Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 568 The mystery of spiritual power

Chapter 568 The mystery of spiritual power

"very good."

"If you activate the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear at the mid-term stage, its power will increase by 50%. The growth rate is very impressive."

"Sure enough, the realm of cultivation is the foundation of everything."

"And after reaching the middle stage of Golden Elixir, the magic power changes a lot, and the effect of warming and nourishing the natal magic weapon is even greater."

"In this way, the power of the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear will increase even faster."

Looking at the wound on his palm, Liu Yu roughly estimated the power of the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear and nodded lightly with great satisfaction.

The reason why I used my own palm to test is just because I was limited by the environment and there was no better way.

Even the test target made of obsidian cannot withstand the power of the golden elixir level, so he made this move.

Breaking through to a new realm will lead to more or less improvement in all aspects. Liu Yu believes that it is very necessary to understand the strength after the breakthrough in a timely manner.

Otherwise, at the critical moment, a slight difference can make a huge mistake.

In a fierce battle, one miscalculation could mean the difference between life and death!

At this time, it was already nine months after the second retreat.

It has been four years and nine months since the five of them came to Lingxiao Cave, and there is only less than three months left before the team sets off again.

During these nine months, Liu Yu's realm was completely stabilized by swallowing the elixir and cultivating with peace of mind.

Because of the dual cultivation that time, or more precisely because of the pure virgin Yuan Yin, the sequelae of the practice did not occur again.

"The effect of that ball of "Yuan Yin Spiritual Power" should last for two or three years, right?!"

Putting the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear into his dantian, Liu Yu made a guess in his mind based on the current state of his body.

Immediately, a slight pain came, making him frown.

On the palm of the hand, blue spiritual light circulated, covering the blood hole of an inch size, and began to heal.

Relying on the strong physical control, although he was injured, no blood flowed out of the wound.

And with the physical cultivation magic power with the characteristics of star power, as well as the strong body and blood, healing began to be visible to the naked eye.

Although it looks like a "blood hole" and seems a bit serious, it is actually just a flesh wound.

The blow of the Sunset Golden Rainbow Gun does not come with any mana effects, or difficult energy attacks such as evil spirit or sword energy, so it is not difficult to heal.

When evil spirit or sword energy enters the body, that is the real trouble. It will enter the body from the wound and cause damage.

If it is more serious, it may cause the meridians to be broken and blocked, the movement of mana to be hindered, and the strength to be greatly reduced.

Therefore, when foreign energy such as evil spirits enters the body, the monk must spare part of his energy to stop it, and his strength will be affected to a greater or lesser extent.

It was only a mere flesh wound, but in just ten seconds, the seemingly serious wound disappeared.

The left hand recovered as before, without leaving even a trace of scar.

After becoming familiar with the changes after a breakthrough, Liu Yu stopped and took a shower.

Cleanse the dust that has fallen on the body due to practicing for too long.

After washing up, he put on a brand new black robe and started cleaning the tea set again.

Looking at the empty room and the antique tea set in his hand, Liu Yu suddenly thought of the maid Wen Caiyi.

"I'm used to being served by others, and suddenly I have to do it myself. It's really a bit uncomfortable."

Shaking her head, Liu Yu cleaned the tea sets and put them away, closed the formation and left the room.

At a glance, following the good view provided by the sunstone, I saw that the hall was empty and deserted, not even a single person.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Originally, he wanted to meet with Mu Yunyan in private to see if he could exchange the "Golden Scale Fruit Tree" with spiritual stone elixirs.

Now, I can only find another opportunity.

Liu Yu smiled helplessly, walked straight to the stone table in the center of the hall, sat down, took out the tea set and tea leaves, and brewed the spiritual tea by herself.

After so many years of tasting and being influenced by his own eyes and ears, his tea skills are not bad at all.

Although it's not as good as a few maids, it's still pretty good.


Picking up the teacup, Liu Yu blew it gently.

The light white mist was blown away, and the water in the cup rippled, spreading out in circles.

A few dark purple tea leaves were floating in and out of it.

Just like me at this time, I couldn't help myself in the monster paradise and could only keep walking along the chosen path.

You must not lose, you must not lose, if you lose, you will be doomed!

You must win by any means necessary!


Liu Yu silently sipped the spiritual tea, feeling the loneliness of being alone.

Not only did I not feel depressed and uncomfortable, but I gradually entered a state of tranquility without meditating and adjusting my breath.

At this moment, he remembered two sentences from his previous life:

"When I reach high places, I realize that I am always alone."

"No one talks to me, and the lonely winter makes me tremble."

"What do I want from a high place?!"

as well as:

"Only when you go through seven levels of loneliness can you become a truly strong person."

"Our world was born from this!"

At this time, recalling these two sentences again, Liu Yu had a different experience.

On this immortal road, every monk has to face isolation and loneliness.

As your cultivation level increases, your former classmates will gradually die or drift away.

Beauties will grow old, red beans will rot, and everything will be buried.

In the end, only loneliness remains

Drifting alone!

As we go along, the road becomes increasingly lonely, but every high-level monk cannot avoid it.

Suddenly looking back, there was no one!


Liu Yu smiled softly and shook his head.

Before he knew it, he had finished drinking the small pot of spiritual tea, and he actually sat in silence for several hours.

Looking at the room of the four people, it was still quiet, and I didn't know what they were doing.

Due to the formation cover, forced prying would definitely lead to discovery, so he did not forcefully observe.

"Ding ding~"

The tea set collided and made a crisp sound.

Liu Yu stood up, put the tea set into the storage ring, and scanned the four-person room again. Seeing that there was still no sign of opening it, she returned to the room.

He would not stop until he got the Golden Scale Fruit Tree.

He had already made up his mind to wait in the lobby for an hour after completing his daily practice to see if he could see Mu Yunyan alone.

Although the effect of Golden Scale Fruit is best when taken for the first time, and the effect lasts for a hundred years at its peak lifespan, it will not be there again after that.

The body refining effect will also be greatly reduced.

But based on the nature of the third-level top-grade spiritual object, it should still have some effect, and it can be regarded as a good body-refining spiritual object.

This is a hope for rapid progress in body refining that cannot be given up easily.

Even if it loses its effect, the Golden Scale Fruit is still extremely valuable. Using its function to exchange chips for other spiritual objects is very "competitive".

In the quiet and deserted Lingxiao Cave, time flies by.

After Liu Yu finished practicing every day, he would come to the hall and sit for an hour to see if he could wait for Mu Yunyan.

It's a pity that after more than two months, I was disappointed again and again.

However, hard work failed, and in the last month, things finally turned around.


After a slight vibration, the protective cover with cold luster suddenly opened a hole.

A female cultivator, Pingping Tingting, dressed in palace attire and looking like a young girl in bloom, walked out.

It's Mu Yunyan!

Seeing this, Liu Yu's eyes flashed, then his expression remained as usual, he stood up and said with a smile:

"Fairy Mu."

"Fairy has been in seclusion for five years. From Liu's point of view, I'm afraid she has made a lot of progress!"

Nearly five years have passed, and Mu Yunyan, who was originally at the peak of his mid-Jindan cultivation, is now becoming more mellow and steady.

If human monks were not at the late stage of the Golden Core or above, they would be discovered and targeted by the "Ten Thousand Demons Array", and they would probably be able to reach the later stage.

"I just have some experience."

"Fellow Taoist Qingyang seems to have changed a lot."

Mu Yunyan smiled sweetly.

Although she has the cover of "invisible spirit", this woman has practiced the "Youmeng Heart Sutra", and her soul and spiritual sense are naturally stronger and sharper than monks of the same level.

Even though the secret technique was completely concealed, she could still faintly feel the change in close contact, which was very different from five years ago!

While talking, the woman approached the stone table. Liu Yu invited her to sit down and poured her a cup of spiritual tea.

Afterwards, the two sides started chatting, and the scene was very pleasant for a time.

Although Mu Yunyan looks like a girl, her actual age may be more than twice that of Liu Yu. Naturally, he will not treat her as a girl.

As he talked, the topic gradually turned to the golden scale fruit due to his intentional actions.

"Liu has already taken that Golden Scale Fruit, and it does have the powerful effects recorded in the records."

Liu Yu said calmly.


Mu Yunyan seemed to be smiling but didn't answer immediately after hearing the words.

Leading the topic to Golden Scale Fruit, the traces are somewhat obvious.

Moreover, the other party's attitude was overly enthusiastic. Based on her hundreds of years of experience, she could tell at a glance that he must have a purpose.

"Golden Scale Fruit Tree?"

This woman was guessing.

However, she didn't plan to speak first and wanted Liu Yu to take the initiative.

In this way, you can firmly grasp the initiative and have the capital to raise the price.

Regarding the golden scale fruit tree, Mu Yunyan actually felt that it was dispensable.

It might be of great value to the sect, but to herself, she couldn't afford to wait for a thousand years, so exchange was the best option.

"It's true."

"Liu is an alchemist. He likes to collect all kinds of spiritual herbs and elixirs. He is also very interested in the golden scale fruit tree."

"I wonder, can Fairy Mu give up her love?"

When talking about business, Liu Yu smiled and said seriously.

Being in a passive position, no matter how long it takes, it will be disadvantageous, so he gets straight to the point when he feels it is appropriate.


Mu Yunyan frowned slightly, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across her girlish white face.

Liu Yuxin understood this.

This woman did this not necessarily because she was reluctant to let go, but more likely because she wanted to sell it at a good price.


Liu Yu did not rush for success, but instead talked about the current situation of the five people.

The implication is that the Golden Scale Fruit Tree is always just a tree.

Even if you hold it tightly in your hands, you can't increase your strength at all, and you can't change your situation.

Moreover, it would take a full thousand years for the spiritual tree to bear spiritual fruit, and even the golden elixir monks could not afford to wait.

I want to get it in exchange just because of my hobby of collecting, and it may not be really indispensable.

"In that case, I would like to thank the fairy for making it happen."

Liu Yu smiled broadly, stood up and cupped her hands.

The storage ring flashed with inspiration, and ten almost transparent spiritual stones the size of walnuts and two exquisite and small jade bottles appeared on the table.

The exchange ratio between high-grade spiritual stones and low-grade spiritual stones is usually more than one to ten thousand.

This is exactly 100,000 spirit stones, and there are two bottles of third-level middle-grade "Purple Yuan Dan", with a total value of about 130,000 spirit stones.

After a confrontation, Liu Yu finally exchanged the golden scale fruit tree for this price.

"Fellow Taoist Qingyang is too polite."

"I am willing to pay hundreds of thousands of spirit stones because of my love. I really admire you."

With a wave of his hand, the spirit stone and elixir disappeared, and Mu Yunyan smiled brightly.

It was definitely a good deal for her to exchange a useless spiritual tree for ten high-grade spiritual stones.

"Dingling bell~"

As soon as the woman raised her hand, the bell tied with a red string on her wrist made a crisp sound.

"Where, where."

Liu Yu smiled and shook his head.

After achieving his goal, he chatted with the woman for a while, then found an excuse to return to the room.


Returning to the room, Liu Yu immediately activated the formation.

Then he quickly took out the Golden Scale Fruit Tree, and a ray of divine consciousness touched the green light spot in Niwan Palace, bringing it into the world of Immortal Mansion.

Everything went dark before his eyes, and the world was spinning.

After a brief trance of consciousness, when he regained consciousness, he had turned into a red light ball the size of a millstone.

The golden-scaled fruit tree, about five feet high, was suspended beside him.

After cultivating to the golden elixir realm, the gray island has changed a lot, growing from a radius of one mile to a radius of ten miles.

Moreover, the black spiritual field also transformed into a red spiritual field, further enhancing the ripening effect.

One hour of growth is equivalent to thirty years in the outside world!

Moreover, the limit of ripening has also been increased by one thousand years, and it can ripen up to a thousand-year-old spiritual grass!

In the world of Immortal Mansion, the soul can directly interfere with matter. Liu Yu made a thought and brought the "Golden Scale Fruit Tree" to the red spiritual field.

I dug a deep hole to plant it, and also poured half a bucket of water from the mottled ancient well to water it.

"Xianfu will never let me down."

Looking at the golden-scaled fruit trees planted, Liu Yu felt happy.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the tree comes to life after being planted, and then blooms and bears fruit step by step.

Obviously, even if it is a third-level top-grade spiritual object, the Immortal Mansion can still accelerate its ripening.

"Each hour takes thirty years, and a thousand years takes nearly three days to ripen."

"Return to the physical body first, and then come back three days later to collect the spiritual fruit."

After watching for a while, Liu Yu had this idea.

Estimating the amount of spiritual energy needed to ripen the seeds, he placed fifty middle-grade spiritual stones around the land where they were planted.

Then with a thought, the soul returned to the physical body instantly.


There were heavy fist shadows and strong winds.

Liu Yu's upper body was bare, and every punch he punched could make a strong sound.


Sweating like rain, he finished a set of Meteor Fist and stood still, the three-color aura in his chest gradually dimmed.

Feeling the increase in physical strength, he immediately showed a wry smile.

"As expected, after taking the first pill, the efficacy of the Golden Scale Fruit was greatly weakened."

"But if you ripen five thousand spiritual stones once, you can get three of them every time, which is completely acceptable."

"At least the remaining effect of the Golden Scale Fruit is still better than other auxiliary resources in hand, and it still helps to refine the body."

Thinking of this, Liu Yu laughed at himself.

I lamented in my heart that I was so greedy that I still took chances.

Precisely because the effect of the second pill was greatly reduced and only the first dose could exert its full effect, he did not directly choose the fruit tree.

Instead, choose the spiritual fruit, consume it first to achieve a breakthrough cultivation level, and then make plans.

However, based on the situation at that time, if Liu Yuzang was too clumsy, he might not be able to keep all the red-blooded crocodile demon cultivators.

When the news leaks out, the consequences are unpredictable.

Therefore, in summary, letting nature take its course is the best choice.

A few teammates wouldn't think it was abnormal.

"It only takes five thousand spirit stones to ripen a third-level top-grade spiritual object. Doesn't it seem a bit unfair?"

"Based on the total amount of spiritual power, the spiritual power contained in each golden scale fruit exceeds five thousand low-grade spiritual stones."

"There is no balance between effort and gain."

He realized the problem.

PS: I still owe more than a dozen chapters in June. All updates will be stopped for now. The author will make up for it slowly.

After all, the current basic update is 6,000 per day. If calculated as 4,000, it is already adding updates every day.

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