't help but feel an unknown fire.

The bearded monk was also afraid that support from Baiyunguan would arrive, knowing that if this continued, he would be in vain.

He was about to explain the pros and cons, but suddenly he felt a trace of foundation-level spiritual pressure looming. He suddenly looked towards the mountains and forests to the left and shouted:


As he spoke, the bearded cultivator casually threw out several ice picks, pointing directly at the place where the aura had appeared just now.

"Bang bang"

The ice pick, which was about ten feet in size, knocked down trees one after another, and finally fell on the grass, but did not hit any target.

But the aura that was revealed just now is even more obvious now, and has been sensed by all the monks.

"Which Taoist friend is this? Please show up and see me!"

The nine foundation-building casual cultivators were all extremely vigilant. At this time, they had stopped attacking and looked towards where the aura was appearing.

His consciousness swept through the mountains and forests, but he found no trace.

"Could it be that the support from Baiyun Temple has arrived?"

After this thought, some casual cultivators were extremely frightened and even secretly retreated, ready to run away at any time if the situation went bad.

"What a ragtag bunch."

Liu Yu observed this scene and shook his head secretly in his heart. However, he was not ready to hide at this time, so he took advantage of the situation and showed his body.

He walked out from behind a large tree, with an awkward smile on his face, and waved his hands repeatedly:

"Fellow Taoists, please don't misunderstand me. Hong is just passing by and has absolutely no other intentions."

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence in the venue.

The bearded and other casual cultivators were still uneasy, and used their spiritual consciousness to scan the forest carefully, unable to think of a reply for a moment.

They were like frightened birds, extremely cautious.

After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Baiyunguan does not need to send many monks. It only needs to send a powerful person, or send a golden elixir monk to catch them all.

Seeing that the visitor was just an ordinary middle-aged man wearing a yellow mandarin jacket, and his cultivation level was only in the middle stage of foundation building, the bearded man and other casual cultivators all breathed a sigh of relief.

After scanning carefully with his spiritual sense and confirming that no other monks were present, he truly felt at ease.

The nine casual cultivators looked at each other vaguely for a few times, seeming to be communicating. Finally, the bearded cultivator cautiously spoke:

"Fellow Daoist Hong is from Baiyun Temple?"

At the same time as he said this, the other eight foundation-building casual cultivators took back their magic weapons and spiritual weapons and stared at Liu Yu silently.

It seemed that as soon as the word "yes" popped out of his mouth, he would launch a thunderous strike, and all of them would kill him quickly.

Liu Yu had a clear view of the intentions of the nine people with beards.

Of course I could understand what they meant, I just pretended not to know, but I smiled secretly in my heart.

"No, no, no, don't get me wrong, Hong is just a casual cultivator."

"Such a big sect is constrained by strict rules and regulations. It's better to be a casual cultivator and be free and easy!"

As he spoke, a look of disdain appeared on his face, and he distanced himself from Baiyunguan.

Hearing this, the faces of the nine bearded cultivators softened, and they were no longer tense as before.

Of course they would not believe this one-sided statement, but since this person chose to show up, it is unlikely that he has anything to do with Baiyun Temple, and it is unlikely that he has anything to do with it.

What's the use of sending just a mid-stage foundation-building monk here?

If he was really a monk from Baiyun Temple, wouldn't it be better to hide in the dark?

In this way, they will be afraid to let go.

Naturally, the siege of Qianchang Spiritual Medicine Garden was solved.

"It turns out that Fellow Daoist Hong, I am Cao Yuanwu."

"Fellow Taoist appears here at this time. Could it be that he coincides with our plans and is a like-minded fellow?"

The bearded Sanxiu grinned and asked tentatively.

When the building of Baiyun Temple is about to collapse, there are many people who are adding insult to injury, especially the casual cultivators who have little concern.

Of course, he regarded Liu Yu as a "comrade".

There happened to be a stalemate in the attack on the elixir garden. Seeing that the whole trip was going to be in vain, he began to try to win over him.

As for the trust issue, it's not important.

They are only slightly familiar with each other, because their interests are temporarily united and they plan to make a "big one", so they may not have much trust.

In this case, what's the harm in wooing another person?

As for the distribution of benefits, everyone depends on their ability. If this person is too weak, then.

Several thoughts flashed through Cao Yuanwu's mind, but there was a hearty smile on his face.

The words had just fallen, but before Liu Yu could speak, the monks from Baiyun Temple in the Spiritual Medicine Garden could not sit still.

"Fellow Daoist Hong, don't listen to this thief's nonsense!"

"This person has no good intentions. He just wants to take advantage of fellow Taoists. I'm afraid he has the intention of "killing the donkey"!"

"As long as fellow Taoist help us repel these rabble, Mr. Song will be grateful to me in the future."

"I will definitely provide you with elixirs and spiritual stones that will satisfy fellow Taoists."

Of course Song Haocang didn't want to see the other party win over the newly emerged foundation-building monks, and he would not sit back and watch the other party's strength grow.

So he immediately opened his mouth to win over and promised various benefits.

When it came to the safety of Qianchang Spiritual Medicine Garden and himself, he didn't care so much anymore. He put aside the pride of a large number of disciples and went to win over a seemingly ordinary foundation-building monk.

"Baiyun Temple is acting in the opposite direction. It often oppresses us casual cultivators and occupies most of the resources in the two continents, making our situation even more difficult."

"But the cycle of heaven is precisely because of this that we ended up where we are today."

"Fellow Daoist Hong, I am a casual cultivator and should unite to fight for our own interests."

After listening to Song Haocang's words, Cao Yuanwu certainly would not sit idly by and replied sharply.

Underneath his seemingly careless appearance, he is actually extremely shrewd.

His words are clear and coherent, directly pointing out the dark history of Baiyun Temple.

He also said that "we" are all oppressed casual cultivators and should stand on the same side.

"Fellow Taoist, please do not listen to such one-sided words!"

"The way I view things is definitely not what I say. That's not the style of individual monks, it's just an exception."

"If fellow Taoists are willing to help, I would like to treat them as guests, Mr. Song."

Song Haocang retorted not to be outdone and continued to promise benefits.

But his face looked a little ugly, as if he had been greatly insulted, and he felt a sense of shame in his heart.

Two years ago, Baiyun Temple was still a unified existence that united the two continents, and no monks dared to disobey it.

Now facing a mere casual cultivator in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, he actually has to be so humble?

At this delicate moment, Liu Yu, an "ordinary" monk in the middle stage of foundation building, happened to be able to influence the direction of the battle, and at the same time he was strongly attracted by both sides.

Baiyun looks at one side and uses interests to win over.

Cao Yuanwu, on the other hand, moved him with emotion and reason, and promised to break down the elixir garden and share its resources.

For a time, he became the target of both parties' efforts to win over.

Liu Yu showed a "hesitant" look on her face, but she quickly became firm and said politely to Cao Yuanwu and others:

"Fellow Daoist Cao is right. Baiyunguan behaves extremely domineeringly on weekdays and has been squeezing the living space of casual cultivators like us."

"We and other casual cultivators come and go as soon as we call them, and they don't take it seriously at all."

"We, as casual cultivators, should really unite and take this opportunity to scrape off a piece of fat from Baiyun Temple."

As he spoke, he bowed his hands towards Cao Yuanwu and other casual cultivators, and slowly approached them.

When the nine casual cultivators heard this, their tense minds relaxed slightly, but their vigilance did not diminish at all.

Cao Yuanwu was overjoyed when he heard this, and the smile on his face became brighter, and he returned the greeting politely:

"Fellow Daoist Hong understands the general situation so well, Cao is very pleased."

"The most correct choice for us is to share the resources in the Broken Spirit Medicine Garden."

"You can't believe even a single word of what the monk from Baiyun Temple said!"

"This matter has been delayed for a while. In order to avoid the arrival of reinforcements, we will take action immediately!"

There was a distance of two feet, but Liu Yu didn't get closer.

Instead, he kept a relatively safe distance from the nine casual cultivators. This was the default rule in the world of cultivating immortals.

In order to avoid being attacked by surprise, monks who are not familiar with each other often do not approach each other rashly. Otherwise, they will violate a taboo and may become enemies as a result.

The same was true for Cao Yuanwu and the other nine foundation-building casual cultivators, who kept a safe distance from each other.

Only two monks in the late stage of foundation building were closer to this person, and they seemed to know each other well and trust each other.

Other foundation-building casual cultivators stood faintly on both sides, forming their own small groups, keeping a certain degree of vigilance against these three people.

"If I'm not mistaken, this team of casual cultivators was established with the help of three people."

"The small group of Cao Yuanwu and three people is the core."

"Interesting. If this is the case, the next step will be exciting."

Liu Yu's eyes flashed, and he keenly understood the subtle relationship between them, and said concisely:

"That's how it should be!"

On the other side, seeing that his plan to win over Liu Yu failed, Song Haocang's face turned livid and ugly.

However, nothing you say at this time will help. Instead, it will make the other party laugh and damage your own morale.

So he didn't yell, but took the time to deploy and make corresponding defensive arrangements.

Although the elixir garden is protected by the second-level top-notch formation, with the addition of Liu Yu, the strength comparison between the two sides has further widened, and the situation has become increasingly unfavorable.

When Song Haocang thought of this, he felt a little discouraged.

Although he disdains casual cultivators, he knows a lot about them and understands that these casual cultivators are best at adapting to the changing circumstances.

At this critical moment, the opponent's foundation-building monks added one more person, which greatly increased the arrogance of the opponent's team.

Judging from Cao Yuanwu's unyielding attitude, it is obvious that he will not give up easily. I am afraid that the next offensive will not be that simple.

"Everyone, whether you will live a tight life or be extravagant in the future depends on today."

"Please be sure to use all your strength. We will attack the elixir garden in one fell swoop and share its resources!"

Cao Yuanwu was not in a hurry to launch another attack, but tried his best to mobilize and show his sincerity and magnanimity.

Thank you for ending the dream with a song, Persimmon who loves tomatoes, What is love in a dream, Sleeping the next day, 202001301315544632, The past is over, The dust is not sad, JackM, Gundam ZERO, Jun Miyagi, Ye Qian, What a big pig monster, For Ru Bing and Xin Bingshuang, Xia Xiliu and other book friends’ monthly ticket support!

Every vote of support is the motivation for the author to update! Thank you Changting!

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