Chapter 787 Liu deserves it!


With her back to Liu Yu, when she heard those "ominous words", Mo Mei's delicate body suddenly trembled, trembling slightly.

Without him, the phrase "taoist friends stay here" has a special meaning in the world of immortality.

Under normal circumstances, they will only say it on the eve of falling out or taking action.

"What does Qingyang mean by this?!"

"I don't think so."

In the midst of the lightning and flint, a certain thought flashed across True Lord Mo Mei's mind.

At this moment, she had a bad feeling in her heart, feeling that the other party might attack her at any time.

This woman clearly realizes that now she has very few means left and her strength has been greatly reduced.

There is no grudge between the two, and Qingyang has such strength at such a young age.

He replied with a smile.

He firmly suppressed the violence in his heart and always maintained rationality in his eyes.

"The prescription of "Flying Immortal Pill" alone may not be enough."

Standing at the absolute upper level of the Tiannan Immortal Realm, he has the strength to withstand the wind from all directions and sail on a boat!

With Mo Mei's strength and influence, even if something unexpected happens in the end, Liu Yu is confident that he can handle it calmly.

After a moment of silence, she gathered her emotions and said with a "sincere" look:

If it were handed over like this, it would undoubtedly go against the will of the ancestors.

For the safety of her life, Mo Mei endured her reluctance and took out several fourth-level elixir recipes at once.

"If something unexpected happens to me, those two junior brothers will not be able to stop Xuanbing Palace from being annexed."

After all, there is not much difference in the strength of the two souls. Even if Liu Yu has some advantages, it is not enough to crush them.

Therefore, you must at least get the "ministry living allowance" first, right?

But after the entry was completed, the woman had no intention of handing it over immediately.

Hearing this, Mo Mei was overjoyed, and then she let go of the four jade slips and controlled them to fly towards each other.

"The fundamental reason why Qingyang is in this business is to obtain the fourth-level elixir recipe."

"After all, at this time, because of the previous agreement, everyone has actually offended Xuanbing Palace and has a common enemy."

No matter what, she achieved her goal by surviving Nangongtian's arrangement.

"If the other party is really willing to hand over the pill recipe, they don't necessarily have to do it."

"Now that I can make good friends with Qingyang, it might be a good choice."

This thought flashed through her mind.

Mo Mei forced a smile, then took out a blank jade slip and entered the prescription of "Flying Immortal Pill" into it.

The fourth-level elixir recipe was obscure and difficult to understand. With his attainments close to that of a master at this time, it took him more than ten breaths to initially determine the authenticity of the four elixir recipes.

Not far away on the other side, Mo Mei, who was fleeing, was a little distracted. After passing the crisis, a feeling of reluctance gradually emerged in her heart.

"If there is any trouble in the future, fellow Taoist Mo Mei, just let me know."

A few miles away, Mo Mei saw the huge cyan light and shadow disappear, and her body finally stopped tensing.

Whether it was to repay the kindness of saving a life, whether it was light courtesy but heavy affection, all kinds of reasons were used, for fear that the other party would not accept it.

"The fourth-level elixir recipe is extremely precious, so how can this be made?!"

"The fourth-level elixir prescription is certainly precious, but no matter how precious it is, it is not as important as my life."

With all kinds of thoughts flashing around, Liu Yu thought about this place, and the murderous intention in her heart faded like a tide.

Then, seemingly inadvertently, the "Qingyang Nebula" was released and taken back.

"Furthermore, Taoist Fellow Tianfeng of your sect, I have had many interactions with you in the past, so we have a long-standing connection."

After all, his goal is only Danfang from beginning to end, and killing is just a means to achieve his goal.



In this case, the success rate of soul searching is only about 50%, so being more prudent is the most appropriate choice.

In this way, no matter what the final result is, these ten years will not be wasted.

While waving her hands, she sent out several transmission notes to inform Huang Mei Kongzhao that she was safe and agreed to meet at Five Elements Pass.

This woman's various thoughts seemed to have passed for a long time, but in fact they were less than a breath away.

After all, according to speculation, what Qingyang wants is indeed "simple and unpretentious". If he can get what he wants, he may not take the risk.

"Please, fellow Taoist, please don't continue to decline, otherwise I will have trouble sleeping and eating!"

"But the later stage of Nascent Soul is still a little far away at this time, so there is no need to be too anxious."

After all, the other party is a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying and has a profound foundation in Yuanshen.

With his current Yuanshen attainments, it is not certain whether he can find useful information if he directly uses the Soul Searching Technique.

Although he was more than half sure of capturing the girl by using all means except the Broken Sword, whether he could obtain the elixir was still unknown.

And in her current state, it will be a disaster!

In the treacherous and ever-changing world of immortality, rationality is very important.

However, after the other party's repeated persuasion, his tone seemed to loosen.

"After all, no real action has been taken, and the two sides have not yet become enemies."

She turned around slowly, forced a smile on her face and said softly:

"As it should be."

"Flying Immortal Pill" is suitable for taking in the early stage of Nascent Soul. It is very attractive to Liu Yu at this time. Once he gets it, he can quickly improve his cultivation level.

If you fail several times in a row and the opponent's Yuanying finally collapses and dies, it will be all in vain, so you can't just act recklessly.


"And if the Nascent Soul leaves the body, it may not be able to leave safely. Is this price too high?!"

Thinking like this, Mo Mei felt at ease and had made a decision.

Bustling and bustling, good things come and good things go.

"But when it comes to this matter, Mo Mei shouldn't do such an unwise thing."

Liu Yu smiled slightly, with an inexplicable color flashing in his eyes.

Mo Mei is so sensible that he believes that as long as he reaches the mid-term and his strength is further improved, this problem will be solved.

But seeing this, he temporarily suppressed his original idea of ​​taking action.

She had a vague feeling that what the other party wanted was more than just the "Flying Immortal Pill".

"But if you do this, even if you find a new body, it will take a lot of time to adjust. If your cultivation level cannot be improved in a short period of time, you will completely lose hope of further progress."

While flying away, Mo Mei thought happily in pain, but then her face remained as usual and she didn't think about it.

If she dies, how can her two junior brothers resist the annexation of Xuanbing Palace?

"If you do this yourself, you also put the overall situation first."

As for other factors, they have to be pushed back.

This woman understood that if she said the word "no" at this time, a thunderous strike might come the next moment!

"no problem."

Although her acting skills were superb, under the gaze of that huge cyan light and shadow, it was really difficult for this woman to smile from the bottom of her heart, and she felt extremely uncomfortable all over.

Seeing Mo Mei's careful and stiff look, Liu Yu's smile became brighter, but she didn't urge her.

"There is no way to repay the kindness of saving a life."

Based on the properties and pharmacology of the medicine, Liu Yu reasoned for a few moments before truly confirming that there was nothing wrong with the "Flying Immortal Pill" prescription.

But in the senses of True Lord Nascent Soul, one breath is already considered "a period of time".

High in the sky, Mo Mei kept thinking and gradually got a clue.

"And at this distance, it's difficult to escape in time."

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Liu Yu's face, and a smile appeared on her face. She waved her hand and put the four jade slips into the storage ring.

"Rescue is an agreement, and fellow Taoists don't need to be so polite."


With strength, you can naturally look up without fear, and you can have more choices!

"I'm sorry, ancestor of all generations."

The way to cultivate immortality is never just about fighting and killing!

Mo Mei was "sincerely affectionate", but she still held onto a few elixir-shaped jade slips.

"It's nothing important."

Of course, if the guess is wrong and the other party is greedy for property, Mo Mei can only choose to fight with her last resort!

As she spoke, the magic power in her body was secretly circulating, and she was ready to take action.

"If it's true or false, you'll know if you go back and deduce it yourself."

To take a step back, wasn't it easy for me to handle Mo Mei at that time?

However, the most important reason for making such a choice is the soul-searching technique, which may not necessarily be able to find information on the elixir.

During the conversation, Liu Yu noticed that the other party was always on guard, so Liu Yu took the initiative to speak.

"Although among the four elixir recipes, there is no fourth-level high-grade elixir recipe."

"To prevent the enemy from returning, we'd better leave quickly."

However, Liu Yu's rise from the bottom will naturally not be lost because of this, and he can steadily control the nebula body.

"If you cheat, you will have one more opponent, and vice versa, you will have one more ally."

She tried her best, even mentioning the sitting Tianfeng, trying her best to dispel Qingyang's idea of ​​taking action.

On the contrary, Liu Yu had just saved Mo Mei's life. If he had not chosen to take action, the relationship between the two would actually be pretty good.

If he wants to gain a foothold in Tiannan and even get closer to a higher status, he will inevitably need the support of some allies.

Although he has never actually taken action, if he were in the Golden Core realm, Liu Yu would still not hesitate to take action at this point for the sake of safety.

"The crisis has just been resolved. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time."

The following words were automatically filtered and could resolve the current predicament, and she was already satisfied.

But in Mo Mei's eyes, this smile was full of danger, making her feel even more uneasy.

Feeling the subtle change in Qingyang's attitude, Mo Mei truly relaxed at this moment.

After repaying the "life-saving grace", the two of them chatted and laughed, like old friends who had known each other for many years.

By displaying the "Qingyang Nebula", Liu Yu has both the main body and the nebula body, two completely different horizons.

She knew very well that if Qingyang refused to accept the prescription, it meant that he would take action next.

But now, he is the True Lord of Nascent Soul.

Liu Yu was really surprised that the other party was so "interesting" that he was even willing to take out the "Huanzhen Dan" prescription.

Thoughts flashed one by one, and as she realized the dangerous situation at this moment, strands of cold sweat broke out on Mo Mei's white and smooth forehead.

"In the future, if you have time, we can sit down and discuss the method of alchemy together."

After receiving the four jade slips, Liu Yu's spiritual sense penetrated into them and looked at them one by one, reading the information instantly.

All the information about Liu Yu was flashing rapidly in her mind.

One moment, two moments, three moments

Mo Mei's body stiffened and stopped in mid-air, not turning around for a long time. At the same time, she did not dare to act rashly for fear of immediately attracting a thunderous strike.

While flying, this thought flashed through Liu Yu's mind.

As for Old Devil Qingyang, although his promotion to Nascent Soul was short-lived, his strength is unfathomable.

After the other party repeatedly begged, Liu Yu looked embarrassed and finally agreed "reluctantly".

They were flying at extremely high speeds all the way, with the average speed of both of them exceeding six thousand miles per hour.

However, to be cautious, he still declined tentatively and did not completely give up the hands-on approach.

After a pause, she continued:

"We are all alchemists, and I understand the alchemist's love for the art of alchemy very well."

"It's just that this crisis has been overcome, so according to the original agreement, should Fellow Taoist Mo Mei..."

And isn’t it natural to ask for remuneration for doing things?

Moreover, they have one more ally, and they usually exchange some cultivation experience and alchemy experience.

"This kindness can never be repaid too much, and it will never be forgotten!"

"Are we going to escape from Nascent Soul?"

"If we hand over the pill recipe, maybe we can avoid taking action?"

Just left the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den again!

She smiled bitterly in her heart, trying her best to recall the information about Liu Yu, and trying to think of ways to escape, hoping to resolve the crisis.

Liu Yu looked embarrassed and refused repeatedly, refusing to accept it.

"In addition to the "Flying Immortal Pill", how about giving the Hunyuan Pill, Ningzhen Pill and Huanzhen Pill prescriptions to fellow Taoists as well?"

These include two fourth-level mid-level elixir recipes, as well as the more precious realm-breaking elixir "Huazhen Dan" elixir, hoping to dispel the opponent's idea of ​​taking action.

But until the last moment, Mo Mei was still uneasy and guarded, and the mana in her dantian was still secretly operating.

"Fellow Taoist Qingyang helped me in times of need, so I was able to turn the corner and turn the corner."

"Flying Immortal Pill", "Hunyuan Pill", "Returning True Pill" and "Ningzhen Pill"

Based on his own strength alone, if he takes action later, he may be in trouble!

Since the two sides have no grudges and can easily obtain what they need, why do they have to kill to achieve their goals?

Although there was indeed a plan to take action, hasn't it been done yet?

But at this time, life and death are at stake, but Mo Mei can no longer care so much. How can the will of the ancestors be more important than her own life?

"Since fellow Taoist Qingyang is interested in alchemy, I will naturally fulfill my wish."

"I am definitely no match for Old Demon Qingyang."

With her back to Liu Yu, Mo Mei's thoughts were racing, her delicate eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and she calmly thought about countermeasures.

This is a fourth-level elixir recipe!

"This is already the case. We can only take one step at a time."

The Alchemy Sect is based on alchemy, and high-level alchemy recipes are the foundation of the sect. It is accumulated step by step that leads to such a complete inheritance.


We agreed to exchange alchemy experiences together in a few years.

Since the level of alchemy is not that of a master, the authenticity of the other three alchemy recipes is still unknown at this time and needs to be further deduced and verified slowly.

If a person with an unstable mind possesses the majestic power of the nebula body, it is indeed easy to do some irrational things.

"Let's go now."

"what to do?!"

"I wonder if Fellow Taoist Qingyang has called me to stop me, what else is there to do?"

Sensing the change in Old Demon Qingyang's tone, Mo Mei felt slightly happy and cheered up to continue persuading.

Immediately, the two of them turned into escaping light and rushed towards the nearest gathering place of large-scale immortal cultivators.

Seeing the other party's repeated refusals, Mo Mei moved her emotionally and reasoned with him, wishing she could give him the pill recipe right away.

"Since Taoist friend Quanquan is so kind, Liu has no choice but to be shameless and accept a few pill prescriptions."


"But with the strength shown by the other party, I'm afraid the appetite is greater than imagined."

"No reward for no merit, such a generous gift. Liu really deserves it!"

If I can make friends with a few pill recipes, it won't be too much of a loss for me.

"Maybe there will be unexpected gains?"

Under the horizon of the huge nebula, everything becomes much smaller. An ordinary person is like an ant, as if it can easily destroy everything.

Hearing Mo Mei's words, Liu Yu's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

About half an hour later, a bustling fortress appeared in their sight.

There was no intention of hiding anything. As the True Monarch of Nascent Soul, Liu and Yu entered the fortress openly and openly.

Through a special method, contact the Five Elements Pass Teleportation Hall and successfully teleport to a safe area.

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