Chapter 560: Kill them all!

Then, the strength of the struggle immediately weakened, and its power also declined rapidly.

I saw that the demon's heart was penetrated by the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear, leaving a shocking blood hole.

There were still wisps of green flames burning around the blood hole.

However, the cyan flame was blocked by a layer of rich black light and did not spread for the time being.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mu Yunyan summoned up his magic power and poured it out like water from a floodgate, activating the three magic weapons with all his strength.

She controlled the yellow axe, turned the direction of the ax blade, aimed at his head and sliced ​​it away!


Cold light flashed and demon blood spurted out.

I saw the head of the red-blooded crocodile, which was cut off horizontally by the yellow axe’s prepared blow!


The head fell on the mud, and the eyes were still turning slightly. This monster refused to rest in peace!

The cut on the headless crocodile corpse is smooth and neat, without any bulges or depressions, just like a miraculous workmanship.

Suffering this heavy blow, the layer of black light that blocked the green flames lost control and immediately disintegrated and quickly dissipated.

Then, the Qingyang Demonic Fire suddenly surged and began to spread on its huge demonic body.

In just a moment, the entire demon body was set on fire and its flesh and blood began to burn.

After two breaths, only one layer of skeleton was left.

After completing the strategic goal and harvesting the fuel, Liu Yu was satisfied and recalled the Qingyang Demonic Fire and the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear.

"Two Baidu"

"Eighty Degrees"

"A total of 280 degrees of fuel, plus the previous 720 degrees, there is already a thousand degrees of fuel."

"The progress from the first to the second level of Qingyang Demonic Fire is finally a quarter complete."

The moment he withdrew the demonic fire, he came to a conclusion based on the extremely close mental connection.

After so many years of cultivation and sacrifice, the connection between Qingyang Demon Fire and Liu Yu has become closer and closer.

Although it is not yet a "natal spiritual fire", it is not far away, and the connection is not much worse than the "Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear".

If you choose to refine another "Nine Palaces Qingyang Lamp", this fire will automatically be promoted to the natal spiritual fire, and will be promoted with Liu Yu's cultivation and the promotion of the "Nine Palaces Qingyang Lamp".

It's a pity that he did not choose this path, but chose another path that was more lethal.


The screams of the red-blooded crocodile spread through the swamp, mixed with unimaginable pain.

Just by hearing the sound, you can imagine the pain he must have suffered.

Almost at the same time that Liu Yu cooperated with Mu Yunyan to deal with the last third-level mid-level red-blooded crocodile, the battle on Zhuo Mengzhen's side also came to an end.

With the suppression of the third-level puppet, another early third-level red-blooded crocodile can no longer resist the humanoid evil ghost's thirst for flesh and blood.

In this moment, all the flesh, blood, and essence had been drained from his body, leaving only a skeleton and a piece of crocodile skin.

There was also the demon pill, which was left behind under Liu Yu’s special order.

"Two fellow Taoists, take action quickly!"

"This demon is too powerful. The poor Taoist and the high Taoist friends can no longer hold it back. We need to wait and attack it together!"

On the other side, seeing Liu Yu shine and help the two women resolve the battle, Canglou Lao Dao immediately sent a message.

The leader of the Red-Blooded Crocodile has a rich bloodline, and his cultivation has reached the late third level. He and Gao Jianhan tried their best to attack, but it was difficult to cause effective damage.

But for every attack from the other side, the two of them had to be prepared.

Every moment, we are taking huge risks, reaching the point where we are almost unsustainable.

"Understood, fellow Taoist, hold on, Liu will be here right now!"

After receiving the message, Liu Yu replied, notifying the two women to go and kill them.

And he flashed, holding two mid-level third-order demon pills and one early-stage third-order demon pill in his hands.

The spirit of the monster beasts in the three demon pills can be refined into the Ten Thousand Soul Banner. It would be a pity if it was damaged in the subsequent battle.

Anyway, in the process of dealing with the two monsters, I played my part, so I have a clear conscience when I take them.

Even if the two women asked for it, Liu Yu would not be able to spit it out, and at worst they would have to pay for the pills or spiritual stones.

He generally would not give up something that could directly increase his strength.

Just be a little bit shameless.

Quickly packing up his share of the battle supplies, Liu Yu turned around and rushed towards the last battlefield.


The swamp was filled with the painful wails of low-level red-blooded crocodiles.

In the fight between the Golden Core cultivator and the third-level demon cultivator, even the slightest spread of the aftermath was irresistible to them.

Those whose realm is too low will die on the spot, while those whose realm is higher will continue to linger and endure painful torture.

If you try to interfere in the battle, you will be dismissed by the five people with one blow, and you will end up with a violent death.

High above the swamp, Liu Yu and the five men stood out of thin air, standing in five directions in the shape of a five-pointed star.

Surrounding the leader of the Red-Blooded Crocodile from afar, blocking any escape route for this monster.

No matter which direction it breaks through, it will face a joint attack from five people.

High in the sky, five people and one demon were silent, silently confronting each other, and none of them took action immediately.

Seeing the human monks arriving one by one and the tribesmen being killed one by one, the crimson pupils of the leader of the Red Blood Crocodile were filled with a trace of crazy determination.

For the entire world, the monster is one of the many "children", possessing simple wisdom and unique preferences.

It is this simple wisdom that makes monsters generally relatively pure. Once they are recognized as "tribesmen" or "friends", they rarely betray or turn against one another.

Especially for monsters who are from the same clan and are third-level demon cultivators, other third-level clansmen are the only few partners with whom they can communicate.

The demon cultivators are still cold and ruthless towards other monsters or alien races, but they also have a warm side towards their own race and companions.

Seeing his companions fall one by one and being brutally killed by the hateful human monks, the leader of the Red-Blooded Crocodile already had a death wish in his heart!

If it can break through the tight siege, it will immediately report it to the "King Court" and then spend its life hunting down these "murderers"!

If he cannot break through, he will be buried with several human monks!

In the scarlet pupils, the madness became more and more obvious.

On the 16-foot-long monster body of the leader of the Red Blood Crocodile, a wisp of dark red blood spread from the center of his eyebrows and quickly spread all over his body.

As the blood color spreads, its aura is also rising rapidly, gradually moving towards the third level peak!

"No, this monster is using secret techniques to increase its strength!"

"Fellow Taoists, take action quickly. We must not let this monster succeed in breaking out, otherwise the consequences for us will be disastrous!"

Feeling the rapidly rising aura around them, the expressions of the five people immediately changed, and Master Cangyun immediately shouted loudly.

Before he finished speaking, he had already taken action!

There was no magic left in the middle stage of the golden elixir, and all of it was poured into the magic weapon "Purple Night Soul-Severing Halberd".

In the sky, purple spiritual light bloomed, and the halberd was like a divine weapon, surrounded by thin thunder and lightning.

In an instant, it changed to a size of three feet, thunder exploded from top to bottom, and struck towards the Red Blood Crocodile Clan Leader!

Judging from his power, Canglou Lao Dao must have realized that something was wrong and had no reservations.

But before that, someone had already taken action faster.

Leaning his left shoulder back, Liu Yu waved forward with a palm of his right hand, and a light cyan brilliance suddenly bloomed.

In an instant, the light shone on the leader of the Red Blood Crocodile, whose body was already glowing with dark red blood.

The magical power "Wither" is activated instantly.

Even though he is determined to retain his strength, he cannot ruin a major event because of it, as that would be even more detrimental to himself.

And appropriately exposing some strength will be more conducive to the distribution of "golden scale fruits" afterwards and reduce some disputes.

With all kinds of thoughts flashing through his mind, Liu Yu immediately weighed the interests clearly, so the moment he realized something was wrong, he decisively used his natal magical power.

Illuminated by the cyan light, he obviously did not feel the intrusion of any special power, but the red-blooded crocodile leader's demonic power and physical strength became sluggish and weak.

The momentum that had been rising rapidly due to talent or secret skills was curbed and stopped growing, and even fell back a little.

"Ho ho ho~"

Feeling the strangeness of the demon body, its demon consciousness quickly scanned the body, but could not detect anything wrong.

Before it had time to think, the purple spur had already spread its wings downwards, and it could only wave one palm to resist.

Seeing this, Liu Yu smiled slightly.

With the participation of a trace of the power of "Golden Seal Script", the natal magical power has "withered" and has undergone a qualitative change.

Although the golden elixir no longer has the concept of "perfection", I am confident that compared to a real ninth-grade golden elixir, my magical power will not be inferior by half.

According to the terminology in previous games, the "priority" is extremely high, and it is almost impossible not to pass the "judgment".


"ding ding"

"Dingling bell~"

As Liu Yu and Canglou Laodao took action one after another, the other three did not sit idly by and took action immediately with all their strength.

The situation was urgent, and all five people knew the stakes.

After just a moment of silence, various spiritual lights shone in the sky, and various magical powers appeared one after another, changing the scene of an area.

The Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear, the Glazed Five Wonderful Bells, the Purple Night Soul-Severing Halberd, the Mysterious Yin-Yang Needle, the most powerful black shark sword, and Zhuo Mengzhen's third-level puppet.

The five people took action with all their strength, and seven or eight magic weapons attacked from all directions, making the Red Blood Crocodile leader exhausted to deal with it.

"Dingling bell~"

Following the green light, another strange ringtone sounded.

When the ringing sound reached his ears, the demon felt exhausted both mentally and physically, and his strength weakened a bit.

However, compared to the blue light, the influence of the strange ringtone is traceable.

With the strong resistance of the soul and demon body, it won't take long to return to normal.

Unlike the "weird blue light" which has no trace to be found and has no tendency to subside, it seems that the powerful resistance of the third-order monster beast has lost its effect.


The long tail thrust forward, forcing the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear back.

"ding ding"

Fighting against the attacks of other magic weapons, the leader of the Red Blood Crocodile gathered most of his strength and swung the sharp claws of his right palm vigorously, before swatting the "Black Shark Sword" away.

This magic weapon poses the greatest threat to it.

In addition, the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear and the Purple Night Soul-Severing Halberd can also pose certain threats.

As for the other magic weapons, their damage was very limited. The leader of the Red Blood Crocodile chose to use the demon body to defeat them.

Even if it leaves a lot of scars, the impact on the huge demon body will be limited for a while.

The idea of ​​breaking out was in vain, and it could only hope that the two "neighbors" would notice something was wrong and come to the rescue in time.

Gold, purple, black

Above the swamp, various spiritual lights reflected each other, and the power of the magic weapon was rampant, turning the red blood swamp upside down.

As soon as they met, the battle became intense.

The magic weapon of the five people can carry out more than ten or even dozens of attacks in one breath, giving the leader of the red-blooded crocodile no chance to breathe.

Compared with ordinary golden elixirs, the five people who dared to participate in the "Chang'an Project" are generally stronger in strength, so it is by no means as simple as one plus one.

Even though the leader of the Red-Blooded Crocodile Clan has spirit demon blood, he tried his best to resist regardless of his injuries and tried to delay time, but the situation still worsened step by step.

Under the fierce attack of five people one after another, even if it wants to move, it will be extremely difficult, not to mention how many people will be buried with it.

Finally, this thrilling battle came to an end after twenty breaths.

Under the green firelight, the eyes of the leader of the Red Blood Crocodile before his death were filled with utter hatred.

Then the flames rose, and the huge monster body was reduced to ashes in four or five breaths.

Only a huge snow-white skeleton and a yellow demon pill the size of a goose egg were left.

"It's not a good time to stay here for a long time. It's best for us to leave as soon as possible!"

After a brief exchange, Mu Yunyan put away the demon pills and skeletons and decided to distribute them after leaving.

Then, the five people turned their eyes and looked at the low-level monsters in the red blood swamp, with cold expressions on their faces.

next moment,

The five people separated and went in all directions, killing the low-level monsters mercilessly.

Kill them all!

Thanks to fellow Taoists such as Lesion 5000 points and 160619203455776 for their support!

PS: This chapter has been modified. When fighting Zhuo Mengzhen’s red-blooded crocodile, his cultivation was only at the early stage of the third level, so he only got 80-degree fuel.

All fuel collection progress now, should be one thousand degrees.

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