Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 740 Ask my heart regardless of God’s will!

Chapter 740 Ask my heart regardless of God’s will!


Very unhappy!

Although strictly speaking, Yan Quer'er and she were just from the same school.

There was an ambiguous relationship at first, but they didn't get together in the end, and he had no right to interfere in the other person's affairs.

But when she heard the news that Yan Quer might get married, Liu Yu instinctively felt very unhappy.

It's as if something that originally belongs to you is about to be taken away by others, and you will instinctively feel very disgusted or even hostile to this kind of behavior.

However, after the brief impulse, Liu Yu returned to rationality and quickly figured out the reason.

Since the birth of creatures, most males have been full of aggression, trying to communicate with as many females as possible and give birth to offspring at the lowest cost possible.

Male Mudo!

For the right female, possessiveness is deep in one's bones. This is an instinct deeply engraved in one's blood.

As for those males who lack aggression and possessiveness, they have already been eliminated in rounds of screening.

All living creatures now are descendants of the excellent bloodline of the past!

That kind of nature, the aggression and possessiveness engraved in the blood, has naturally been passed down!

Although he had never had any intimate communication, perhaps subconsciously, he had already regarded Yan Quer as his woman, so he instinctively felt disgusted when he heard the news.


After Yan Quer finished speaking, there was a long silence around the campfire, except for the occasional explosion from the campfire.


Yan Quer secretly raised her head and watched Liu Yu's reaction from the corner of her eye.

Although saying it might not change anything, she still said those words out of nowhere, hoping that the other party would do something.

In his eyes as dark as ink,

Shining with the luster of reason,

Liu Yu noticed Yan Quer's gaze and glanced over. The latter immediately looked away.

Family rules, family rules, public order and good customs are invisible shackles. Even a real person in the golden elixir realm can hardly gain true freedom.

He understood that Yan Quer'er might have mustered up great courage to say what she just said.

Perhaps in the future, the other party will "appoint" him, and under heavy pressure, it will be difficult for him to have the courage to resist.

"Do you really want to let go completely?"

Liu Yu looked inside her heart and immediately had the answer.

Although there have been several concubines before and after, and there are even more female nuns who have had close communication, but because of a heroic rescue of a beauty in his youth, the intersection with Yan Quer is the most "special".

Because it's pure enough.

Yan Quer'er's feelings for her were at first given without asking for anything in return, and there was not much interest involved.

As for now, everyone is living in the secular world, and it is difficult not to consider profit factors, and Liu Yu has long been used to it.

On the other hand, several other concubines, including female cultivators with whom they had close interactions, had more or less interests in their relationship from the beginning.

Although the results may be the same, Liu Yu had to admit that he was also very concerned about the beginning.

A good start may not necessarily lead to good results, but compared to a bad start, the chances are undoubtedly greater and it is more worth the risk and effort.

"For mortals, God's arrangement is naturally the greatest."

"But our path to becoming an immortal is going against nature!"

After a few breaths of silence, Liu Yu suddenly smiled freely and spoke calmly.

After saying these words, he felt more relaxed than ever before, and his state of mind seemed to have been sublimated in some way.

Hearing this, Yan Quer looked up in surprise, her eyes glowing again.

In just two or three breaths, but it seemed like the days passed like years, she finally got the answer she wanted.

“Don’t ask God’s will, ask me what’s in my heart!”

Looking directly into the other person's eyes and seeing the surprise on the face of the female nun in front of him, Liu Yu looked solemn and serious, and spoke decisively.

As he spoke, his storage ring had a flash of light, and a pale golden jade ring appeared in front of him out of thin air, with the light flowing and swaying.

Subconsciously, Yan Quer also took out her natal magic weapon.


As soon as this golden jade ring appeared, it seemed to be attracted by something and floated towards the other one uncontrollably.

"Dingling bell~!"

Above the bonfire, two gold and jade rings are close to each other, slowly rotating in circles, and they cooperate closely with each other.

At first glance, there is a sense of seamlessness.

The soft golden light spreads throughout every corner of the valley, bringing a different color to the valley, making it seem like the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Their eyes met, and when the two of them controlled the golden jade ring, the sense of shortcomings disappeared, and they both felt a sense of completion.

A perfect match!


Under Liu Yu's control, countless flowers and green leaves in the valley flew together, flying all over the sky around the bonfire with the two people at the center.

The most beautiful and pure petals quickly gathered together and woven into a simple and beautiful garland, slowly falling towards Yan Quer's head.


Touching the wreath on her head, Yan Quer temporarily forgot all her worries and let out a laugh like a silver bell.

Just like the carefree girl before.

"Maybe I haven't followed God's will, but if I can get blessings from my elders and be firmly chosen, the result shouldn't be too bad!"

Looking at the two gold and jade rings stuck together, as well as the flowers and green leaves flying in the sky, Yan Quer's smile was particularly bright, and she thought silently in her heart.

She hasn't felt so relaxed for a long time since the ancestor of the family passed away.


Looking at Yan Quer, who was smiling like a flower, the corners of Liu Yu's mouth unconsciously raised a smile, and her mood became happy.

Along the way, he has been thinking about a question, how should he return to the sect.

Now that his cultivation level is close to the peak of Jindan, he can hit the bottleneck of Nascent Soul at any time. Liu Yu is not willing to be a "sect's new star" anymore.

This time, he wanted to make the first golden elixir, superior to the three branches of the sect.

Use your own will to directly influence the sect's decision-making, allowing your influence to reach a new peak!

At this time, Master Changkong still failed to condense the Nascent Soul.

No matter how much its strength has improved after nearly a hundred years, Liu Yu still has enough confidence to suppress it.

This kind of self-confidence is by no means arrogant, but built up by killing countless powerful opponents and going through many hardships.

Although Master Changkong is the number one golden elixir in the sect, after all, the quality of the golden elixir is only sixth grade, and its power is only compared to ordinary golden elixirs.

If it were placed in the middle region, it might not be able to enter the "real person list".

However, even if he was superior in strength, the sect had its rules after all, and Liu Yu could not directly take action and ask those "old guys" to abdicate in favor of others.

It is a good excuse to use the Yan Quer'er incident as a breakthrough to show off one's own strength openly and convince the senior elders.

As a sect monk with good roots and a strong reputation, his own strength and potential are fully sufficient. As long as there is a suitable opportunity, Liu Yu is very sure to take over the power of the sect.

This time, that time.

In this turbulent situation, strong leadership is even more needed to make the sect stronger and make the cake bigger.

And if a monk with strong strength cannot grasp the power he deserves, the organization will inevitably face many hidden dangers and even fall into a whirlpool of internal strife.

"Those elders who have lived for hundreds of years will not fail to understand this truth."

"I believe that as long as the timing is right and reasonable operations are performed, it will not be difficult to achieve your goals."

Beside the campfire, Liu Yu's eyes flashed with thoughts.

PS: I originally wanted to add 4,000, but although I recovered from the yang, my condition is still a lot worse, so I only wrote 2,000. I'll update the rest tomorrow.

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