Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 570 Black Dragon Mountains

Chapter 570 Black Dragon Mountains

"Sometimes, if you want to achieve your goals, strength is not enough, you also need to be good at calculations!"

His eyes passed over several people without leaving a trace, and this thought flashed through Liu Yu's mind.

Although there is some rejection, before the strength reaches a certain level, you still have to accept it and join it.

Use all the power available!

Hiding in Lingxiao Cave for five years was a plan that everyone agreed to, so when he proposed to set off at this time, no one objected.

After a few words of conversation, a consensus was reached again, and all five people nodded in agreement.

"Then, I'll set off right away."

Standing up suddenly, Liu Yu glanced at several people and said in a deep voice.


Everyone nodded and then stood up silently.

Everything that needed to be packed had been packed in advance, and after a few words of discussion, the five people set off immediately.

Follow the narrow passage you came from and walk towards the ground step by step.

Faced with danger again, everyone's face looked a little heavy and they were not in the mood to talk or laugh.


In the narrow passage, there were only slight footsteps, one after another.

While moving forward, Zhuo Mengzhen deliberately fell behind, not far away from Liu Yu.

She looked back from time to time and cast a searching look, as if to remind her not to forget the previous transaction.

Liu Yu secretly smiled in her heart, but nodded slightly on her face, letting the woman feel relieved.

Seeing this, Zhuo Mengzhen finally felt relieved and his steps became a little brisker.

After a while, the five people came to the end of the road and were blocked by a thick earth wall.

Without hesitation, Mu Yunyan immediately took out the dark cyan token that controlled the formation and hit it with several spells in succession.


The dark cyan token trembled slightly, and a ray of cyan brilliance shot into the wall.


After about two or three breaths, the surrounding walls shook for a while, and then slowly separated to both sides.

There are wisps of soft light shining from the gaps.

Five years later, Liu Yu saw the outside world again through the gap.

Blue sky, white clouds, green mountains, green water

There are many, many monsters living in this land.

They look strange, either lowering their heads to gnaw on the grass, or constricting their breath and crawling forward, forming a complete food chain.

The passage opened, and five people walked out of it one after another, and once again appeared in front of the hillside where they entered.

According to the previous division of labor, the five people remained vigilant.

The moment he left Lingxiao Cave, Zhuo Mengzhen activated the "Green Soul Veil" to cover the five people's figures, as well as the fluctuations in breath and mana, making it difficult for low-level monsters to detect them.

The remaining four people spread their spiritual consciousness and monitored the movements in the four directions at all times, leaving no blind spots.

"No demon cultivator found."

Liu Yu's face was expressionless, but his powerful consciousness far beyond the same level, he had already taken in sight everything within a radius of dozens of miles.

Both body refining and qi refining have broken through to the middle stage of the golden elixir, and his spiritual consciousness has also increased significantly.

From the original range of eighty miles, it skyrocketed to the range of ninety-nine miles, a full increase of nineteen miles.

This level is already infinitely close to the peak of the Golden Core, one hundred miles away. Even Mu Yunyan, who practices the "Youmeng Heart Sutra", is much inferior.

After all, Liu Yu's three paths of cultivation can influence each other and improve each other, and his spiritual consciousness is innately powerful.

In recent years, using the convenience of the Immortal Mansion, I have also tried to take a lot of spiritual objects that can generally enhance spiritual consciousness.

"At this time, I should be able to suppress Mu Yunyan in terms of spiritual consciousness, right?"

This thought flashed across Liu Yu's mind, and then he turned to look at the other people.

Canglou Laodao and Mu Yunyan shook their heads one after another, saying that they found no trace of the demon cultivator.

After observing the external situation clearly, the five people felt relieved.

Although there was no trace of the demon cultivator here, it didn't mean anything, but at least it was a good start.


The five people left Lingxiao Cave, and Mu Yunyan fired a few more magic spells, landing on the dark blue token.

The hillside slowly closed up and returned to its ordinary appearance.

If he hadn't received the news, who would have known that there was a cave inside, a third-level high-grade spiritual land?

After years of corrosion, the formation guarding Lingxiao Cave has developed problems, so the five people have no intention of collecting it.

Even if the material still retains some extraordinary properties for the time being, it can be basically impossible to rearrange it after dismantling it due to various problems.

If you really have to dismantle it, the array materials will most likely be damaged during the process.

By then, the location of Lingxiao Cave will be exposed, and it is impossible for a third-level high-grade spiritual land not to attract the attention of the demon clan.

The whereabouts of the five people may be discovered as a result.

Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, the five people unanimously agreed to maintain the status quo and not be greedy for this small fortune.

Even Zhuo Mengzhen's "Tian Yuan Forbidden Spirit Formation" remained in place and was not taken back.

"How about putting this token back somewhere far away?"


Looking at the dark blue token, Mu Yunyan hesitated for a while and finally spoke.

Hearing this, Liu Yu glanced at the woman, a little surprised.

But he didn't say much, just nodded slightly.

Lingxiao Cave was originally discovered by Piaoxue Tower, and it was only natural for him to think that he might still be able to use it in the future.

Anyway, the place where the token is placed is not far away, so it won't delay much time.

The other three people also nodded in agreement.

Under the cover of the magic weapon Qinghunsha, the five people immediately lifted their feet off the ground and kept flying at a low altitude.

When he came to the boulder next to the small lake, he buried the dark green token in the soil again, and then flew away to the northwest.

Worried about being pursued by the Demon Clan Royal Court, they sent demon cultivators to search for them, and the speed of the five people dropped a lot again.

It was almost with spiritual consciousness that he could clearly observe the situation ahead and move forward cautiously.

However, because Liu Yu's spiritual consciousness has improved and he can see further than Mu Yunyan, he is much safer this time.

Once a demon cultivator appears in front of him, Liu Yu will try to remind him.

Three years later,

In a forest with towering ancient trees.

Five figures of men and women walked cautiously through the forest.

"Tap tap" "swish"

As if they were afraid of being discovered, they didn't move very fast and looked in all directions almost all the time.

There were five people, three men and two women, with a female cultivator at the front. She looked slightly nervous and was always paying attention to what was going on in front of her.

A female cultivator was in the center, with a piece of cyan gauze floating on her hand, which inspired an invisible shield and enveloped the five people.

The male cultivator at the end was wearing a large black robe with a hood that covered most of his face. He looked a bit mysterious and terrifying.

He held a golden spear in his hand, and occasionally showed a small bulge of muscle, which had the power to tear apart tigers and leopards.

Once something is wrong, the spear will immediately come out to strike first!

The dense branches and leaves of the forest greedily absorb every ray of falling sunlight without leaving any gaps, making the forest very dark.

Some trees and branches with strange shapes also look like monsters, which makes people have to brace themselves to see clearly.



After continuing to move forward for more than half an hour, light finally appeared in front of them, and the five people couldn't help but speed up their pace.

He kept walking towards the light source, and finally walked out of the woods, his sight suddenly opened up.

In front of you is a cliff with rugged rocks, which is ordinary and not worthy of attention.

But in the distance, there are rolling Lingshan Mountains.

Standing on a hundred-foot-high cliff and looking into the distance, you can see that the mountains in the distance are higher than the other.

As far as the eye can see, there is no end at all!

Even the shortest Lingshan Mountain is about 800 feet high, which is very majestic.

All kinds of demon birds, exuding extremely strong demonic aura, move in and out of the spiritual mountains.

Shadows continue to fall into the Lingshan Mountains, and shadows rise from between the Lingshan Mountains.


The five people walked to the cliff and looked into the distance under the cover of the Qinghun gauze.

"Black Dragon Mountains"

Liu Yu's face was solemn, and she felt a shiver in her heart as she read out the name.

From his perspective, the endless mountains in his sight looked like a black dragon lying on the ground.

The one closest to the cliff happens to be the dragon's tail.

The closer you get to the dragon's head, the more majestic the mountain is and the richer the spiritual energy in it.

Once the dragon wakes up, it will soar into the sky!

It is called "Black Dragon Mountains" because the demon king who rules here is named "Black Dragon King".

Its strength is terrifying, and it has reached the late stage of transformation, which is equivalent to the late stage of Nascent Soul as a human monk.

Moreover, the power of this great demon's bloodline is very strong. He is already at the pinnacle of the spirit demon bloodline and is strong enough to sweep through the same level.

Rumor has it that the Black Dragon King has grown four claws and has great hope of transforming into a dragon.

Once the dragon is successfully transformed, it is likely to break through to the realm of god transformation and stand at the pinnacle of the entire Tiannan Monster Clan.

Further, compress the space of Tiannan Cultivation World.

Therefore, for the "Black Dragon King", the alliance of the three major immortal cultivating forces in the south of the sky all want to get rid of him quickly.

It's a pity that he is cautious by nature and does not step outside the scope of the demon clan at all.

In order to prevent monks from passing through the thirteenth blockade where the Black Dragon Mountains are located, the demon clan spent a lot of money to set up a "Ten Thousand Demon Array" to cover the entire blockade.

The most critical function of this formation is to distinguish between demon cultivators and human cultivators. All means will not work.

Once a cultivator tries to pass through, he will be immediately discovered by the formation and eaten alive!

As long as the cultivation level exceeds the middle stage of Jindan, even if it is just close to the Ten Thousand Demons Formation, it will be noticed by the demon clan.

Then he locked the position through formations and sent demon cultivators to chase him, making it almost impossible to escape.

In the history of the Seven Nations Alliance, some Jindan Daoist people have reached the Black Dragon Mountains, but only a handful of them have been able to pass.

Ninety percent of the immortal cultivators will perish here!

"How many heroes are buried here?!"

Beside him, Gao Jianhan sighed like this while holding the Black Shark Sword in his arms.

Liu Yu frowned and turned his head when he heard this, wanting to say something.

"No, retreat into the forest quickly!"

But the next moment, his expression suddenly changed and he greeted quickly.

Just because his spiritual consciousness observed that a demon cultivator passed by more than ten miles away,

Before the words were spoken, the five of them were in perfect agreement, and in unison they flashed and hid behind an ancient tree.

The Black Dragon Mountains are the territory of the Black Dragon King, who commands many groups of monsters, and monster cultivators often come to see him.

Therefore, the five people did not find it strange that the demon cultivators appeared more frequently.

"In the history of the alliance, there have been quite a few immortal cultivators who have entered the Hengduan Mountains."

"But there are only nine people who can cross the Black Dragon Mountains."

"In the history of our sect, we have sent a total of nearly twenty of our sect members to enter the Hengduan Mountains one after another."

"But no one passed through the Black Dragon Mountains."

Behind the tree, Canglou Lao Dao stuck his head out, looked in the direction of the Black Dragon Mountains, and said in a somewhat absent-minded manner.

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