Pursuit of the Truth

Chapter 773: Shock

"What is this... ah!!" Yeshen Tongfang just said that the fester of his right arm wrist suddenly spread to his entire right arm at an extremely fast speed, and his right arm instantly became A piece of blood.

The poison from the poisonous bees not only destroys the flesh and blood of Yshentong, but also erodes its repairs, so that after the arm is lost, the repair of Yshentong is also reduced.

This sudden change happened so quickly that Tian Lin and others almost immediately noticed this scene, and there was a scream of screaming belonging to Yshen Tong in the ear, echoing in this passage.

The screaming voice almost reveals a twist of the mind, and the screaming between the eyes of Yshen Tong’s face is filled with blood, and his eyes are filled with blood. With his cultivation and determination, he can make him so screaming. It can be seen that his pain at the moment has already surpassed the limit he can bear.

Tian Lin’s look changed dramatically, and he rushed forward to approach Yshentong. As soon as he stepped forward, he immediately shed a **** force. The scent of this smell suddenly made Tianlin’s eyes shrink and he had A strong feeling, you must not touch the blood of Ye Shentong's body, otherwise, you will be quite troublesome.

Between the hesitations, I saw that Yshen Tong not only lost his right arm, but his small body and blood fled down like water, and the bones inside him also became juice.

All of this is a long story, but in fact, from Ye Shentong to Su Ming, it’s only a matter of time. This is a sacred person who is a respected person. He was poisonous, and he forcibly raised his mind in this screaming scream. Quickly lifted his left hand and grabbed it. He immediately appeared seven or eight vials in his hands and swallowed seven or eight different antidote Dan.

Just letting him swallow the detoxification medicinal herbs, still can't stop the spread of the toxins. When his legs trembled, he even turned his legs into juice, and the whole person slammed into the blood. At the same time, it looks extremely embarrassing, but it also has a miserable meaning.

But after all, he is a person who is respected by the world, and most of his body has melted. The repair was a moment of general reduction, he barely lifted the left hand that had been half-melted, and slammed it in the blood of his skin. You can see that the skull is on the forehead that melts.

Under this shot, Yshang Tong issued a terrible embarrassment, and his whole body was repaired as a full-blown outbreak. The hard-lived moment of the body melted, the Yuanshen separated from the body.

Almost at the same time that Yshen Tongyuan was away from the shackles, the small half of his body fell, and the blood was completely in the blink of an eye. Only his **** was indifferent, floating in the air and shivering. Seeing Su Ming’s gaze reveals stunned and frightened, more sinful and unbelievable.

"Unfortunately, if you can give up this flesh and spirits early and decisively, then you can retain more of your cultivation." Su Ming's sarcasm dissipated, and his look was as cold as ever. Said calmly.

As he spoke, he was on his shoulder with a bee that didn't seem to threaten at all. The bee's wings trembled slightly, making a soft humming sound, and the stinger on the tail had been put away, just the humming sound. the sound of. It is to let Tian Lin and others look all dignified.

Tian Lin looked at Su Ming. He is the person who cares most about Su Ming in the people, but the degree of care is only to regard Su Ming as his identity. However, after his Yuanshen rebelled against the flesh, he repaired it. The short-term increase made his emphasis on Su Ming naturally reduced.

He always thought that Su Ming had some threats, mainly the red phoenix and the strange rules and the eight-color spar. There may be some mysterious places, but in his opinion, the absolute repair is Next, all means are tricks.

But until now, he was shocked to discover that he greatly underestimated the horror of Su Ming, did not exert the power of the rules that seemed strange to him, did not follow the red phoenix, and even the eight-color spar was not used. The other party only took out a new pet, and they can poison Yshen Tong to such a terrible degree.

Although it is related to the meaning of Yshen Tong, Su Ming’s move is almost a sneak attack, but this is the wasteland of the weak meat, and Su Ming’s actions can’t be said by anyone. After all...Yeshen’s shot In the past, they defaulted to the supplement.

"This person is a seemingly ordinary, but a mysterious, many means, not only can break the seal, but also the red phoenix before, there is this poison bee... Even if he wants to, it is estimated that this fire red star now The beast is afraid that there are many that can be manipulated by it... This person is a forbidden spiritual repair!!" Tian Lin looked extremely dignified, and his mind emerged from this thought, and he held a fist to worship Su Ming.

"Su brother hidden deep, let Tianmou a previous guess, I did not expect that Su brother is actually a rumor in the four real world is extremely rare forbidden spiritual repair." Tian Lin smiled, when the sound of the opening, aside The face of Yshen Tong Yuan changed immediately, and the resentment of the eyes in the eyes of Su Ming was trembling, and the meaning of shock was deeper.

He is very clear about what is a sinister repair. It is a kind of extremely vicious monk. They may not be very high, but there are many powerful beasts around each martyr. These fierce beasts seem to be The monks control the mind and are willing to follow, and they can go to death for this type of monk at any time.

Long Li stared at the poisonous bee on Su Ming's shoulder. His look was dignified. His heart was also extremely shocked at the moment. You must know that even if he asked himself to destroy Ye Shentong so much, he must pay some price. He must not do so easily. At this point, but what happened in a moment, don't worry about how Su Ming's cultivation is done. The process of this scene, just look at the results, the amazing thing of Su Ming immediately made him feel jealous.

At this moment, Su Ming, even if it is not a respect for the world, but in the eyes of everyone, he is undoubtedly a strong enough to let them pay attention to and taboo!

Only Su Ming at this moment can be regarded as the real person who is recognized by the old geeks from the heart and can talk to them.

"Good tolerate toxins, amazing speed, Su Mi's poisonous bee Sun asked himself to know the many beasts of the heavens and the earth, but he never heard of it. Even among the top ten murderers in the ancient times, it is the only second. The shadow and the number one poisonous sea silkworm can be comparable!

There are many means for Su Xi, and I am afraid that even if there are still many hidden. "Sun Kun's eyes are double-eyed, covering most of the light in the eyes, making it difficult for people to see the mind of their eyes. The words are even more faint.

"Hidden and repaired, not just a certain person." Su Ming's eyes swept over the crowd, and his right hand overhauled, and the poisonous bees on his shoulders disappeared.

When Sun Kun opened his mouth and said something more, suddenly the squeaking of the red filaments in the passage suddenly grew stronger, and the sound of the near-sharp voice whizzed. In the distance, there were dozens of feet in the distance, and the dense and inexhaustible appeared. The red filaments, their speed is extremely fast, and the impact came at the moment, which completely sealed off all the retreats of the people.

Zhang Kun’s look changed, and Long Li and Tian Lin on the side were also shrinking their eyes. Only Ye Shentong, although shivering at the moment, but his eyes were mad, he knew that he was in such a state, it was difficult Escape from here, if you can witness everyone die together, it is not a pity.

At this critical juncture, Su Ming’s eyes flashed. He did not choose to use the power of the bald-haired crane to break the force of this seal. This matter must not be revealed to the public in his view. Otherwise, it would solve the current crisis. It will also add a lot of trouble to the future.

And Su Ming never believes that these people in front of me will really have no way to break this prohibition. We must know that even Tian Xiu, who died in the hands of Su Ming, has prepared killer and life-saving techniques in this wasteland. Not to mention these true generations.

In front of the eyes, those red filaments, although the threat is not small, but the greater threat, but they come from each other, so Su Mingfang will be shocking shots, after all, his cultivation is the lowest among all.

At the moment of the crisis, Su Ming’s body stepped back a few steps and directly leaned back against the rock wall. The dark blue rock wall cast a majestic flesh and blood force, which was quickly behind this scene. Melting up, looking at Su Ming's appearance, it is obvious to let the body sag into it, so as to avoid the arrival of those red filaments.

Sun Kun picked up his eyes and immediately slammed his hands behind him for seven times. Suddenly there were seven overlaps, and that Long Li was also a flash of light. When he didn’t know what his mind was, he screamed and screamed. Suddenly in the ear, the red filaments that are dozens of feet away are coming in abruptly, and the eyes of the people are directly drowned in the blink of an eye.

It’s almost the moment when the red filaments cover the whole of the sea, and the five squares of Su Ming’s body flashed fiercely, but in this red silky sea, Sun Kun’s body has overlapping images in the body. Stepping back seven steps, his body actually touched the light curtain behind him when he stepped back, directly penetrated the light curtain, and his mouth showed a smug smile, and disappeared after disappearing.

At the same time as he disappeared, a low-pitched voice came out in the impact of the red filament. It was Long Li, and his whole person looked completely different. It looked like a black mist composed of countless shadows. He rushed into the seal. I did not know how to disappear in the light curtain.

That is to say, at this moment, a roar of the sky violently reverberated in this passage, that is the sound of the endless filament red sea hitting the light curtain!

Su Ming was in the rock wall, and the roar of his eyes continued to come. His five-squared ray of light continued to collapse, and more poisonous bees flashed in front of him, reluctantly resisting it, but his mouth was sneer, he looked When Sun Kun and Long Li acted, they knew that their previous judgments were correct. Everyone has their own means. The delay is nothing more than causing some deaths and injuries and more deaths. Then one person is missing. The power of the world.

"So good, everyone is relying on the ability." Su Ming eyes cold.


I will resume the update tomorrow, and everyone will take more responsibility.

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