Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 622 The newly born hundred arts of cultivating immortals! (Please subscribe, please monthly

Chapter 622 The newly born hundred arts of cultivating immortals! (Please subscribe and vote monthly!!)

"However, my Zhang family has been preparing for this for so many years and has its own countermeasures. I will never let you down by then."

"You are all loyal and willing to take risks here. How can the Zhang family let down our colleagues?"

"It's just that at this time, due to the need for confidentiality, I can't say it yet, so as not to spoil the matter in the end. I ask fellow Taoists for your understanding."

Standing on a huge rock in the forest, Zhang Tao said calmly.

Dozens of pairs of eyes looked at him, but he did not reveal his plan in advance because of pressure.

The development of things, although everything is going well so far, it is not clear whether there is any "rape" among the team.

But this is something that must be guarded against.

After all, even within the Zhang family, the demon clan can develop spies. How can these monks with complicated backgrounds not become "traitors"?

If the news is leaked and the demon clan is prepared in advance, wouldn't it ruin a big thing?

Zhang Tao stood with his hands behind his back, showing a time-tested Confucian general style that was definitely not comparable to that of an ordinary monk.

Faced with the pressure of forty or fifty people of the same rank, he remained clear and coherent, and there was no trace of panic in his words.

Not getting the information he wanted, Liu Yu, like many monks, felt a little disappointed.

However, this answer is barely satisfactory.

It is really something that should not be said casually about such a big matter. If it is said casually when asked, it is not worth the lives of so many golden elixirs.

"What Taoist friend Zhang Tao said makes sense, so I won't ask any more questions about my concubine."

"I just hope that as fellow Taoist said, we have been fully prepared."

Ran Miaoyin said lightly.

Her cultivation level is in the late stage of Jindan. Looking at all the monks present, they all belong to the upper class. She naturally exudes a heroic and heroic demeanor.

Even facing Zhang Tao, who represents the Zhang family, this woman does not seem to be lacking in confidence.

Liu Yu guessed that this woman might have some background and might also be very powerful.

Seeing what Zhang Tao said, the slight commotion calmed down again, and the monks present reluctantly accepted this answer.

Soon, whispers were heard among the trees again.

The monks who knew each other or had met each other a few times took this opportunity to get closer and even formed small groups of three to five people to meet and advance together.

Regarding these, Liu Yu chose to sit on the sidelines.

After the "Star True Body" was promoted to the late third level, his strength was already at the absolute upper level of the Golden Core realm.

It's just that it may be slightly inferior to a demon cultivator with excellent bloodline, a true successor of a big force with abundant resources and techniques, and an existence at the peak of the third level.

With such strength, Liu Yu does not need so-called teammates. For him, ordinary Jindan teammates are just a burden.

Sheep flock in groups, beasts always walk alone!

Thinking about this, Liu Yu glanced at Zhuo Mengzhen without any trace.

But he didn't expect to be noticed by the latter, who stared back with a white eye, and then moved closer, as if he was afraid of being abandoned.

The look in his eyes seemed to say that the conditions promised before should not be reneged on.

Looking away, Liu Yu smiled slightly and didn't say much.


There were slight footsteps, and a male cultivator with a short black beard on his chin walked quickly towards this side.

"Fellow Taoist Gucheng, Fellow Taoist Caidie."

"We have cooperated several times and it has always been quite pleasant. I wonder if we can take care of each other during the war."

Guo Poyun came over, cupped his hands and said politely.

Under the pursuit of two Fire Phoenix tribesmen, Liu Yu offered to take the back seat and was able to retreat to Changnan City intact. He had a deep memory of this.

Although he knew a few of the more than 40 Jindan cultivators present, they were not comparable in terms of strength.

In addition to several previous cooperations, overall it is very pleasant and this is the most ideal teammate candidate.

As for Zhuo Mengzhen, Guo Poyun already knew the relationship between the two.

So of course I wouldn't say anything to exclude it.

"Gu already understands Fellow Daoist Guo's intentions."

"We can really take care of each other then, and if we work together, we will have a greater chance of overcoming the difficulties."

Liu Yu didn't make any excuses, instead he cupped his hands and said with a smile.

Although ordinary Jindan cultivators are a burden to him, the other party has advanced Jindan cultivation, which is not ordinary in itself.

There is also the courage to take risks and sneak into the six Annan continents. No matter in any aspect, it is not a burden.

At a critical moment, it might be able to play some role.

If the two of them join forces, it can be described as a "strong alliance". This is the correct way to choose teammates.

As for those early and middle Jindan monks, Liu Yu had no interest at all.

"Hahaha, I hope that by then, fellow Taoists from Mongolia can take care of me."

Guo Poyun smiled heartily and said politely.

Then, he stopped talking and silently walked to Liu Yu's right side and stood quietly.

As for Zhuo Mengzhen, he stood on the left.

When the other monks in the forest saw this scene, their eyes showed some confusion. They didn't understand why the dignified late-stage Jindan monks were so polite to the mid-stage monks.

There is even a vague feeling of inferiority in his attitude.

Because they used the "Hidden Spirit Technique" to restrain spiritual pressure, they were unable to detect Liu Yu's body refining skills, which seemed to be only at the middle stage of the Golden Core.

Seeing that there was no other movement here, the monks looked away one after another, and continued to recharge their batteries, looking for their teammates.

It didn't take long for the Jindan monks who were originally standing scattered to form prototype groups, gathering together in twos and threes.

Liu Yu observed silently and soon discovered an interesting pattern.

Since there are very few monks in the late stage of Jindan, the gap between the middle and later stages is also large. Generally, in the late stage of Jindan, he can become the leader of a small team and can easily gather three or five fans.

There are also some familiar monks who can form a simple alliance with each other even without the presence of later monks.

If you can cultivate to the golden elixir realm, you will naturally know what choice is best for you.

In just a quarter of an hour, teams of various sizes appeared in the woods.

He was still alone, with only six or seven people.

Maybe it's because of his personality, maybe he's hopeless, maybe he thinks he's strong, or maybe he hates the ugly human nature.

All in all, they were unwilling to communicate with other monks.

"Forming a group to share risks and bear pressure is indeed a good choice to tide over difficulties."

"It's just a nice idea, but with the selfishness of human nature, if it really comes to a dangerous moment, will any teammates risk the rescue?"

This question appeared in Liu Yu's mind, and she was very doubtful about this, but she did not think about it further.

Closing his eyes, he continued to adjust.

Several commonly used magic weapons, such as the Ten Thousand Soul Banner, the Golden Jade Ring, and the Black Wind Wings, have been placed in familiar and conspicuous locations on the storage ring.

With a thought in his mind, he could immediately execute it, and Liu Yu was already ready to do it.

Perhaps some of the monks in front of him were willing to sacrifice their lives for "great righteousness". He would wait and see.

Time passed gradually, and half an hour passed quickly.

The escape light cut through the sky silently, with extremely subtle fluctuations, and a dark blue glow flew straight towards the place where Liu Yu and others stayed.


The spiritual sense sensed the fluctuation, Liu Yu's heart moved, and his spiritual consciousness spread out instantly.

The next moment, a bit of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly raised his head to look in a certain direction in the sky, and the magic power in his body was secretly circulating.

What I saw in this deep blue glow was a spiritual ship with a unique shape and extremely domineering appearance!

This ship is about 70 to 80 feet long, about 10 feet wide, and about 20 feet high. It is actually larger than the "Guiyuan Ark" that Liu Yu once piloted.

At first glance, if you ignore some of the strange-looking attack devices on it, you might think it is a large building ship.

But upon closer inspection, Liu Yu obviously didn't think so.

"Different from the "Cangwu Ship" of the sect and the "Red Dream Ship" of the Hehuan Sect, they are simply used as means of transportation or transportation."

"This spiritual ship is not adequately described simply as a flying magic weapon. It is more like a "weapon" that is both offensive and defensive?"

Looking at the huge spiritual ship, he could tell at a glance that the device could launch an attack, and he guessed in his mind.

At the top of the huge blue spirit ship, there is a huge blue "gun barrel". This barrel is somewhat similar to the special magic weapon "God Crystal Cannon", but it is more exquisite and huge.

Moreover, there are many lines composed of red runes on the surface of the gun barrel, which are engraved on it as if they were naturally generated, without any sense of disharmony.

Looking at the huge barrel and the equally huge spiritual power lines, Liu Yu could imagine how huge the spiritual power it could pass through.

You can imagine how powerful it would be if it launched an attack.

Even if it completely surpasses the realm of golden elixir and is comparable to that of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, he would not be surprised.

Not only the dark blue "gun barrel", but also a light blue crossbow, also very huge in shape, stood on the spacious deck of the blue spirit ship.

Light blue runes are spread all over the crossbow, and the details are so exquisite that no flaws can be seen.

The entire seventy-eight-foot-long blue spiritual ship has runes everywhere, but it doesn't look messy at all. Instead, it looks like a whole, exuding a powerful power that transcends the realm of golden elixir.

There is a huge lightning sign on the side of the spirit ship.

Moreover, there are many small gaps on both sides of the boat that are almost invisible to the naked eye, which seem to allow for more complex changes.

At this time, the blue spirit ship flew towards the woods, and the huge blue crossbow was aimed at Liu Yu by coincidence.

In an instant, a strong crisis arose in his heart. It seemed that as long as the blue crossbow launched an attack, it would threaten his life.

The sense of crisis is so strong that it is almost only slightly weaker than facing the Nascent Soul Lord directly.

"Could it be that the power of its attack is comparable to that of True Lord Nascent Soul?!"

Liu Yu flashed this idea.

The strong threat in his heart made him unable to help but use his magic power. The spiritual pressure naturally came out of his body, and he was about to sacrifice his magic weapon.

At this time, the golden elixir monk's keen spiritual sense also made the forest monk discover the existence of the blue spirit ship, which also gave rise to a strong sense of crisis.


Waves of golden elixir level spiritual pressure suddenly spread among the woods.

Some overly sensitive monks have even used magic weapons to launch attacks on the blue spiritual ship.

In the midst of an operation where their lives could be lost at any time, the monks were naturally very sensitive to the movements around them, and it was not surprising that they would react violently.

"Fellow Taoists, please be patient and please take back the magic weapon."

"This is my Zhang family's "Ben Lei". It is controlled by my own people. We must not cause any misunderstanding."

Upon noticing the arrival of the "Ben Lei" and seeing some monks overreacting, Zhang Tao immediately stopped him and calmed down the monks' agitated mood.

There was no blame in his tone. After all, here and now, danger may come at any time, so it is always right to be vigilant.

Seeing Zhang Tao say this, the spiritual pressure in the woods began to converge, and the aura of the colorful magic weapons began to dim.

However, many monks have no intention of taking back the magic weapon in their hands, and they are careful not to make a big mistake.


Approaching the woods, the speed of the blue glow slowed down, and the layer of spiritual light covering the surface gradually dissipated, revealing a body that was even larger than the third-level monster.


Finally, it landed with a crash among the trees, overwhelming a large number of trees.

Seeing that he really had no intention of attacking, the monks felt relieved and took the magic weapon back into the storage ring.

The same is true for Liu Yu, but he is still vigilant in his heart, and his dantian magic power is in a state of being ready to go.

With just one thought, he can use the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear and perform several methods such as "Protective Flame Shield", "Qingyang Demonic Fire", and "Star True Body".

After landing, the "Ben Lei" quickly shrunk to the size of an ordinary ship, revealing dozens of monks on board, standing sparsely on the deck.

These monks all exude the powerful aura of Jindan level, and without exception they are all Jindan masters.

At a rough count, there were about fifty or sixty people.

Fifty or sixty golden elixir masters!

There are actually more monks from Yizhou and Guazhou than Zhang Tao brought here!

But when Liu Yu thought about it, he instantly understood the reason. Yizhou and Guazhou were not ranked high among the six Annan continents, and were considered the two bottom continents in terms of area.

The remaining four continents are far larger in area than the two southernmost continents.

As far as Lingzhou is concerned, its area is almost half that of Yizhou, and more importantly, it is closer to Daqian.

While Liu Yu was thinking, a monk had already emerged from the "Ben Lei" and landed gently on the ground.


"Uncle Tao, long time no see. I didn't ask you to wait, right?"

"I, Zhang Ziping, have met all of my fellow Taoists, and I would like to thank all of you for coming!"

After the visitor landed, he first greeted Zhang Tao as a junior, and then greeted Liu Yu and other monks.

He is polite in everything he says and does, without the arrogance of a "prince's son" at all.

"No need to be polite, I've just arrived."

"Ziping, is the progress in Gansu and the two continents going smoothly?"

Seeing the visitor, Zhang Tao's old face showed a somewhat gratified smile, and then he straightened his expression and asked.

Seeing the two people from the Zhang family communicating, the others just bowed their hands slightly as a return gift. They listened with their ears straightened up and had no intention of interrupting.

"At the peak of the golden elixir, it seems that he is still a cultivator with supernatural spiritual roots."

"With this kind of aura, the skills he cultivated should be extremely superior. It seems that this person's status in the Zhang family is not low."

Liu Yu calmly looked at the guardian of the Zhang family and Gansu Province, and noticed the aura of his peak golden elixir, and Liu Yu felt a shiver in his heart.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but with his current strength, he felt a vague sense of crisis.

I saw a monk named "Zhang Ziping", with a tall and tall figure, handsome and masculine eyebrows and starry eyes, and a sense of perseverance in his facial features.

He was wearing a blue robe and naturally exuded a calm temperament.

But the most eye-catching thing is that he has long purple hair, like violent thunder and lightning.

"If my guess is correct, this person should have a thunder attribute spiritual root."

"Among all spiritual roots, his lightning attribute is one of the best in terms of attack. This person's strength should not be underestimated."

"Perhaps the "Zhenren Changfeng" in the sect is slightly less powerful than this person."

"After all, he comes from a long-established family of gods. He has top-notch resources in all aspects, and his thunder attribute is better at attacking."

Looking at this person calmly, Liu Yu thought silently.

Unconsciously, he compared the monks he had seen with Zhang Ziping.

In the end, he came to the conclusion that among all the monks he had seen, this person was the strongest.

Even now, without using the "Sword of Destruction", he has little confidence that he can defeat the opponent.

However, the two sides are currently friends rather than enemies, and such comparisons are meaningless.

The fact that the Zhang family can send such a high-potential and powerful monk to participate in this matter undoubtedly shows that they attach great importance to this matter.

In this way, all the golden elixirs, including Liu Yu, felt a lot more relieved about this operation.

"The Zhang family is really generous."

"They actually sent another fourth-level spiritual ship here."

Beside him, Guo Poyun looked at the unusually domineering "Ben Lei Hao", with an inexplicable look deep in his eyes, and whispered to himself.

"What is a fourth-order spiritual ship?"

Hearing the key words, Liu Yu's heart moved and she asked via voice transmission.


Guo Poyun was a little surprised when he saw that this "fellow Taoist from the ancient city" didn't know the classification of spirit ships.

Then he thought that he was from Tiannan, and his eyes turned to nature again.

If you are from Tiannan, then it is normal for you not to know the classification of spirit ships.

After all, the magic weapon of war, the spirit ship, was only born in the past 100,000 years, and before that, the Central Territory had long been disconnected from Tiannan.

And due to special reasons, many advanced immortal cultivation skills in the Central Region are not allowed to be transmitted to the other four regions.

Therefore, it is normal for the monks in the Four Realms to lag behind in their cultivation skills, or even to the extent that they are unheard of.

Born in the powerful and prosperous Central Territory, monks from the Central Territory often unconsciously have a sense of superiority when looking at monks from other domains. This is due to the comparison of strength between the Central Territory and the Four Domains.

Just like Liu Yu's capital in his previous life was to ordinary cities, although they were both cities, the gap between them was very large.

In the eyes of most Central Realm monks, Central Realm is not only the origin of mankind, but also the center of the civilization of immortal cultivators.

It is favored by nature, favored by heaven, and is the supreme "lighthouse" for the civilization of immortal cultivators!

There are ancient inheritances here, the footprints of ancient ancestors, and the dojo left by the ancient great masters.

The middle domain is the absolute center, while the other four domains are just corners or dross.

However, the sense of superiority belonging to the monks in the Central Realm only flashed in his heart, and Guo Poyun quickly restrained it and did not show it on the outside.

"Fellow Taoist from Ancient City" was very powerful, and he didn't dare to underestimate him in the slightest.

"The spirit ship is a special magic weapon. It was only used after the Central Territory severed contact with Tiannan."

After a few breaths of silence to organize his words, Guo Poyun slowly spoke.

Liu Yu nodded lightly, and through the other party's detailed description, he finally understood the "spiritual ship" in the Central Region.

The spirit ships in Zhongyu are different from the spirit ships in Tiannan, which are mostly used for flight escape and often have very single functions.

The mid-region spirit ship can be regarded as a large and special war magic weapon. It often has multiple functions, taking into account attack, defense, concealment, flight, auxiliary and other multi-faceted uses.

Like elixirs and spiritual objects, spiritual ships are also divided into levels, corresponding to various realms of immortal cultivators.

The first level corresponds to Qi refining, the second level corresponds to foundation building, the third level corresponds to golden elixir, and the fourth level corresponds to Nascent Soul.

As for the fifth-level spiritual ship corresponding to the transformed god, according to Guo Poyun's description, due to various reasons, it cannot be refined yet.

However, I heard that some breakthrough progress has been made in the Daqian capital "Shenjing".

If it is just like a magic weapon with various effects, then the spirit ship can be regarded as a multi-purpose special magic weapon at most.

But the most important thing is that unlike magic weapons and magical weapons, low-level immortal cultivators can also control high-level spiritual ships and exert corresponding levels of combat power!

In other words, a foundation-building monk who controls a third-level spiritual ship can exert a golden elixir-level combat power, and can even compete with high-level monks!

But having said that, it is only theoretical for low-level monks to control high-level spiritual ships to compete with high-level monks.

The improvement of the realm of immortal cultivators brings about all-round transformation, not just attack or defense, but also spiritual consciousness and so on.

However, when a monk controls a spiritual ship, it is impossible for him to send and receive as much as his own strength.

In this way, even if low-level monks control the spirit ship, it will still be full of flaws in the eyes of high-level monks.

As long as you spend some time, it is not difficult to destroy the spiritual ship and kill the monks inside.

Moreover, due to various factors such as the strength of spiritual consciousness and the quality of mana, it is very difficult for cultivators to control a spiritual ship. Even if all conditions are met, they can only control a spiritual ship that is one level higher than themselves.

For example, a monk in the Qi Refining Stage can only control a second-level spiritual ship at most, and a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage can only control a third-level spiritual ship at most.

For beings above the Nascent Soul stage, special magic weapons like spirit ships have almost no effect and cannot bring about any improvement in strength.

If a low-level monk attempts to cross the two levels and control a spiritual ship that is far beyond his own level, his spiritual consciousness will not be strong enough to control it.

Even if the spirit ship is refined, it will not move at all when controlled.

Even if a miracle happens, and a monk assists through special methods, and is lucky enough to be able to control the spirit ship, he will be crushed to pieces by the powerful spiritual pressure in the ship at the moment the spirit ship takes off!

"It enables low-level monks to exert combat power beyond a large realm."

"Even with all kinds of limitations and shortcomings, the existence of the spirit ship is enough to be regarded as an "unprecedented" creation."

"The significance is no less than that of talismans, puppets, etc., ranking at the bottom of the hundred arts of cultivating immortals."

"In other words, from the moment the spirit ship was born, there were one or more kinds of immortal cultivation skills?"

After listening to Guo Poyun's story, Liu Yu was a little shocked, and various thoughts kept flashing through her.

"Call it a 'lighthouse', Zhongyu really deserves it, it's not just about the amount of resources."

He was silent for a long time, recalling the description of the spirit ship, and he could not calm down for a long time.

When Liu Yu raised his head again and looked at the "Ben Lei", his eyes were different.

This unique spiritual ship in front of us, once controlled by a Jindan monk, can actually exert its Nascent Soul-level combat power!

If I could have such a spiritual ship

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