Pursuit of the Truth

Chapter 791: Blood beads

The green seed is the colony that Tian Lin condensed after the explosion. It is also one of the reasons why Jingnanzi left Tian Lin’s life in the same year. This is the size of the fist, which has a faint **** smell and more looming. The veins flash in the light and dark.

Holding this colony, Su Ming’s knowledge was scattered into it. After a long while, the colony in his hand suddenly gave off a ray of light. After the light was all around, Su Ming’s eyes flashed and the body stepped out. Throw the armor in the hand toward the ground.


The shaking of the earth and the shaking of the mountain made the outer meteorites tremble. A large tree surrounded by several people appeared in front of Su Ming. A large number of roots split open and quickly penetrated into the ground. At the same time as rooting, numerous branches grow densely, and in a twinkling of an eye, it turns into a big tree of more than ten feet.

On the side of the red fire Hou eyes bright, carefully looked at the big tree a few eyes, did not speak, the bald crane was wide-eyed, the heart suddenly regretted it, the dark road did not expect this bite after a bad meal Things can actually become a big tree.

Su Ming lifted his right hand and pressed it on the trunk of the big tree. At the moment when his right hand touched, Su Ming’s gods knew how many times he increased, such as his integration with this big tree. The knowledge of the tree itself became the sensor of Su Ming.

Su Ming saw the meteorite, saw the dark starry sky outside the meteorite, the endless starry sky, the short-lived light that sometimes appeared, and the almost eternal silence.

After a long while, when Su Ming’s consciousness was withdrawn, he looked at the big tree in front of him and exhaled a deep breath.

"It can be a short time for my gods to cover a great range. If this thing is used well, it will have a miraculous effect, and it can be valued by Jingnanzi. It needs Tianlin to pay the price of life before it can appear. There should be more effects." When Su Ming raised his right hand, the big tree quickly withered, and in a blink of an eye he re-made a fist-sized seed. Only the color is dimmed.

After the colonization was taken up, Su Ming’s eyes fell on the two pillars filled with the power of the dementia. Looking at the two stones, Su Ming could feel the power of the boundary contained in it.

"After stepping into the boundary of the world, it is necessary to absorb the source of the world and slowly improve it. If it is not in the world that is not recognized by the source, it needs the boundary stone that has been tempered in its own world to supplement the power of the boundary. Consumption.

This is doomed to this thing... It is not uncommon in the outside world, but in this wasteland. It is the same treasure that is enough for all sinners to be crazy. Su Ming touched the surface of the stone. He felt the sense of acupuncture in his hand, but there was no pain, as the things he touched were full of thorny feelings.

"It is a pity to use it to unwind the shadows." Su Ming was a little contemplative, and his right hand waved the two boundary stones into the storage bag, which is extremely rare in the wasteland of the gods. There will be more use.

After doing this, Su Ming’s eyes showed a reminiscence, and his right hand raised the void and grabbed it. The red rifle left by Jing Nanzi’s death suddenly came in, and he was caught in the hands of Su Ming.

"I used to have such a long gun." Su Ming murmured, he thought of the funeral, although the funeral evil is a copy of the original immortal, the real funeral in the depths of the palace, but the imitation The burial evil accompanied Su Ming for a long time. It is in his hands to fight all directions, condensing countless souls and hardening.

Unfortunately, the final collapse broke out and became a fly ash.

The red pike screamed in the hands of Su Ming, and there was a thick blood on it, as if he was not willing to be held by Su Ming.

Su Ming was silent for a moment, and his right hand pushed forward. The five fingers slammed hard and slammed, and the violent blood from his body suddenly broke out, covering the rifle directly along his hands.

"I don't accept it, I have to use it." Su Ming faintly opened his mouth and ignored the will of the rifle. Holding the gun in the right hand in front of him, suddenly there was a sharp whistling around him. His front and rear are all phantoms of long guns, and there are thousands of them, so that people can't tell whether they are true or not.

Su Ming’s right hand finally stopped in front of him, and the gunshot banged into the earth while his eyes flashed strangely.

"This thing is not just a rifle..." Su Ming released his right hand, but he lifted his fingertips and shot it on the gun that pierced the earth. The sound of the crisp sound echoed, and the gun immediately trembled. Decomposed in front of Su Ming, turned into numerous red water flows along Su Ming's fingertips, and wrapped his right arm in a blink of an eye, turning it into an arm armor.

The red armor has a distinct circumcision, especially on the outside of the shoulder, and is engraved with a font consisting of countless small runes.


That word is Wei!

Chi Huo Hou has been watching Su Ming’s move, especially after seeing the arm of Su Ming’s right arm. He blinked his eyes. As for the bald-headed crane next to him, he was so sad at the moment that his heart had regretted it. It is the good heart to see this long gun, the more heartache.

"Bullying people, too bullying, Baohulu was taken away by him, baby seeds were also taken away by him, and the two beautiful stones were taken away, even such a domineering pistol could not escape the black hand... Damn, I have endured this matter, I have to endure, tolerate, tolerate." Bald-haired cranes bite their teeth, and there is a sense of being cut and alive.

"You have already made a foundation. I suggest that you go to other comprehension stars to see more. Maybe you will find the right one for you. In addition, you have to be careful about the true health of the four real worlds. The short period of one hundred years is not enough for them to forget the fire red star. The change.

When we left in time, we also had an impact on everything outside, not knowing what happened to the Red Star. "The bare-headed fire of the bald head screamed, and after seeing Su Ming, he closed his eyes and meditated."

He has already indicated his attitude before and will be protected by Su Ming. No matter where Su Ming chooses to go, he will follow.

Su Ming’s body disappeared and disappeared into the land of this seal. When he appeared, he stood on the rock. He saw the dark starry sky in front of his eyes. The black of the starry sky reveals the truth in Su Ming’s eyes. For the first time, he existed in the real sky.

A few times in the dying place of the year, it is nothing compared to the present.

This kind of darkness, this kind of truth, Su Ming likes it.

After watching it for a long while, he sat silently on the surface of the meteorite, and his right hand lifted up and shot a rock that was nearly 10,000 miles away.


Under the vibration of the meteorite, there was an inconsistency with the surrounding meteorite group, and gradually changed the trajectory. After a moment of exhalation, it detached from the trajectory of the meteorite, and flew away to the dark starry sky in the distance.

There is no purpose, there is no place to go, Su Ming is sitting on the rock, letting this rock gallop, Su Ming's gray hair shawl at the moment, a white robes hiding the stars, and the right arm of the right arm A.

His expression was indifferent, his eyes were cold, and he looked at the stars, watching silently, letting time pass.

One year, two years, three years...

This single meteorite in the sky roars and gallops, transforming into a straight line of Changhong in the vast starry sky. Su Ming is on the rock, as if forgetting the time to travel until the day when the meteorite flies seven years later. In front of a meteorite, there was a broken boat.

The boat has sails, such as the starry sky, which has dozens of thin and thin monks, and in their various corners of the boat, use their repairs to maintain the boat's flight.

These thin and thin monks are mostly ground repairs, but only two of them are the realm of heaven and earth. These two people sit on the bow of the bow, seemingly in the direction of the boat.

Behind him, there was a big bed, a fat man with a fat body on his bed. This fat man is now squinting, revealing a short, thin body, but can see a few prostitutes repair.

The broken boat that floated in the sky, facing the meteorite where Su Ming is, is facing opposite, and the two sides are getting closer and closer. This has caused the attention of the boat, especially the two days of repair, which is more cautious. Stand up and look away.

At a glance, they saw Su Ming, who was sitting cross-legged on the rock, a white coat, and a gray-haired Su Ming, which was extremely conspicuous in the crowd.

And Su Ming is closing his eyes and meditating, and the swaying repairs seem to be the way of repairing the earth. As a result, it will inevitably give people a strange feeling.

"This person is a bit wrong, don't pay attention to it. It's important to hurry. This time, we are very happy to join the Wanshou of the Western Stars. We can't go late." When they were cautious in two days, they passed behind them. A sharp voice came from the crowd of big fat people on the big bed.

The giant fat man picked up his eyes and looked at Su Ming in the distance.

Soon, the meteorite and the boat are getting closer and closer, and the rolling ripples that ignited each other will whistle each other. Su Ming still keeps his eyes closed and ignores the outside world.

But the moment the meteorite under him and the boat crossed, suddenly, two glaring red awns spread out from the two days of the chest on the boat.

At the same time, the clothes of the chubby people also had red awns, and the three red awns appeared extremely abrupt, so that all three were stunned.

The look of the fat man suddenly changed. He immediately took out the red-eyed thing from his arms. It was a baby-sized bead. This bead is now bloody, and it’s shocking. The man looked fiercely at Su Ming, who was not far away from the rock.

"This blood pearl that was universally given by the true guards in the wasteland of most of the gods hundreds of years ago, actually... is bright, is it...he is him!" The giant body stood up and his eyes were exposed. Strong excitement.

"He is indeed a ground repair, stop him, and must not let him escape!" {Floating Astronomy www.PiaoTian.com Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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