Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 845 What a pair of desperate mandarin ducks! (Please subscribe!!)

Because they possess "wind-attributed supernatural spiritual roots" and "snow-attributed supernatural spiritual roots" respectively, the two immortals of Fengxue and Snow became Taoist companions under the arrangement of the sect when they were still in the foundation building stage.

Although it was arranged by the sect, the two cultivated and got along very harmoniously, and their relationship was very stable.

The couple of Fengxue Immortals are of one mind and have been Taoist couples for thousands of years. It can be said that they share joys and sorrows and have overcome many difficulties together.

Each is an indispensable part of each other's life.

Faced with the death of Taoist Snow and the sudden changes, Feng Xianzi's originally calm heart suddenly stirred up a storm, and she was so miserable that she lost her mind.

At this moment, immortality has lost its meaning.

Taoist Snow is dead, and Fairy Feng is not willing to live alone.

At this time, there was only one thought left in her heart - revenge!

hatred! hatred! hatred!

This woman's eyes were bloodshot, her face was filled with madness and distortion, and she could no longer calm down.

The True Monarch of Nascent Soul also has reverse scales!

The essence of life is higher than that of mortals, but there are also some things that they can protect with all their strength.

The thing that the Fengxue Immortals care about most is undoubtedly each other.


Fairy Feng stared at Liu Yu, her eyes crazy and cold, and her power rose sharply.

In the blink of an eye, it was promoted from the original "fifth level of Nascent Soul" to the peak level in the mid-term, and it continues to climb upward.

In order to avenge her husband, this woman did not hesitate to burn the precious Yuanying origin.

And it is not burning a little bit, but burning comprehensively and greatly, so the strength can be amazingly improved in a short period of time.

She knew that "Old Demon Qingyang" was very powerful, and if he didn't try his best, he would never have a chance.

"Old Demon Qingyang, suffer death!!!"

Fairy Feng was hysterical, with hatred and malice on her face. She desperately urged Zhenbao to cast spells and attack Liu Yu, who was dozens of miles away.


As for whether she could take revenge in a desperate situation, she had not considered it at all at this time, she just wanted to vent her resentment and loss.

Perhaps at the moment when Taoist Snow died, this woman had already made up her mind to die.

From the original aloof "fairy" to the crazy look now, the Wind Fairy looks extremely sad and beautiful.

If some male cultivators saw it, they would inevitably feel pity for her and might not have the heart to kill her.

After all, many monks have "Wei Wu legacy"!

Being a Taoist companion to others is as good as being a Taoist companion to others. It feels completely different and is a new experience.

But Liu Yu is not a womanizer.

With his flexible moral bottom line and decisive style of action, he would naturally not have any thoughts of mercy at this time.

Dozens of miles away, Liu Yu stood in the sky, her black robe flapping in the wind and making a hunting sound. There was only coldness and cruelty in her eyes.

The enemy is the enemy, and only dead enemies are the best enemies, regardless of whether you are affectionate or not.

"What a touching scene between a couple of gods and gods and their deep love~"

"But, what does this have to do with me?"

"If you stand against Liu, you must be prepared to die."

"Since fellow Daoist Xue takes the first step, Liu will have to work harder and put in more effort. Now let's send the fairy on her way!"

"Let you and your wife reunite in the underworld and become a pair of desperate mandarin ducks!"

Looking at Fairy Feng who was losing his mind, Liu Yu smiled coldly and replied, showing no mercy at all.

They will regret being my enemy! !

With a thought in his mind, he controlled the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear to kill Taoist Snow, and then stabbed at Fairy Feng.


"Ding ding ding~!"

Although Fairy Feng fully burned the source of Yuanying, her power and spiritual pressure continued to rise, and her strength was infinitely close to the late stage of Yuanying.

But there is still a big gap between Liu Yu and Liu Yu at this time.

Before Nebula could take action, it only used the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear to easily neutralize its attacks one after another.

The fourth Gangfeng layer was dim and lightless, as if the sun had completely set and night had just fallen on the earth.


But at this time, in this dim space, there were roars one after another, and attacks of four levels were rippling.


Under Liu Yu's urging, the power of the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear was stimulated to the extreme, and even the gun body turned into a golden-red color.

Easily knock away and defeat the real treasure spells encountered along the way.


Seeing this scene, Fairy Feng's face filled with hatred showed a bit of despair, and she looked particularly miserable.

But she refused to give up, risking her own life and approaching Liu Yu step by step.

Comprehensively burn the source of the Nascent Soul. Once you start, you cannot stop.

Even if this woman is not killed for the time being, her essence will be exhausted soon, and her Nascent Soul will collapse and die.

At this time, all he wanted to do was drag his enemies to die together.

While resisting the attack of the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear, Fairy Feng fled towards Liu Yufei at full speed.

At this moment, the aura she exuded was quietly mixed with a sense of destruction.

"This is."

Liu Yu's keen sense allowed Liu Yu to detect this destructive aura immediately.

Suddenly, his eyes froze, as if he thought of something, and he quickly pulled away and retreated tactically.

"I never expected that this woman would be so determined and chaste!"

"I actually want to bury myself with him by blowing up my Nascent Soul!"

Thinking like this, Liu Yu controlled the nebula body to retreat, and controlled the sunset golden rainbow gun to prevent the opponent from approaching.

After cultivating to the realm of the Golden Core Nascent Soul, when there is no way to survive, the cultivator can try to drag the enemy cultivator to be buried with him by self-destructing the Golden Core Nascent Soul.

Because the golden elixir Yuanying contains most of the mana and spiritual power accumulated by the cultivators so far.

Therefore, the power of self-destruction far exceeds one's own realm.

Even if your cultivation level is higher, if you are not careful, your boat may capsize.

With Fairy Feng's "Fifth Level of Nascent Soul" cultivation, the accumulated spiritual power can be described as massive, and her self-destruction power can even approach the fifth level.

Even Liu Yu at this time had to be careful not to let him get too close.



In his current state, the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear swiped and stabbed, and its power reached the fourth-level high-grade level.

Aim at the target and launch a storm-like offensive, with every move going towards the vital point.

With this level of power, even if the Wind Fairy ignored it, her escape speed was effectively restrained.

Instead, it becomes increasingly dangerous, and he may die at any time.

After all, reality is not a story. It is impossible for the "protagonist" to suddenly break through the realm and greatly increase his strength due to anger or hatred.

Even if Fairy Feng burns her life and obtains short-term strength, it can only touch the fourth-level high-grade, and cannot pose a threat to Liu Yu.

Even if he self-destructs his Nascent Soul, there is only a hint of threat.

It is difficult to have any surprises when you are aware of it.

One moment, two moments

As time went by, the aura of destruction exuded by the Wind Fairy became stronger and stronger.

The magic power is suddenly strong and weak, showing an extremely unstable state.

"It's a pity that I couldn't take revenge in the end."

"Husband, you haven't gone far yet, I'm going to chase you."

At the last moment of her life, Fairy Feng's beautiful eyes flashed with unforgettable hatred and deep yearning.

In the flash of lightning, some good memories from the past flashed through my mind like a movie.

The next moment, the aura of destruction was extremely strong, and white spiritual light came out from everywhere on Fairy Feng's body.

The white light suddenly appeared, bright and poignant, shining for hundreds of miles!

In an instant, the area hundreds of miles away in the fourth Gangfeng layer seemed to suddenly turn from dusk to day.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

With her as the center, a power much more powerful than Liu Yu's most powerful blow suddenly swept away in all directions, affecting hundreds of miles in radius.

At the center of the self-destruction, the power is even close to the fifth level, and even the outermost periphery can reach the fourth level.


After all, this is the vast majority of the spiritual power accumulated by a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk throughout his life!

In the dazzling white light, the figure of Feng Fairy quickly blurred, and the breath of life quickly disappeared.

Under his control, part of the power of the self-destruction was barely concentrated and swept towards Liu Yu.

However, Liu Yu had already anticipated this situation, and immediately started to use the magic formula with both hands.

The magic power was injected into the real treasure "Red Flame Shield", and the treasure suddenly glowed redly, changing to a size of ten feet and standing in front of him.

At the same time, the 350-foot-large Nebula behind him also moved, raising his hand and shooting out two pillars of spiritual power.

The two pillars of spiritual power met to form a cyan light curtain, blocking the red flame shield.

With the increase of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the power of the nebula body has reached the fourth level, and it can temporarily use massive spiritual power to perform various tricks without any scruples.

Although this state places a heavy burden on the soul and body, and Liu Yu cannot hold on for long, the defensive power of the cyan light curtain has truly reached the fourth-level high-grade level.


The next moment, accompanied by dazzling white light, an extremely powerful power swept from the front.

The first one was bombarded by the cyan light curtain supported by the nebula body.


The power of Fairy Feng's self-exploding Nascent Soul's blow reached an unprecedented level. The moment the two met, the cyan light curtain trembled violently.

Waves of pure power bombarded the light curtain, and cracks appeared one after another.

The power of self-destruction was rapidly consumed, and the structure of the light curtain gradually became unstable.


After a breath, the cyan light curtain couldn't hold on, and finally broke into pieces with a click, turning into the purest spiritual energy and dissipating.


The remaining power of Fairy Feng's self-destruction continued to bombard the red flame shield.

The red round shield shook slightly, but because there was not much self-destruction power left, it finally continued steadily.


At the same time, upon noticing that Fairy Feng had self-destructed, the faces of the monks on both sides changed.

While using defensive measures, he tried his best to stay away from the self-destruction area.

Fortunately, they are far away, and after spreading over a large area, the power of self-destruction has been greatly weakened.

So it didn't take much effort to block it easily.

"This couple is really deeply in love~"

Looking at the rapidly blurring figure in the white spiritual light, a hint of emotion flashed across the faces of both the enemy and our fellow monks!

Those who can cultivate the Nascent Soul realm have a rock-hard heart.

He has seen too much filth, so it is almost impossible for him to have true feelings or talk about love.

But the rarer it is, the more precious it is in some people's hearts.

Maybe when they woke up from a dream in the middle of the night, they had also longed for such love, but they laughed it off when they woke up.

In the treacherous and ever-changing world of immortality, for almost all monks, the so-called "true love" is deadly poison!

But for a very few monks, it may be a kind of salvation.

The so-called self-exploding golden elixir Yuanying means to turn all spiritual power into pure power at the cost of life, release it in a very short time, and attack everything within the range indiscriminately.

Even those who self-destruct can only have a slight impact.


Feng Xianzi's self-destruction is like a flash in the pan, beautiful and stunning but extremely short-lived.

But after a little more breath, the dazzling white light quickly dimmed and disappeared quickly.

Where Feng Fairy stood, there was nothing.

Blocking the self-destruction without any injury, Liu Yu had no expression on his face and looked away from the center of the self-destruction.

In his pupils as dark as ink,

Shining with rationality.

Killing this loving couple, he felt no emotion at all, as if he had done an insignificant thing.

There is no right or wrong in this matter. It is essentially caused by cold interests.

The Fengxue Immortals were not wrong, and Liu Yu was not wrong either, but he was stronger!

If strength changes hands, the opponent will not hesitate at all!

Still fighting, Liu Yu finally looked away after confirming that Feng Fairy was really dead.

After all, there are countless weird and mysterious techniques in the hands of the Yuanying old monster.

Without an "autopsy" afterwards, we really can't make a hasty determination that the target is really dead.

Immediately, he turned his eyes and glanced at Old Dao Qingxu and Old Mo He.

In the end, Liu Yusenran's cold gaze still stayed on Nangongtian.

now you!

After all, this person is a great monk, and the relationship between the two parties is already a life-and-death affair.

If he was lucky enough to escape, whether he was looking for helpers to ambush or sneak attack Yuanyang Sect disciples, Liu Yu would be extremely troubled.

Although he doesn't care much about the life and death of his disciples.

But Nangong Tian's strength cannot be ignored, and he is a potential threat.

Therefore, this person is the first target Liu Yu wants to kill.

In terms of ranking, he is still ahead of He Laomo!

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