Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 693 The world is worth it!


The dazzling light suddenly bloomed, and a series of roars resounded through the night sky.

The three-color aura of white, gold and red dyes each raindrop into color, like a rare wonder of heaven and earth seen in a hundred years.

A golden red spear light corresponds to a white light thread, and both of them are destroyed.

When all the golden and red spear lights were shattered, the number of white light threads was reduced by hundreds, and the Nascent Soul's magical power was once again weakened a lot.

After this blow, everyone looked at Liu Yu with shock.

But they did not forget where they were. After using their magic weapon and magical power, they continued to use third-level spells to intercept Nascent Soul's magical power.

Thanks to the decisive blockade in the first place, everyone had time to take action in the second round.

"Boom boom boom~"

Scattered third-level spells rose into the sky, met in the night sky, and extinguished many white light strands.

After the roar, there were less than 1,500 white light strands.

The power of this Nascent Soul magical power is only half of that.

But at this time, the white light thread was approaching, less than three miles away from the barren mountain, and it was too late for everyone to launch the next attack.

"No, we must not let the teleportation array be destroyed!"

At this moment, Liu Yu only had this thought in her mind.

Only by escaping by teleportation array can we ensure that nothing goes wrong. Otherwise, it has been delayed for such a long time. Who knows what will happen next?

Even if he has prepared all kinds of trump cards, he may not be able to survive the encirclement and suppression by Qian Ting!

It is estimated that the remaining power of the white light silk magical power is no longer enough to threaten his own life.


Almost without thinking, Liu Yu used his magic power to fly into the air, and his figure shot out in an instant.

In full view of everyone, he charged towards Yuanying's magical power!


The six or seven-foot-long true body flew away quickly, with strong sounds of breaking through the air, and all the rainwater was pushed away along the way.

Liu Yu held a gun in his right hand, the sharp tip of the gun was shining with golden and red light. He clenched his left hand into a fist, and the fist was filled with hot blood.

The two sides of the flame shield protect the body, and the two sides of the body are waiting for opportunities to move.

Behind him, the billowing energy formed a rainbow, which was already heading straight into the sky.


Her long hair is flying, Liu Yu looks up to the sky and roars, and her majestic body is full of wind.

Before he even got close to Yuanying's magical power, he started to move.


The Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear in his right hand suddenly swept forward to the right, and the afterimages formed a half-moon shaped arc of golden red light, exuding extremely fiery and sharp power.

"Bang bang~"

The "Meteor Fist" in his left hand was swung at extremely high speed along a mysterious trajectory, and he struck out thick red fists one after another, attacking towards the left front.

Holding the protective flame shield, Liu Yu's eyes were cold, holding a gun in one hand and a fist in the other, letting out the majestic power in his body wantonly.

The next moment, in full view of everyone, he crashed into the dense white light.

“Bang bang bang!!!”

In his ears, the roar was deafening. He seemed to be tireless, wielding the huge iron fist and the golden-red spear at a very fast speed.

The protective flame shield had dissipated at some point.

Strips of extremely sharp white light left scars on Liu Zhangzhen's body, and streaks of bright red blood flowed out from them.

However, none of this matters anymore.

Ever since they both reached the late third level through body refining and qi refining, Liu Yu himself didn't even know how strong he was.

Today, I finally get to vent happily!

In the shocked eyes of Guo Poyun, Xu Haoran and others, since he rushed straight into the white light strands, the supernatural power exerted by the Nascent Soul cultivator with all his strength was quickly dissipated to the naked eye.

"The sky breaks through the clouds"

At this moment, many people can't help but think of this word.

After half a breath, only a few dozen white light threads were left floating towards the barren mountain, and were solved by everyone using their methods together.

Just one person was able to clear more than half of the white light filaments and change the outcome by himself.

It can be said that Liu Yu was the main force in destroying this Nascent Soul magical power, while the other twenty Golden Elixir monks only played a supporting role.

"This kind of strength."

Realizing the strength of the "ancient city", everyone was extremely shocked and fell silent for a moment.

Although they are both Jindan monks, they seem to be in two different realms and are completely incomparable.

That figure with long hair hanging loose in the heavy rain looked like a god and a devil!

Whose general is this? !

"Pitter patter~"

The rain is getting heavier.

Unconsciously, it has evolved from a gentle drizzle to a torrential downpour.

Big raindrops fell on the ground, and there was a dense sound of rain.

The heavy rain curtain formed by heavy rain blocked the view, and the two battlefields seemed to be divided into two worlds.


The Nascent Soul magical power was broken, and Liu Yu relaxed her mind a little, but bursts of pain hit all parts of her body, and she couldn't help but her face changed slightly and she gasped.

When his spiritual consciousness swept over him, there were more than a dozen blood marks on his body.

But fortunately, he was well protected and always paid attention to protecting the vital parts, so the wounds were not on the vital parts.

As soon as Liu Yu thought, azure light began to flow around the wound, and it healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Under the strong physical control, more than a dozen blood marks stopped bleeding in just one breath.

It's no big deal.


Putting on a brand new black robe, Liu Yu took a deep breath and flew towards the barren mountain again.

When he landed, everyone subconsciously moved out of the way and gave up the most central position.

Although they are all in the same realm, there is such a huge gap in strength between them, which makes other monks have to treat them with caution and become cautious.

"Mingjing is a thief"

Seeing the rapidly weakening Qing Shui Zhenjun, some core members gritted their teeth, obviously hating the betrayer.

"When I think about it, there is something fishy about Ming Jing being able to conceive a baby."

"Among the disciples under Elder Qingshui, this person's qualifications are not outstanding. He is only a fourth-grade elixir."

"We have been preparing for so long, but we still dare not hit the Nascent Soul bottleneck."

"Suddenly, he went into seclusion without saying a word, and when many colleagues didn't expect it, he was successfully promoted."

"Perhaps, he got the support of Qian Ting and was bribed by Qian Ting at that time."

His consciousness was paying attention to the battle situation. When Guo Poyun thought of this, he couldn't help clenching his fists.

When he was establishing the foundation level, he joined the Commoner Alliance and was considered a very senior member, so he knew Ming Jing very well.

After thinking about it for a moment, I can guess the whole story.

It is understandable to make some sacrifices in order to get closer.

But betraying the camp and stabbing a comrade in the back, especially committing an act of "killing a master", is extremely shameful.

"We are ashamed to be associated with a disciple who kills his master!"

A monk said bitterly, looking at Ming Jing full of disappointment and disgust.

The treasonous and unethical act of killing a master is not accepted by the vast majority of demonic monks, let alone the mainstream of the world of immortality.

Although the reputation of the Demonic Way has always been bad, it is definitely due to the contribution of the Righteous Way to pouring dirty water on it.

Regarding the behavior of "killing the master", even the demonic monks are very shameless, especially between the direct disciple and the master.

Under normal circumstances, only when the path to immortality is hopeless will a monk consider recruiting a direct disciple to pass on what he has learned and his philosophy of immortality.

This relationship is even closer than blood!

In the world of cultivating immortals, there are indeed many demonic monks who raise Gu in the name of accepting disciples, but these are all registered disciples or boys.

For direct disciples, the demonic path is not much different from the righteous path.

After all, cultivating a direct disciple is to pass on the mantle, and it requires a lot of effort.

And Master is often the one who gives without expecting anything in return.

"This kind of scum will not end well."

"Even if you take refuge in Qian Ting, you are just a lackey."

"Even Master can betray you, what else can't you betray?"

"Probably, Qian Ting doesn't dare to trust such a monk either."

Looking at Ming Jing who was still fighting fiercely with True Lord Hanmei, Xu Haoran looked sharply and whispered.

As for the other Purple Scarf Army monks, they were silent as they thought of something and looked a little downcast.

Perhaps, they also experienced betrayal.

After all, compared to the casual cultivator organization, Qanting Holy Land can provide much more.

Most monks don't have a very lofty consciousness. They join individual cultivating organizations, in the final analysis, for resources.

If you are not careful in this situation, you may betray someone if you are tempted by Qian Ting.

After a brief verbal exchange, the atmosphere in the venue became dull and depressing. Everyone was no longer interested in accusing Ming Jing of his crimes, and instead began to worry about the safety of Qingshui Zhenjun.

“Hearts are fickle.”

"The person who can betray, the person who can inflict the heaviest harm, is often the person who trusts the most."

In the crowd, Liu Yu didn't say a word, feeling secretly in his heart.

That's why he never tests people's hearts and doesn't give others the chance to stab him in the back.


During the fierce fight, Ming Jing remained expressionless and smiled seemingly indifferently.

"Why else?"

"Of course it's for the purpose of forming infant spiritual objects, to break through the bottleneck of the Nascent Soul, and for the sake of the road!!"

But as he spoke, his face gradually turned red, and his mood fluctuated greatly.

If it weren't for his mediocre qualifications, every step of promotion was so difficult, and because of his qualifications, he was unable to obtain resource support from the Commoners League, why would he be like this? !

“Isn’t everything in this world, in the final analysis, all about profit?”

"Purple Scarf Army, Commoner League, Dajiang Society"

"Every single cultivator organization, on the surface, is under the banner of overthrowing Qian Ting, but in fact, isn't it for themselves and to obtain more resources?"

"Why is it wrong for me to do this? What's the difference between the two?"

"We all live in this secular world, and after all we are profit-seeking common people!"

"The so-called "overthrow the Qian Court and restore order" is just a slogan!"

There was no trace of guilt on Ming Jing's face, but instead he was confident.

He tried to use sharp words to establish a theoretical basis for his actions to make the matter look less ugly.


The nine true treasures of plum blossoms formed a mysterious formation, trapping Ming Jing in an area, making it too tired to deal with it and unable to continue to attack Qing Shui Zhenjun.

True Lord Hanmei was so angry that he had no mercy at all.

It's just that although her cultivation is much deeper, the opponent is still a Nascent Soul cultivator after all, so she can only have the upper hand.

But it will take a long time to defeat it.

When Qingshui Zhenjun is seriously injured, he will be defeated at most. It is very difficult to keep this person.

Because of this, Mingjing is confident.

Not far away, Lord Qingshui heard the words, and deep disappointment flashed across his face.

He knew that Ming Jing had his own way and could no longer look back, so he did not continue to speak.

It's hard to go back after doing something like this.

On the barren mountain, the monks from the Purple Scarf Army and the Commoner League were silent, and the atmosphere was extremely heavy.

Obviously, Ming Jing's words had a great impact on everyone's hearts.

The belief that I have always adhered to is now a little shaken.

Yes, if the essence of the casual cultivator organization is no different from that of Qanting Holy Land, then what is the purpose of their persistence?

Is the organization established solely because of profit?

Will he overthrow Qanting Holy Land and become a new evil dragon?

Among the crowd, Liu Yu's face was expressionless, and there was no trace of emotion in his heart.

In his opinion, this is just a classic "benefiting oneself at the expense of others" incident.

This kind of thing is normal in the world of immortality and is not surprising at all.

Just like that sentence, we all live in this secular world. If we want to go further on the road, we will inevitably chase resources.

The only difference is that the means of pursuing interests are different.

Ordinary monks will try to learn the various arts of cultivating immortals. If they cannot earn spiritual stones through cultivating immortals, they can also hunt monsters, complete tasks, etc.

But in that case, the efficiency will be relatively low.

As one's cultivation level increases, the spiritual stones earned with low efficiency cannot always meet the needs of cultivation.

At this time, one has to make changes or be eliminated from the world of immortality.

This group of monks earn spiritual stones in a more traditional way. While earning spiritual stones on the surface, they will not harm the interests of others.

A few evil cultivators, however, adopt a more radical approach.

Kill people to seize treasures, collect yin to replenish yang, collect yang to replenish yin, sacrifice blood to mortals

By harming the interests of others to make profits for yourself, the speed of earning spiritual stones in this way is often much faster than the former.

The two methods are very different.

However, in Liu Yu's view, the difference is not as big as imagined.

In the situation where all kinds of immortal cultivation resources are limited.

If a monk earns more spiritual stones or resources, there will be one or more monks who earn less spiritual stones.

Even if he does not actively attack others, one monk's behavior of earning spiritual stones will invisibly squeeze the living space of another monk.

But compared to the latter, the former is undoubtedly much milder and often represents the "positive" side.

The latter is more naked in its performance of benefiting oneself at the expense of others, and often represents the "unrighteous" side.

But in fact, both methods will affect others. If we only consider it from the perspective of interests, the boundaries between what is right and what is wrong will become blurred.

Only because humans have wisdom and imagine "morality", "civilization", etc., can there be a distinction between righteousness and injustice.

Low-level monsters, on the other hand, blatantly follow the law of the jungle where the weak eat the strong, regardless of whether it is just or not.

Liu Yu believed that he was by no means a gentleman or a good person. As long as it was beneficial to himself, he did not mind using any method.

Therefore, he was not surprised by Ming Jing's behavior.

From the sneak attack on Qingshui Zhenjun to Ming Jing's attempt to destroy the teleportation array, Liu Yu and others successfully defused it in just three breaths.

After being penetrated by the black needle magic weapon, Qingshui Zhenjun's breath continued to weaken, and he was about to fall below the realm of Yuanying.

However, True Lord Hanmei is still in a stalemate with Ming Jing, and it is impossible to end the fight in a short time. Everything seems to be developing in a bad direction.

But at this moment, the Sanyuanying of Qianting who was trapped by some means suddenly appeared, making the already bad situation worse.

"not good!"

A hundred miles away, three rays of Nascent Soul Spiritual Pressure approached rapidly, causing the group of people to change their expressions.

Now that Ming Jing has rebelled, Qingshui Zhenjun is seriously injured, and we have no strength to compete with him.

Once the three True Lords of Qianting arrive, it will be a devastating blow to Liu Yu and his party!

At the critical moment, as the elder who presided over the operation, although he was deeply saddened by the betrayal of his direct disciple, Qingshui Zhenjun still suppressed his negative emotions and regained his composure.

Observing the Sanyuan Ying of Qian Ting with his spiritual consciousness, he understood that it was difficult for a group of people to escape from the horror.

The next moment, determination flashed across Lord Qingshui's face, as if he had made some important decision.

He moved the magic formula quickly with both hands, almost an afterimage appeared, and after half a breath, he pointed a finger between his eyebrows.


After a set of spells, Lord Qingshui's rapidly falling spiritual pressure and aura miraculously stopped and began to rise uncharacteristically.

In the blink of an eye, it returned to its peak moment and continued to climb upwards.


In the void, there seemed to be a sound like lightning and thunder.

After half a breath, Qingshui Zhenjun's beard and hair were flying, his robes were fluttering, and his spiritual pressure reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

"My Nascent Soul has been damaged and is hopeless at this time."

"Fellow Taoist Hanmei, you go first, I will stay behind!"

As he spoke, he made a secret with both hands and urged the Purple Gourd True Treasure to attack Ming Jing.

He used secret techniques to temporarily suppress his injuries, and Qingshui Zhenjun's strength temporarily increased to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

At this time, the purple gourd true treasure was activated, and its power increased to a higher level, making Ming Jing change his color in shock.

"Qing Shui, you."

True Lord Hanmei frowned, hesitation flashing across his face.

She knew that if she left, she might never see her old friend again.

But at this time, life and death are at stake, not only related to the life safety of the core members, but also related to the safety of the civilian alliance. Naturally, we cannot be impulsive because of personal relationships.

After cultivating to the Nascent Soul realm, True Lord Hanmei is naturally not an indecisive person.


The plum blossom true treasure surrounded her true body. She sighed heavily, looked deeply at True Lord Qingshui, and flew quickly towards the barren mountain.

"Burn the origin of Nascent Soul?"

"Old guy, you don't want your life?!"

Facing Zhenjun Qingshui, who used secret techniques to suppress his injuries and whose strength was temporarily elevated to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, Ming Jing had no power to fight back and couldn't help but lost his voice.

If the black needle magic weapon hits the Nascent Soul, it can indeed greatly reduce the strength of the Nascent Soul monk, and even damage the foundation of the realm.

But if you take good care of yourself, you can still survive for a while.

He never expected that his "master" would be so decisive, even burning the source of the Nascent Soul and taking the initiative to cut off the heirs of other monks.

Logically speaking, apart from the commoner alliance, the friendship between the two parties would be just average.

Qingshui Zhenjun's behavior does not benefit himself at all, and it is really difficult for Ming Jing to understand.

The consequences of burning the origin of the Nascent Soul are even more serious than burning the origin of the Golden Elixir!

When the monk condenses the Yuanying, the prototype of the Yuanshen has merged with the Yuanying into one, and they are indistinguishable from each other. Burning the origin of the Yuanying is also burning the Yuanshen.

When the origin dries up, that’s when the monks fall!

Looking at Ming Jing who spoke so eloquently, Qingshui Zhenjun had calmed down at this time, showed no mercy in his actions, and no longer cared about the old master-disciple relationship.

“Not everything can be measured by benefits.”

"As a human being, there are some things that should be ranked above interests and are worth pursuing with life."

"Like justice."

"Justice does not necessarily bring good results."

"But in itself, it is a kind of beauty, worth every effort to pursue and protect!!"

The powerful voice suddenly spread in the night sky.

The sound of words is like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, striking the depths of the soul.

Even the sound of rain can't cover it up.

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