Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 858 Discussion and exchange, get ready and set off

Chapter 858: Discussion and exchange, get ready and set off

After pondering for a long time, there was movement in Liu Yu's storage ring.

His expression changed, he read the message instantly, and then replied.


Just a dozen breaths later, the sound of slow footsteps could be heard outside the cave, and a wave of spiritual pressure at the Nascent Soul level came from far to near.

Soon, a female cultivator with a charming face and a noble and inviolable temperament came into view.

The person coming is none other than Mo Mei!

Her delicate body was now wrapped in a tight dark green dress.

The undulating mountains on her chest and her slender waist were all highlighted against the tight skirt.

Especially the pair of slender jade legs, which always reminds people of endless magical uses, and they can't help but think about it.

Under Liu Yu's glance, all its excellences were clearly visible!

In that battle eighteen years ago, Mo Mei was one of the people who gained the most.

After Nangongtian died and Xuanbing Palace collapsed, the Danding Sect gained many benefits.

Live the Qi and nourish the body.

The power under his command has expanded rapidly, and Mo Mei's temperament has changed a lot after not seeing her for more than ten years.

Paired with a dark green long skirt, she has a "queen" vibe and feels even more powerful.

Of course, his cultivation level has also made considerable progress. At this time, he is approximately at the "sixth level of Nascent Soul", which is only one step away from the mid-term peak.


As Mo Mei walked, she could clearly feel the fiery gazes in front of her, scanning up and down her body.

If it were an ordinary monk, she would have cast out a burst of magic power and wiped him out into ashes.

But if it was the person in front of her, instead of feeling angry, this woman would feel a strange feeling.

As the distance got closer, Mo Mei's sacrosanct temperament could be seen disappearing rapidly with the naked eye, and a blush slowly appeared on her cheeks.

"Fellow Taoist Qingyang, are you okay?"

Stopping ten steps away, Mei Mei stood tall and graceful, her thin lips parted and she smiled.

"The serious troubles in his heart have been eliminated, and the cultivation environment is stable. Liu will naturally be fine."

"Fairy, I heard that these people are busy competing with the Lingyun Sect for the inheritance of Xuanbing Palace. They must be quite tired, right?"

"It's really gratifying that the fairy has made a further step in her cultivation!"


Liu Yu stood up, cupped his hands and said with a smile.

Then, he stretched out his hand and motioned for Mo Mei to sit next to her.


“With great power comes great responsibility.”

"We are already the True Monarch of Nascent Soul, so naturally we have to contribute more to the stability of the world of immortality. If we can take more care of it, it will be a little more."

Mo Mei smiled softly, her laughter ringing like a silver bell, and sat down on the chair.

Liu Yu's words and words made her feel at home.

As the conversation progressed in just a few words, the two strangers who had not seen each other for more than ten years quickly disappeared.

"This trip may be rewarding, but it is also dangerous."

"The formation mechanism left by the Lord God may make it difficult for us to deal with it, not to mention the threat from other monks."

"I wonder if fellow Taoist Qingyang has been prepared."

After regaining the familiar feeling and thinking about the purpose of this trip, Mo Mei asked with a serious expression.

"Liu is naturally fully prepared. No matter what kind of crisis he encounters, he will try his best to keep the fairy safe!"

"Once a word is spoken, it's hard to catch up, so the fairy can rest assured!"

Picking up the spiritual tea and taking a sip, Liu Yufeng said lightly.

Although the words were ordinary, the strong confidence came out directly.

His combat power is now at full strength, even better than that of ordinary great monks. If he uses spiritual means, he still has a good chance of defeating him.

Under such circumstances, as long as you don't encounter the most peak True Lord like "True Lord Thunder", you can still protect yourself well.

Of course, whether Mo Mei can be saved is another matter.

But there is no need to say this.

Sometimes, when you have to draw a cake, you have to draw a cake. The female cultivator pays more attention to emotions and feelings, and she just likes to hear this.

Anyway, even the original agreement did not stipulate that Liu Yu must save Mo Mei, but only said that he should do his best.

When the time comes, just do your best.

When it comes to life and death, husband and wife are birds of the same forest, let alone their relationship?

"With these words from fellow Taoist Qingyang, I feel relieved."

"I'm just a concubine, but I still want a guarantee, so please sign this "Great Luo Golden Book"."

"I hope fellow Taoists won't be offended."

Listening to the sworn assurance, Mo Mei's smile was really bright, but it was unclear whether she believed it in her heart.

She hesitated for a moment, then took out a golden page and said with a troubled expression.

After cultivating to the Nascent Soul realm, there are very few things that can restrain him. Even the Inner Demon Oath and the Taiyi Dao Deed have lost their effect.

However, the "Daluo Golden Book" is precisely one of the few contracts that can restrict the behavior of True Monarch Nascent Soul.

Once the contract is signed, this page of the golden book will disappear and turn into a contract power that will penetrate deeply into the Nascent Soul.

Whenever the monk violates the contract, the power of Daluo Golden Book will explode, causing Yuanying to collapse from the inside out.

Unless the Yuanshen is fully realized, it is almost impossible for Yuanying to withstand this power.

However, the "Daluo Golden Book" is extremely difficult to refine, and it even requires the use of a fifth-level spiritual material. Its rarity is even comparable to some realm-breaking elixirs, and is much different than the "Huanzhen elixir".

How can an ordinary true king afford to use it in this situation?

This was a long-standing agreement, and there was nothing to say. Liu Yu immediately took the page of gold paper and scanned it ten lines at a time.

On it, densely packed small characters were written, and the handwriting was small and graceful.

The general meaning is that the harvest of the trip to Yishan Remaining Mansion will be divided between the two of them 70/30.

Liu Yuqi, Mo Meisan.

The two are not allowed to attack each other in any form, and they must do their best to help each other whenever they can.

Of course, Mo Mei considered various situations and wrote them in the golden book to form restrictions without leaving any loopholes.

Liu Yu glanced across, thoughts flashing in his mind, thinking about the contents of the golden book.

It is divided into 70 and 30 parts, and each other is not allowed to attack each other. There is generally no problem with the content.

But he still had to make some changes to some details.

"Fairy, Liu thinks something is wrong here."

Liu Yu smiled lightly, pointed to a certain part of the golden book and spoke lightly, with a strong tone that could not be refused.

Some negotiations ended with Mo Mei's compromise.

In any relationship, if one party is strong, the other party must be weak. There is no complete equality in the true sense.

What determines strength and weakness is not necessarily solely strength, but also depends on the psychological position of both parties.

If you care too much about the other person, you will unconsciously lower your position and gradually fall into a weak position.

Liu Yu has rich experience in getting along with female cultivators, so she will naturally not make such a mistake.

Coupled with his high strength, he took the initiative throughout the process.

If he couldn't reach an agreement, he already knew the location and opening time of the cave, so he would probably go alone.

It’s best to have a guide to lead the way, but Liu Yu also doesn’t lack the courage to venture out alone!

"In this case, let's officially sign the golden book."

After the negotiation was completed, Mo Mei squeezed out a trace of blood from her fingertips and took the lead in signing her real name on the golden book.

Qingyang is ruthless and strong, so she has been prepared for it for a long time. She is only a little disappointed when she fails.

Seeing this, Liu Yu did not hesitate, also squeezed out a trace of essence and blood, and signed two small characters in the lower right corner of the golden book.

After all, he is already in his early four hundred years. Now he has rich experience and can be called a master in calligraphy. He is much better than before.


As the two signed their real names one after another, the contract officially came into effect, and the "Daluo Golden Book" suddenly ignited with golden flames.

In the golden firelight, a golden book turned into ashes in just half a breath, and two golden lights disappeared into the two people's dantian almost at the same time.

With the reaction speed of the Nascent Soul cultivator, Liu Yu could completely react and avoid it, but he still allowed the golden light to enter his body, and finally merged into the one and a half foot cyan Nascent Soul.

At this moment, he felt inexplicably a little unhappy.

It seems that there is some kind of restraint, and if it is violated, there will be dire consequences.

The formal signing of the contract means that from now on, the two of them are teammates in the true sense, and they need to work together to advance and retreat together.

And Mo Mei finally truly relaxed, and the smile on her delicate face became softer.

"Fellow Taoist Qingyang, you can move the mountain and the mansion to the sky one step at a time. The specific situation is"

She didn't sell it, and immediately talked about the situation of Yishan Palace as agreed.

According to Mo Mei, the cave left by Yishan Shenjun is indeed full of difficulties.

It looks like a small cave, but it actually contains many small spaces and worlds that have been opened up.

There are all kinds of unexpected troubles in these spaces and worlds, which can be seen as levels.

It is difficult for Yuanying monks to get around the hidden spaces in the cave, and it is almost inevitable to be involved in them.

If you want to come out and continue exploring the cave to obtain treasures, you must meet the "clearance conditions".

Either collect some kind of treasure in that space, or kill a certain number of gatekeepers.

In short, the conditions for customs clearance are all kinds of strange, and it takes a lot of time to think about them.

But as someone who has been there, Mo Mei knows a lot about the previous levels, so he can pass some of the previous levels quickly, thus saving a lot of time.

The two communicated very efficiently, with Mo Mei talking most of the time, while Liu Yu nodded gently and listened.


Unconsciously, the positions of the two people changed, their bodies got closer and closer, and an ambiguous atmosphere naturally emerged.

Although Mo Mei was talking, there was a hint of charm in her eyebrows unconsciously, and the blush on her cheeks became more and more obvious.

Liu Yu is tall, and from his angle, he can just see the pair of majestic mountains and the thrilling undulating arcs.

"It will still be some time before the palace is opened."

"I'm a little tired. I wonder if I can borrow the bedroom of fellow Taoist Qingyang. I want to take a rest."

"Let's talk in a different way, which can save our mental and physical energy and make it easier to cultivate tacit understanding."

Suddenly, Mo Mei stopped talking, bit her red lips and thought for a while before saying this.

As a "thousand-year-old demon", this woman can be regarded as decisive and clear-minded in killing, and she will do whatever comes to her mind.

She was very proactive throughout the whole process, not as coy as ordinary female cultivators.

The two people's eyes met. Although they didn't say it clearly, they both understood each other's meaning and smiled when they looked at each other.

Also, it has been more than twenty years since the last "Tao exchange".

We are about to fight side by side, and we really should deepen our relationship.

"The fairy has a point."


"Liu's jade bed is large and comfortable. It also has the effect of gathering spiritual energy and calming the mind."

Liu Yu's expression changed, but returned to normal in an instant, and stood up to lead the way.

By the way, let me introduce some situations of Dongfu.

A charming and charming female cultivator was not far away and within reach, and she was also the majestic Nascent Soul Lord, noble, sacred and inviolable.

Faced with this temptation, he felt that the sequelae of the exercise seemed to be on the rise again!


In the hall, the sound of two footsteps gradually faded away, and the place soon returned to silence.

In the bedroom, Liu Yu and Mo Mei sat side by side, only half a foot apart.

However, neither of them was the kind of eager person, and they still talked about some cultivation experiences in a normal manner.

Being so close, a strong masculine energy came from not far away all the time, making Mo Mei restless.

As time passed, her face became more and more beautiful.

A somewhat blurry color gradually appeared in a pair of beautiful eyes.

It didn't take long for the woman to finally lose her temper.

A pair of weak, boneless jade hands with long manicures spread quietly towards Liu Yu.

Soon, a certain regular sound of music sounded in the bedroom.

Sometimes it's high, sometimes it's low, it seems a little strange.

Vajra stick technique, bow bending and shooting the sun, eighteen movements that turn the world upside down

It was not until three days later that the strange sound gradually subsided.

(Thirty thousand words are omitted here)

Three days later.

Cave Hall.

The two of them were neatly dressed, sitting opposite each other and quietly sipping spiritual tea.

After this period of communication, the two of them had already discussed the details of the Yishan Relic Mansion trip.

Due to ample time, we did not set off immediately.

"It's almost time."

"Fairy, I'll leave soon."

After calculating that the time was almost up, Liu Yu stood up and said calmly.

At this time, he was in a state of being as holy as a Buddha.

Looking at the increasingly charming female cultivator in front of her, there was no ripple in her heart, only tranquility and calmness.

Nascent Soul female cultivators are indeed somewhat different.

The physical body has been washed with spiritual energy several times and has become more powerful, yet still soft and smooth.

Even Liu Yu had to use 80% of his strength if he wanted to gain the upper hand.

Opposite her, Mo Mei held her head with one hand, her eyes slightly distracted.

Her chest rose and fell greatly, as if she was still recalling the feeling just now.


Hearing this, the woman responded lazily.

Seeing that Liu Yu had already stood up, he gritted his teeth and followed behind him, and walked out of the cave together.

However, after three days and three nights of discussion and communication, this woman was obviously a little tired, so her walking posture was a little strange.


Soon, two rays of light, one green and one blue, appeared in the sky above Yuanyang Sect, quietly breaking into the Gangfeng layer.

According to Mo Mei, the palace left by Yishan Shenjun is located on the edge of the demonic power.

The original Yan Kingdom happened to be located at the gateway of the Seven Kingdoms Alliance, not too far from the spheres of influence of both good and evil.

Although the two escaped at a slower pace due to the need to conceal their whereabouts.

But with the Yuanying monk's escape speed, in less than half a day, they were still close to the opening of the "Mountain Relic Palace".


Two rays of light, one green and one blue, descended from the strong wind layer, cutting through the sky with bursts of wind.

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