Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 628 Fourth level battle!

In just half a breath, the golden wind spread to an area of ​​ten miles, and the power it exuded became more and more terrifying.

Tianling Zhenjun's spell is somewhat similar to the second-level "Golden Wind Dispersion Technique", but the power of the two is completely different. The former is at least thousands or tens of thousands of times more powerful than the latter.

Among them, there is a "qualitative" gap.


The golden wind blew by, and bright golden light spots shone, containing power that could instantly destroy the magic weapon.

If faced with a flesh-and-blood body, even the body of a fourth-level monster would be instantly reduced to ashes and cut into pieces as big as dust.

Liu Yu has no doubt about this.

Faced with this blow, the two demon kings of Quexingye finally panicked a little, and tried their best to deal with it with various methods, and even used a fiery shield magic weapon.

Third-level demon cultivators can already use magic weapons.

However, compared to magic weapons and magic weapons, which are somewhat unfamiliar things, they are still the scales and claws that they have relied on for survival since they are accustomed to using them.

Therefore, in these years, Liu Yu could almost count the demon cultivators who used magic weapons with one slap.

And the strength may not be stronger than that of a demon cultivator who does not use magic weapons.


Sensing a life-and-death crisis, even though they had used various means, the two demon kings of the Fire Bird Tribe still flapped their wings and tried to stay away as far as possible.

Beneath the beautiful appearance of the Golden Storm, there is a dangerous danger that can be fatal!

But how can the speed of flight compare to magical powers?


The sound of the strong wind sounded, like the music of the death judge chasing souls.

As soon as the two demons escaped ten miles away, they were overtaken by the fierce golden wind. They could only use their fiery red shields to resist, and each of them spewed out a sea of ​​fire to delay the attack.

As for resisting with the body? Feeling the extreme sharpness and murderous intent in the golden wind, they couldn't even think of it.

The fiery red shield is majestic in style, and its power is actually a real treasure!

Under Que Xingye's urging, it grew to about five or sixty feet in the blink of an eye, blocking the oncoming strong wind.

"Ding ding ding~"

The golden wind blew by, but there was a sound like gold and iron clashing. The real treasure that made countless monks salivate was instantly at a disadvantage under the golden wind that corroded the bones and extinguished the soul.

Its aura dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just two or three breaths, the spiritual light dimmed to the extreme, and he staggered towards the ground.

"The power of spells can be so powerful?!"

Seeing this scene, shock flashed in the eyes of many monks.

Although according to common sense, the power of spells and magic weapons are not superior or inferior, it still depends on the individual.

However, compared with spells, the use of magic weapons and magic weapons is simpler and more direct. It does not require too much preparation and only requires the consumption of mana and spiritual consciousness to activate it.

Therefore, in the subconscious mind of many monks, the power of magical weapons and magic weapons is still superior.

But seeing the defeat of the Fiery Red Shield True Treasure with their own eyes, they were inexplicably shocked, and some of their concepts were completely changed.

Breaking through the obstruction, the golden wind did not stop at all, and faced the various methods used by the two demons.

Rockets, Fire Claws, Fire Rain, Fire Balls

The golden wind seems to be unstoppable. Wherever it passes, any attack or means will be eliminated as it blows by.

Even the blazing sea of ​​fire where the two demons joined together quickly shrank and extinguished when the golden wind blew.

After annihilating the two demons of Quexingye and many other methods, the size of Golden Gale has also shrunk to about half, but it is still absorbing the free spiritual energy between heaven and earth, restoring its power at a neither fast nor slow speed.

When the distance came within one mile of the two demons, it had returned to about six miles.

Because of this spell, the spiritual energy in the mountains fluctuated strongly and became somewhat uncontrollable.

He tried all his methods but had little effect. A trace of despair flashed in Que Xingye's eyes, but he still desperately flapped his wings to fly away.

The golden wind is getting closer and closer, as if the two demons will die in the next moment.

But in the next moment, another change occurred in the field!


Accompanied by an abyss-like power that shrouded the scene, the always harsh screams sounded in the sky.

Two purple-red light pillars about ten feet thick suddenly shot from a hundred miles away, spanning a long distance in the blink of an eye, and hit the golden wind from the side.

After hitting it, the light beam quickly changed and spread out, turning into balls of purple-red flames, forming a sea of ​​​​fire in the blink of an eye.

"Zi Zi"

The golden wind, which could quickly annihilate even the crimson flames practiced by the two demon kings, Fire Sparrow, for thousands of years, was blocked by the purple flames.

"Boom boom boom"

Golden aura shone on the mountains, purple-red flames burned blazingly, and roars sounded densely.

Gold, red, and purple auras intertwined together, and their powers collided fiercely, canceling each other out and annihilating each other.

In the end, they all turned into pure spiritual energy and dispersed between heaven and earth, blowing up a large-scale spiritual energy storm in the mountains.

And the source of power that is as deep as a prison is approaching!

"Late Fourth Level"

True Lord Tianling instantly judged the identity of the person who came out. Based on the pure evil spirit, he could be sure that he was a demon cultivator.

Seeing this, he shook his head slightly, knowing that the best opportunity to kill the two demons had been missed, so he gave up the idea of ​​taking action forcefully and looked at the source of the spiritual pressure with a solemn expression.

In the distant sky, a huge red escape light quickly approached.

In just a few breaths, they crossed dozens of miles and arrived in front of the two demons of Quexingye, confronting True Lord Tianling from afar.

This monster's body is bigger than Que Xingye, with a wingspan of about 150 feet. Its feathers are red and conspicuous, without a trace of variegation.

The aura of a born king arises naturally, as if it can make all monsters subconsciously obey.

Slender neck like a swan, strong wings, and flame-like feathers

What's more striking is that this demon has a pair of dark purple pupils. It's unknown whether it's due to blood mutation or some secret technique.

But no matter which point, it is not good news for all monks.

The late fourth level demon king!

Still the Demon King of the Fire Phoenix Clan!

The Fire Phoenix Tribe is naturally powerful. Even if they reach the realm of Nascent Soul Demon Infant, they still have a considerable advantage over monks and demon cultivators.

Their strength is often at the upper reaches of the same level.

The moment they saw the purple-eyed demon king of the Fire Phoenix Clan, the six Nascent Soul Lords of the Zhang family knew that this matter would never go as smoothly as expected.

So they all put down their opponents, gathered around True Lord Tianling, and faced off from afar with the seven demon cultivators headed by the Purple Eyed Demon King.

Waves of terrifying spiritual pressure of the fourth level echoed repeatedly among the mountains, and the atmosphere dropped to freezing point.

Feeling the confrontation between the Nascent Soul Lords and the transformed demon cultivators, all the Golden Core cultivators subconsciously held their breath and became cautious in their movements.

Even Liu Yu was like this, standing still and paying close attention to the situation on the Yuanying monk's side.

High-level beings have an absolutely overwhelming advantage over low-level creatures. When the Nascent Soul Lord and the fourth-level demon king appear one after another, the protagonists are no longer the golden elixir monks like them.

The victory or defeat between the true king and the demon king can truly affect the direction of the situation.

As for the third-level fire lion and the brown demon bear, after being used as "covering tools" for so long, they are still turning into ashes and becoming fuel for the demonic fire.

"Can the great monk of the Zhang family, the late fourth-order demon king of the Fire Phoenix clan, be able to compete with him?"

Looking at the distant sky, Liu Yu had this thought.

A ray of divine consciousness has been placed on the "One Qi Universe Talisman" in the storage ring. As long as there is any disturbance, it can be taken out and activated instantly.

Under the gradually brightening sky, the purple-eyed demon king of the Fire Phoenix tribe changed his figure, and in the blink of an eye he transformed into a handsome male cultivator wearing a red robe.

The pupils are still dark purple, adding a bit of nobility and mystery.

Apart from that, if there is a strong demonic energy around him, he is almost no different from a human monk.

The purple-eyed demon king opened and closed his lips, but no sound came out, as if he was communicating with True Lord Tianling.

It seems that the two have known each other for a long time.

Under the spotlight of everyone, time passed by minute by minute, and almost ten breaths passed in the blink of an eye.

But the two sides still maintain a tense confrontation, and the war is about to break out!

"It's absolutely impossible to just retreat."


Suddenly, the mountains echoed with an old and majestic voice, and Lord Tianling said decisively.

The words showed strong determination and left no room for error.

As soon as the words fell, dozens of terrifying powers erupted, and a four-level battle began instantly.


The next moment, there was a thunderous sound among the mountains.

"Kacha kacha"

Mountains collapsed one after another, bottomless cracks appeared in the earth, and countless lives were killed and injured.

Even Liu Yu and other Jindan monks were afraid of being affected by the aftermath.

Otherwise, he could be injured accidentally, but if the consequences are more serious, it is not impossible to die directly.

In the space, tyrannical power overflows, and unless the consciousness reaches a certain level, just contact will be damaged.

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth became extremely chaotic, and various spiritual lights interacted with each other without stopping for a moment.

This makes it difficult for even Jindan monks to directly detect the situation on the fourth-level battlefield, and they can only make inferences based on the one-sided scenes they occasionally see.

Even though Liu Yu's spiritual consciousness has exceeded the limit of golden elixir in the general sense, he is also cautious when snooping, trying to avoid powerful spells.

The three aspects of energy, energy and spirit can influence each other.

No matter what form of attack, when the power is powerful enough, it can also affect the illusory "god".

He carefully observed the situation of True Lord Tianling and the Purple-eyed Demon King, and was relieved when he saw that the great monk did not fall into a disadvantage. Otherwise, he would have planned to run away immediately.

After all, it is normal for the great demon king of the Fire Phoenix Clan to be stronger than ordinary great cultivators.


The battle between the four levels was still going on. In just five or six breaths, the area south of the Spiritual Object City for dozens of miles was already riddled with holes.

The earth split open and all life died!

Except for Liu Yu and other golden elixir monks, there were very few lucky ones who survived under the third level, and they were not even qualified to watch the battle.

The aftermath of the fourth-level battle is no different from a natural disaster to first- and second-level creatures.

Perhaps he realized that it was indeed inappropriate to destroy the environment and destroy spiritual places indiscriminately.

After all, this is "home" for both parties.

The Demon King and the True Lord seemed to have reached some kind of tacit understanding, and at the same time they rose into the sky and flew towards the Gangfeng layer.

During the flight, they continued to fight.

In the eyes of ordinary Jindan monks, the colorful aura quickly fades away, and the terrifying power fluctuations gradually weaken.

In two or three breaths, the True Lord and Demon King had already risen to about four thousand feet.

On the devastated land, only Liu Yu and other Jindan monks and a few lucky ones were left, recalling the scene just now with lingering fear.

The shock in his eyes never faded away for a long time.

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