Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 875 Obtaining spiritual objects


The roar that shook the surrounding area sounded again in the space that had been silent for a long time.

For some unknown reason, the performance of the "Tai Qing Demon Refining Array" was even worse than the large array at the entrance.

Under the storm-like offensive of everyone, the aura dimmed visibly to the naked eye, and soon became unsustainable.

"This situation is obviously not normal."

"According to common sense, the performance of Taixu Demon Refining Array cannot be so bad."

Things went so smoothly that Liu Yu was a little uneasy.

"Wait a minute. The lifespan of the Hedao realm is almost endless."

"If millions of years pass, the sealed existence has not yet died."

"That makes sense."

"The reason why it is progressing so smoothly is because most of the power of the Taixu Demon Refining Array is focused on maintaining the seal."

In the flash of lightning, Liu Yu flashed through various thoughts and thought of this.

Thinking like this, there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes, and his movements in his hands also stopped subconsciously.

Indeed, judging from ancient projections, the "enemy" back then was so powerful that it was beyond imagination.

Judging from the shattering of the first spiritual treasure "Jiuzhou Cauldron" and the disappearance of the first wonder "Black and White Reincarnation", we can know that the ancient races suffered heavy losses.

This was the case in the powerful ancient times, but now that the overall strength has declined significantly, if what is sealed is the original "enemy", how should the world of immortality deal with it now.

This would be a disaster for all living beings.

"at this point."

Looking at the people who continued to attack, Liu Yu only paused for a moment, and then continued to attack.

In this case, even if he chooses to quit, the result will not change, and the remaining people will still choose to attack the formation.

Maybe they were secretly happy that they had one less competitor.

The treasure is close at hand, and even though they know it may cause serious consequences, because there is no trust between them, the possibility of letting go is almost zero.

Even if they have the intention to stop, no one can really rest assured because of mutual suspicion and fear that other monks will get the treasure.

The human heart is so complicated!



After a moment, with an extremely loud roar, the azure light curtain with extremely dim light suddenly shattered.

In an instant, the spiritual power fluctuations were extremely chaotic, but they could not stop the greed and covetousness of the Yuanying monks.

Without the protection of the cyan light curtain, the silver-white stone tower and the three light groups on it were immediately exposed to the eyes of the five people.

As for the "Tai Qing Demon Refining Array", it is still safe and sound at this time.

After all, the cyan light curtain is only randomly activated, and of course cannot represent the entire formation.


Breaking through the cyan light curtain, pieces of real treasures and magical powers continued to blast toward the sparkling formations below the silver-white stone tower.

If you want to get the replica of the Demon Refining Tower and the three light groups as the formation eyes, you must first destroy the operation of the formation.



Carrying the power of a mountain or a sea, everyone's attacks fell like raindrops, all pouring on the countless formations below the stone tower.


Suddenly, many unprotected formations flickered with light, followed by widespread destruction.

Under the attack of everyone, the formation patterns were extinguished one after another.

Soon, the aura of the silver-white stone tower also disappeared, and the unique tyrannical power of the Pure Yang True Treasure also quickly faded away.


I don't know if it was an illusion, but in Liu Yu's senses at this moment, it seemed that the whole world was trembling.

Just when the "Tai Qing Demon Refining Array" was damaged and the aura of the silver-white stone tower disappeared, its connection with the three light groups above it was also severed.

Almost at the same time, three light groups, one green, one blue and one black, appeared in the sky above the silver-white stone tower. The spiritual light also dimmed, and the appearance of the treasures inside could be clearly seen.

These three treasures are each a green lotus that exudes a strange fragrance and is light green in color.

Green lotuses are in full bloom, and the lotus body and leaves are full of spiritual light. You can tell it is something extraordinary at a glance.

In the blue aura was a seemingly inconspicuous black seal, only the size of an adult's palm.

However, this seemingly inconspicuous treasure exudes a power as deep as a prison. Although it is obviously not as good as the imitation of the Demon Refining Tower, it is indeed at the level of a pure Yang true treasure.

Inside the last blue light group was a goose egg-sized bead, which was dark yellow in color but with a touch of shining gold.

However, this black-yellow bead is slightly more powerful than the jet-black seal. Only under the protection of the Demon Refining Tower, there is no doubt that it is also a pure Yang true treasure.

"Creation Green Lotus"

Looking at the green lotus above the silver-white stone tower, Liu Yu's eyes instantly condensed.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, his mana surged and he flashed, rushing towards the sky above the stone tower with a clear target at the Creation Qinglian.


Compared with the Lingbao "Broken Sword", the Chunyang True Treasure pales in comparison, so the main goal of Liu Yu's trip is just to create Qinglian.

As long as the spiritual object is obtained, whether the Pure Yang True Treasure can be obtained is not that important.

"Taiyin Seal"

"Morning Pearl"

At the same time, Mo Mei's pupils shrank next to her, and she recognized the identity of the seal and bead, and immediately sent a message to inform him of the situation.

According to this woman, these two pure Yang treasures were owned by an important figure in the ancient heaven.

This big shot is called "Eastern Cave Xu Xuanyuan Miaofa Morning Star Emperor", or simply "Morning Star Emperor" for short.

The emperor's name should not be called casually, especially in ancient times.

There are only a few people in the entire heaven who can be called a great emperor, and all of them are at the peak of spiritual transformation.

Regardless of his strength and status, he far surpasses "Xingjun".

In ancient times, the emperor's status was lower than that of a few people. He could meet the "Emperor of Heaven" without kneeling, and he could listen to orders without listening to announcements.

"Morning Star Emperor!"

"The Yishan Shenjun in the middle stage of divine transformation always feels that it is a little bit awkward and it is difficult to open up such a large legacy palace."

"If it's the Morning Star Emperor at the peak of his divine transformation, everything will make sense."

Liu Yu flashed this idea while flying by at extremely high speed.

But then he thought about it, and he felt a bit of admiration for the "Mountain-moving God" who had never been masked before.

This divine king must have discovered the secret of this place long ago, but he still restrained his inner greed and did not break the seal to obtain the treasure.

To a certain extent, some of the qualities of ancient cultivators are indeed far superior to those of today's cultivators. It is not an exaggeration to say that the world is declining.

The Yishan Shenjun's refusal to take it was in sharp contrast to the hesitation of the few people at this time.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through in less than a tenth of an instant.


The movements of Blood Sea Demon Lord, True Lord Evil Eye, and True Lord Tianlian were no slower than Liu Yu, and they all rushed towards several treasures at the same speed.

For ten seconds, there was almost nothing in the senses of mortals and low-level monks.

But for Zhenjun, it is no longer short-lived.

In this short period of time, I don’t know if they recognized the identity of the three treasures. In short, their goals were very clear.


Along with the fragrance of blood, a bloody light flashed away.

The Blood Sea Demon Lord rushed towards the Silver-White Stone Tower, hoping to capture the most powerful replica of the Demon Refining Tower.

The other great monk, True Lord Evil Eye, turned into a black light and rushed towards the pure Yang true treasure "Morning Pearl".

As for True Lord Tianlian, he tried to collect the "Taiyin Seal".

"Fairy, you pester Tianlian first, be sure not to let this woman succeed!"

Between the electric light and flint, Liu Yu sent a message to Mo Mei.

At this time, most of his body was covered in pitch-black armor, and a purple cloak that flashed with lightning was floating behind him.

The short-distance burst speed is no less powerful than the other two great monks.

Since the goals are different, there is no conflict in the combat power of the three great monks immediately, and if nothing happens, they can all pocket the treasures.

But there is no reason for the remaining pure Yang treasure "Taiyin Seal" to be easily obtained by True Lord Tianlian.

It felt really uncomfortable to see others collecting treasures, so Liu Yu sent Mo Mei to fight for it.


Liu Yu flew by at high speed, with the huge nebula following behind him, and in the blink of an eye he was approaching the cyan light group where the Creation Qinglian was.

But at this moment, two bloody sword energy slashed from the right side.


Seeing this, Liu Yu thought, controlled the nebula body to condense two dark gold spears, and threw them out.

The next moment, it collided with the bloody sword energy.


Pure energy attacks suddenly met in mid-air, and there was a deafening roar.

There is no doubt that the power of the dark gold spear and the bloody sword energy has reached the fourth level of high quality.

However, the Blood Sea Demon King's cultivation level is higher, already around the "eighth level of Nascent Soul", and he is very good in attack.

They are all casual blows, but there is still a big gap.


The golden-red aura suddenly shone, and terrifying power fluctuations filled the void. The power of the two men's attacks was consumed rapidly.

But in the end, a little blood-colored aura emerged from the dazzling golden aura, and continued to shoot forward like lightning.


After canceling each other out, the two dark gold spears were defeated. There was not much power left in the blood sword energy, which was easily blocked by Liu Yu's control of the red flame shield.

The treasure is in front of me. I believe that everyone present will have the idea of ​​​​exclusively possessing it, and at the same time they do not want other monks to get it.

So for the first time, although the goals are different, it is normal to harass them.


The terrifying power fluctuations had not yet subsided, and there was a slight sound of breaking the air from the other side of Liu Yu.

The Evil-Eyed Demon Lord controlled the true treasure of the jet-black great axe, and slashed out three crescent-shaped ax lights.

It is as heavy as a mountain and as sharp as a sword. It shoots hard at the target from the side.


Liu Yu reacted quickly, and the pure magic power from his Dantian meridians was instantly injected into the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear.

The power of his true treasure was activated to the extreme, and even the gun body turned into a golden-red color.

The next moment, he let go slightly, and the spear came out.

The tip of the setting sun's golden rainbow spear flashed with cold light, carrying the unique fire attribute blazing, piercing the sky to meet three ax lights.

In the early "Qingyang Nebula" state, the power of Liu Yu's every strike was greatly increased.

At this time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was increased, so the power of the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear had completely passed the fourth-level high-grade threshold.

"Ding ding ding~~"

With a burst of piercing screams, the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear struck out, instantly defeating the three ax beams one by one.

After all, the cultivation level of True Lord Evil Eye is not as deep as that of Blood Sea Demon Lord, and True Treasure's body has the upper hand when attacking, so it is not surprising that this situation occurs.

Faced with the obstruction of the two men, Liu Yu had no expression on her face, and there was no trace of anger in her heart.

With the treasure in front and everyone holding each other back, the performance was too normal.

He resisted the two attacks without even thinking about making a fist with his hands.

The three-hundred-foot-large nebula behind him moved at the same time. He raised his hand and shot out several pillars of dark green fire, blasting towards the Blood Sea Demon Lord and the Evil Eye Lord from a distance.


As the cyan light curtain was broken, everyone began to compete for the four treasures. The huge square was filled with dense roars one after another, and the terrifying power surged endlessly.

However, at first, the goals of the three of them were different, and their top priority was to get their hands on the treasure they wanted.

As for harassing others to get treasures, it was just incidental, so they didn't use their full strength, and the intensity of the fight was not high.

Although they all encountered some troubles after fighting in the air, overall the three of them went very smoothly.

In an instant, they were close to their respective targets, and they were about to pocket the treasure.



The golden giant sword swept across, blossoming white lotuses floated, and on the other side, Mo Mei and Tianlian fought fiercely.

Although the strength is weaker, there is a big gap between Liu Yu and the others.

But because they were competing for a treasure, there was a fundamental conflict of interest in the first place, so the fights between the two women became more intense and frequent.

The two women's cultivation levels are both at the peak of the mid-term, but there is not much difference in strength. Mo Mei may be slightly weaker.

However, in a short period of time, they were evenly matched, and no one could get close to the "Taiyin Seal".

The red flame shield surrounds the body, and the aura of the Youxia Armor flows, steadily catching attacks from the left and right sides.

While controlling the sunset golden rainbow gun to sweep out, at the same time controlling the nebula body to issue various attacks to harass others.


In an instant, Liu Yu was close to the cyan light group.

In his eyes, the green lotus in the light ball became more and more clear.

A refreshing fragrance that is refreshing and comforting becomes more and more intense.

"It's the "Good Fortune Green Lotus", that's right."

The spiritual light spread out, feeling the vitality in the green lotus, Liu Yu was very sure,

Looking at the several lotus seeds on the lotus platform that can enhance the soul, his eyes condensed and his speed became three points faster.

In the lightning and flint room, Liu Yu's spiritual awareness and consciousness spread throughout the entire venue.

While paying attention to the movements of other monks, using real treasures to catch the harassment from the left and right sides, he rushed towards the cyan light group at high speed.

It's too late, but it's soon.

The short-distance sprint of several people, as well as the attacks and harassment during the sprint, actually only happened in half an instant.

Half an instant later, almost at the same time, the three of them approached the "Green Lotus of Creation", "Silver White Stone Tower" and "Morning Pearl".

At the critical moment, Liu Yu was highly concentrated and did not relax at all.

At the same time as he exploded at full speed, his right hand, which was covered in black armor, hit the opponent accurately in front of him.

The next moment, the feeling of touching something real came from the palm of my hand.

"very good."

"Starting with the Creation Qinglian, this trip is finally worth it."

Feeling the vibrant spiritual creature in his palm, Liu Yu's eyes flashed with joy, and he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

But he didn't just relax. The storage ring flashed, and the green lotus in his hand disappeared.

Then, Liu Yu turned his eyes and looked at the battlefield between Mo Mei and Tian Lian.

Then he flashed, disappeared in an instant, and headed straight for the pure Yang true treasure "Taiyin Seal" at a speed that could be described as lightning.


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