Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 848 The unrivaled hero, the unparalleled devil! (Please subscribe!!


Thousands of feet of distance, spanned in the blink of an eye.

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of monks from both the enemy and our side, many of them had not even reacted, but the "blue meteor" had already landed on the azure thunder net below.



The ear-piercing sound of swords suddenly sounded in the ears of countless monks.


Endless green light!

The moment the "meteor" fell into the azure thunder net, an extremely bright blue light bloomed.

The endless cyan brilliance instantly broke the calm of the night sky, causing the monks who stared at this scene to subconsciously close their eyes.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

“Bang bang bang!!!”

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by earth-shaking roars, the power that made the Jindan monks tremble physically and mentally came from the cyan light source.

In the face of this terrifying power, all the monks clearly understood their own insignificance when they felt the power of Nascent Soul Lord that could move mountains and seas.

There has never been a moment when I felt so intuitively the gap in the realm of cultivating immortality.




Green light pierced the night sky, and the ground beneath his feet was shaking violently.

The field of vision was occupied by infinite cyan brilliance, and in the senses of countless low-level monks, it seemed as if the world was about to overturn!

The moment before the "miniature stars" landed on the blue thunder net, under Liu Yu's precise control, the structure suddenly changed fundamentally.

From a stable state, it becomes extremely unstable.

A massive amount of spiritual power was released from it, turning into terrifying power and blazing heat.


In an instant, before thousands of monks could adapt, a blue aperture like a nuclear explosion took shape in the endless blue light.

Fire and thunder collide, two completely different attributes clash fiercely.



However, under the gaze of all the monks, it can still be clearly seen that the cyan halo clearly has the upper hand.

Visible to the naked eye, the Azure Thunder Net is retreating steadily, and the space is being continuously compressed.

If this continues, I'm afraid it won't be long before the Hehuan Gate mountain-protecting formation will collapse.

The flames burn.

Lightning flashed.

Incomparably terrifying power burst out in the last area of ​​Hehuan Gate!

A ray of power can make the monks under the golden elixir disappear into ashes.

Even a Golden Core cultivator may be at risk of serious injury or death in the face of a small and inconspicuous aftermath.

After all, the Vientiane Heavenly Thunder Array is only the fourth-level mid-grade, and is not yet a professional defense type.

Although relying on spiritual veins, the power has increased significantly.

However, facing the attack from Liu Yu and the five others, it also appeared to be in danger and was in danger of being breached at any time.

In the previous attack, this formation was already stretched thin, and the spiritual power of the formation was severely consumed.

And Liu Yu's "nebula twinkling" became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

It's too late, but it's soon.

Under Liu Yu's precise control, the cyan aperture formed by the "nebula twinkling" expanded to ten miles and then stopped expanding.

Everywhere within ten miles, the power reaches the fourth-level high-grade level.

Within the range, the temperature reaches terrifying tens of thousands of degrees!

Under this terrifying power, even the powerful thunder burns and melts like a mortal thing.


The nebula's flashing power exploded, and in just over a breath, a large hole was opened in the azure thunder net covering dozens of miles in radius, with the tendency of disintegrating inch by inch.

It didn't take long for the azure thunder net to dim obviously.

In local areas, flaws began to appear, and the thunder became sparse.

Even though the Hehuanmen monks worked hard to control and constantly mobilize the power of the entire formation to concentrate on one point, the formation's tendency to gradually collapse and disintegrate has not been improved at all.

The huge gap in power makes this scene unobtrusive, just like the objective existence of laws, and it is as natural as water flowing downwards.

It is irreversible and irreversible!


"Thunder bang"

In the short stalemate, the power of both "Nebula Flash" and "Thunder Formation" was rapidly consumed.

If placed in a normal period, even if faced with a fourth-level high-grade attack, as long as the offensive does not exceed the upper limit of defense by too much, this formation can slowly withstand it.

In the end, with the help of third- and fourth-level spiritual veins, he continued to replenish a large amount of spiritual power, thereby resolving the crisis.

But at this time, Liu Yu's carefully prepared attack was far more powerful than an ordinary fourth-level top-grade attack.

In fact, as it gradually approaches the fourth level peak, it has already exceeded the upper limit of formation defense.

As for the Vientiane Thunder Formation, its power had been lost too much in the previous attacks by the four people, and it was no longer in its peak state.

At this moment, faced with the "Nebula Flash" that exceeded the upper limit of defense, although the formation did not break down immediately, its spiritual power was depleted at an alarming rate.

Although there was a fourth-order spiritual vein and dozens of third-order spiritual veins to replenish it, it was still to no avail and could not be replenished in a short period of time.


In the horrified eyes of the Hehuanmen monks, it was like a blue thunder net covering the sky and the earth, dimming at an alarming speed.


Waves of astonishing power swept past like a stormy sea, accompanied by extremely terrifying high temperatures.

Even the thunder generated by the formation was burned and melted!

Looking at this scene, many Hehuanmen monks felt as if the sky was falling and the earth was falling, and they truly felt a sense of impending disaster.

"This this"

"Could it be that the sect really cannot survive this catastrophe?!"

"Then where should we, the disciples, go?"

In the Hehuanmen array, an inner disciple at the ninth level of Qi Refining felt his hands and feet were cold as he looked at the scene in front of him.

He was considered to have been in battle for a long time and had fought against Yuanyang Sect monks more than once, but at this time he was still having wild thoughts that could not be suppressed.

The situation has become very obvious. There is not the slightest confidence in whether the sect's formation can withstand the next attack.

The gap is really huge!

"Is it a desperate effort to serve the sect?"

"Or looking for a chance to escape and ascend to heaven?"

"Or kneel down and surrender?!"

In a short period of time, this disciple thought of many things.

As an inner monk, he has received favors from many sects, and he has a strong sense of belonging to the Hehuan Sect.

There is indeed an urge to fight to the death to serve the sect.

But helplessly, the combat power of the low-level monks on both sides was not much different, but the high-level combat power was vastly different.

Even if he tried his best, he would still be nothing more than cannon fodder, unable to change anything, and his death would be meaningless, so this path would not work.

But this man was just a young cultivator at the ninth level of Qi Refining. Looking at the enemy cultivators surrounding the mountain gate from all directions, he felt desperate and had nothing to do.

The mountain gate is surrounded, leaving no gaps. No matter which direction you escape from, you will be attacked by many enemy cultivators.

With his strength, even if he wanted to escape, the chance would be very slim.

After a second thought, this Hehuan Sect Qi Refining disciple had the thought of surrendering directly.

This thought was quickly suppressed.

The two sects had a long-standing grudge. As an inner disciple of the Hehuan Sect, he could barely be considered a half-privileged class, and he also had the lives of several Yuanyang Sect monks on his hands.

Even if you surrender, there is a high probability that you will die in the end.

Maybe he will be tortured inhumanely before death.

"Fight or flight?!"

One idea after another was rejected, and the monk was so confused that he really couldn't think of a good solution.

Looking at the crumbling azure thunder net, his hand holding the magic weapon was trembling.

There are many young monks like this in the Qi Refining Stage in the Hehuanmen camp, and similar thoughts flash through their minds when disaster strikes.

But in the end, they found in despair that with their low strength, it seemed that no matter what choice they made, they would be dead ends.

You have no control over your own life. Whether you survive or not depends on luck!

Suddenly, seeing that the situation was over, many arrays in Hehuan Gate began to commotion.

No matter how much the supervising monk scolded him, or even killed a chicken on the spot to scare the monkeys, it was of no avail.

A deep panic spread through the Hehuan Gate array at lightning speed.

The blue thunder net that gradually collapsed and melted fell into the eyes of countless Hehuanmen monks, and it was like the sky was falling apart!

"Boom boom boom!!!"


In the fierce confrontation, the power of the cyan aperture and the blue thunder net were consumed at an alarming rate.

If it were an ordinary fourth-level spell, under the flickering power of the nebula, it would probably collapse after just one encounter.

But the fourth-level formation is fundamentally different from spells after all, and has many advantages.

So, there was no immediate crash.

However, just two breaths later, the "Thunder Formation of All Forms", regarded as the last barrier by thousands of Hehuan Sect monks, was still irresistibly dying.

Looking around, the thunder net that was originally extremely thick with flashes of lightning had become extremely thin.

In most areas, there is only a thin layer of thunder left, which cannot bring any sense of security.

What makes the Hehuanmen monks even more desperate is that a gap several miles in diameter has been opened in the area where the azure thunder net and the cyan aperture come into contact.

Along with the blazing heat and terrifying power, wisps of cyan brilliance emerged from the thunder net.

No matter how the array master controls it, the gap has no tendency to shrink, but instead continues to expand as time goes by.

Three miles, five miles, seven miles

Countless Hehuanmen monks looked up and saw the azure blue thunder net above their heads. In just a few breaths, the gap had expanded to nine miles in diameter.

In local areas, "Nebula Flash" completely penetrated the formation defense.

It is only a matter of time before the entire formation collapses.

"about there."

High in the sky, Liu Yu looked at this scene coldly with an indifferent expression.

Immediately, he stopped thinking.


The next moment, the seemingly endless cyan brilliance stung the eyes of many monks again.

In the flash of blue light, the blue circle of light, which was originally ten miles in diameter, suddenly swept and expanded in all directions.


The temperature of the space rose sharply, and under the impact of waves of terrifying power, the blue thunder collapsed one after another.

At a glance, the thunder in the night sky decreased rapidly, and the thunder light also quickly dimmed.

The remaining power of "Nebula Flash" exploded all at once. Under the expansion of the cyan aperture like a nuclear explosion, the Vientiane Sky Thunder Formation could no longer withstand it.


The power was weakened to a certain extent, and even the fourth-order spiritual veins could not be replenished in time. The thunder net woven by large swaths of thunder collapsed at the touch, turning into wisps of glow and dimming.

A huge gap was opened in the sky, with an astonishing fifty-mile radius.

In such a short period of time, the Vientiane Sky Thunder Formation was on the verge of destruction after suffering such heavy damage.

Even if it is still barely maintained, it will not be restored in a short time.

For a moment, the azure thunder net covering the core area of ​​Hehuan Gate disappeared.

There was only about thirty feet of ground left, and arcs of lightning flashed, barely forming a thin barrier.

At this level, its power has been greatly reduced, and it can barely maintain the fourth level, and it is possible for the Golden Core cultivator to break through.

Maybe if thirty or forty thousand low-level monks from the Yuanyang Sect attack in one round, the Vientiane Sky Thunder Formation will be completely destroyed.

With one blow, the Hehuanmen's fourth-level mid-level mountain-protecting formation was on the verge of destruction.

Even though there was some foreshadowing, Huang Mei and Mo Mei looked at this scene with a hint of shock in their eyes.

As Nascent Soul cultivators, they thought they couldn't do this.


Standing in the sky, Liu Yu's black robe made a hunting sound, looking at the approaching destruction formation below with a slight smile on his face.

Seeing this, he did not hesitate and vibrated the dark gold spear in his hand.


The tip of the spear flashed with light, shooting out thousands of dark golden spear lights, falling downwards at extremely fast speeds.

In Liu Yu's current state, the power of every ray of dark golden spear light has reached the peak of the third level.

Infinitely close to the fourth level, and there are as many as one or two thousand paths at the same time!

The spear light pierced the sky, and before most of the monks could react, it landed on the remaining thunder nets.

“Bang bang bang!!!”

A dense roar immediately sounded in the vast sky, clearly reaching the ears of all the monks.



As if a chain reaction had started, cracks appeared in areas one after another, and explosions were heard one after another.

When the bright golden light dimmed, the thunder net covering dozens of miles in radius disappeared from everyone's sight.

The Vientiane Thunder Formation is broken!

One breath ago, the Vientiane Sky Thunder Formation was on the verge of destruction. For some unknown reason, He Laomo sent another divine message.

"If I don't accept this ending."

"Both the jade and the stone will be destroyed. Kill Zhuo Mengzhen, what will be the choice?"

On the cliff of Fantasy Mountain, looking at the formation on the verge of destruction, He Laomo's eyes kept flickering.

Although he was calm on the outside, he was struggling inside.

It is better to die than to live, and I still have a little luck.

When Liu Yu heard this, his movements did not pause for a moment, and he vibrated the spear in his hand.

At the same time, his expression remained unchanged and he said:

"Liu never compromises and hates being threatened. Fellow Daoist He can take action."

"But if Liu's concubine dies, the entire Hehuanmen will be buried with her!"

"After the formation is broken, the sword will not be sealed within the Lin Kingdom for a hundred days!"

"Within ten generations, anyone has the slightest connection with the Hehuan Sect."

"Whether they are cultivators or mortals, men, women, old or young, all nine tribes will be annihilated!"

"All traces of you and Hehuanmen will completely disappear from this world."

In the divine voice transmission, his tone was cold and indifferent, without any emotion.

No matter what the considerations were, Liu Yu could not compromise and leave such a big flaw.

Otherwise today, He Laomo would take Zhuo Mengzhen as hostage.

In the future, Fang Laomo and Wang Laomo may not be able to take Yan Quer'er and Jiang Qiushui as pledges.

For his concubine, Liu Yu naturally wanted to protect her as much as possible, and when circumstances permitted, she was also the top priority to support.

But the premise of everything is not to harm one's own interests.

So at this moment, even if He Laomo really killed Zhuo Mengzhen, he would not be able to compromise.

But afterwards, the entire Hehuan Sect and countless monks were buried with this girl!

Expressing that he would never compromise, Liu Yu changed the topic again:

"However, if my concubine is fine, it's not impossible to be lenient."

"Of course it is impossible to let go of the true disciples and inner disciples of the Hehuan Sect."

"But those outer disciples are just insignificant monks, so there is no need to kill them all."

He conveyed the message calmly, his tone leaving no room for doubt.

If there is no room left, beheading or not is the same outcome, He Laomo will most likely be destroyed.

But giving him a glimmer of hope and letting some of the outer disciples go would be considered as not completely annihilating the Hehuan Sect lineage.

When the situation is decided, the other party may still hesitate a little, and Zhuo Mengzhen has hope of survival.

As for the true inheritance and the inner sect?

They are all Yuanying old monsters. Even if Liu Yu opens her mouth to say let it go, the other party will not believe it.


On the cliff of Huanmeng Mountain, He Laomo looked at the five figures in the sky, and then at Zhuo Mengzhen who was imprisoned on the stone pillar, his eyes flashing continuously.

When the Vientiane Thunder Formation was destroyed, he raised his hand once, but in the end he did not take action.

He just watched helplessly as the mountain-protecting formation was destroyed.

If possible, this person would of course put life-saving first and not care about the survival of the sect.

But at this time, he was surrounded by five people of the same rank, including two great monks.

There is no way to heaven and no door to earth, and He Laomo is already dead and lifeless.

Under such circumstances, based on some emotions from being an ancestor of the sect for hundreds of years, he was still willing to consider it for the sect.

Leave a glimmer of hope for the disciples outside.

Of course, this is not what He Laomo really thinks in his heart.

I just succumbed to reality and made the most helpless choice.


After one breath, the Vientiane Thunder Formation was destroyed.

The moment the formation broke, Liu Yu and the huge nebula body disappeared in a flash.


As fast as lightning, he headed towards the only fourth-level spiritual mountain "Huanmeng Mountain" in Hehuanmen.

As for the four people with yellow eyebrows, they continued to stay where they were, blocking the space from four directions to prevent He Laomo from having a chance to escape.

The four of them had no doubts about Liu Yu's strength.

When the two immortals Fengxue and Nangongtian died, everything was doomed.

Naturally, the four of them had heard about the grievances between Yuanyang Sect and Hehuan Sect.

In a situation where it is absolutely certain, it is better for the parties involved to settle this grudge personally.


Escape speed was fully activated, Liu Yu held the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear, and his speed was lightning fast.

In just a few moments, we were less than fifty miles away from Fantasy Mountain.

Behind him, a three-hundred-and-fifty-foot giant giant cloud stood proudly in the heaven and earth and commanded all directions.

Blessed by the winner's halo, Liu Yu's power was even more shocking at this time.

Every move touches the heartstrings of countless monks.

He is going here to completely end the feud between the two families that has lasted for thousands of years! !

Nascent Soul's spiritual pressure swept across, and wherever Liu Yu passed, no one dared to stop him.

Under the spotlight of everyone, his figure at this moment looked like a god and a devil!

In the eyes of the Hehuanmen monks, Liu Yu was a complete devil who had brought them endless disasters.

But in the eyes of the Yuanyang Sect monks, "Ancestor Qingyang" is an unparalleled hero, a heroic figure who leads the sect to its peak.

Many monks among them have truly felt the benefits brought by the strong sect.

Especially at this moment, the scene of Liu Yu killing Huanmeng Mountain has a hint of sacredness in the eyes of all Yuanyang Sect monks.

This marks that the feud between the two families, which has lasted for thousands of years, will end in this generation.

Perhaps the sect will start from this and move towards a new peak.

This scene is of extraordinary significance to all Yuanyang Sect monks.

Maybe they will be unforgettable in their lifetime!

Many Yuanyang Sect monks were watching this scene on each of the spiritual boats and magical instruments, without blinking, for fear of missing any of the highlights.

At this moment, their hearts were racing and they felt that the blood in their whole bodies was boiling!

"Ancestor Qingyang, his magic power is boundless!!!"

Soon, some monks started shouting wildly.

As soon as this voice rose, it received the response of countless monks from the Yuanyang Sect camp. Tens of thousands of voices gathered together, which was more shocking than the roar of mountains and the tsunami.

He is an unparalleled hero!

He is also a peerless devil!


When Liu Yu came to kill him, although He Laomo didn't kill Zhuo Mengzhen, he didn't want to sit still and wait for death.

He rose into the air, tried his best to use his true treasure magic power, and attacked the black-haired and black-robed figure.

In the night sky, four levels of terrifying power immediately rippled.

To be fair, He Laomo is not weak.

As a senior Nascent Soul mid-level monk, even among the True Lords in Tiannan, he is definitely in the middle and upper reaches.

After all, most Nascent Soul monks stay at the early stage throughout their lives.

However, strength and weakness have always been relative terms.

Compared with ordinary true kings, He Laomo is certainly a strong person.

But compared to Liu Yu at this time, it was simply not good enough.

Even if the "Qingyang Nebula" is not activated, it is not difficult to defeat it.

Once the "Qingyang Nebula" is activated, his strength skyrockets to the level of a great monk. Without any other external force to stop him, he can defeat and kill him in a matter of seconds.

"Bang bang bang~"

In the night sky, there was constant roaring.

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of monks, He Laomo tried his best to attack one after another, but Liu Yu easily resolved all of them.

In the face of absolute strength, there is no suspense in this battle.

Even though He Laomo burned the origin of the Nascent Soul and raised his combat power to the mid-term peak level, he still couldn't stop the cyan escaping light from approaching.

Activate the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear to easily resolve the oncoming attacks.

Entering the explosive state, Liu Yu approached from fifty miles to thirty miles in just a few seconds.

"Everything ends here."

"Fellow Daoist He, please get on your way!!"

After a pause, he spoke softly in an aria.

Not meaning to talk nonsense, Liu Yu held a gun in one hand and used the magic formula in the other.


Suddenly, the air within dozens of miles suddenly condensed.

This gun was thrown hard by the nebula body, and with unparalleled terror, it pierced the sky and flew away.


Thirty miles away, looking at the astonishingly powerful dark gold spear, He Laomo smiled bitterly.

Faced with this blow, his spiritual sense went crazy.

But this person was actually indifferent and didn't make any move.

It seems that resistance has been given up.

Indeed, with the huge gap between the two, any resistance would be in vain.

The end result, nothing will change.

In the process of resistance, they will only be in a panic and ruin their "fame for a lifetime".

In this case, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. It is better to have a good time and end this torture as soon as possible.


In the field of vision, a golden light quickly enlarged.

At this time, Demon He's face had returned to calmness, and he seemed to have accepted the fate of death calmly.

"Qingyang, don't forget what you just said."

In front of the golden spear, he remained indifferent and just transmitted the message lightly.

I hope Liu Yu will abide by the agreement and not kill all the disciples of the Hehuan Sect.

Immediately, this person made a thought and detonated several real treasures and storage rings.

Although he wanted to die happily, He Laomo was not willing to cooperate with the enemy and give up his life's accumulation.


Accompanied by a roar, extremely dazzling golden light suddenly shone in the vast night sky.

In the dazzling golden light, in just an instant, He Laomo's figure blurred and disappeared.

This person wanted to end it as soon as possible, so naturally he did not choose to escape from Nascent Soul.

A figure who was at the same time as Ancestor Tianfeng, the great hero of the Hehuan Sect, He Laomo, disappeared from the world in this way.

In the blazing power, not even ashes were left behind!

Thirty miles away, Liu Yu stood with her hands behind her hands, looking at this scene coldly, with nothing but bone-chilling coldness in her eyes.


"Perhaps, the nature of the soul is bloodthirsty."

"And revenge is just a reason!"


PS: This chapter was updated yesterday, and there is another chapter in the early morning.

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