Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 755 Nascent Soul Avenue (continued)

Chapter 755 Nascent Soul Avenue (continued)

One breath, two breaths

The flaming red soul the size of a millstone slowly approached the cyan golden elixir in the fist, shrinking rapidly in the process.

As the distance gets closer, after a few breaths, the distance between the two is less than a finger, and they will touch each other in the next moment.

Even though the golden elixir is the "prototype of Taoist fruit", this step is not without risks.

If too much external force is used during cultivation, such as directly absorbing other people's mana essence, etc., then the golden elixir will be contaminated and no longer pure.

The compatibility between Yuanshen and Jindan decreases, and the fusion may even fail.

But Liu Yu has never performed such a secret technique before. The magic power obtained by refining pills is no different from absorbing spiritual energy and refining it. Obviously, this will not happen.

The next moment, the much smaller fiery red soul came into contact with the rapidly rotating golden elixir.

There is no sense of obstruction, just like water and milk blending together, the two merge into one smoothly, and the soul successfully enters the golden elixir.

There is a saying that it is easy to get in but difficult to get out. The moment he entered the golden elixir, Liu Yu felt a kind of confining force. It would be very difficult to transfer the soul out again.

With the soul of an ordinary golden elixir, it is very difficult to escape again.

However, Liu Yu's Yuanshen cultivation has reached the lower limit of Yuanying. It is not difficult to achieve this step. It only takes a little effort.

"This feeling is very strange."

Letting go of his spiritual sense and sensing it with all his strength, Liu Yu soon became aware of the intensity of the confinement power, and experienced the feeling of the soul staying in the golden elixir.

"It can also control the physical body, as well as the whole body's magic energy and blood, without any hindrance or lag."

"It's just that the golden elixir is not perfect after all. As time goes by, the soul is always slowly weakening."

"For this reason, once out of the physical body, the golden elixir and the soul will not exist for long, and a suitable body must be found."

The thought crossed his mind.

At this time, Liu Yu could clearly sense that the soul that had been transferred to the golden elixir had temporarily lost the support of physical energy and was slowly weakening in an undetectable way.

This is true for the ninth-grade golden elixir, let alone the middle and lower-grade golden elixirs with various flaws.

Of course, at this time, the golden elixir is located in the Dantian and can directly control the body's energy to converge towards the golden elixir, so the worst case scenario will not occur.

As soon as the thought fell, Liu Yu did not forget the situation at this time, so naturally he would not think wildly at the critical moment.

After a short period of adaptation, he immediately entered the state and continued to attack the Yuanying bottleneck, manipulating mana and blood to gather towards the golden elixir.


In the practice room, there seemed to be thunder, and the sound was shocking!

In the turbulent "lake" like a river, wisps of extremely pure dark blue mana soared into the sky and poured into the high-speed rotating golden elixir like water columns.

This mana looks like water on the outside, but if you scan it carefully with your spiritual consciousness, you will find that it is composed of extremely tiny cyan crystals.

Solid mana!

Unlike gaseous mana and liquid mana, which will disintegrate not far from the body, solid mana is more stable and condensed, and the mass power contained in the same unit is completely different.

Solid mana itself has a certain power. Jindan Zhenren can directly exert mana. Compared with low-level monks, it still has considerable lethality.

It's just that this way of using it has a low utilization rate of mana, and it can't exert its power at all.

If faced with an opponent of the same realm, no Jindan monk would be so trusting.


Liu Yu's burly body trembled at an undetectable level.

During this process, wisps of "qi and blood essence" condensed to the extreme emerged from the limbs and bones one after another, and gathered together towards the blue golden elixir.


Nourished by mana and blood, the high-speed rotating golden elixir suddenly paused, and then its rotation speed slowly decreased.

In this process, it seemed to break through an invisible barrier, and the volume that had originally grown to the size of an adult's fist slowly began to expand again!

Looking from a distance, although it still looks the same, it always feels a little different, and an inexplicable change is taking place.

"Is this...the beginning of the birth of the Nascent Soul?"

The moment the change occurred, Liu Yu had this understanding.

With the infusion of mana and qi and blood essence, and the consumption of the golden elixir source at all costs, the originally "empty" prototype of the soul gradually seemed to have an entity.

As if breaking an invisible boundary again, he couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and ease.

The Yuanying gradually takes shape, and Liu Yu officially sets foot on the Avenue of the Yuanying!

However, getting something often requires paying a price, and the same is true for giving birth to a Nascent Soul.

As the source of the golden elixir is consumed, the spiritual light on the surface of the originally round and bright golden elixir gradually begins to dim, and the aura of Qi is also rapidly declining.

Even though the volume is larger than before, the breath is far less than before, and the trend of weakness is unstoppable!

"no no!"

"Not only the golden elixir, but also the qi and blood, etc.!"

After experiencing it carefully, Liu Yu was shocked.

From the moment the Nascent Soul begins to take shape, it instinctively absorbs everything in the body, including mana, energy and blood, without any regard for the state of the physical body.

Greed is beyond measure!

Such a sight reminded him of "embryos".

Starting from a tiny embryo, it greedily absorbs all nutrients for its own development and growth, without caring about the life and death of the mother's body.

From this point, we can also see the selfishness of life to a certain extent, and the game has begun from the moment life is born.

A selfish life!

The existence of the uterus is not only to protect the "embryo", but also to prevent the mother's body from being robbed of too many nutrients and affecting the continuation of her own life.

Most of the time, the uterus is limiting the predation of the embryo, sometimes even...

The truth is so cruel, and the truth can never be beautiful!

For the Yuanying that has not yet formed, the origin of the golden elixir, magic power, Qi and blood, and even everything in the body are nutrients for the growth of the Yuanying. It will instinctively plunder all nutrients.

"The Star Real Body is the most advanced body-training technique, and it has been cultivated to the peak of the third level. Its energy and blood are much richer than ordinary golden elixirs."

"Even if the foundation is strong and the formation of the Nascent Soul requires more nutrients, it should be able to sustain it."

“Judging from this speed, it’s completely enough.”

Liu Yu thought silently with his mind highly concentrated and having a clear view of the situation inside and outside the body.

The existence of Nascent Soul is not just an aggregation of pure mana, but a fusion of essence, energy, and spirit. It is a more advanced existence than the golden elixir.

The three elements of essence, energy and spirit are indispensable, and there must be no obvious shortcomings.

The so-called "jing" can be simply understood as qi and blood, which is also one of the key factors in whether the Nascent Soul can be formed.

If there is insufficient Qi and blood, the Nascent Soul will eventually fail to take shape.

This is also the reason why the success rate of attacking the Nascent Soul plummets after the golden elixir monks' Qi and blood weaken from the age of five to six hundred years old.

Even if the energy and blood are completely sufficient, if too much is consumed when condensing the Nascent Soul, the physical body will be weak for a long time.

There is a high probability that symptoms of aging will occur naturally. This may be one of the reasons why most of the multi-dimensional infant monks are old.

A weak body will lead to a reduction in overall strength. Liu Yu is fully prepared and will naturally not allow this to happen.

Immediately, he raised his hand and cast a spell, controlling the "Ying-Building Pill", one of the three treasures of infant formation, to fall into his mouth.


As soon as the Peiying Dan entered his stomach, Liu Yu started to refine it.

The milky white elixir slowly melted and turned into countless extremely pure milky white breaths, which quickly rushed to the dantian and submerged into the golden elixir.

This milky white breath is extremely strange. It not only contains a large amount of pure spiritual power, but also has some qi and blood characteristics. It can be used as a substitute for magic power and qi and blood.

And it has been tested by monks of all ages and has been proven to have no side effects and can greatly speed up the process of forming the Nascent Soul.

Once the Nascent Soul begins to condense, the origin of the Golden Elixir is like water that breaks a dam and will naturally begin to flow away.

If the speed of condensing the Nascent Soul is too slow, the Nascent Soul will not be able to absorb enough of the origin of the golden elixir.

In the end, even if they can barely condense, they are inherently deficient, which will greatly reduce further possibilities.

However, the Infant Training Pill can speed up this process, making the Yuanying take shape much earlier, and it is worthy of the name of the Three Treasures of the Infant.

Dark red, dark cyan, milky white...

The lake of mana is surging, and the cyan golden elixir on it is rotating slower and slower, and the essence of blood, solid mana, and milky white breath are constantly blending into it.


Upon sensing the current situation, Liu Yu was immediately overjoyed.

As the Baby Training Pill began to take effect, the speed at which Yuanying took shape really accelerated.

In only about a quarter of an hour, Yuan Ying's head had already condensed inside the golden elixir that had expanded to the size of a basketball.

But strictly speaking, Pei Ying Dan can be considered an external force.

Although there are currently no side effects, Liu Yu is still worried about the negative impact and has not chosen the most time-saving and labor-saving method.

Therefore, the Pei Ying Dan is only used as an auxiliary. To condense Yuanying, you mainly rely on your own essence, energy, and spirit.

With a consciousness of two hundred miles, Liu Yu has a profound insight into the details, and even the slightest change in the entire process of conceiving a baby cannot escape his grasp.

He can always make timely adjustments according to changes in details.

At the critical moment, Liu Yu calmly controlled the situation and even though the birth process was extremely dangerous, it still went on smoothly.

Because her mind was highly concentrated and completely focused on the matter of having a baby, Liu Yu completely ignored the passage of time.

I don’t know how long it took, but the step of “nurturing the Nascent Soul” has come to an end.

The volume has expanded to the size of a basketball, and inside the golden elixir that cannot be easily observed, the Nascent Soul has been roughly formed.

Only the last legs have not yet condensed.

The Mana Lake, which was originally like a river, has now shrunk to the size of a lake, and the water level has also become much shallower. The bottom can be seen at a glance.

During the process of forming the Nascent Soul, Liu Yu never stopped running his exercises, absorbing spiritual energy and refining it into mana every moment, but he still couldn't make ends meet.

Even with the assistance of a high-level spirit-gathering array, and the fact that the cave is located in one of the best locations on Tongtian Peak, and the concentration of spiritual energy in the room reaches the fourth-order mid-grade level, it is still a drop in the bucket.

Although the ninth-grade golden elixir has a strong foundation and can produce more perfect "Tao fruits", it is also more difficult than ordinary monks.

The energy and blood essence that emerged from the limbs and bones began to become sparse and no longer as abundant as it was at the beginning.

The golden elixir was hollowed out and became dull, with no luster on the surface.

Although it doesn't seem to have changed much, the breath and energy have been weakened to the extreme, which is just superficial.

If it weren't for the maintenance of the nine Dao Marks, I'm afraid it would collapse on the spot.

The physical body is similar. It loses a lot of energy and blood essence in a short period of time. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore disappears, and the originally surging energy and blood has returned to normal.

Fortunately, with the help of the "Ying Training Pill", the physical body did not suffer too much loss, it was just a temporary excessive consumption, and the appearance did not deteriorate prematurely due to this.


"There is still a lot of potential for mana, energy and blood to be tapped, and there is still a lot of power left in the Infant Training Pill."

Noting the current state and estimating the speed at which Yuanying was taking shape, Liu Yu felt neither sad nor happy.

Immediately, he moved his hands and shot out several spells one after another, landing in various places in the spirit gathering array.


Suddenly, the endless spiritual energy of heaven and earth surged in and around Tongtian Peak.

With Tongtian Peak as the center, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth within a hundred miles radius was affected, and slowly gathered in the cave where Liu Yu retreated.

The closer you get to Tongtian Peak, the greater the attraction of the spiritual energy, and the faster it gathers.

In this way, the signs of childbirth can no longer be concealed, and even half of the Yuanyang Sect's mountain gate can detect the changes in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

A large amount of spiritual energy of various attributes is transformed through the spirit gathering array, and becomes fire attribute and wood attribute.

In the cave, because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is so strong that it even naturally shows signs of liquefaction, red or green liquid appears in the space from time to time.

At the last moment of giving birth to the Nascent Soul, Liu Yu decisively overloaded her skills, increasing the concentration of the cave's spiritual energy while accelerating the accumulation of mana.

As for the Qi and blood, the "Star True Body" is running at the same time, and the circular pattern on the chest flashes with red aura, squeezing out as much Qi and blood essence as possible.

Suddenly, more energy and blood essence surged out, gathering together like a crimson rainbow, with a dark blue golden elixir at the end.

Liu Yu naturally knows where the limits of his own body are. It only looks weak at the moment, but it actually still has great potential.

With the strength of the meridians at this time, it is no longer a problem to overload the exercise.

The rich spiritual energy enters the body through the skin, undergoes seventy-two great cycles, and is refined into mana and flows to the Dantian.

For a time, the water level of Mana Lake finally stopped getting shallower and its volume stopped shrinking, barely reaching breakeven.

Twenty breaths, thirty breaths...

It wasn't until half an hour later that the golden elixir, or the prototype of the Nascent Soul, slowly and gradually stopped absorbing mana, energy and blood.

The waves subsided, the essence of Qi and blood disappeared in the limbs and bones, and the Dantian slowly returned to calm.

"This final finishing touch is more difficult than imagined~"

"But it was completed in the end, with no near misses."

Liu Yu flashed this idea.

At this time, Yuanying is healthy and fully developed and has taken shape inside the Golden Elixir.

But before he could feel joy, his heart became extremely solemn, because at the next moment, a subtle voice suddenly sounded.


With a crisp sound, a crack suddenly appeared on the surface of the flawless golden elixir!

A brilliant blue aura shone out from the gap!

After giving birth to the Nascent Soul, the last trace of the golden elixir source has been absorbed.

At this time, the power of the golden elixir has fallen below the third level, and is not even comparable to some foundation-building monks.

The next moment the crack appeared, Liu Yu clearly felt waves of indescribable pressure coming from all directions.

All directions, no dead ends.

At this moment, he is Yuanying, and Yuanying is him!

If you don't break through the shackles of the golden elixir, you can't complete the sublimation, and you will die soon.


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