Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 613 Late third level! (Please vote for me!!)


The stone door slowly closed, making an extremely dull sound, isolating the practice room from the outside world and plunging the room into darkness.

But then, the soft light of the sunstone suddenly lit up, illuminating the practice room.

"With the current progress of training, if you want to improve your strength in a short time, you can only place your hope on body training."

"For this reason, in the past few years, we should appropriately reduce some of the time spent on refining Qi and refining God."

Sitting cross-legged on the futon, with rational light shining in his eyes, Liu Yu formally formulated a training plan for the next eight years.

After making a decision, he stopped thinking and simply closed his eyes.

But this time, he did not practice directly, but touched the green light spots in Niwan Palace with his mind.

Soon, there was a familiar suction force. Liu Yu did not resist, and the soul disappeared from the body in an instant.

There was a moment of darkness, and the sky was spinning.

After being dizzy for a while, Liu Yu quickly regained consciousness, and the familiar scene of the fairy world appeared in front of him again.

Blue barrier, floating island, red earth spiritual field

There is also a hazy star located in an infinite place, impossible to reach by flying, emitting starlight all the time.

Since we have to focus our energy on refining the body, it is natural to ripen some spiritual herbs so that they can be used for daily consumption.

With the support of sufficient resources, as time goes by, your cultivation level can advance by leaps and bounds.

Otherwise, just relying on time to polish it cannot be said to be completely useless, but the cultivation efficiency will become extremely poor.

"Fortunately, we have already considered this situation where resources cannot be exchanged with the outside world."

"Those several body-refining secret medicine formulas do not require exchanging resources with external parties. With the spiritual grass seeds prepared in advance, the world of Immortal Mansion can all ripen them."

Looking at the familiar and friendly scene, Liu Yu flashed this idea.

"But after all these years of consumption, there are not many spiritual stones left."

"Of the more than 500,000 spiritual stones prepared before departure, there are only 130,000 left. In ten or eight years, they will be exhausted."

"The price of rapid improvement in cultivation is the rapid consumption of various resources."

Thinking of the remaining spirit stones, he smiled bitterly in his heart.

Then with a thought in his mind, he quickly drifted towards the blue barrier and came to the small wooden house on the left.

Accurately find the spiritual pressure seeds of the spiritual grass one by one.

Then, Liu Yu took dozens of seeds and gently floated above the red spiritual field.

"Puff puff"

As soon as he thought, the invisible and immaterial consciousness spread to the land instantly.

At the cost of consuming part of the spiritual consciousness, the spirit directly interferes with matter, digging dozens of small holes.

The next moment, the spiritual grass seeds suspended around the large red light group fell in all directions.

Some fell in the red spiritual fields, and some fell in the small lakes opened up.

No matter what kind of environment is needed, the spiritual grass seeds can always find their home. Although the spiritual field is only ten acres, it has already met Liu Yu's current needs.

After all, one hour for the red spiritual field to grow is equivalent to thirty years in the outside world!

Under Liu Yu's watch, after the seeds of the spiritual grass fell into the soil and water, green shoots quickly sprouted and grew vigorously.

In the ten acres of spiritual fields, a vibrant atmosphere gradually filled the air.


Seeing this scene, Liu Yu was very satisfied.

Then with a thought in his mind, the large red light group representing the soul immediately floated to the side of the ancient well of Banpu.

Controlling dozens of wooden barrels scattered around the ancient well, he lifted dozens of barrels of spiritual spring up in one breath.

"Hua Hua"

Each bucket of spiritual spring is aimed at a spiritual grass and poured directly into the head.

If a spiritual cultivator saw such a scene, no matter how high his rank, he would probably be shocked and call him a waste of natural resources.

But Liu Yu was naturally confident enough to do so.

The spiritual grass ripens quickly, but the price is the rapid consumption of spiritual power.

Although most of the spiritual energy consumption was borne by the Immortal Mansion in unknown ways during the process, there was still a lot that he needed to make up for.

A bucket of spiritual spring is poured directly on the head, and the considerable spiritual power and water contained in it will be consumed in the rapid ripening process, and there will be no shortage of resources, causing the spiritual grass to wither.

This is the result of Liu Yu's many experiments, so don't worry.

Although he is not sure whether his conclusion is absolutely correct, judging from the current practice results, everything is quite normal.

"This method is not bad."

Seeing the water drops and spiritual power being quickly absorbed by the red spiritual field and disappearing at an extremely fast speed, Liu Yu nodded secretly.

There is no way, there is a shortage of spiritual stones now, we must use them sparingly, and we can't be as lavish as before.

You can get some spiritual stones by trading with the Zhang family, but the Zhang family is too powerful, and Liu Yu doesn't want them to know too much about him.

And what if the Zhang family takes the opportunity to put forward additional conditions during the exchange?

Therefore, he would rather "save money and spend money", speak less to others, and try not to ask for anything from others.

Not only did he not want to be taken advantage of, but also because he had to be careful when dealing with a behemoth like the Zhang family.

Although Zhang Tao's current attitude is pretty good, his family is extremely powerful after all. Who can tell what will happen in the future?

Examples of people who cross rivers and burn bridges and turn their backs on others are common in the world of immortality.

If possible, Liu Yu would like to choose a gathering place for immortal cultivators to exchange for spiritual stones after arriving in Daqian.


After walking around the spiritual field to confirm that the spiritual grass and elixir were growing normally, he thought, and the large red light group disappeared from the world of Immortal Mansion in an instant.

In the red spiritual field, dozens of spiritual herbs and elixirs are still growing rapidly, at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye.

Gradually, various spiritual lights began to shine in the spiritual field.


The moment the soul returned to the physical body, there seemed to be a roar in the void.

With the ninth-grade golden elixir as the host, Liu Yu's spiritual pressure returned to normal in just two or three breaths.

"If you lack spiritual stones, there are ways to live without spiritual stones."

"If there are spiritual herbs that are ripening in the future, you should go into the Immortal Mansion to water them every time you complete the exercise."

This thought crossed his mind and he closed his eyes again.

next moment,

The skill "Star True Body" is in full swing!


A powerful force burst out, and strong winds swept around. In just half a breath, Liu Yu's body size increased to about four feet.

On the circular pattern on the chest, three colors of red, silver, and blue auras shine, reflecting each other like a dream.

If I hadn't taken off my shirt in advance, I'm afraid the clothing inventory would have been reduced again.

In this way, Liu Yu began a retreat career focusing on physical training. The time spent on practicing Qi and God training decreased, and the time spent on physical training increased.

After each training session, he would immediately enter the Immortal Mansion and water the spiritual herbs and elixirs to reduce the consumption of the spiritual power of the spiritual stones.

Time passed, year by year, and with no shortage of resources, Liu Yu's physical training began to grow steadily.

In contrast, the growth rate of Qi refining and Shen refining has slowed down a bit.

Of course, being in a semi-reclusive state does not mean that Liu Yu has lost contact with the outside world.

Every half month, he would leave the temporary cave and arrive at the agreed place to meet with Zhang Tao's subordinates to obtain the latest situation in the six Annan continents.

Once things change, they will end the retreat at any time, or immediately evacuate the place to protect themselves, or join the uprising and pass through Lingwu City.

Of course, some monotonous ascetic practices also require some seasoning.

Whenever the sequelae of the exercises occurred, Liu Yu would knock on the door of Zhuo Mengzhen's room and have an in-depth "communication" with him to discuss the Yin and Yang Avenue and the origin of life.

But he is not a lustful person. When the sequelae of the exercises are not occurring, he will not knock on the door "casually"

On the ground, a thick layer of snow gradually melted, and the severe winter that only happened once in a century has passed.

Dots of green spread across the land at lightning speed.

Under the sunlight, the colors of life shine.

Time flies, seven years have passed, and the day for the demon clan's "royal court meeting" is gradually approaching.

But in the temporary cave under the swamp, the passage of time can hardly be felt.


In the practice room, sounds like the roar of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River can be heard from time to time.


During this period, there seemed to be tigers, leopards and thunder sounds accompanying them.

An extremely powerful power enveloped the entire practice room, and even the wall solidified by the spell began to swipe down with dirt under the powerful power.

If it weren't for the isolation formation, I'm afraid the power would have spread to the surface and been noticed by the passing monsters.

If you look closely, you will see that the roaring waves and thunderous sounds of tigers and leopards are actually coming from the body of a burly figure sitting cross-legged.

He is about five feet tall. According to the worldly concept, it is not an exaggeration to call him a "giant".

An ordinary person would still be far from reaching his knees in front of the burly figure.

Carefully distinguish the sound like a stormy sea, it turned out to be the sound of this person's blood surging!

It can be seen how strong the power of Qi and blood is.

Seven years have passed, and under the adjusted training plan, Liu Yu has made great progress in body training.

The "Star True Body" has reached the mid-level peak of the third level, and is only one step away from breaking through.

The most significant change was the increase in body size from four feet to five feet.

The second is the color of "Fierce Sun Mana", the red color becomes more and more pure.

A stronger body requires a larger body size to exert it. Therefore, Liu Yu is not surprised by the change in body shape, but is very adaptable to it.

The growing power requires a stronger body to fully carry and exert it.

And the same powerful power is easier to exert its power on a huge body.

Of course, there are exceptions to the situation of returning to one's original nature, but Liu Yu hasn't reached that point yet.

As time went by, the surging sound of blood gradually weakened, Liu Yu slowly withdrew his power, and then opened his eyes.

In his eyes, the red aura gradually faded away and returned to a state of pitch black ink.

"Sure enough, when we hit the late third level, we still encountered a bottleneck."

"It seems there is no hope for a breakthrough in a short period of time."

"It's time to use that ray of "power of the sun" and try to forcefully break through."

Liu Yu thought silently with his eyes staring forward.

From the perspective of the real body, many things appear very small, and even feel like they will break at the touch of a touch. This feeling is very strange.

But he knew that this was not an illusion, he could really do it.

Liu Yu's physical strength at this time has reached the level of five to six million kilograms. If he maintains his true body, it will not be a problem to move a small mountain.

With the physical strength at this time, it is very simple to defeat ordinary magic weapons with bare hands.

Even if he only cultivates his body through physical training, he will not be afraid at all in close combat with demon cultivators of the same level.

Of course, considering the danger of close combat, he would still try to minimize such situations.

"Perhaps in a year, the Zhang family will fully mobilize."

"A vigorous uprising will sweep across the six Annan continents!"

"Under the chain reaction, the demon clan's supervision of the monks will definitely become more stringent, and they may launch a thorough search and sweep."

"We can't wait any longer. We have to make choices in everything."

"Even if it leaves some shortcomings and causes the mid-level third-level cultivation to be less than perfect, I don't have to worry about it that much."

"In this situation, we must turn our potential into strength. We need real strength!!!"

Thoughts flashed, Liu Yu's eyes flashed with determination, and she made her final determination.

Thinking about this, he no longer hesitated. The storage ring flashed with inspiration, and a pendant the size of a water drop appeared in his palm instantly.

The pendant is blue and transparent, with a ray of red light inside it, which is constantly emitting light and heat.

Even in the sealed state, the water drop pendant is extremely hot.

The power of the sun!

Seeing this, Liu Yu sealed several spells on the water drop pendant, instantly releasing the seal.


The pendant trembled slightly, and the crimson light quickly floated out from it and appeared in the practice room.

It seemed to be endless, emitting light and heat.

Almost instantly, the practice room became extremely hot, as if it was being grilled on a fire.

The four walls even showed signs of being burned by fire.

However, this temperature certainly cannot affect Liu Yu.

His expression did not change at all, and he carefully fired several spells, landing on the ray of red aura.

The "Power of the Sun" is at a higher level than the "Power of the Moon" and "The Power of the Stars".

Even if there is only one wisp, even if the physical body has reached the peak of the middle stage of the third level, Liu Yu still does not dare to absorb it directly.

If it is carelessly inhaled directly into the body, it will not take long for the body to turn into a fireball, and then explode into pieces.

After the spell fell, he successfully restrained the continuously emitting light and heat in a small ray of red light.

After a few breaths, the "power of the sun" vibrated slightly.

A wisp of light red light as thick as a hair slowly spread out from it and shot toward Liu Yu's chest.

Instantly, there was a severe burning sensation!


Even with the strong resistance of his real body, he could barely withstand it. Liu Yu's face was distorted by the severe pain, and he couldn't help but let out a heart-rending groan.

But then, he immediately activated the "Star True Body".

The circular pattern outlined by the nine large acupoints on the chest flashes red spiritual light in the blink of an eye, trying its best to refine the spiritual power injected into the body.

The long hair moved automatically without wind, beads of sweat appeared on the muscles like copper and iron, and Liu Yu's spiritual pressure suddenly condensed!

The spiritual power of the "power of the sun" is continuously injected into the circular pattern, and is driven by the "actual body of the stars" to move the whole body.

While tempering every inch of flesh and limbs, the "mana of the blazing sun" is also further transformed!

As the spiritual power of "Power of the Sun" continues to be refined, the mana of the Fierce Sun seems to have been washed. The remaining orange color gradually fades away, further transforming into red, and the mana becomes more pure.

And Liu Yu's whole body power and spiritual pressure are also slowly changing from the original foundation to reach another higher peak!

"Even if I don't succeed this time, I will take the risk again and enter that "supreme" state."

"And then extract a ray of "power of the sun" from the illusory stars in the Immortal Mansion!

Amid the heartbreaking burning sensation, Liu Yu gave up her last thought and devoted herself to attacking the bottleneck of the late third level.

Sometimes people cannot see the long-term future.

Just because of the immediate difficulties, I have to make some choices that are not conducive to the future.

After all, without the present, where would the future be? !

This tiny wisp of "power of the sun" seems to be endless, being continuously drained of spiritual energy.

But the speed at which his aura dimmed was almost undetectable.

The door of the practice room was already covered with a thin layer of dust, as if there had been no human presence for a long time.

Time flies and half a year has passed.

In the room, a figure sat quietly cross-legged, the surging energy and blood in his body becoming more and more surging.

The "Changhong" formed by the wisps of essence has also become thicker, and the vision is extremely amazing.


After a long time, the exercise was over. Liu Yu opened her eyes and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

Looking at the red light shining on his chest, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Late third level!

This time, I encountered many difficulties in breaking through the bottleneck, but Liu Yu successfully overcame them all.

After several months of repeated attacks, he finally broke through to the late third level with difficulty.

At this time, Liu Yu's body size had increased to an astonishing six feet!

His immense strength has also skyrocketed to more than nine million kilograms, and is about to touch the threshold of tens of millions.

What's more important is that the "Scorching Sun Magic Power" has completely transformed into a red color.

Even the energy and blood seemed to be inexplicably affected, transforming into an extremely pure red color, containing extremely rich spiritual power!

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