Pursuit of the Truth

Chapter 808: Array pressure (sixth)

"It’s not only teleported in front of the old man, but also looking at his look without surprise. There must be a grasp that can kill me. Otherwise, this person will be treacherous in the rumors of the annihilation of the people. It’s not the case.” The old man in the blue robe quickly spread his mind as he spread the power of the world.

He did not hesitate, after spreading the power of the world, his hands raised his waist and slammed into the starry sky.

At the same time of this press, there was a sullen low sigh, from which the tens of thousands of feet of blue fog sea spread out at various locations in all directions.

"Eight parties and one worship."

This sound is like tens of thousands of people roaring together, echoing around for a moment, in these tens of thousands of feet in the fog, there is a blurred figure in an instant, those figures are filled with tens of thousands of people.

There are men and women, old and young, their expressions are numb, but the eyes are mad, the body is illusory and unreal, but at the same time, at the same time, Qi Qi and the blue robe old man, hands raised, bent over One worship.


A majestic pressure to shake the stars, Su Ming immediately felt the power of a heavenly power, invisible, blocked all positions before and after, formed a pressure of pressure, as if to have a big hand When you appear outside your body, you have to crush your own life.

Su Ming snorted, and with the resurgence of his power of the array, Su Ming’s foot appeared a red circular array. The flash of this method flashed, and only appeared about ten feet.

At the moment of its appearance, it will expand rapidly, and in a blink of an eye it will be transformed into hundreds of thousands of feet, the blue misty sea formed by the power of the old man, and the pressure from all sides. Direct confrontation.


The starry sky shattered, and the illusory explosion broke out. The blood color method at the foot of Su Ming directly expanded to 30,000 ft, and it collided with the old man's boundary.


The old man changed his face, and his foggy sea and Su Ming’s red formation collapsed in this collision. Under the impact of the rewinding, his body immediately retreated, and when he even withdrew from the crowd, his look was dignified.

Su Ming was also repulsed by the impact, but he only withdrew from Baizhang. He had a red array at his feet. Although he was not the leader of the world, he had the power of the law. As long as it covers the whole starry sky. He can borrow the power of the array in an endless way.

With this force, Su Ming can expand the power of similar circles. The tens of thousands of feet in his feet are flashing at this moment. Under the red mansions, Su Ming Meng looked up and swung his right hand.

Immediately in front of him. Under the starry sky, a **** circular array appeared again. This method was vertical, like a wall, and went straight to the blue robe old man outside the thousand feet at a very fast speed.

And in the process of approaching quickly, this vertical circular blood color array method is constantly huge, and it will be transformed in a blink of an eye. It is not surprising from afar, but if you look closely. The majestic array of methods is huge, the speed is beyond description, and the blink of an eye is approaching.

The old man of the blue robe has an unbelievable meaning. Although his cultivation is not in the middle of the middle of the world, it is the peak of the early days of the world. He has a lot of knowledge. He only felt when he first saw the red array at the foot of Su Ming. Some eyes are familiar. But I can’t remember where I’ve seen it. Now I’m seeing the coming array, and he’s screaming and remembering.

"This is impossible, this... This is the gods. This is the Fengshen array that can be mobilized in the four real worlds. You...you are the real guard!" Let the old man almost flutter, and his mind turned out to be a very ridiculous thought.

"It’s a so-called all night, it’s a conspiracy, it’s a conspiracy to kill me in the four real worlds!! But this...” The old man’s eyes were red, and the whole body was swelled, and the fog behind him’s power In the sea rolling room, the tens of thousands of people appeared in the shadows, and they held a fist behind him.

From the last person to start a worship, followed by the front of the people, the next squatting, looking like a wave, and finally rolled to the old man, the blue robe old man holding a fist, toward the red array approaching the front.


The old man was trembled in front of him, but there was a phantom of several tens of thousands of feet. This illusion was not the human body, but the two hands that were held together. The hand belonged to the old man and belonged to him behind him.

After the appearance of this illusion, in the moment of worship in front of the old man, it immediately came into contact with the coming red array.


The illusory hand is broken, and the old man’s hair dances under the rewinding. If the wind blows over the face, the illusory shadow behind him is all broken and dissipated. At the same time, the red array suddenly comes, and when it is approaching, it touches the old man. For a moment, the red array method turned into a red big net, and the old man was shrouded in it and cracked down.

At the same time, Su Ming's body quickly withered, turned into a myriad of fragments and galloped away, penetrated the red array of the network, directly rushed into the old body, absorb memory, devour the boundary, absorb its flesh and blood After a while, as the old man's body dissipated, countless pieces rushed out to condense in the sky and turned into a figure of Su Ming.

His body recovered from the wither, and a thick atmosphere spread across Su Ming's body. His eyes showed bright awns.

"Reabsorbing the power of one person, I can completely touch the barriers of the heavens. After the robbery, if I break through, I can become a body!" Su Ming’s eyes were eager, but also felt borrowed. The power of the law is strong, it is an overwhelming repression, and it does not allow the other party to resist.

After all, this battle can no longer be regarded as Su Ming’s shot, and the battle with the blue robe is not Su Ming, but the cover of the square.

Although it can only use this two-in-one force, it is easy to suppress a monk in the early days.

Slowly holding the fist, the powerful feeling is unprecedented in the heart of Su Ming, although this is not really the power of him, but in any case, at this moment, it belongs to Su Ming.

A killing, after Su Ming looked at his slowly loosening fist, in this star field, it started, this killing did not last long, Su Ming only killed three people, he teleported away, left here .

Because he has touched the sky repair barrier, the technique of emptiness and shadow has reached perfect saturation, can no longer absorb the power of the boundary, and most importantly, Su Ming feels the first robbing of the technique of emptiness. Will arrive in a few days.

These three people, Su Ming war is clean and neat, he has a short-distance teleport, you can let yourself appear in any place around him, even if someone is also teleporting, there is a projection of the fantasy lock, Su Ming also You can catch it up.

The power of the array method allows Su Ming to have a blood pattern similar to that of the boundary, which makes him the weakest side in the face of the leader of the world.

The technique of repression, borrowing the power of the array, and sweeping the gods, this series of battles may be unfair, because those who are dead, they are not dead in the hands of Su Ming, they are dead God's array method.

After killing three people, Su Ming left, the nine bronze swords, Su Ming did not appear in front of them, unless they can use the power of the array to achieve more, otherwise, you can destroy the sword of the sky, Su I don't want to touch it easily.

A few days later, a group of meteorites whizzing through the stars, one of the surface, Su Ming sitting there with his knees, the red fire is not far away, the look is dignified, for Su Ming, the bald crane is also climbing The face sometimes smirked, apparently thinking of his own spar more and more, the heart is quite happy.

Su Ming has been sitting here for three days. The reason why he chose the meteorite as a retreat is because the meteorite is moving all the time, and the speed is not slow, so that Su Ming can not be found by the blood bead, if it is not in one place. Movement, then the distortion of time and space seven days of surgery, it means no effect.

At this moment, his body squirmed and squirmed, the blue veins bulged, and there was a glimpse of a rune that seemed to exist in his blood. As the blood flowed, he looked like a whole body, as if there were countless flashes of runes. .

"The first catastrophe of the technique of emptiness is the burning of fire. After this robbing, the strength of your body will be turned upside down, and the power of the boundary will make you become a body."

But you have to find another avatar as soon as possible. Otherwise, if the second saturation occurs and the second robbery comes, then if you succeed or fail, your soul will melt completely with this body, and then you can no longer be separated. .

Remember, remember. This is the first time that Su Ming was in the first round of retreat.

As time passed, Su Ming’s body runes faster and faster, and there is a faint scent of flames scattered from the pores of Su Ming’s body, filling his body and burning the body of Su Ming. More and more out, gradually Su Ming body has been surrounded by the sea of ​​fire.

At the same time that Su Ming closed the robbery on this rock, a notice came out from the four real world towns. This announcement sensationalized almost all monks, and even some old ones who could not be retired all the time, were forced to be forced. Pass this announcement to their retreat.

"Destroy the Moss, give thousands of border stones, and give a reconstructed star that is not abandoned and has a complete source!"

At the same time that this announcement sensationalized the Western Ring, not only the monks of the Western Stars were dispatched, but the monks of the other three stars also rushed to the road. Similarly, the four real worlds guarded the forces here and pursued the sacred truth of Su Ming. Jiezhengwei increased the number of people. Among them, Qianlong Shen, Li Hu, Ji Yunhai and other newcomers were also sent out to pursue the Moss in the entire West Ring.

Dao Zhenzhen, Yin Shengzhen, also sent true Wei, participated in this pursuit, in addition to the mysterious fourth real world, the four real worlds out of the three.

There is also a rainbow mang, from the star field of the yin sacred realm to the camp, that is a young man in Changhong, this young man looks gloomy, his eyebrows have a peach blossom mark, he holds the life, go to the camp to four Dazhen will report on this matter, and will check all the books in tens of thousands of years to find out the coming of the man named Mosu, and find out when this person was sent to the wasteland of God, from which real world. What big crimes have been committed.


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