Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 687 What I saw in prison, three floors underground

Chapter 687: What I saw in prison, three floors underground

Besides, the purpose of their trip was not to kill the guards of the Immortal Prison, but to rescue the twenty-one golden elixirs of the Purple Turban Army.

The freezing effect of the "Ice Soul Cold Breath Formation" does not know how long it will last. The "Black Water Cave Secret Formation" will recover at some point. The team cannot waste time.

"What the ancient Taoist fellow Taoist said makes sense."

"It is important to rescue our comrades from the Purple Turban Army."

Holding the small brown-yellow cauldron in his hand, Guo Poyun looked solemn, thinking the same thing.

"I'm sorry, fellow Taoist from the ancient city, I was reckless."

Seeing that no one supported him, the teammate who tried to chase faced the undeniable gaze and admitted his mistake with his hand, a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face.

Showing strength far beyond that of his teammates and turning the tide of the battle on his own, Liu Yu's prestige was already established after just one battle.

The weak shout at the top of their lungs, but no one listens.

A strong man speaks softly, but can reach deep into people's hearts.

There is no need for high-sounding words or superb social skills. If you master the most powerful strength, you will naturally become the center of the crowd.

This world always revolves around the strong.

This is the world of cultivating immortals.


Liu Yu waved his hand casually and glanced around the secret room, the secret passages leading to unknown directions.

When venturing into the Black Mountain Immortal Prison, every minute is crucial, and he has no time to be polite.

The usual set of rules will not work in a life-or-death mission.

"There are runes that limit spiritual consciousness, and I don't know where these secret passages lead."

“If you enter rashly, you may get lost in it and consume a lot of time.”

"So, it's better to walk along the original road. At least after the passage, it looks like a prison."

After a moment of silence, Liu Yu had thousands of thoughts colliding, and finally chose to give up on the secret passage and continue walking along the passage.

"Let's go."

He said calmly.

After saying that, he flew into the sky with a twist of mana and returned to the original passage.

Upon seeing this, Guo Poyun, Liao Yunxi and others immediately followed, and everyone still moved in the "three, four, three" formation.

On the dark thunder net, streaks of black thunder slowly swam.

The originally extremely violent thunder and lightning was in a relatively stable state under the constraints of the formation.

A thunder net of more than ten feet was constructed, blocking the path of Liu Yu and others.

"Zi Zi"

Thunder roared, and wisps of golden and red spiritual light suddenly emerged from the gaps in the black thunder net.

As more and more golden-red spiritual light came through, a fiery and sharp aura became stronger and stronger.


Finally, with a deafening roar, the black thunder net was torn into pieces.

One after another, black thunder was extinguished by wisps of golden and red spear light.

The moment the thunder net was shattered, the "enchantment" that restricted everyone's spiritual exploration was also destroyed.

Everyone's consciousness spread instantly, and they clearly observed the scene behind the passage.

As far as the eye can see, there are cells that are exactly the same in size and appearance.

The huge underground space is divided into cells. Each cell is small in size and appears to be very narrow and crowded.

All cells are forged with first-level spiritual materials.

Even if the immortal cultivator's physical body undergoes a spiritual cleansing, it will be absolutely difficult to break into the cell after the mana is sealed and the magic weapon is lost.

The level of sturdiness is only first level. Although the level is indeed not high, the prisoners on the underground floor are all Qi Refining monks, so it is completely sufficient.

How can you kill a chicken with a bull's knife?

The mental and physical conditions of the monks in the cell were polarized.

Either they were covered in bruises and tortured to the point where they were almost inhuman form, their eyes were dull and confused, and no light could be seen in them.

Either the clothes are clean and tidy, there are no obvious injuries on the outside, and the mental state is very good.

They even held various books or other objects in their hands to pass the boring and empty years of their prison life.

It seems as if he is not a prisoner, but is here to experience life on vacation.

On the other hand, in the former case, there was only a stone bed in the cell and not even a decent set of quilts.

The number of the former far exceeds that of the latter.

There are many factors that affect the treatment of prison life, such as whether there are powerful relatives and friends outside prison.

If the relatives and friends are powerful, or the relationship is reliable enough, the guards of the Immortal Prison will have to weigh them carefully when dealing with them on a daily basis.

For example, enough spiritual stones to bribe the guards of the Immortal Prison.

Money can make the world go round.

The guards of the Immortal Prison are also monks. It is human nature to take care of them within the rules when receiving benefits from others.


The huge movement attracted the attention of all kinds of prisoners, and they looked over subconsciously.

When they saw Liu Yu and others, some of the prisoners with dim eyes seemed to realize something, and a glimmer of hope rose in their hearts.

"Senior, can you please help me open the cell? I know the situation in the Immortal Prison and am willing to lead the way!"

"Senior, I would like to be a cow or a horse."


In an instant, the underground level became noisy, with prisoners rushing to speak, trying to grasp a hard-won glimmer of hope.

"The prisoners haven't had time to move."

"It seems everything happened too fast, Immortal Prison Guards, and there was no time to make many preparations."

Leaving the passage, Liu Yu scanned the cells one after another, without any fluctuation in his eyes, and various thoughts flashed through his mind.

Then he grasped with his five fingers, turned around and took a photo behind him.

In the passage, the blazing blue sea of ​​​​fire quickly shrank, returned to his palm, and turned into a slowly beating flame.

Looking around, I saw that the original passage was beyond recognition. Under the burning of Qingyang Demonic Fire, the space was more than doubled.

In the channel, the mud and stone turned into a gray-brown liquid containing scalding high temperatures, and it continued to sink.

Everything has a tendency to melt.

In this way, all the arrangements will be destroyed, and you will not encounter the passive situation just now when you return.

"Without further ado, let's go."

Liu Yu turned a deaf ear to the prisoners' pleas for help and sent a message to several teammates with his spiritual consciousness.

After speaking, he moved and swept along the corridor towards the depths of the prison, aiming directly at the passage leading to the next floor.

How many secrets of the Immortal Prison can a mere monk in the Qi Refining Stage know?

Saving these people will bring little convenience, but it will waste some time.

Moreover, when there are too many people, it is easy to get confused, which is not conducive to subsequent actions.

Of course, if there were no teammates such as Guo Poyun and Liao Yunxi, Liu Yu would not mind staying for a few breaths and using the "Soul Searching Technique" to see the situation.

But thinking about his identity at this time and considering the impact of doing so, he could only give up this idea.

After all, in the eyes of most monks, the "soul-searching technique" is still too cruel and inhumane.

"It's all some fuel."

During the flyby, Liu Yu flashed this idea.

But considering his own image problem, he still did not choose to kill everyone.

In the filthy prison, the ten people flew forward quickly at low altitude, regardless of the low-level monks' pleas for help.

As long as they don't go deep into the wall, there will be no obstacles to the spread of spiritual consciousness, so everyone quickly locked onto the entrance to the next floor with a very clear goal.

The message must have been received, so there was no Immortal Prison guard along the way, and the corridor was empty.

However, some traces such as hot tea and candlelight still revealed that not long ago, there were immortal prison guards on duty here.


Flying past the prison on the first floor, the ten people were very fast.

After only five or six breaths, a winding downward passage came into view.

Turning back and nodding slightly to his teammates, Guo Poyun took a deep breath and escaped directly into the passage.

Liu Yu and others followed without hesitation and dived into it together.


There was no attack. The passage from the first underground floor to the second underground floor was not long. In just two or three breaths, the vision in front of me suddenly widened.

bloodstains, filth

There are also various unpleasant smells, and cells with familiar styles.

However, unlike the first underground floor, the space on the second floor is several times smaller, and the level of spiritual materials used to build the cells is also higher.

Most of them mainly use second-level spiritual materials, mixed with some first-level spiritual materials.

In addition, there are some special cells with runes such as "strong" and "hard" engraved on them.

Prevent the prisoners inside from violently breaking out of the house.

These special cells are specially designed to hold "physical cultivators" who have lost their magic power but can still retain most of their strength, or monks who have both legal and physical cultivators.

Obviously, Black Mountain Immortal Prison has learned the lessons of many other "prison escapes" from other Immortal Prisons, and treats monks with physical training or special talents separately from ordinary monks.

Similar to the situation on the first underground floor, the situation of prisoners on the second underground floor is also polarized.

Some people were covered in bruises and shapeless, and their cells were empty except for stone beds and broken quilts; others were fat and clean, and their cells had bookshelves, tea tables, tea sets, the Four Treasures of the Study Room, etc.

Class is everywhere.

"No, run away!"

Some of the Immortal Prison guards on this level seemed to have not had time to retreat, and some of the Immortal Prison guards on the underground level had just escaped here.

It seemed that they already knew the strength of the intruder from the transmission from the higher-ups of the Immortal Prison, so they had no idea of ​​resisting and scrambled to escape in various directions.

Either flee to the third underground floor, or flee to a secret passage that leads to nowhere.

Judging from the speed at which he ran, it was obvious that his life was precious and he had no intention of standing guard until the last moment of his life.

After all, becoming a prison guard is just to get a stable income and make the path to immortality smoother.

It's okay to fight with a tailwind, but if there's a headwind and there aren't enough resources promised, they won't be able to hold on to the end.

It's not worth it to risk your life for this.

It is not that there are no monks who are loyal to Daqian, but in comparison, their own lives are more important.

After one hundred thousand years of rule, there are many people who agree from the bottom of their hearts and are willing to risk their lives for Qianting, but obviously they will not be here.

Places like Black Mountain Immortal Prison are mostly "retirement places" for frustrated monks.

"Hmph, Qanting lackey!"

When they saw a famous Immortal Prison guard, Liao Yunqing and others took action immediately without Liu Yu's instructions.

In an instant, magic weapon-level power enveloped the entire underground second-floor prison.

Magical weapons came out one after another, easily destroying magical weapons, spiritual weapons, and spells, and turning the immortal prison guards who only had Qi refining and foundation building into powder.

“Bang bang bang”

Like a watermelon exploding, various explosions continued to sound in the prison for a breath or two.

After just two breaths, he calmed down again.

The extremely rich smell of blood filled the second underground floor.

Looking around, clouds of blood mist blocked the view, and the spiritual sense could no longer sense the life breath of a prison guard.

None of the immortal prison guards survived.

In the eyes of Guo Poyun and others, there is no doubt that these immortal prison guards are "Qianting lackeys" who are working for the tiger, and they have killed countless comrades in the past.

Therefore, there is no mercy at all.

There is no need to talk about the default rule that high-level monks are not allowed to attack low-level monks.

Tooth for tooth, blood for blood!

Even though he has a blood feud, he still has to be polite when facing the monks of Qianting, so as not to cause trouble for the Buyi Alliance.

Now that they have a chance to vent, of course they won't be polite.

But when Liu Yu saw this scene, he frowned slightly and felt a little unhappy.

Unlike the prisoners, the guards of the Immortal Prison must know a lot about the situation in the Immortal Prison. If one or two people can be left alive to lead the way, it will obviously be more conducive to the subsequent actions.

"Don't let anger blind you."

After flashing these words, Liu Yu shook his head slightly.

He somewhat understood the mood of Liao Yunqing and other core members who couldn't wait to vent.

So he frowned slightly and said nothing more.

If nothing else happens, the 21 golden elixirs of the Purple Turban Army should be detained on the third floor.

Among the nine people, only Guo Poyun was more sensible and did not choose to take action, but he could not stop him when he saw the situation.

"It is not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Comrades from the Purple Turban Army should be detained on the third floor."

"Let's go."

Looking at the deserted corridor and ignoring the foundation-building monks asking for help from the cells on both sides, Liu Yu said calmly.

His consciousness locked onto the entrance to the third floor. After saying this, he moved and rushed straight into the thick blood mist.


The space on the second underground floor was even smaller, so it only took two breaths for everyone to rush to the entrance to the third floor.

Guo Poyun and three others took the lead, Liu Yu and four others were in the middle, and Liao Yunqing and three others followed. The ten people disappeared into the passage in the blink of an eye.

Through the previous battles, everyone already knew the strength of the Immortal Prison Guards, so they naturally had less worries.

Although the other side has more golden elixir cultivators, the cultivation strength of both sides is not comparable.

A head-on battle is enough to crush the opponent, just be careful of the traps in the fairy prison.

The moment he entered the passage, Liu Yu's eyes narrowed.

His spiritual consciousness glanced past, but it was like entering a quagmire and was greatly restricted.

The suppression was even more severe than the passage leading from the black iron door to the underground floor.

"The layout of this third floor"

Not long after entering, Guo Poyun and the other three people in front of them froze for a moment, their faces filled with surprise and uncertainty, apparently encountering the same situation.

"Pass through quickly. The third floor is right in front of you. We are not far from our comrades in the Purple Turban Army."

"However, this third floor is where the Jindan monks are imprisoned. The power of the formation mechanism should be the strongest, so you must be extra careful."

Liu Yu's face was solemn, and he spoke to the nine people.

In his keen sense, he felt like he was being spied on again. It was obvious that the guards of the Immortal Prison had not given up on intercepting him yet.

Maybe in the passage, maybe on the third floor underground, you will give it a try.


Guo Poyun and the others nodded, their feet were half a foot away from the stairs, and they continued to swoop down.

Flying downward cautiously, everyone quickly disappeared into the depths of darkness.

As he quickly approached the third floor, his vigilance was raised to the highest level, guarding against possible attacks at any time.

Liu Yuling felt that behind the walls on both sides, auras of golden elixir level were moving rapidly, obviously he had not given up completely yet.

But for some reason, it hasn't started yet.


The rich darkness did not affect the Jindan monk's vision at all. After about ten breaths of people flying past, light appeared in front of their eyes.

The exit of the passage is not far away!

The last attack was at the exit of the passage, and it was still fresh in my mind.

Therefore, as they approached the exit, everyone was extra vigilant, paying special attention to the movement on the walls above, below, left, and right.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to pass the exit, the expected attack did not come.

"There should have been puppet guards here."

Liu Yu's eyes swept across the ground, and various thoughts flashed through his mind.

Ten feet away from the exit, the steps disappeared into thin air, and there was a large space in front of the exit.

I saw several unusual marks on the ground.

Even though it had been hastily dealt with, he could still find clues by observing the details.

These marks are very huge, obviously not caused by monks, they should be some kind of third-order puppets.

And the traces are very new, they were left not long ago, maybe just a few breaths ago.

Thinking like this, Liu Yu withdrew his gaze and nodded gently towards Guo Poyun and the others in front.


The three of them understood and immediately used their defensive magic weapons and spells. Their bodies suddenly accelerated and they rushed out of the cave.

His consciousness was swept away, but the expected attack did not come.

"Nothing unusual."

Guo Poyun turned around and nodded gently, indicating that there was no surprise.

Seeing this, Liu Yu moved.

The next moment, he moved directly outside the passage and officially set foot on the third floor.

With a sweep of his consciousness, everything on the third floor was in full view.

cell, prisoner, wall lamp, corridor

The overall layout of the third underground floor is not much different from that of the second underground floor, except that the space is several times smaller and much cleaner and tidier.

There was no dark red blood on the ground, and there was no disgusting smell in the prison.

The cells are upgraded accordingly, and the construction spiritual materials are mainly of the third level, which are also divided into ordinary cells and special cells.

However, these cells are different from ordinary cells in that there is no "door lock" to open the cell, and specific techniques are required to open it.

The appearance of the twenty-one members of the Purple Turban Army had been passed down to Liu Yu by True Lord Qingshui as early as when the mission was assigned.

Therefore, with a quick sweep of his consciousness, he instantly locked onto Xu Haoran and the other twenty-one people.

These people are all held in red special cells with special warning signs on both sides of the cells.

Obviously, in Qian Ting's eyes, the Purple Turban Army monks are extremely dangerous.

Especially because of his "traitor" nature, he was even more sinful than the demonic monks who had killed countless people.

Therefore, without exception, everyone receives special care.

Twenty-one people were as angry as silk, their clothes were ragged and their hair was disheveled, and the wounds under their prison uniforms were shocking.

They all wore special magic weapons similar to "Forbidden Spirit Rings" and "Forbidden Spirit Chains". They were unable to use any magic power and were slumped around the cell.

But fortunately, they all still have the breath of life and are not dead.

"Xu Haoran"

"Fortunately, the Immortal Prison guards haven't had time to deal with these monks yet."

Seeing that the target was alive, Liu Yu felt relieved.

He was indeed a little worried. Seeing that something was wrong, the guards took care of the Purple Turban Army monks first.

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