Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 678 Late Stage of Golden Elixir

Chapter 678 Late Stage of Golden Elixir


The soul returned to the physical body, and the spiritual pressure quickly returned to close to its original level.

An invisible wave spread around, blowing up bursts of dust.

The next moment, Liu Yu opened her eyes, and a ray of divine light flashed away.

The brand new content of the ninth level of Qingyang Kung flowed through my heart in an instant.

The content deduced this time is based on the skeleton of the original technique, and also incorporates his various conjectures and imagination, as well as the knowledge of immortality accumulated over the years.

Comparing with the original tenth level of Qingyang Gong, we can deduce it comprehensively.

In the current view of Liu Yu, it is close to "perfect".

Including all my current knowledge of cultivating immortals, as well as all kinds of conjectures, creativity and brainstorming, there is no room for improvement at all.

More importantly, because the deduction process is based on the original skills, the difficulties in the step of breaking the pill into a baby are also solved, and it will not affect the subsequent cultivation of the realm.

After breaking through the Nascent Soul, even if you practice the tenth level of the original technique, there will be no obstacles!

"It is simply foolish to imagine the scenery of a high realm from a low realm!"

"For the path after the Nascent Soul realm, it is better to wait until you have condensed the Nascent Soul before making plans."

"Even if the technique is deduced at this time, I'm afraid it will be full of loopholes when we watch it."

The light in his eyes narrowed and returned to his ordinary appearance. All kinds of thoughts about the future of the technique flashed in Liu Yu's heart.

Sometimes thinking too much may not be a good thing.

Along the way, he is now standing on the third step of the Immortal Road.

When recalling the first two realms, imagining the scene in the Golden Elixir realm seems so childish and ridiculous now that I think about it.

At that time, no one could have imagined the power and weirdness of the magical power "wither", as well as the many taboos about practicing "golden elixir" and the differences in the nature of life.

Fortunately, with the support of the sect, after forming the golden elixir, he will immediately gain relevant knowledge, so there will be no mistakes in his cultivation.

Many talented casual cultivators worked hard to form golden elixirs, but then made mistakes in their subsequent cultivation.

Because of the lack of inheritance and missteps, the path was cut off, which is very sad.

Therefore, even though Liu Yu has the Immortal Mansion at his disposal and can rely on his powerful deduction ability to "observe" the subsequent path, he should be cautious in using it.

Don't dare to be blindly arrogant, let alone imagine everything too wonderful.


Feeling the surging and active magic power in his Dantian, he stood up and left the practice room.

After preparing to burn incense and take a bath, then take a good sleep. When the state reaches its peak, the breakthrough will officially begin.

Two days and two nights later, in the practice room.

Liu Yu's state reached its peak, sitting cross-legged on the futon and making the final breath adjustments.

All thoughts about the situation in the Central Region and the old events in Tiannan fell silent. Only the four words "break through the realm" remained, and he gradually entered the ethereal realm.

"it's time."

Liu Yu flashed this idea, and immediately moved his hands, slowly pinching the magic formula.

The next moment, the Qingyang Kung Kung Fu was activated, and the clothes moved automatically without any wind.


Substantial spiritual pressure emitted from his body, curling up fine smoke.

As the magic formula was pinched, the slowly rotating blue golden elixir in the Dantian paused for a moment, and then rotated at a speed several times faster than usual.

At the same time, the "water" of the Mana Lake also moved, quickly entering the meridians and performing a great circulation.

“Bang bang bang”

There were constant small explosions around Liu Yu's body.

The high-grade spiritual stones placed around them turned into powder within a breath, continuously releasing rich fire-attribute spiritual energy.

The third-grade fire attribute spirit gathering array was also activated at the same moment.

According to objective laws, as soon as the fire-attribute aura that is strong enough to a certain extent appears, it will naturally disperse to the surroundings, and has a tendency to transform into low concentrations.

But this process was quickly stopped by the third-level spirit gathering array.

The spirit gathering array emits milky white spiritual light, like a barrier, covering the entire practice room.

This causes the fire-attributed spiritual energy released by the spirit stone to no longer escape or transform into low concentration.

After two breaths, the released fire-attribute spiritual energy continued to accumulate, gradually forming a cloud shape, and the color continued to deepen.

During the process, the temperature of the space also continues to increase, reaching a level that can melt steel.

However, Liu Yu was no longer a mortal body, and the temperature that could melt steel was just slightly hotter cold water to him, so he did not feel any discomfort.


As a big cycle was completed, mana returned to the mana lake, and he gradually entered a breakthrough state.

It begins to absorb the spiritual energy in the space and continuously refines it into mana, increasing the total amount of the mana lake.

Visible to the naked eye, wisps of extremely rich red mist continued to enter Liu Yu's body under the influence of an invisible force.

This suction force is so strong that from a distance it looks like it is being torn apart by force, and the red mist has no room to resist.

Qingyang Kung Fu is a fire and wood attribute skill, but it is mainly based on fire attribute, so absorbing fire attribute spiritual energy is naturally the best choice, eliminating the step of converting spiritual energy.

One big week day, two big week days

As the cycle of the Great Zhoutian increases, Liu Yu's speed of running the skills continues to increase, and the speed of refining spiritual energy is also getting faster and faster.

Through spiritual observation, the "water level" of the Mana Lake continues to rise, and the total volume continues to increase.

Thanks to his pure mana, his mana can move at will, with almost no delay.

The tyrannical body of the late third level also enables the meridians to fully withstand the pressure caused by the high-speed operation of the technique.

It's even more comfortable and there's no pressure to overload.

Because the accumulation of mana is close to the upper limit, and there is no feeling of encountering a bottleneck, Liu Yu does not plan to take pills for this breakthrough.

He felt confident about this breakthrough.

When taking elixirs, some of the erysipelas will more or less be left behind.

Although most of it can be eliminated by using "Canglang Liushui", it is better to take less if necessary, especially when it is absolutely certain.

Since opening the Immortal Mansion, Liu Yu has never stopped taking elixirs, but she has always paid great attention to this aspect, never taking too many elixirs, and trying not to be too dependent on them.

In the practice room, the red mist was quickly inhaled into his body.

However, the Spirit Gathering Array gathers external spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy is continuously released from the spiritual stones, so there is no tendency for it to become thin for the time being, and it is not a problem to persist for a period of time.

In the meridians, wisps of mana are running at high speed, completing the great cycles of heaven and earth.

The spiritual energy is specially designed to be mana, stamped with a unique divine mark, continuously refined and purified to remove impurities, and finally returned to the lake of mana.

Liu Yu was focused entirely on the breakthrough, and Liu Yu could hardly feel the passage of time.

After an unknown amount of time, the speed of Qingyang Kung suddenly slowed down, and the speed at which the mist of spiritual energy entered the body also slowed down.

At this time, the mana lake had expanded in a circle, and there was a feeling of saturation.

It seems that the expansion has reached a limit, encountering an invisible shackles, and it is extremely difficult to increase even one cent.

Faced with this situation, Liu Yu looked extremely calm and was not surprised at all.

He understood that this was the barrier between the middle and late stages of Jindan.

Only by breaking through this barrier, officially entering the late stage of Jindan, and increasing the upper limit of mana can mana continue to grow.

"Gather your energy and concentrate your mind, hold your essence and keep it together."

Liu Yu calmed down and focused all his attention on the breakthrough. He ignored the influence of the invisible shackles and forcibly circulated his magic power.


The next moment, the Mana Lake was filled with turbulent waves, and streams of green water were surging.

The solid mana resists the influence of invisible shackles and forcefully flows into the meridians to continue the great circulation.

At this time, the advantage of pure mana is undoubtedly revealed.

If the magic power is not pure enough and it is difficult to break away from the influence of invisible shackles, it will naturally be impossible to break through the realm.

When ordinary monks face this kind of situation, they can only resort to external forces, such as elixirs and spiritual objects.

But Liu Yudan reached the ninth level, and when he was in the realm of Qi refining and foundation building, he laid a strong foundation and was able to break away from the influence relatively easily without resorting to the power of external objects.

Under his urging, wisps of mana aura flourished, emitting bright cyan brilliance, full of vitality and extremely active.

Even under the influence of invisible constraints, it can still run at a faster speed.

As the mist of spiritual energy enters the physical body one after another, the mana accumulated in the meridians is also increasing, and the meridians are opened one after another.

The invisible shackles also slowly disappeared in the process, and their influence gradually weakened.

The mana continues to accumulate, and the meridians passively expand and expand.

But by cultivating the "Star True Body", Liu Yu's physical strength is comparable to that of a demon cultivator, so this level of burden is no longer a problem.

As time goes by, more and more mana is contained in the meridians.

As the meridians at the ninth level of Qingyang Gong are completely opened, the invisible shackles have also weakened to the extreme, and their influence has been minimal.

"It's now."

After this thought flashed through his mind, the technique in Liu Yu's hand changed accordingly.

All the mana accumulated in the meridians immediately surged towards the lake of mana, completely ignoring the influence of the shackles, and kept rushing through the meridians.

He controlled everything down to the smallest detail, always observing the situation in every meridian.


As the new mana approached the dantian step by step, the invisible shackles finally dissipated.

Between existence and non-existence, Liu Yu seemed to hear a crisp sound.

The sound seemed deafening and clear and sweet, but it could not be detected by the five senses, nor could it be detected by the spiritual sense.

Like the divine sound of the great avenue, it is inspiring!

At this moment, Liu Yu had a clear understanding in his heart that he had broken through to the late stage of Jindan.

Although the total amount of mana lake has not increased, the upper limit of mana has actually increased. As long as mana is continuously refined, the mana lake can continue to expand.

At the same moment, above the Mana Lake, the rotation speed of the cyan golden elixir suddenly accelerated and expanded at an undetectable speed.


A sound like a turbulent wave came from within Liu Yu's body.

The newly generated mana is integrated into the mana lake, causing its area to continue to expand, and it will expand in a circle in the blink of an eye.

The waves are more turbulent and the color of the lake is darker.

"It's done."

He was slightly happy in his heart, and then he calmed down and concentrated on refining spiritual energy to fill the mana lake.

With a breakthrough in cultivation, invisible shackles dissipate, and obstacles to the growth of mana disappear.

There will be no more obstacles until the next bottleneck.

Late stage of Golden Elixir!

Concentrating his mind, Liu Yu moved to the new ninth level of "Qingyang Gong" and moved the Great Zhoutian Cycle wholeheartedly.

As time goes by, the Mana Lake slowly expands, and the water level continues to rise based on the original level.

The high-speed rotating golden elixir expands in about a circle, and at the same time it is constantly absorbing mana, purifying and refining the impurities in it.

This "best time" for mana growth lasted all day and night.

It wasn't until a day and night later that Liu Yu felt that sense of saturation again, and the speed of circulating and absorbing spiritual energy naturally slowed down.

Finally, he ended his luck and slowly opened his eyes.

"Late Golden Elixir"

"Compared with before the breakthrough, the total amount of mana has increased by about 30%, and the strength is completely different."

The mana in Dantian was surging, and a strong feeling was constantly coming from him. Liu Yu carefully experienced the state after the breakthrough and estimated the strength after the breakthrough.


But before he had time to think about it, his soul felt a tearing pain.

This kind of pain is several times worse than taking the "Soul Condensing Pill" to practice the "Shen Preserving Magic", and it feels like the soul is being torn apart.


Liu Yu's expression changed, and he groaned, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and there was a trace of cold sweat on his forehead.

Fortunately, he was prepared and didn't faint.

Looking inside at the soul in the Niwan Palace, one can clearly observe that the large red ball of light continues to become brighter than before.

The speed is so fast that it far exceeds the effect of practicing the "Shen Shen Miao Technique".

The increase in just one or two breaths is greater than the sum of decades of cultivation. It is not surprising that there is such intense pain.

Refining Qi and refining Qi to restore spirit!

The extreme pain struck, and Liu Yu suddenly lost all awareness of the outside world. He was unable to sit cross-legged and almost fell to the ground. He managed to hold on with willpower.

After an unknown amount of time, the tearing pain receded like a tide, and he gradually came back to his senses.

The inner soul is obviously brighter than before the promotion, and the body shape has also grown slightly.


Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Liu Yu let out a breath of thick air.

His pale face gradually recovered.

After experiencing this extreme pain, he did not feel any grievances or complain.

Even in ancient and modern times, those who have been able to cultivate to a high level have all experienced unimaginable hardships and hell-like torture!

"Heaven will give you a great responsibility."

An article flashed in his mind, and Liu Yu had a deeper understanding of it, and his ups and downs gradually calmed down.

Continuing to experience the changes after the breakthrough, with a thought in his mind, his spiritual consciousness broke through the barrier of the formation and spread in all directions.

Eighty miles, one hundred miles, one hundred and forty miles

Divine consciousness rushed out of the cave and swept through the city, covering the entire Xunyang City and continuing to spread farther away.

With Liu Yu as the center, it spread for about one hundred and fifty miles before reaching the final limit.

"One hundred and fifty miles!"

After verifying the limit of his spiritual consciousness and reaching the conclusion of one hundred and fifty miles, Liu Yu couldn't help but feel happy.

This level has far exceeded the hundred-mile limit of ordinary golden elixirs, and is by no means as simple as the superficial fifty-mile gap.

But several times!

This means that, facing ordinary golden elixirs, his advantage in spiritual consciousness will continue to expand, and he can basically crush them!

Such a huge gap can almost be described as "a world of difference".

The power of various spiritual consciousness and secret techniques will increase simultaneously, and they can have the final say even when faced with a peak Golden Core cultivator.

To put it in layman's terms, even all kinds of spiritual methods can no longer be considered "weird and strange".

However, due to the huge gap in the intensity of spiritual consciousness, it has already had the effect of reducing ten levels with one force!

Even if the enemy cultivator possesses a divine defense magic weapon, Liu Yu has a high chance of defeating it in a short time without spending too much on himself.

The situation during the fierce battle with Su Xiangling, where the defensive magic weapon of divine consciousness was broken through, and the power of one's own spiritual consciousness was consumed, is gone forever!

Of course, this only refers to the general situation, and the specific situation depends on the quality of the magic weapon.

"Except for the physical body, the strength has increased in all aspects, ranging from 30% to 50%."

"After the golden elixir realm, every percent of strength is a huge gap."

"At this time, if I face the Holy Son of Daoyi in his heyday, what are my chances of winning?"

"Fifty percent? Seventy percent?"

After experiencing the changes after the breakthrough and feeling the huge increase in strength, Liu Yuxinhu couldn't help but feel waves.

Subconsciously, he secretly compared himself with the most powerful Golden Elixir Daoist Saint Son he had seen so far.

But when they fought back then, the opponent had been seriously injured in the back by a blow from the Sword of Destruction, and his strength was greatly reduced. It was indeed difficult to estimate.

"Although I don't know how much strength Saint Son Daoyi has when he is in full body."

"But based on feeling, if both parties do not use external force, such as talismans, talismans, puppets, etc."

"At this time, when facing the Holy Son of Dao Yi, my chance of winning should not be lower than 50%!"

Thinking about the terrifying strength of Holy Son Daoyi, Liu Yu secretly made a calculation in his mind and came to a relatively conservative conclusion.

It is true that the other party is the "Holy Son" and can enjoy the best resources and choose the best techniques to practice.

But he, Liu, had the Immortal Mansion as his backing, and he never lacked cultivation resources.

He even relied on the Immortal Mansion to tailor-make the most suitable techniques.

He cultivated all three aspects at the same time and had no shortcomings in the three aspects of spirit, energy, and spirit, so even though the other party was the "Holy Son", he was not at a disadvantage.

After all, the ultimate goal of all resources is to improve one's realm strength.

Specifically, it is the quality of the golden elixir, the strength of mana, the strength of the soul, the strength of the physical body, etc.

Liu Yu has always been careful in his cultivation, and has never fallen behind in these aspects. He is also at the ninth level of elixir.

When he reaches the late stage of Jindan, to a certain extent, both parties are already at the same starting point.

Perhaps, Daoyi Holy Son can mobilize more resources.

But everything still depends on the "result" in the end, and attainments in Qi refining, body refining, God refining, etc. are the final results!

"What's more, I don't have any advantages."

"The magical power is "withered". Although the direct attack power is extremely weak, it can weaken the opponent's strength in all aspects."

"Being in the same realm can weaken the opponent by 20%, and weaken it in all directions."

"This is my greatest advantage!"

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and Liu Yu suddenly stood up.

Therefore, the "50% chance of winning" was indeed not an exaggeration. It was a conservative estimate considering that the opponent was at the peak of the Golden Core and he had just entered the later stages of the Golden Core.

"So, with my current strength, I am already qualified to be among the top ten in the Central Realm's "Real Person Ranking"?!"

Thinking of this, Liu Yu smiled slightly.

When things are ready and his realm is extremely stable, he plans to end the retreat.

"If your cultivation reaches another level, it will be difficult to make great progress in a short period of time."

"In the next tens or hundreds of years, it will take a long period of accumulation."

"In addition to daily practice, it is also time to increase the schedule for collecting infant spiritual objects."

"Fortunately, one of the three treasures of birthing a baby, the "Ningying Dan", has been obtained."

While walking, Liu Yu thought silently, remaking his training plan for the next tens or hundreds of years.

Although his strength has improved further, he has not forgotten that this is the middle realm, with masters like clouds and monks like rain.

There are quite a few Nascent Soul True Monarchs, as well as the existence of the Divine Monarch of Transformation, so it is still necessary to keep a low profile and at most let go a little bit.

No matter how much you control the golden elixir, you still have to be careful when facing the old monster Nascent Soul!


While walking, Liu Yu seemed to have thought of something, and her steps suddenly stopped.

Suddenly, his mind was highly concentrated, and his spiritual sense spread into the space with all his strength.

Soon, many colorful light spots appeared in front of my eyes. Due to the effect of the fire attribute spirit gathering array, most of the light spots were red.

As his spiritual sense unfolded and his mind was highly concentrated, Liu Yu observed the details and entered a new and even smaller horizon.

The next moment, he saw the basic spiritual energy units that made up the wisps of spiritual energy.

But it didn't stop yet. The horizon continued to "fall" at an extremely fast speed, and everything he saw and heard suddenly changed.

In front of his eyes, overlapping shadows appeared again, and his vision once again entered the "spiritual" level.

The spiritual consciousness spread several times beyond the peak of the golden elixir and reached 150 miles. The power of Liu Yu's divine consciousness came out in an attempt to influence the ubiquitous "spirits".

One breath, two breaths, three breaths

It's just a pity that it is no different from before.

Even if Liu Yu tried his best and used all kinds of spiritual skills, he still couldn't affect the "Spirit Son" at all.

After ten breaths, his mind relaxed a little, and he exited that vision.


Liu Yu shook his head slightly and continued walking outside the practice room.

This observation is only slightly clearer than before, but not much different.

The increase in spiritual consciousness was huge, but the result was not much different. He realized that the key factor affecting the spirit son was probably not divine consciousness.

In other words, spiritual consciousness is an unimportant factor and has minimal influence.


The formation slowly opened, making a dull sound.

"It seems that in the realm of golden elixir, there is no hope for me to explore the "spiritual son" level."

"Perhaps, only by breaking through to the Nascent Soul realm can it be possible to influence the "Spirit Son"."

Feeling a little disappointed, Liu Yu had this thought before walking out of the practice room.


Close the attic formation, gently open the small window, and bright sunlight shines in.

As soon as the circular pattern on his chest lit up, Lieyang's mana instantly became more active, and Liu Yu's mind became peaceful.

Cultivation to the realm of "Scorching Sun" due to the passive effect of "Star True Body".

When he is under the light of the sun, moon, and stars, his physical training strength will increase to a greater or lesser extent.


Not long after he closed his eyes and bathed in the sunlight, the sound of a long sword piercing the air could be heard in his ears, accompanied by the whistling of the wind.


Liu Yu opened her eyes, her consciousness swept out, and she stuck her head out to look into the courtyard.

On the green grass, a slender female cultivator was dancing with a sword.

The soft sunshine of the unitary hour shines on this girl's delicate body. Flying flowers and fallen leaves surround her, gathering and dispersing as the sword is swung.

As the sword light circulates, it looks like a beautiful picture, but it contains deadly murderous intent!

It was Zhuo Mengzhen.

When she came to the Central Territory, not only did Liu Yu feel heavy pressure, this woman also had a deep sense of crisis, so she practiced very hard.

Twenty-five years later, her cultivation has also improved further, and she is now approaching the peak of the middle stage of Jindan.

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