Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 797 Go straight to Huanglong!

Demonic tycoon!

Listening to the Huangmei Zhenjun's description of countless treasures, this word naturally came to Liu Yu's mind.

According to his description, in his early years, Fu Qingshan was just a casual cultivator of three spiritual roots with ordinary qualifications.

Later, by chance, he received the inheritance of the mysterious demonic path, and his rise was unstoppable.

In just over three hundred years, he succeeded in breaking the pill to become a baby, and created the Xuanyin Sect from scratch.

He has a great reputation throughout the Seven Nations Alliance, and his reputation is even greater than that of Ancestor Tianfeng and He Laomo, and can stand shoulder to shoulder with True Lord Huang Mei.

"Xuanyin Sect."

Suddenly, Liu Yu's heart moved and her eyes narrowed slightly.

As far as he knew, the "Yu Country" where the Xuanyin Sect was located was adjacent to the "Miao Country" where Huangmei Zhenjun was located, and there seemed to have been friction for a long time.

Thinking about this, is this encounter really a coincidence?

Huang Mei seems to have a close relationship with a certain true king of "Tianlei Palace" and has friction with "Fu Qingshan". Could this be a plan to kill someone with a knife?

In fact, the reason why the old monster Qingshan was exposed was because of his own arrangement?

Thinking like this, Liu Yu looked at Huang Mei with a dangerous look deep in his eyes.

Although he has to carry out the mission of the Seven Nations Alliance, he has no habit of being plotted and exploited by others!

If the facts are true as the speculation, this matter must be settled properly in the future!

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, but Liu Yu's face remained as usual as she listened carefully to what the Yellow-browed True Lord said.

"From an ordinary casual cultivator to where he is today, his methods are indeed too cruel."

"But I have to admit that Old Monster Qingshan is indeed a demonic lord, and we must treat him with caution."

Taking the expressions of the three teammates into his eyes, Huang Mei finally said this.

After hearing about the target's misdeeds, Liu Yu's expression did not change at all, nor did his heart waver much.

However, the Fang family brothers from the Righteous Alliance frowned slightly when they heard this.

Although the essence is the law of the jungle, top-down oppression and exploitation.

But compared to the Demonic Path and the Seven Kingdoms Alliance, the Righteous Path is undoubtedly too subtle and gentle. It always has a fig leaf and cannot be discussed in the temple.

In the territory of the Righteous Path, a large-scale massacre of mortals and low-level immortal cultivators is rare to occur in decades.

Growing up in such an environment, although he also didn't take low-level monks or mortals seriously.

But after hearing that the old monster from Qingshan was so cruel, the Fang brothers still instinctively felt uncomfortable and disgusted.


"The evil lord?"

"so what?"

"Even if this person is cruel and powerful, how can he still defeat us together?"

"Thieves like these who have such a bad record and committed such heinous crimes should be eradicated as soon as possible to restore clarity to the world!"

With his long dark red hair hanging down casually, Fang Chengyan snorted and said coldly, with a cold look in his eyes.

Perhaps due to his skills, although he is already a "thousand-year-old monster", this person still has a very hot temper and will say anything directly, which is completely different from his older brother's mature and steady temper.

Hearing this, Liu Yuwei frowned.

Even though I knew this person was not talking about me, I still felt offended.

After all, he has been practicing so far and has encountered mountains of corpses and seas of blood along the way.

Although he calls himself "Qingyangzi", some monks at the same level don't give him face and often call him "Old Demon Qingyang" behind his back.

They are all exploiting and oppressing, using various means to seize resources, but the concepts of the three major alliances are completely different.

The methods of righteousness are relatively mild, and even if they are done, they are often "reputable" and will never be openly acknowledged for various high-sounding reasons.

The methods of magic are direct and brutal, and they follow the law of the weak and the strong without any cover.

There is no need for a reason at all for the strong to annex the weak, it seems to be a matter of course.

In the demonic realm, low-level monks and mortals cannot be massacred "at will" on a large scale.

But every once in a while, there are various kill indicators, as long as the indicators are not exceeded.

Even if the Nascent Soul Demon suddenly decides to sacrifice a magic weapon or something, he can just do it, and there won't be many monks to blame him.

If good and evil are two extremes, then the Seven Nations Alliance is a compromise.

The monks of the Seven Kingdoms Alliance are neither righteous nor evil, and they will find a justifiable reason for their actions under normal circumstances.

It's neither as naked as the demonic path, nor as secretive as the righteous path. It just makes sense to deal with it.

However, what Fang Chenghuo said does have some truth to it.

With the four people present joining forces, even if the old monster Qingshan has many methods, it is not difficult to kill him, and there is no need to be too afraid.

The only problem is to lock its location and prevent it from escaping.

"Chenghuo, don't talk nonsense!"

"I'm sorry, fellow Taoists, Chenghuo was just a bit outspoken, but in fact he had no ill intentions."

Reaching out to hold Fang Chenghuo's shoulders, Fang Chengshan apologized.

He knew very well that Old Monster Qingshan was indeed heinous, but the two comrades in front of him were not merciful people.

As soon as these words came out, Liu Yu and Huang Mei nodded lightly.

They are all monks who are hundreds or thousands of years old. They do not take verbal disputes too seriously. If it is not due to interest disputes, they generally will not become enemies with monks of the same level.

There is no need to add an enemy of the same level just because of a quick talk.

After two breaths, True Lord Huangmei shook his head slightly and said:

"What Lord Chenghuo said makes sense. With the four of us joining forces, we can kill the old monster Qingshan even if he has many tricks."

"According to the news, this person is practicing at Xuanyin Sect's mountain gate."

"It's going to be a long night and many dreams. Why don't we set off now, go straight to the mountain gate, block it and kill it?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand and made a downward gesture, as if he wanted to end the mission as soon as possible.

Liu Yu nodded lightly and agreed to go straight to the Xuanyin Sect's mountain gate and kill or capture them directly.

After refining the Flying Immortal Pill, he most wanted to practice it peacefully for a period of time and raise his cultivation level to its early peak.

Therefore, although this mission involves a life-and-death battle with a demonic tycoon, which is a bit more dangerous than a guard mission, it is not without its benefits.

If it goes well, it will be over in a short time.

Unlike guard missions, which usually last ten or twenty years, it takes a lot of time.

As for whether it is being used, we can leave it to the future when the cultivation level is improved and enough strength can be shown openly and openly.

After taking a deep look at Huang Mei, the Fang brothers also nodded.

Going straight to the Xuanyin Sect's mountain gate does sound a bit hasty. After all, this is the base camp of a big force, and it must be protected by a fourth-level formation.

But as long as you have enough strength, the simpler and cruder the plan, the easier it is to succeed.

On the contrary, various calculations are easily detected by the target due to various reasons.

And with the strength of the four of them, they are enough to break through the formation head-on!

In the entire Xuanyin Sect, there is only one Yuanying monk, Old Monster Qingshan.

As long as the protective formation is broken, no matter how large the number of Golden Core Foundation-Building monks is compared to True Monarch Nascent Soul, they will not pose a threat at all and will not be enough to influence the outcome.

On the contrary, it would be a troublesome thing if they noticed something was wrong and changed their appearance to cover up their whereabouts, or simply took refuge in the demon clan.

In that case, there are too many variables.

"In that case, I'll set off as soon as possible!"

Seeing that the three comrades all nodded in agreement, True Lord Huangmei smiled and walked resolutely out of the palace.

Although the mission does not stipulate who is the captain, the world of immortality has always respected strength.

Huang Mei is at the peak of the middle stage of cultivation. Although his strength is slightly inferior to "Nangong Yue" and others, he is still considered the strongest group under the great monks, so he is naturally regarded as the "captain".

"Tongtian Peak's spiritual veins have dropped to the fourth level. As my cultivation level increases, it will soon be insufficient."

"Perhaps this mission is not without its benefits."

"After the old monster from Qingshan is put to death, we can move part of the Xuanyin Sect's spiritual veins to increase the level of the spiritual veins from Tongtian Peak."

After passing this thought, Liu Yu stood up and walked out of the palace.

Indifference is the norm among monks, especially for high-level monks.

If you are too enthusiastic, you will be suspected of having evil intentions.

Therefore, after discussing the target situation and discussing ideas for completing the task, the four of them rarely communicated.

After leaving the "Meeting Hall", he walked straight to the Teleportation Hall.

As the headquarters of the Seven Nations Alliance, there are naturally teleportation arrays connected to various places. Although it cannot be teleported directly into the mountain gates of the major forces, it can be teleported to the nearest location.

In this way, with the speed of the Nascent Soul Stage monks, Xuanyin Sect's mountain gate can be said to be arriving in a matter of seconds!

The four of them entered the teleportation hall of the headquarters one after another, and soon there was a subtle fluctuation of spiritual energy.

Yu country.

A small and medium-sized country between the original Yan State and Ba State, adjacent to the "Miao State" where Huangmei Zhenjun was on the left.

Feitian Fairy City is a large fairy city in Yu Kingdom, roughly equivalent to "Wangyue Fairy City".

However, Yu Country is only a small country, and because it is not a border fairy city, its importance cannot be compared with that of Wangyue Fairy City.

"Buzz buzz"

The teleportation array trembled slightly, and the dazzling spiritual light suddenly shone. When the spiritual light dimmed, four figures suddenly appeared.

Almost at the same time, several waves of spiritual pressure spread like mountains and seas, covering the entire fairy city in an instant.

The immortal cultivators in this city have the highest level of cultivation, but the Golden Pill.

Their breathing was stagnant for an instant, their spiritual senses were frantically warning, and their hearts were filled with great terror.

It seems like a disaster is coming!


After the transmission ended, True Lord Huangmei immediately took action, triggering a yellow Changge to shoot out like lightning.

“Bang bang bang”

The next moment, the sound of explosions echoed throughout the teleportation hall.

No matter how high or low your cultivation level is, whether you are male or female, old or young.

The Xuanyin Sect monks stationed here were unable to resist at all and died in an instant.

Their fragile flesh and blood bodies were all turned into blood mist under the power of the real treasure, not even a piece of intact flesh and blood was left.

For a moment, Nuo Da's palace was filled with blood mist, as if he had suddenly entered a bloody world.


Seeing this scene, Liu Yu's expression remained unchanged, but he turned his magic power to push away the floating blood mist.

Naturally, the purpose of killing Xuanyin Cult monks was to prevent them from leaking information.

As a large fairy city in Yu Kingdom, Feitian City naturally has a teleportation array that goes directly to the Xuanyin Sect's mountain gate, but you must pass identity verification if you want to use it.

With the four people's methods, it would not be difficult to hide it if it took time.

However, in order to start quickly without giving the target a chance to react, without making various preparations in advance, the teleportation array naturally cannot be used.

Anyway, this city is only a thousand or two thousand miles away from the mountain gate of Xuanyin Sect. With the speed of Yuanying Stage monks, it can be reached in less than a quarter of an hour.

To be on the safe side, it is better to be direct so as not to be noticed by the Xuanyin Sect.

After all, Liu Yu and Huang Mei knew very well what was going on in the Seven Nations Alliance. If the speed was slightly slower, someone might have tipped off the information.

Seeing this scene, the Fang brothers' eyes flashed with displeasure, but they didn't say much.

In their eyes, since the ancestors of a sect are all "traitors", then the disciples under them are also "traitors". Naturally, it’s not a good thing.

It's just that Huang Mei's method is a bit too bloody.

In the teleportation hall, some unrelated monks were trembling and afraid to come out.

For fear of upsetting the True Lord, that terrifyingly powerful True Treasure would kill him to pieces in the next moment.

"Old monster Qingshan does all kinds of evil, and his disciples are not good people either. He has always killed and persecuted innocent monks, which is well known in nearby countries."

After taking back the yellow Changge True Treasure, True Lord Huangmei's expression remained unchanged, as if he had casually trampled a few ants to death, and explained to the two of them with a smile.

After a pause, he continued:

"Next, I'll trouble Taoist Fellow Chengshan."

The four of them had discussed in advance and sent over to deal with the Xuanyin Sect monks first, and then Fang Chengshan would set up a formation to prevent the monks in the city from tipping off the news.

Frowning slightly, Fang Chengshan nodded even though he didn't agree with Huang Mei's methods.

From the appearance of the four people, to the Xuanyin Sect monks in the teleportation hall turning into blood mist, to the verbal communication between the four people, it only took a short breath.


After a breath, the four figures disappeared out of thin air in the teleportation hall, and reappeared above Feitian Fairy City.


With a slight sweep of his consciousness, Fang Chengshan waved his hand, and formation flags quickly fell to all parts of the fairy city.

As little bits of spiritual light emerged, a huge formation quickly took shape in just a few breaths.

A dark yellow light shield was activated, like an upside-down jade bowl, covering the Feitian Fairy City.

This formation is as high as the third level. Even if more than twenty Jindan cultivators work together, they will not be able to break through within half a day.

It can effectively prevent the monks among them from leaving, and means such as communication talismans and sect tokens will also be ineffective due to the isolation of the power of the formation.

"In just five or six breaths, a third-level high-grade formation has taken shape."

"It seems that the rumors are true. This person's formation attainments have indeed reached the master level."

"A formation master is still worth making friends with. There will always be times when he will be useful."

Seeing the rapidly forming yellow mask, this thought flashed through Liu Yu's mind.

Thinking that the Fang brothers came from the righteous path, he decided to restrain himself a little later and be "gentle" with the Xuanyin Sect monks.

The formation has been formed, and the fish that slipped through the net have been eliminated.

The four of them didn't say any nonsense. They turned around and flashed their magic power. They rose to the Gangfeng layer and turned into four rays of escaping light, heading straight for the Xuanyin Sect's mountain gate.


Under the bloody setting sun, four rays of light came from the sky and quickly traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

One moment it was just a dot on the horizon, and the next moment it was already approaching, with bursts of Nascent Soul spiritual pressure sweeping across all directions.

Starting from Feitian Fairy City, less than two quarters of an hour after Liu Yu, Huang Mei, and Fang brothers fled, the Xuanyin Sect's mountain gate was already in sight.

Liu Yu's consciousness swept away and he looked at the scene in front of him.

Although it is a sect that prefers the demonic path, it also absorbs spiritual energy to practice. The Xuanyin Sect is not the ghost-like appearance that some monks say.

Looking around, you can see beautiful green mountains and green water.

There are all pavilions and pavilions among the spiritual mountains, and a sense of sight of a large sect comes to you.

A place rich in spiritual energy is naturally a place favored by nature!

Nascent Soul is unscrupulous, and you can tell at a glance that the person coming is not good!

But where the duty lies, a middle-aged beauty-looking Jindan elder of the Xuanyin Sect still has the courage to stand in the way.

"Seniors, this is our Xuanyin Sect's mountain gate, please stop here."

"If you ask me, I can do it"

Holding a protective magic weapon in hand, the woman spoke carefully.

She has already sent a summons to her fellow disciples to start the protective formation immediately, but she just wants to delay it for a while.

It was just a sound transmission, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea.


The four escaping lights were approaching rapidly, with no intention of stopping, and even their escaping speed immediately increased by three points.


The next moment, the cold voice of True Lord Huangmei resounded in front of the Xuanyin Sect Mountain Gate.

Before he finished speaking, a yellow spiritual light flew out of the air, spanned dozens of miles in the blink of an eye, and magnified in the middle-aged beautiful woman's pupils.


There was a small roar, and the yellow aura flashed away and returned to the hands of True Lord Huang Mei.

In place, only a cloud of blood mist slowly dissipated.

Although the middle-aged beautiful woman also used the magic weapon to resist, facing the power of the real treasure used by the true king, everything was in vain, and she couldn't even delay it for a little bit.

But this is normal. After all, Huang Mei is not an ordinary True Lord, but an existence that has already stood at the peak of the mid-term.

If a cultivator at the peak of the Golden Core faced the early stage True Lord, he might be able to barely resist a few attacks and delay for a while.

The other monks did not react in time and killed the only Jindan elder guarding the mountain gate. The four rays of light escaped without stopping.


In less than two breaths, the light disappeared in a flash and passed through the mountain gate.


After another two breaths, there was a huge movement at the mountain gate, and the protective formation was slowly opened.

If a true king does this alone, he will naturally become a turtle in the urn.

But the four true kings came hand in hand, so what if they opened the protective formation? !

How can a small pond trap a dragon? !

Even though the four of them worked together and spent a lot of effort, they were able to break through the protective formation and completely solve their worries.

But that would undoubtedly give Old Monster Qingshan time to react.

In addition, they were extremely confident in their own strength, so after the four of them entered the Xuanyin Sect's mountain gate, they quickly headed towards its only fourth-level spiritual mountain, "Tianwu Mountain".


In the explosive state, it takes only ten breaths to travel hundreds of miles, and Tianwu Mountain will soon be in sight.

However, with this little time, the Xuanyin Cult monks finally came to their senses and activated the Mountain Protection Formation of Tianwu Mountain after the Protecting Formation.

Liu Yu looked around, and saw a large piece of cold black mist covering Tianwu Mountain, which was about a thousand feet high, making it difficult for people to see clearly what was inside.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yu, Huang Mei, and Fang Chenghuo all looked at Fang Chengshan.

With the guidance of the formation master, it will be much easier to break through the mountain-protecting formation.

Thirty to fifty miles apart, the four surrounded Tianwu Mountain from four directions, blocking the way for the old monster from Qingshan to break out.

"Fellow Taoist Qingyang, please head towards this area."

After looking at it for about five or six breaths, Liu Yu soon received a message from Fang Chengshan's spiritual consciousness.

The next moment, the four of them sacrificed their true treasures and launched an attack on Tianwu Mountain, which was shrouded in black mist.

The power of the Nascent Soul level immediately exploded completely.


Thanks to fellow Taoist Qingmeng Youyun and the alliance leader for their generous support!

PS: Since fellow Taoists support so strongly, Changting cannot remain indifferent.

Each leader will be updated with 10,000 words, and another 15,000 words will be added. We will try to update it in the next few days!

PS: The February update will have 140,000 words. Although I took a few days off in between, the average number is still 5,000 words per day. I think I have kept my promise.

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