Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 751 It will eventually pass

Chapter 751 It’s over eventually

It's a pity that with Liu Yu's strong return, the final result of this marriage naturally came to nothing.

In the solemn and oppressive atmosphere, time passed by minute by second.

In the next half-quarter of an hour, no elders showed up. The number of Jindan elders who participated in this meeting was finally fixed at eighteen.

"The time has come. The other brothers and sisters who have not arrived are all performing tasks outside the door. They should not be able to make it."

"It seems that among the students attending this meeting, I am the only one waiting."

When the time came, Master Changfeng looked around at everyone, stood up and said quietly.

Although the failure to conceive a baby has reduced his strength a lot, his overall strength is still on par with Qi Yuntian and He Rulong, the talkers of the other two lines.

With its previous operations, Xianxian still takes the initiative.

However, the change in Changfeng's demeanor can be seen almost from the surface. His black hair is now mixed with a lot of white hair, and his neatly trimmed short black beard has also turned white.

It was obvious that he no longer had the high-spirited temperament he had before, and the failure to conceive a baby was a huge blow to Dao's heart.

"This is a serious matter, and since other colleagues can't make it here, let's start this meeting."

The two Jindan elders Qi Yuntian and He Rulong nodded in agreement, and the other Jindan elders also nodded one after another.

Elder Changfeng and these two people are known as the "three elders" of the sect.

The strongest, the highest cultivation, and the oldest!

At the same time, the elders have the most say in discussions.

In the absence of Patriarch Tianfeng's intervention, although large and small matters are decided by the elders, the final decision is still determined by the will of these three people.

Of course, this was the case before.

Liu Yu completed the Chang'an Plan and returned with the power of the late Jindan and the peak of the third level. He has become a force that the three major factions cannot ignore.

Seeing him nodding, the three elders breathed a sigh of relief.

Mastering powerful power, even if there are no movements, no monk dares to ignore it!

"Liu agrees."

Liu Yu said calmly, his emotions and anger were invisible, and there was no idea on his face.

Seeing him nodding, Jiang Qiushui, Ji Ruyan, and Yan Kai nodded one after another.

"I remember when I was in Qingzhou, at every elders' meeting, there were at least twenty Jindan elders present, and sometimes there were even thirty."

"Now, there are only eighteen of them."

"Although there are some people performing tasks outside, it is enough to illustrate certain problems. The sect is slowly declining."

The thought crossed his mind.

No force in Tiannan can stay out of the human-monster war, and the same is true for the Yuanyang Sect.

Under the orders of the Seven Nations Alliance, a certain number of monks must be sent to the front line to fight against the monsters.

Starting from the foundation building period, any sect monk must belong to one of the three lines.

As for the Qi Refining monks, because their cultivation level is too low, most of them are not involved in this level of overt and covert fighting.

The monks sent to the front line are naturally divided among the three branches.

Before Liu Yu participated in the Chang'an Project, he had left an order for Jiang Qiushui and Ji Ruyan to stand firmly with the family lineage.

But even so, some sacrifices had to be made.

The two women are not good at fighting. If they go to the front line and escape death, Leng Yuexin will become a victim.

Before Liu Yu left, he left behind a method to trigger the Soul Restriction. Under the control of the Soul Restriction, this woman could only obey her orders.

"Since the beginning of the beast tide, this war between humans and monsters has lasted for hundreds of years."

"The alliance hopes for peace and stability, and has sent envoys one after another to negotiate peace, but the monsters have become more arrogant and domineering, and their attacks have become more fierce every day."

"The current war situation is quite unfavorable to the alliance. The demon tribes are gradually approaching the "Five Elements Pass"."

"Although the war situation is unfavorable and we have lost the city and the land, how can we easily give up on the land that our ancestors have fought hard to conquer? We vow to fight the demon clan to the bitter end!"

"Just two days ago, the three major alliances once again issued orders to all forces in Tiannan."

"Order all major sects and families to send a certain number of monks to support the front line of Five Elements Pass!"

Changfeng said slowly, his tone a little heavy.

Nowadays, the demon clan is powerful, and low-level demon beasts can be captured. The flesh and blood of immortal cultivators is an out-and-out supplement to the demon beasts.

Now go to the front line. Once they encounter the demon clan, the low-level monks will most likely be in danger, and the high-level monks will not be able to protect themselves.

In recent years, under the orders of the Seven Nations Alliance, Yuanyang Sect has sent many groups of monks to the front line, but only a few have been able to return safely.

There were even several Jindan elders who just left and never came back.

Sending monks to fight against monsters is an extremely serious and heavy topic for any force.

But under the pressure of the three major alliances, they had to obey.

Although everyone knows that not resisting the demon clan is tantamount to slow death, after all, the knife has not reached the top of the head, so there is still a lot of selfishness.

Fortunately, there are three major alliances, so Tiannan will not be in chaos and collapse.

"Fight bloody to the end" sounds impassioned, but behind it are the deaths of hundreds and thousands of sect disciples. When talking about this topic, the expressions of the elders suddenly change.

Despite some reluctance, the official order from the Seven Nations Alliance has been issued, and even the Yuanyang Sect has to obey.

Otherwise, even a large sect with the Nascent Soul Ancestor in charge would be wiped out overnight.

The three major alliances have a very tough attitude towards forces that are recognized as disobeying orders. They will all regard them as "traitors" and punish them as "treason."

No matter what they felt in their hearts, the elders present did not dare to object.

"I wonder how many monks the sect will send this time?"

After a few breaths of silence, an elder from another courtyard spoke.

Hearing this, many elders who were still unaware were moved in their hearts and looked at the three elders.

"Four golden elixir masters, a hundred foundation-building monks, and three thousand Qi-refining monks."

Elder Qi Yuntian from the other courtyard spoke with a somewhat ugly look on his face.

Although not all of them need to be monks from the sect, there must be at least one real person from the sect among the four Jindan Masters.

Otherwise, the interests of the sect disciples cannot be guaranteed.

As for the Qi Refining and Foundation Building monks, Yuanyang Sect must send at least one-third of them, and the rest will be selected from affiliated forces.

"Every time for up to ten years, a group of monks must be sent to the front line, and the intervals are getting shorter and shorter."

"The number of each batch is also increasing."

"If we continue like this, I'm afraid the sect will exist in name only before the demon clan comes over!"

Knowing the specific number, all the elders present looked ugly. A new elder from the master-disciple lineage couldn't help but slap the table and said coldly.

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence in the venue, but not many monks agreed.

"Junior Brother Mo, be careful what you say!"

Master He Rulong, the talker in the master-disciple lineage, immediately scolded him to stop him from continuing.

Many elders deeply agreed with Elder Mo's words, but they did not dare to openly disobey the orders of the Seven Nations Alliance.

Elder He scolded, which made Elder Mo wake up from a dream. Although his face was still angry, he finally did not say any more.

"In my opinion, the candidate for this mission..."

After the palace became quiet, Master Changfeng slowly spoke and put forward his opinions on the candidates sent to the front line this time.

The list he mentioned seemed fair on the surface, but in fact it still had his own selfish motives.

In this list, there are relatively few monks from the family line, especially the Li family, while there are relatively many monks from the other two lines.

"Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and no monk is immune to vulgarity."

"Especially for sect monks, there are always relatives and friends. It is impossible to be equal to a bowl of water. There is always selfishness involved."

After the words fell, Liu Yu said nothing, but this thought flashed through his mind.

Even he is no exception to this.

As expected, as soon as Master Changfeng finished speaking, someone opened his mouth to refute.

"I cannot agree with Senior Brother Changfeng's list."

"I think we should..."

He Rulong stood up suddenly. He had the same level of cultivation experience and immediately responded rudely.

On the surface, the master-disciple line is similar to the monks sent by the family line, and only the other lineage suffers.

But the math doesn't work that way. Although the disciples of the master-disciple line are generally highly qualified, their number has always been small, far less than that of the other two lines.

Even if it is one to one, it will be a loss for the master and disciple lineage.

As a talker in the master-disciple lineage, with the support of many Jindan elders, it was incumbent upon Master He Rulong to step forward.

In the hall, the old and strong voice kept coming to mind. He spoke slowly and unhurriedly, naming the list that he thought was "reasonable".

But before Elder He finished speaking, he was forcefully interrupted by Qi Yuntian and Qi Changlong.


"At this critical juncture, the arrangement of the two senior brothers is really biased, and it may chill countless disciples!"

"I think this is the arrangement..."

Qi Changlong snorted coldly, clearly indicating that the two of them were too selfish.

Then the conversation changed and he talked about the list he thought was suitable.

The three elders were almost from the same period and knew each other very well.

Changfeng Zhenren failed to conceive a baby, and the strength of the three elders returned to balance, so naturally they could no longer suppress the other two.

At this time, it is about the fundamental interests of the respective factions, and of course they will not give in even a cent.

"Inappropriate, inappropriate..."


"Dog thief!"

"Old Ghost He, your scandalous things..."

Seeing that the three elders were in a stalemate and no one could convince anyone, other elders gradually began to join in.

Suddenly, the hall started to become noisy.

Everyone was talking to each other, and everything they said was clear and logical, but no one could convince the other person, and soon they would become red-faced.

After a while, some elders ignored the majesty of Jindan Zhenren and began to "spit fragrance" and expose each other's dirty information.

"If we continue like this, I'm afraid it will end in vain."

"According to past experience, it takes several rounds of discussions before we can come up with the final list."

"Only this time..."

Thinking like this, Jiang Qiushui looked at her husband.

Liu Yu's intention of intervening in the sect has been vaguely revealed to this woman, so she is guessing when Liu Yu will take action.

Because they had been given instructions long ago, when everyone was arguing and blushing, Jiang Qiu Shui, Ji Ruyan, and Yan Kai did not say a word and did not join in the "intense discussion."

"it's time."

Seeing that everyone was quarreling and it was difficult to tell the winner for a while, Liu Yu flashed this idea.

It was a matter of fundamental interests, and no one would be regressed by just relying on words. He had no intention of joining in the wrangling.

As soon as the thought fell, the slowly rotating cyan golden elixir in the Dantian paused slightly, and then accelerated its rotation at a faster speed.

The strong and pure mana surged, and the blood instantly revived to boiling point.

In an instant, the body refining and qi refining cultivation were fully activated, and the spiritual pressure and power far beyond the limit of the golden elixir were unreserved, and they were suppressed by the people who were arguing.


The next moment, the chaotic and noisy sounds in the hall disappeared, and everyone, including the three elders, had a look of horror on their faces.

"Teng Teng Teng"

Caught off guard, most of the Jindan elders involuntarily took a few steps back when their spiritual pressure exploded.

Only the three elders still have the same fighting power due to their profound cultivation, but they are still very reluctant.

The advantages of the three majors cultivating together are not obvious at the beginning, but as long as they are still in the same realm, they will become bigger and bigger as their cultivation level improves.

Liu Yu has cultivated the three paths together, and he is also a ninth-grade golden elixir. Now his cultivation level is not inferior to that of the elders in the palace, and it is enough to crush these people.

Quantity cannot smooth out the "quality" gap. Even if everyone in the palace works together, he is confident that he can break it one by one!

"This is……"

Everyone looked horrified and looked towards the source of the spiritual pressure, only to see a burly figure in black robes, Shi Shiran, standing up.

Seeing Liu Yu who was calm and unflappable at this moment, even the three elders Li Changfeng, Qi Yuntian, and He Rulong couldn't help but change their expressions.

At this moment, the three of them clearly realized that the other party was no longer a "rising star" or a "new star in the sect", but had grown into a being that surpassed them.

"Such a terrifying spiritual pressure, even Senior Brother Changfeng at his peak is far from being able to compare with it."

"What a terrible smell..."

Looking at Qingyangzi, whose face was as calm as water, this thought flashed across He Rulong's mind.


However, most of the elders were not aware of the huge gap at this time. After taking a few steps back involuntarily, a sense of humiliation came to their hearts.

Unexpectedly, they released their spiritual pressure one after another, and all pressed towards Liu Yu.

Even the three elders looked at each other and joined in.

Realizing that Liu Yu's rise would be unstoppable, they still wanted to retain a considerable amount of power, so they chose to temporarily join forces to rub off each other's strength.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

More than a dozen golden elixir spiritual pressures rose up one after another, and invisible qi machines collided fiercely in the solemn hall.

For a time, more than a dozen Jindan elders joined forces and had a tendency to regain their disadvantage.

However, compared to a life and death fight, this situation can only be regarded as a small fight, and Liu Yu showed a mysterious smile on his face.

The qualitative gap cannot be easily offset by quantity.

Compared with the existences on the "real person list" in the Central Region, these monks who are no more than sixth-grade golden elixirs in front of them are far from evenly matched.

"not good!"

Seeing that mysterious smile, many sect elders had a bad premonition in their hearts.

The next moment, Liu Yu's spiritual pressure and power suddenly condensed. In an instant, it climbed several hundred percent to a new peak, and swept towards the dozen or so strands of spiritual pressure that came from the oppression.


There was obviously no mana fluctuation, but there were sounds like lightning and thunder in the surrounding space.

It's like hard steel hitting the fragile egg hard.

Even if the three elders were together and more than a dozen golden elixir spiritual pressures were combined, they were easily defeated by Liu Yu in an instant.

"Teng Teng Teng"

The tables and chairs overturned, and the elders involuntarily fell back again.

Even the three elders couldn't help but sit down, as if there was an invisible hand holding them down on the chair.


Deathly silence.

Faced with this result, the elders had different expressions and were speechless, some of them unable to accept it.

Several elders with shallow cultivation were implicated in the confrontation just now, and traces of bright red blood oozed from the corners of their mouths.


There was no intention to continue struggling. The brief confrontation just now was enough to explain the gap. Li Changfeng, Qi Yuntian and He Rulong were speechless for a long time.

"Our time will eventually pass!"

The three people's eyes met, and they could see this idea in each other's eyes.

In an instant, the light in their eyes dissipated a lot, and their energy and spirit dropped to varying degrees.

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