Chapter 862 I want them all!

The body of the third-level three-eyed clan member, who was captured by the cyan fire palm after using the Soul Searching Technique, immediately twitched.

His face was distorted and his eyes were white, as if he was in great pain.

And a large piece of memory, like a color movie, was quickly read and received by Liu Yu.

Through these memories, he learned about the distribution of alien races in this world.


After obtaining the key information, Liu Yu thought, and the alien was reduced to ashes.

After just a few breaths passed, there were no traces of living people in this alien tribe, and all they could see was a scorched earth.

Buildings were reduced to ruins, civilization retreated into barbarism, and only black smoke rose.


Seeing this scene, Liu Yu had no expression on her face and clapped her fingers together.

The Qingyang Demonic Fire from all directions converged towards the palm of the hand as streams of light, turning into the shape of a flame again.


His spiritual consciousness glanced out, and based on the searched memories, Liu Yu briefly identified the direction, and then fled to the center of the plain at high speed.

Perhaps the god who built this "world" took into account the situation of the Three-Eyed Clan. Seventy percent of this world is plains.

The closer you are to the original center, the richer all kinds of resources will be.

The fourth-level three-eyed tribe that Liu Yu is looking for is to establish a city-state in the center of the plain to occupy the most elite area.

With Liu Yu's current mana strength, if he were equipped with a purple electric cloak, his average escape speed would be close to nine thousand miles per hour.

Even though the entire plain was not small, it only took him less than two hours to gradually approach the central area.

Looking around, the further you fly towards the center of the plain, the stronger the three-eyed clan you encounter becomes, and the overall level is slowly improving.

In the periphery, the third level is still rare.

It's close to the center, and even though it's all over the streets, you can see it from time to time.


Flying away at extremely high speeds, Liu Yu's powerful spiritual pressure was not concealed, and he swept away in all directions.

Sensing this unparalleled and unfamiliar spiritual pressure, the Three-Eyed Clan's faces were full of shock along the way, and their mana was somewhat sluggish, and they all did not dare to step forward to stop it.

"Unfamiliar human race strongman, is the catastrophe hundreds of years ago about to happen again today?"

This thought flashed through the minds of some experienced Three-Eyed Tribes.

But before they could recover, cyan fire shone in front of them, and the raging fire burned everything in sight with pure malice.

Including all living and dead things!

Since if you do it casually, you can increase some of the power of the demonic fire, and you are not bound by the rules of the immortal world, why not do it?

Liu Yu naturally didn't mind, and delayed a little time to harvest a wave of fuel for the magic fire.

The closer you get to the center of the plain, the denser the tribes and city-states of the Three-Eyed Clan become, and the extraordinary people’s cultivation becomes higher and higher.

Anyway, it won’t take long, but the benefits will be considerable.

In this way, Liu Yu's speed slowed down a lot as he approached the original center.

The flight trajectory remains unchanged and continues to fly towards the center.

One side releases Qingyang Demonic Fire from time to time, collecting large tracts of fuel.

After all, he has swallowed a huge amount of fuel over the years. Under his urging, even without the blessing of the "Nine Palaces Qingyang Lamp", the power of the Qingyang Demonic Fire is infinitely close to the fifth level, and it is not a problem to deal with ordinary Nascent Soul in the middle stage.

At this time, dealing with these third-level or even lower-level creatures is naturally easy and without any pressure.

For a time, wherever Liu Yu passed, the plains rich in water and grass turned into scorched earth.

If there is no extraordinary power involved, the traces left by the Qingyang Demonic Fire at this time may disappear after hundreds of years.

Moreover, the nature of the land will also undergo fundamental changes and become no longer suitable for normal living beings to survive.

However, the main theme of this world is survival of the fittest, so Liu Yu will not be soft-hearted at all.

It felt almost the same. After the Qingyang Demonic Fire fuel reached saturation, he took action to recall the scattered flames.


Flying away at full speed, a city in the distance quickly magnified in Liu Yu's eyes.

If we look at the area and the height of the city wall alone, this city is far larger than the "Wangyue Fairy City" and can be compared with some continental cities in the Central Region.

However, in terms of formation restrictions, there is obviously a big gap, and the rune formation is extremely rough.

Even Liu Yu, who knew nothing about battle tactics, couldn't help but shake his head slightly after watching it.

"Shooting Sun City"

Through the "soul search" method, he has basically mastered the language and writing of the Three-Eyed Clan, so he recognized the name of this city immediately.

The moment he saw the three big characters, Liu Yu instinctively felt a little unhappy.

After all, his Taoist name is "Qingyang", which is as eternal as the sun, and has been his goal of cultivating immortality for a long time.

"This name offends Liu's taboo and should not exist."

Liu Yu frowned, raised his hand, and three cyan fireballs shot out.


The cyan fireball swelled in the wind, changing to a diameter of about thirty feet in the blink of an eye, causing the space to be filled with terrifying high temperatures in an instant, and its power reached a real fourth-order mid-level level.

The next moment, three cyan fireballs landed firmly on the wall of "Shooting Sun City".


A huge roar suddenly resounded throughout the countryside.

Because of the gap in the various skills of cultivating immortals, the cities built by the Three-Eyed Clan are completely incomparable to the human cities, and are not even worthy of being called "immortal cities."

The incident happened suddenly again, and when faced with the cyan fireball whose power reached the mid-level fourth level, he naturally seemed vulnerable.

In just half a breath, not only was the formation broken, but most of the city wall in the front also disappeared from sight.

Hundreds of low-level three-eyed clansmen were reduced to ashes in an instant under the terrifying heat.

"The strong human race!!"

Sensing the obviously evil intentions of the comer and realizing the huge gap in strength, many of the three-eyed clansmen who were originally pale-skinned now turned even more pale.

However, enough demonic fire fuel has been collected, and Liu Yu has no intention of paying attention to the three-eyed tribe at and below the third level, as long as it does not prevent them from achieving their goals.

After all, he doesn't take pleasure in killing.

Liu Yu turned his eyes, looking at the thousands of foreign races in front of him as if they were nothing, and looked at the tallest building in the center of the city. He shouted in a deep voice in the language of the Three-Eyed Clan:

"Where is the Sunset God King?!"

The magic power was rolling, and under the effect of the spell, his voice could be clearly heard everywhere within a hundred miles.

Through the observation of his spiritual sense and consciousness, Liu Yu was keenly aware of the hiding location of the fourth level of the Three-Eyed Clan, and combined with the memory obtained from the soul search, he knew that his name was "Sunset God King".

Each race has its own unique culture, such as the "Jindan Zhenren" and "Nascent Soul Lord" of the human race, and the "third-level demon general" and "fourth-level demon king" of the demon race.

Regardless of his name, Liu Yu declined to comment.

But his voice spread loudly, and there was no movement in the building where his eyes were focused.

The "Sunset God King" of the three-eyed clan has no intention of showing up.

Not only that, but it seemed that it was aware that the difference in strength was too large. It even used spells like "Earth Escape Technique" to restrain its aura and try to escape underground secretly.


Seeing this scene, Liu Yu didn't mean to talk nonsense at all. He opened his mouth and spat out his true treasure, the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear, and raised his hand to shoot out two dark golden spear lights.


These two spear rays were extremely condensed, and each one's power reached the fourth level, causing many low-level three-eyed clansmen to tremble physically and mentally.

"Bang bang~!"

The dark golden spear light streaked through the sky with lightning speed, and landed somewhere in Sheri City in an instant.

Under the power of the dark golden spear light, the earth was as fragile as paper skin, and two bottomless holes immediately appeared, making the "Sunset God King"'s plan to escape secretly failed.

"Ding ding~"

At this point, this person had no choice but to show up and use a purple cauldron to resist the incoming spear light.

However, the cultivation level of the "Sunset God King" is only at the early stage of the fourth level, which is equivalent to the early stage monks of the human race's Nascent Soul, and there is also a huge gap in terms of magic weapons.

Therefore, facing the two spears fired casually by Liu Yu, this man was already in a state of embarrassment and managed to catch them.

In Liu Yu's opinion, the appearance of Sunset God King is not much different from that of ordinary three-eyed people.

It's just the smooth, hairless back of the head and that purple, smart eye that's quite impressive.

"Fellow Taoist, wait!"

"Xiao Wang probably knows what fellow Taoist needs, and he happens to have one on hand."

"Xiao Wang is willing to offer his treasure in exchange for stopping the war today."

Knowing that he is not his opponent and that if he continues, he may die, the "Sunset God King" has a very friendly attitude.

After all, the Three-Eyed Tribe is an intelligent race and knows how to better survive and continue.

Although he used to have a proud temperament, now that he is raised in a large space, his pride has been greatly diminished.

Counting Mo Mei's time and Mo Mei's previous time, "Yishan Yiman Mansion" has been opened at least twice.

Every time it starts, it is the beginning of disaster for the Three-Eyed Clan.

With the previous two experiences, they already had a vague idea of ​​what these powerful human beings needed.

At the fourth level of cultivation, the gap between each small realm is very large, and because it is not a normal world, the three-eyed clan can only advance to the early stage of the fourth level.

Moreover, resources are scarce. The "Three-Eyed World" sounds nice, but in fact it is just a larger space, and the resources it can produce are very few.

On the contrary, the human monks who entered were each stronger than the last.

There are only five Level 4 Three Eyes in total. Even if they are all united, they may not be able to defeat them.

In this case, Sunset God King thought of a good idea.

He seized the opportunity to sneak attack a fourth-level sibling and sealed his third eye, intending to avoid war.


"Is this true?"

Hearing this, Liu Yu's eyes flashed.

Hearing that the other party called himself Xiao Wang and was willing to offer treasures to avoid disaster, his attitude seemed to soften.

"Absolutely true!"


"As long as fellow Taoist can spare Sheri City, Xiao Wang is willing to offer the treasure immediately."

Sensing the change in the other party's attitude, Sunset God King continued to persuade, with a faint flash of excitement in his eyes.

At this moment, he felt that all his efforts were worth it, and the guilt of attacking his good brother was relieved a lot.

It is precisely because of your own decisions that you can avoid disasters and save the lives of countless people!

After receiving the message, Liu Yu pondered for a moment, thoughts flashed in his eyes, and he did not answer immediately.

But more than twenty miles away, feeling the spiritual pressure like a bright sun, Sunset God King felt that his days were like years.

Even though he is already the "God King", cold sweat breaks out on his forehead unconsciously.

"It's not impossible to agree to this deal originally."

"It's a pity that this city and your name are too taboo for me!"

After pondering for a few breaths, Liu Yu slowly spoke.

One moment he was calm and calm, and the next moment his face was full of solemnity.

Originally, he didn't care much about "God King" and "Venerable", no matter how strange it was, he didn't mean to pay attention to it.

But names like "Sunset" and "Shooting the Sun" do conflict with their Taoist slogans.

Moreover, this fourth-level alien has already said that he also has a "fourth-level spiritual eye" in his hand.

If you get them all, won't you be able to meet the customs clearance requirements immediately?

They are already the True Lord of Nascent Soul and possess absolute strength, so Liu Yu naturally chooses to want them all!

Strength is the prerequisite for equal dialogue.

If the "Sunset God King" in front of him had a higher level of cultivation, even if he only reached the mid-fourth level, he would seriously consider whether to trade.

After all, he, Liu, is not superstitious about certain things. Why not do it if he can get it without any effort?

It's a pity that there are no ifs in everything, so today he just wants to do whatever he wants!

"not good!!!"

Sensing that the other party's tone was wrong, Sunset God King's expression immediately changed.

In an instant, he slapped the big purple cauldron in front of him and flew towards Liu Yu rapidly, while also sacrificing several "inferior magic weapons" unique to the Three-Eyed Clan.

At the same time, the purple third eye between his eyebrows became aura, and an invisible wave spread instantly.

In Liu Yu's spiritual vision, the sky seemed to turn purple at this moment, and a purple "continuous drizzle" began to fall.

This purple raindrop is extremely penetrating, and has the profound meaning of "dropping water penetrating stone", and can effectively break through many spiritual defenses.

Realizing that something was wrong, the Sunset God King changed his previous submissive attitude and became decisive in killing in an instant.

Liu Yu didn't wait for him to finish his words and directly chose to strike first.

After all, this world cannot be considered a normal world strictly speaking. Although the storage magic weapons can be used normally, the production of various resources is very small, and the resources for cultivating immortals are much scarcer than those in Tiannan.

Under such harsh conditions, he can still stand out and become the God King. There is no problem with his character, and he is better than ordinary Nascent Soul monks.

Naturally, he has mastered how to manage his expressions, and his previous submissiveness was just a disguise.


"After all, the Three-Eyed Clan was once glorious, and there is still something worthy of praise."

With blue aura flashing in his eyes, Liu Yu nodded secretly as he looked at the "purple raindrops" falling densely from the spiritual level.

Immediately, with a thought in his mind, the invisible power of consciousness built a wall of consciousness around him.

"Ding ding ding~"

There is no sound in reality, but there are roars one after another at the level of spiritual consciousness.

However, the huge gap in strength cannot be made up by attacking first. All the attacks of the Sunset God King were resolved by Liu Yu one by one.

"The intensity of his spiritual consciousness is slightly inferior to that of mid-stage Nascent Soul monks."

"But such a level of spiritual consciousness can almost shake the defense of his own spiritual consciousness. It seems that Sanyan's attainments in Yuan Shen are indeed worth learning from."

"Well, we can collect the inheritance of the Three-Eyed Clan, which is quite a surprise."

After defusing the attack, Liu Yu nodded gently.

You must know that after his trip to the Central Region and subsequent numerous experiments on living subjects, his Yuanshen attainments have already advanced by leaps and bounds, and there is almost no match for him among the True Lord Yuanying.

Based on this, entering the "supreme supreme" state, all kinds of spiritual consciousness methods have been improved, and the power has been greatly improved.

But even in this situation, the three-eyed clan in the early stage of the fourth level still almost shook the defense of the "Wall of Divine Consciousness".

This shows how extraordinary this clan’s attainments in the soul are.

"That's it for now."

After defusing several rounds of attacks and seeing that the other party was at its wits end and could no longer come up with new tricks, Liu Yu did not intend to delay any further.


The next moment, the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear in his hand was filled with aura, its power was pushed to the extreme, and even the body of the gun turned crimson.

Although the "Qingyang Nebula" has not been sacrificed, except for the method of spiritual consciousness, the Three-Eyed Clan is much weaker than ordinary True Lords in other aspects. The Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear alone is enough.


The roars one after another lasted for more than a quarter of an hour, and each sound touched the heartstrings of the Three-Eyed Tribe people.

It wasn't until half a quarter of an hour later that the roar suddenly disappeared.

The Sunset God King fought hard, but in the face of absolute strength, his death was inevitable.

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