Chapter 579 A temporary plan

Wide sea diving, sky high the birds to fly!


This thought flashed through Liu Yu's mind, and she urged her black wind wings to continue flying towards the northeast.

He did not forget that there was a large group of demon cultivators following behind, and they were not out of danger yet.

It is too early to be happy at this time.

After traveling through the dim space of five to six hundred miles in the Ten Thousand Demons Array, the vision became clear again, the sun was shining brightly and the wind was gentle.

Everything is so vivid and clear!


When Liu Yu escaped forty miles away, a large "black cloud" poured out from the gray-black barrier.

In the black clouds of demonic energy, the auras of demonic cultivators were looming.

In the spiritual induction, there were at least twenty or thirty people, and demon cultivators kept coming.

However, the "withering" effect has not faded yet, and they can only watch Liu Yu walk away, gradually increasing the distance.


With the black wind wings fanning, Liu Yu moved quickly through the sunlight, and his shadow was almost invisible to the naked eye.

Looking back at the group of demon cultivators who had just emerged from the gray-black barrier dozens of miles away, a cold smile appeared on his blood-stained face again.

"not good."

Some demon cultivators couldn't help but have a bad premonition again when they saw this familiar smile.

"We're so far apart, this person's weird magical powers shouldn't work anymore, right?!"

Forty miles away, some demon cultivators thought by luck.

But before they could finish their thoughts, an extremely thin cyan brilliance shone at them from a distance of forty or fifty miles.

Then, there was another burst of familiar weakness


"What kind of weird magical power is this?!"

There was nothing they could do to "wither" their magical powers. Many demon cultivators felt extremely aggrieved and roared in anger, but they could only rage with impotence.

Some demon cultivators have already tried it, and it is indeed just ordinary blue light.

But even if the green light is blocked, the strange magical power will still take effect. It's really too shameless!

And even after being separated by dozens of miles, the effect doesn't show any signs of weakening. It's a little too overbearing!


Forty miles away, Liu Yu struck out with a palm in the air, and his palm once again released cyan brilliance.

Just in case, before leaving, he decided to use "wither" again.

Reduce the escape speed of some demon cultivators so that you can continue to maintain the advantage in escape speed.

Anyway, the natal magical power consumes very little mana and does not cause much burden. It is one of the most important and conventional methods for monks.

In the Ten Thousand Demon Array, Liu Yu used it frequently without consuming much mana.

With one palm strike, the smile on his face faded, and he became expressionless again, and continued to rush towards the distance without saying a word.

After the demon clan royal court established a blockade, more than half of the third-order demon cultivators and their tribes were arranged to garrison on the blockade to survive and reproduce.

Therefore, compared to normal areas, the demon cultivators on the blockade are denser, similar to human sects.

The wider area between the two blockades is relatively less dense.

Due to resource limitations, there is often a third-level demon cultivator group in an area hundreds to thousands of miles away, or even wider.

Similar to the Jindan family of Chu State, as well as the small and medium-sized forces that submitted to the five major sects.

However, no matter how sparsely the third-level demon cultivators are distributed, compared to the third-level escape speed, it is actually not too far away.

If Liu Yu is not careful, he will still be chased and intercepted.

They were worried that the fourth-level transformed demon cultivators had received the news and were on their way there. There were also demon cultivators inside and outside the formation getting in touch, forming a pincer attack.

Therefore, after he left the Ten Thousand Demons Formation, his escape speed did not slow down at all, and he was still in a state of bursting at full speed.


The escape light shuttled under the scorching sun, making a strong sound of breaking through the sky.

Doing this will easily attract the attention of demon cultivators along the way.

But it was the lesser of two evils. Liu Yu didn't care about that much now. It was more important to get rid of the pursuers behind him as soon as possible.

He flew away at full speed, and I don't know how long it took.

The demon cultivator behind him gradually disappeared, and even his spiritual pressure and aura could no longer be sensed.

"Finally got rid of the pursuers."

After confirming again and again, Liu Yu felt relieved, his magic power slowed down slightly, and his escape speed returned to normal.

After using all his strength for so long, even with the powerful foundation of the ninth-grade golden elixir, he felt deeply exhausted.

He wanted to stop and take a breather, but he suppressed the urge.

Although he escaped the pursuit, the demon cultivator obviously would not stop there and was probably still searching.

If you don't get away as soon as possible, the possibility of being discovered again is very high.

At this time, Liu Yu had released his "real body" state, and Zhuo Mengzhen was held in his arms with his left hand, and the two of them were close to each other.

Such close contact was also forced out of help.

This woman only has the early stage of the Golden Core, and is seriously injured. It is impossible to keep up with her own escape speed, so she can only bring her along in this way.


During the flight, Zhuo Mengzhen was held very calmly.

She looked forward as if nothing had happened, but her eyes glanced at Liu Yu from time to time.

There are light and shallow wounds on the masculine bronze muscles.

Roughly counting, there are at least a dozen places.

Some have scars, as if burned by flames, some are glowing with a strange purple color, it seems that there is some kind of toxin, but it has been temporarily suppressed without deterioration, and some

The resolute face was covered with blood, and the blood and sweat were mixed together and flowing down vertically, giving off a strange smell.

Zhuo Mengzhen's first reaction to this appearance was disgust.

But when I think of Liu Yu's ability to intimidate all the demons and his unbridled laughter, I can't help but feel a bit of admiration.

"This guy Qingyang does have many shortcomings, but he also has many advantages."

Just when the woman's eyes were distracted and she began to think wildly, a calm voice came, interrupting her thoughts.

"Fellow Daoist Zhuo, how are your injuries?"

"Now that you are out of pursuit, can you still escape independently and activate the "Green Soul Veil" to cover your tracks?"

Liu Yu said calmly as his eyes scanned the surroundings.

Hearing this, Zhuo Mengzhen subconsciously looked up and opened his mouth to speak.

But soon, she realized her posture.

This kind of posture that required looking up made the woman feel very awkward, so she didn't say anything and just nodded silently.

Seeing this, Liu Yu didn't waste any time and let go of the girl with her left hand.

Although he was seriously injured, Zhuo Mengzhen could still do it simply by flying in the air.

And since Liu Yu's escape speed has slowed down, it is not difficult for her to keep up.

After getting rid of the pursuers, the two returned to their previous way of advancing, reducing their escape speed and flying close to the ground.

Zhuo Mengzhen activated the "Qinghunsha" to cover his whereabouts, while Liu Yu released his spiritual consciousness to scan all directions.

But because they were anxious to stay away from the Ten Thousand Demons Formation, the two escaped at a much faster speed than before.

Qinghun gauze cannot completely cover up the mana fluctuations. Occasionally, a trace of fluctuations will leak out, but I can't care about that much.


Half a day passed in secret flight.

As the escape speed increases, although the risk of exposure increases a lot, there are still no dangers along the way.

"Calculating the distance, we should be six or seven thousand miles away from the Ten Thousand Demons Formation at this time."

"It should be relatively safe here."

Thinking like this, Liu Yu stopped at a small lake.

He asked Zhuo Mengzhen to open a cave for temporary rest under the small lake, while he alerted the surroundings in case any demonic cultivators suddenly arrived.

Looking at the green mountains and green waters in the distance and the completely unfamiliar environment, Liu Yu frowned slightly.

Even in modern times, when the Tang Dynasty was at its most powerful, except for the "Changnan Ancient Road", the Tiannan territory had just touched the Black Dragon Mountains.

As for the area behind the Black Dragon Mountains, the power has not spread at all. There are very few records in this regard, and even less information has been handed down.

Therefore, for all Tiannan monks, this is a completely unfamiliar place, and they can only rely on themselves to walk carefully step by step.

"Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and the "Changnan Ancient Road" must have been destroyed by the Demon Clan Royal Court's magical power of moving mountains and reclaiming seas."

"Now, we can only take one step at a time and slowly explore towards the north."

"After so many years, I wonder if the Central Territory is still the same as it is in the records?"

Stepping on the water, Liu Yu had many thoughts.

He had to admit that when he made the decision, he might have been a little impulsive.

How can it be so easy to accomplish things that have not been done by predecessors?

But the matter has come to this, there is no turning back, so I can only go on.

If you want to return now, with the barrier of the Ten Thousand Demons Array, it will definitely be a dead end.

After this incident, the demon clan will definitely be on heightened alert, and it is basically impossible to pass through in the same way.

In the distant ancient times, after cultivators became powerful enough, they gradually left the Central Region and embarked on the road to compete with all races.

It successively opened up the Eastern Wasteland, Western Desert, Beiyuan, and Tiannan.

Among them, Tiannan was developed the latest, and it was not until the end of the Middle Ages that it entered a period of relative strength.

It was not until the Tang Dynasty that after systematic summarization, a relatively safe passage was established, which was later called the "Changnan Ancient Road".

On the other side of the ancient road is the "Annan Protectorate".

According to ancient records, a "battle for the direct descendants" of the Tang Dynasty more than 100,000 years ago severely damaged the vitality of the Tang Dynasty, and it gradually became unable to maintain the "Changnan Ancient Road".

The Demon Clan Royal Court took the opportunity to attack and reoccupied the passage. Since then, Tiannan has lost contact with the Tang Dynasty.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu shook his head and stepped into the temporary cave under the lake.

An hour later, Liu Yu swallowed the elixir, and her magic power and injuries were fully restored.

The scars on the body also disappeared under the powerful body, leaving only some scars, which will disappear automatically after a short time.

After adjusting their breathing, washing up, and putting on a new robe, the two sat opposite each other in the temporary cave.

"Fellow Taoist Qingyang, how long are we going to stay here?"

After a long silence, Zhuo Mengzhen asked.

She knew that the decision-making power was not in her hands, so she was smart enough not to make her own decision, but instead asked the other party about their plans.

Hearing this, Liu Yu took out a white round jade pendant, looked at the jade pendant and frowned.

"With such a small distance, we are still too close to the Ten Thousand Demons Formation. I will wait for a short rest before continuing to set off!"

"Wait another three hours. If the "Psychic Jade" still hasn't responded, don't wait any longer."

He said calmly, stating his decision.

The white jade pendant is called "Psychic Jade" and is an auxiliary magic weapon. There are five pieces in total for one mother and four sons.

Holders of psychic jade can sense each other's existence and guide the direction within a thousand miles.

This treasure belonged to Mu Yunyan and was specially prepared for this trip. As early as two years ago, the remaining four had been given to Liu Yu and the others.

Before entering the Ten Thousand Demons Formation, the five people made plans based on various situations. If they were forced to disperse, they would escape in one direction.

Therefore, if Mu Yunyan, Gao Jianhan, and Canglou Laodao are still alive and can break out of the Ten Thousand Demons Formation, they will definitely run in this direction.

As long as they come within a thousand miles of the two people, they will be sensed by the "psychic jade".


Zhuo Mengzhen nodded lightly, also took out a psychic jade, placed it on the table, and waited quietly.

The time the Ten Thousand Demons Formation is affected is limited. Once the time is up and you have not escaped, you will almost be declared dead.

Therefore, waiting for a long time makes no sense, and will also double the risks borne by the two of them.

Moreover, in order to prevent the "psychic jade" from being obtained by demon cultivators and using it to track themselves, the jade must be discarded before departure.

If you run away separately, whether you can escape and ascend to heaven depends not only on your personal strength, but also a certain amount of luck.

Thanks to Lesion for the 10,000 point reward and becoming the eighth leader of this book!

Thanks to fellow Taoists such as Beiqu Poxing for 3100 points and Tianwaitian for 500 points for their support!

PS: Today I will update three thousand and four to adjust the status, and the rest will be made up tomorrow.

It’s gone in the early morning. Let’s see if we can get 10,000 per day tomorrow!

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