Pursuit of the Truth

Chapter 763: Lifetime! (third more)

She has been killed and killed in her life. She has never encountered an enemy like Su Ming. She does not care about her multiple injuries. Even if she has broken her arms, she does not care, and even does not have much influence on her cultivation. Completely indifferent to his own injuries, under the battle, every time he touches himself, he will be sucked away a lot of flesh and blood, and in the battle to absorb the Lingshi to restore the costly repair.

This... there is no way to fight, even if she is a respectable person, but if there is no such thing as Akasaka, but now... Su Ming left a very deep impression on Mei Lan.

"He still has a lot of ways to unfold, such as the method of controlling the passage of time... This person has not done his best!"

Su Ming's whole body is full of blood, the position of the chest is **** and fuzzy, and the white bones can be seen in many places in the body, but he still looks calm, and after a **** one, he looks coldly at the old man.

The red light of the phoenix phoenix appeared at the foot of Su Ming, staring at the old man, with a threat in his voice.

Even at the moment, Su Ming’s body, the skinny body squirmed, and all the wounds healed and recovered in the blink of an eye. Even the broken left arm is now in the shock of the old man, with white bones and flesh and blood growing rapidly. In a blink of an eye, a new arm is formed.

With the restoration of Su Ming, his body clearly gives a feeling of being more powerful, which is the result of absorbing the old flesh and blood.

"I don't want to shoot, it's too much for you. I can see that there are signs of seals on your body. Although the atmosphere is a respect, you can only reveal the extent of the heavenly repair. Unlock the seal, you and me will fight! Su Ming moved his left arm, and his eight-color spar appeared in his left hand, faintly opening.

The realm of the Lord of the world. There is a strong repression between the three heavens and the earth, but Su Ming is now much stronger than the yin dead land, and the most important thing is that he has flesh in the wasteland of this source, there are enough Lingshi, there are Akasaka, relative to the old man, she has been here for many years, knowing the hardship here. Therefore, it will be repaired as a self-seal. Once it has opened up the power of the world, it is extremely difficult to recover. Now facing Su Ming. Suddenly, riding a tiger, a dilemma.

The main thing is that she is not sure about Su Ming’s specific repairs, although she did not see signs of seals on Su Ming. Can Su Ming's own sizzling, as well as the rich suffocation. This person is by no means a simple generation.

In addition, the red phoenix phoenix is ​​also the beast of this old man's headache. If Tian Lin is willing to take the shot, then she can let go, but in her opinion, Tian Lin has other ideas, and so on. Made her into this state.

Su Ming is also betting, he bet this old jealousy. I dare not go all out with ease.

"Can the two listen to Tian’s words, and I wait for the three to meet in this fire red star, but also count the fate, can you not continue." Tian Lin smiled forward.

The old man snorted, but did not say the words of rejection.

"Tian Daoyou persuaded that Su Mou could not fight. But this is the northern part of the Red Star. From then on, Meilan Daoyou will not step into the semi-step without permission!" Su Ming stepped on the top of Akasaka. Cold and cold opening.

The old man stared at Su Ming. After a long while, he said nothing, turned into a Changhong gallop, and disappeared into the air in a blink of an eye.

Tian Lin looked at Su Ming with a smile and shook his head and opened his mouth.

"Su brother, Meilan Daoyou is not malicious, this matter... Rong Tian said in the future that Su Daoyou in the northern part of the fire red star can rest assured that there will be regulations in the past when the friends of the dead bamboos are in the same time.

Tianmou first said goodbye..." Tian Lin sighed and shook his body after Su Ming, looking at his direction to chase Meilan.

Until he left, hundreds of monks in the land were silent, and looked at Su Ming in the air.

"After that, in the northern part of the fire red star, with Su as a respect, when Su is retiring on a normal day, all the trivial things you have to follow Yue Hongbang's words." Su Ming's eyes swept across the earth, and the words of indifference spread throughout everyone's mind.

"Nuo!" Hundreds of people did not hesitate, and Qiqi held a fist.

They understand that with the ruin of the Red Dragonfly and the phoenix, with the sudden death of the Beibei Mountain, with the short but fierce battle between Su Ming and Jiezun Meilan, the northern part of the Red Star has become Su Ming. Territory.

There can only be one will in the future, that is, the will of Su Ming, and anyone who violates this will will be destroyed.

Hundreds of people in the same respect, the voice from Yue Hongbang is the loudest, he is excited at this moment, this identity and status, since his ancestor was killed by the real guard, it has not appeared, regained at this moment, let While Yue Hongbang was excited, he looked at Su Ming’s eyes and revealed his fanatic reverence.

"You are a friend of the Tao, Yuemou is clear to everyone. From now on, I hope that you will help me a lot. I will re-energize the northern region!"

The only thing that Yuemou wants to say today is that everyone is going to collect this... blue stone, the more the better! "Yue Hongbang looked at Su Ming, and he immediately spoke to the hundreds of people."

Su Ming no longer cares about the things here, turned to the earth, and went outside the collapsed Dongfu of the Beishan Mountain. After sitting cross-legged, the huge red phoenix phoenix was crouching on the side, watching the surroundings with vigilance. Sometimes looking at the sky, there is some confusion in the look.

The bald-headed cranes were light and flew to Yue Hongbang. I didn’t know what to say in a low voice. Yue Hongbang quickly and respectfully said that he saw that the identity of the bald-haired crane was unusual in Su Ming’s, but he saw it with his own eyes. The other party’s move to break the seal, especially to his surprise, was the reward of the former bald-headed crane. From the bottom of his heart, he did not want to offend the bald-headed crane.

Su Ming picked up a piece of blue stone in his knees. After closing his eyes, he gradually absorbed it. The stone soon became a fly ash. But there are quite a lot of blue stones here. Su Ming is slightly addicted and plans to temporarily choose. Retreat here.

As time passed and a month passed, the blue stones piled up around Su Ming. This is the hundreds of people in the northern region. According to Yue Hongbang’s order, it is enough. Su Ming's short-term absorption.

His physical strength was absorbed more and more, until the night of the day, Su Ming opened his eyes in the practice, he looked at the red moon in the sky, although it was not the first time to know the red star The moon is red, but every time I see it, I will let him watch silently.

But in the middle of the night, in the other direction of the night sky, there is a bright star that radiates like the moon, very clear, very soft, and welcomes the moon.

Su Ming does not know that this unique day of the golden moon is a special day when the fire red star is only once a year. On this day, I don’t know when it was made by the people of the fire red star. It is a waste of this source. On the fire red star of the earth, the men and women who are dependent on each other, form the day of the Taoist.

Because that one star in the night sky is also called a lifetime.

"There is no love, but I still have people who miss..." It was quiet around, and the red phoenix phoenix closed his eyes in the false squat, and the bald-haired crane did not know where to go. In this silence, Su Ming whispered his voice, echoing. With.

"There is no pain, but why my heart... will sting when I miss..." Su Ming touched his chest and looked at the sky one star and one month, bitterly whispering, no one cares.


Three smaller explosions, I hope everyone is happy today, today I remember... It seems to be the wedding anniversary of the ear roots... Oh, my wife’s text message and asked me to know what day today.

How can I forget? {飘天文学 www.PiaoTian.com Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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