Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 684 Secretly Giving Orders

Chapter 684 Secretly Giving Orders

"It shouldn't be difficult to escape smoothly."

"The actions of several comrades are obviously not impromptu. They should have prepared a retreat."

While walking, Liu Yu answered casually.

After a pause, he continued:

"We don't need to worry about this. At this time, we should think about the impact of this incident on the mission of the alliance."

"After this incident, it may have alerted the enemy and caused the Black Mountain Immortal Prison to increase its security."

"I wait."

The two of them walked away while talking, obviously much calmer than the low-level monks who were still in shock.

Finally, it disappeared at the end of the street.

Choose a secret location, collect useful information nearby, send a message and wait for the arrival of Yun Xi and others.

In this way, time gradually passed.

As the last two days of the five-day deadline passed, in an inn in Luofu Fang City, core members who disguised themselves to hide their cultivation skills arrived one after another.

It's just a quick trip. With their rich experience, there will be no bloody scenes.

It was calm along the way.

Two days later, ten people from Liu Yu gathered together again in an ordinary inn in Luofufang City.

"There are only about twenty-five days left before the execution date."

"Fellow Taoist from Ancient City, should we inform the elder immediately?"

After understanding the information, Liao Yunxi stood up suddenly, cupped his hands and said.

She is a rare golden elixir female cultivator among casual cultivators. It is said that she is more decisive than many male cultivators and her actions are very bold.

"If something like this happens in Luofu Fang City so close, it is indeed likely to make Black Mountain Immortal Prison wary."

"That's all, let's ask the elders to make a decision. What do the fellow Taoists think?"

Raising her hand to signal the other party to sit down, Liu Yu glanced at everyone in the room, thought for a moment and spoke.

The risk of forcibly escaping the prison was extremely high. Of course he wanted to avoid going if he could, but in the end the matter had to be decided by Elder Yuanying.

Hearing this, Guo Poyun and others nodded one after another.

No one had expected this kind of thing to happen beforehand. Whether to continue taking action still depends on the opinions of the elders.


Upon seeing this, Liu Yu no longer hesitated, immediately took out the jade token of communication and began to contact Zhenjun Qingshui.

After sending the message, ten people sat around a large table in silence, waiting for the elders' summons.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths


After ten breaths passed, the jade sign vibrated slightly.

Liu Yu immediately pinched the spell, and a ray of spiritual consciousness entered it to check, and instantly read the incoming message.

The next moment, he stood up suddenly:

"The elders have orders, the operation continues."

"We will set off immediately and approach the Black Mountain Immortal Prison!"

Obviously under such unfavorable conditions, Liu Yu was indeed a little puzzled that the top leaders of the Buyi League still insisted on continuing this operation.

"Could it be that there is someone particularly important among the twenty-one Golden Core cultivators?"

"For example, a descendant of a great monk, or a direct disciple?"

"Or is it that there are members who hold important secrets of the Purple Turban Army and must not be given up easily?"

There were many speculations in his mind, but he had no clue at the moment and could only act according to the summons.

On the one hand, Liu Yu has already stepped onto the chariot of the Commoner League, and it is not that easy to get off.

On the other hand, with several means prepared, even if he encounters a monk in the early or middle stage of Nascent Soul, he is very confident that he will escape unscathed.

With the trump card in hand, you can naturally advance and retreat calmly!


Guo Poyun, Liao Yunxi and others accepted their orders.

Although I was a little confused about the elder's order, I still chose to carry it out because of my long-standing trust.

Afterwards, ten people from Liu Yu hid their cultivation, left Luofufang City in batches, and rushed towards the Black Mountain Immortal Prison.

Dozens of miles away from Luofu Mountain, in a dense jungle.

A dozen monks were standing or sitting, watching the movements of Luofu Mountain, or sitting cross-legged in meditation to regain their energy, as if waiting for something.

Through the gaps in the tall grass, Liu Yu quietly observed the situation in Luofu Mountain and collected as much useful information as possible.

Only dozens of miles away, a dark and irregular spiritual mountain about two thousand feet high stood proudly on the earth.

This mountain doesn't look very beautiful, but it is a real fourth-level spiritual mountain.

Under the night, from time to time there is a ray of light that rises from Lingshan Mountain and eventually disappears into the darkness.

From all directions, monks from Qianting were seen from time to time, escorting prisoners into Lingshan, and then left after a long time.

In the thousands of years of history of the Black Mountain Immortal Prison, no matter how powerful the monks were before entering, or how many troubles they stirred up, once they entered this prison, there would be no news about it.

No matter how talented and talented you are, you will never recover once you enter the immortal prison!

This is Luofu Mountain and the location of Black Mountain Immortal Prison!

"Fellow Taoist from Ancient City, is there any news from the elders?"

Beside him, Guo Poyun's voice suddenly sounded.

Ten more days passed, and there was only about half a month left before the scheduled execution date, so they couldn't help but be anxious.

Once the public executions begin, it will have an extremely bad impact and be extremely detrimental to all radical religious organizations.

In this case, in order to prevent the casual cultivators from organizing rescue or counterattack, Qian Ting may send more forces.

At any point, any rescue operation would be tantamount to death.

Therefore, we must not continue to delay. The closer the execution date is, the stronger the defense force of Black Mountain Immortal Prison may be.

"Elder Qingshui."

Liu Yu turned around and stopped abruptly in the middle of her words.

His extremely keen spiritual sense was touched at this moment, and he suddenly looked behind him.

Only three figures were seen, suddenly appearing in the middle of the crowd, looking at Liu Yu, Guo Poyun and others with smiles.

One of them was wearing a light blue water-patterned robe, with a kind face and kind eyes, and an unfathomable aura around him.

Who is he if he is not "Qingshui Zhenjun"?

"I have met all the elders!"

After reacting, everyone saluted.

At the same time, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Facing the powerful Black Mountain Immortal Prison, they, the Golden Core cultivators, still lacked confidence.

"How's it going?"

After waving his hands to indicate that everyone should not be too polite, Qingshui Zhenjun turned to ask.

Although the situation has been explained once during the subpoena, it is not exhaustive after all. It is better to ask again carefully at this time.

After the words fell, Guo Poyun, Liao Yunxi and others turned their eyes and looked at Liu Yu.

Liu Yu nodded slightly, and then slowly spoke:

"Return to the elder, the information that the junior has collected so far"

He spoke at a very fast speed and told what he had learned during this period, including the "Tribulation Field" incident a few days ago.

"Please let the elders decide!"

After telling the known information, Liu Yu handed over his hand again, and then stopped talking.

Hearing this, True Lord Qingshui and True Lord Mingjing all frowned.

The three people's eyes met, and they should be communicating through spiritual consciousness, so they didn't speak immediately.

"This is indeed a bit unexpected."

"But after all, they are just some peripheral members, and their cultivation level is only at the foundation-building level, which is not enough to alarm the senior officials of Qianting."

"There is no need to suspend the rescue operation."

After a while, the opinions were unified, and Lord Qingshui put his hands behind his hands and said.


As expected, everyone bowed their hands.

"It seems that a trip to the Black Mountain Immortal Prison is inevitable."

Seeing this, Liu Yu sighed in his heart, but he could only surrender.

"If you want to rescue the twenty-one comrades of the Purple Turban Army, you must first break the formation outside the Immortal Prison."

"This formation is called the "Black Water Cave Secret Formation". Although it is only a fourth-level low-grade formation, its defense is very impressive."

"Even if the great monk attacks from the front, it will take a while to break through, so a strong attack is not advisable."

After confirming the plan to continue the rescue, Lord Qingshui began to make arrangements for the next step, arranging the plan in an orderly manner.

After a pause, he continued:

"However, the comrades of the Purple Turban Army have long been aware of the Black Mountain Immortal Prison and had plans to break through it. However, they had to give up because of the sudden incident."

"I already know the characteristics and flaws of the information about the "Black Water Cave Secret Formation"."

"Using the formation to break the formation is the best option."

"You are like this."

Qingshui Zhenjun spoke very quickly and gave a rough summary of the information about the Immortal Prison Formation. He also told how to deal with the "Black Water Cave Secret Formation" and the arrangements for breaking through this formation.

After careful study, the Buyi League believed that using formations to break the formations was the most appropriate.

For this reason, a set of "Ice Soul Cold Breath Formation" was prepared, which could suppress the Immortal Prison Formation in terms of attributes.

"Broken Cloud"

"Cloud Creek"

Taking out the formation materials and formation disks, Qingshui Zhenjun successively motioned for everyone to come forward and handed over various spiritual materials and formation disks.

During the process, he kept talking about the key points of the arrangement of the array disks and spiritual materials, and accurately stated the locations of each spiritual energy node or earth vein node.

"Arrange it carefully and make sure there are no mistakes."

"Otherwise, the guarding monks will be alerted, and the consequences will be disastrous."

After suppressing his smile, Qingshui Zhenjun looked solemn and repeatedly confirmed whether Guo Poyun, Liao Yunxi and others had memorized the details of the formation.

From this matter, it can be seen that the Buyi League is very well prepared.

The information from the Commoner League came from the "Purple Turban Army".

Perhaps the Purple Scarf Army really had plans to attack the Black Mountain Immortal Prison, but they had to give up because they suddenly suffered heavy losses.

"I'll understand, please don't worry, elder."

After receiving the spiritual materials and array disks, Guo Poyun, Liao Yunxi and others handed them over.

Then he either flew away at low altitude or ran wildly on the ground, sneaking towards Luofu Mountain and disappearing into the vast night.

Even his eldest disciple, Ming Jing, who was newly promoted to Yuanying, and another Yuanying True Lord, were sent to set up the formation by True Lord Qingshui.

In a blink of an eye, Liu Yu and him were the only two people left in the dense jungle.


In the night, there was a constant breeze blowing through the grass, and there was a rustling sound from the friction of the weeds.

"Do you know why we still need to carry out this rescue even though we are taking such a big risk?"

After the two Nascent Soul elders, Guo Poyun and others walked away, Zhenjun Qingshui spoke quietly, with a trace of complexity flashing across his face.

"Junior doesn't know."

Without hesitation, Liu Yu immediately shook his head and waited for the other party to speak.

He understood that there must be some reason why Lord Qingshui left him alone.

Perhaps, there are some "orders" that are inconvenient for other members to know, and they must be carried out secretly during the operation.

Liu Yu's answer was as expected. Qingshui Zhenjun did not show off and continued immediately:

"One of the twenty-one golden elixirs in custody is a descendant of one of the four great monks of the Purple Turban Army."

"This person knows too many secrets of the Purple Turban Army. Once something goes wrong, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Not only Huaizhou, but the entire uprising process in the Central Territory may suffer a devastating blow!"

When he said this, the man's face was extremely solemn.

Obviously this monk is very crucial and is the ultimate goal of this operation. Any other "extremely bad influence" is just a cover.

In other words, they are just unimportant factors.

After all, Daqian has ruled the Central Region for 100,000 years, and his majesty has penetrated into all aspects. The monks on this land have long been accustomed to being ruled.

In other words, no matter how shocking it is, it is just that.

When the radical casual cultivator organization can shake up the general trend and has hope of ultimate success, the vast majority of casual cultivators will rush to join.

Now that the Qanting Holy Land is unshakable and the radical organization has not gained momentum, they are afraid of getting involved in order to avoid causing trouble and affecting themselves.

Casual cultivators know the most about casual cultivators.

Therefore, both the Commoner League and the Purple Turban Army, although they care about "public executions", are not as concerned as they imagined.

"According to various signs, this person has not rebelled yet."

"But after a public execution, according to past practice, the Qianting Court will arrange high-level monks to search the souls of important prisoners."

"In Qian Ting's eyes, the most unstable factor in the Central Territory at present, the Golden Pill monks of the Purple Turban Army, is already considered "important"."

"The great monk's surname is Xu, and the detained comrade's name is "Xu Haoyun"."

Finally, Lord Qingshui revealed the information about the descendant of the great monk.

"So the elder means to let Gu focus on rescuing this fellow Taoist "Xu Haoyun"?"

Hearing this, Liu Yu's eyes flashed and he asked with a somewhat uncertain tone.


Qingshui Zhenjun nodded slightly, then looked in the direction of Luofu Mountain with his hands behind his back, and continued:

"However, regarding the situation in the Black Mountain Immortal Prison, Qianting's confidentiality measures are very good, and the alliance has not collected much useful information."

"When you enter prison, you can't be sure what will happen to you at this time."

"If there are irresistible factors and there is no hope of successfully rescuing that person, I want you."

At the end of the sentence, Qingshui Zhenjun's voice was slightly cold, and he slashed with his right hand like a knife. The meaning was self-evident.

It is certain that there is no hope of rescue. In order not to leave any hidden dangers, the uncertain factors must be eliminated!

"Yes! Junior understands!"

Liu Yu felt a chill in her heart and immediately accepted the order.

Knowing the cause and effect, he was not surprised at all by the decision of the top leaders of the Commoners League.

Those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters, and armed confrontation and sacrifice are inevitable.

What's more, the Qanting Holy Land's dominance over the Central Region is still the trend. Radical organizations such as the Purple Turban Army and the Common People's League cannot be benevolent as women.

On the road to realizing "lofty ideals", the future may be "poetry and distance", but at present, "bloodshed and sacrifice" and "compromise" must be indispensable.

"Go ahead."

Taking out a set of formation materials, Lord Qingshui gently waved his hand and gave instructions.

"Junior, please take your leave."

After taking the formation materials and putting them into the storage ring, Liu Yu held his hands and disappeared into the night.

The descendants of the great monks know many secrets of the Purple Turban Army. This reason is indeed reasonable.

But he didn't know why, but he always felt that something was wrong.

"Is there a deeper reason behind this?"

Thinking like this, Liu Yu quietly sneaked towards Luofu Mountain, thoughts flashing through his mind.

It’s just that the current knowledge is limited, and guessing based on thin air is bound to get wrong answers.

He thought for a while and could only give up.

On the spot, he arranged the preparations for the prison robbery, and Qingshui Zhenjun regained his composure.

Where there is light, there is darkness, and sacrifice is inevitable for achieving great things. He doesn't think there is anything wrong with this.

No one can be sacrificed.

The sun rises and sets, the surrounding area of ​​Luofu Mountain is peaceful, and the day and night pass by in a blink of an eye.

Although the details of the formation, as well as the information about the spiritual energy nodes and earth vein nodes have been fully informed.

But it is still too difficult to quietly set up another fourth-order formation under the eyes of monk Qian Ting.

There are too many factors to consider, and often a very simple step will take several times or dozens of times longer than usual.

After making preparations, Liu Yu, Guo Poyun, Liao Yunxi and others drove the formation flags and formation materials into the nodes at the same time.

Then he stopped covering up, and as soon as his magic power was transformed into escaping light, he headed back to his original hiding place without looking back.


Under the calm night, bursts of golden elixir level spiritual pressure emerged, and a dozen rays of light streaked across the sky.

"Boom" "Boom"

After the formation was completed, just one breath passed, and Liu Yu and others flew no more than ten miles away, when there was huge movement around Luofu Mountain.


The earth shook, the mountains shook, and dust flew into the air.

Along with the roaring sound, white light pillars rose into the sky, exuding an icy aura that froze to the bone.

In just half a breath, under the influence of the cold breath, countless creatures lost their life breath.

"Zi Zi"

A thin layer of ice crystals began to spread in all directions, with the tendency of freezing the earth, affecting a thirty-mile radius.

Dew turns into ice, and vegetation, living things, and spit are all frozen.

In the night sky, Liu Yu looked back and saw that the frozen area continued to spread, and strands of extremely cold air filled it.

Mortals in such an environment would freeze into ice sculptures in an instant and lose the breath of life.

The monks in the Qi refining stage are unable to withstand this kind of cold. Their mana will be exhausted in a very short period of time, and then they will lose their lives.

However, this coldness naturally has no effect on Liu Yu.

After experiencing the baptism of "the power of Taiyin", my resistance to cold has improved, and this coldness is just a drizzle.

As long as they are not attacked from the front by a large formation, there will basically be no serious problems.

Around Luofu Mountain, dozens of extremely thick white light pillars soared into the sky, connected by thin lines of ice crystals, forming a fourth-order formation.

Level 4 - Ice Soul Cold Breath Formation!

Naturally, the guards of the Black Mountain Immortal Prison noticed such a big movement immediately and activated the "Blackwater Cave Secret Formation" before the "Ice Soul Mysterious Light Formation" attacked.

"Hua Hua"

Suddenly, the sound of rushing water sounded.

The next moment, the ground a mile away from Luofu Mountain collapsed, and countless black water emerged from it.

In just half a breath, a black "water wall" formed.

There are no gaps in the four water walls, forming a circular shape to protect Luofu Mountain, protecting half of the mountain.

The reason for this is because the real "Black Mountain Immortal Prison" is not built on Luofu Mountain, but actually under the ground.


The black water seemed to be extremely poisonous. When it dripped onto the ground, it would corrode even the soil, and a big hole appeared in the blink of an eye.

Just the breath will make the vegetation in a certain range wither and turn purple and black on the surface.

The "Heishui Cave Secret Formation" is one mile away from the mountain, and the "Ice Soul Cold Breath Formation" is thirty miles away from the mountain. They are less than thirty miles away from each other. The two fourth-order formations face each other far away.

At this time, Liu Yu and others had returned to their hiding place and gathered next to True Lord Qingshui, quietly watching how to break the formation.

If the Immortal Prison Formation cannot be solved, the next step will be out of the question.

"There is calculation in mind but no intention."

"Attribute suppression."

"Know yourself and know the enemy."

"This "Blackwater Cave Secret Formation", I'm afraid."

Quietly watching the two fourth-level formations take shape, thoughts flashed through Liu Yu's mind.

The Commoner League is fully prepared, and with various favorable conditions, there is a high chance of breaking through the "Black Water Cave Secret Formation" through mental calculations or unintentional calculations.

Time was running out, and the offensive pressure was on his own side, so Qingshui Zhenjun didn't delay at all and started taking action the moment the formation was formed.


He took out three blue tokens to control the formation, inserted spells into the tokens one after another, and controlled the formation to actively attack.

next moment.

The "Ice Soul Cold Breath Formation" composed of dozens of thick white light pillars and countless thin lines of ice crystals immediately began to attack.


Dozens of white light pillars continuously spit out streams of blue breath.

This breath was so cold that it seemed like it could freeze space. The moment it appeared, the temperature plummeted for dozens of miles around.

Waves of blue breath gathered together to form cold currents. The cold currents gathered and formed cold waves, rushing towards Luofu Mountain from all directions.


Among the four black water walls, water flow continuously branches out, condenses into "water arrows", "water guns", "water balloons", etc., and shoots towards the sweeping blue cold wave.

"Zi Zi"

Just a series of attacks falling into it, although it can make the blue cold wave surge, the effect is not very great.

Once submerged, any form of attack will soon be frozen by the extremely cold atmosphere.

The highly toxic black water can corrode even the earth, but its impact on the blue cold wave is very limited.


"Zi Zi"

On the surface of the hundred-foot-high black water wall, various forms of attacks continued to condense, falling into the overwhelming cold wave, but they always had little effect.

Water gun, water roll, water arrow, water blade

No matter what form of attack, it will be quickly frozen and eventually fall to the ground wrapped in a layer of blue ice crystals.

A few breaths later, the light blue cold wave was overwhelming and spread to the black water wall a hundred feet high.

"Zi Zi"


In an instant, the sounds of ice crystals condensing and breaking continued to be heard in the mountains, and the two formations were engaged in the most intense confrontation.

However, due to the suppressed attributes, the ice crystals are obviously condensing faster, and there is a tendency to freeze the black wall of water that is a hundred feet high.

If this continues, it won't take long before the "Black Water Cave Formation" will be frozen.

"Who dares to invade the important land of Immortal Court?!"

At this moment, an extremely sharp sound suddenly sounded among the mountains.

Immediately, three consecutive streams of Yuan Ying level spiritual pressure emerged from Luofu Mountain without concealment.

The next moment, Liu Yu was keenly aware and looked over several times.

It was as if he had locked himself across dozens of miles, causing the hairs on his body to stand on end.

Nascent Soul monk!

He subconsciously touched the storage ring and thought about the "One Qi Qiankun Talisman", "Wind and Thunder Escape Sky Talisman" and other methods, and he felt a lot more relaxed.

PS: Make up for the missed update on October 15th.

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